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Impossible! Or..was it?

Samantha had indeed done her research.  As best I could remember, this was indeed my mom's bedroom, down to the bunch of flowers she kept at her bedside table, so very large and so very far away now.

I had to remind myself that this was all an illusion, a laser light-show imitating the real thing.  I was shrunken, barely able to peer above the carpet, and naturally, this situation wasn't possible outside of the chamber.  Still, the dry odor of the carpet and the way each fiber pressed against me felt real enough.  Rubbing my hand against one strand, I could even feel the intricate weaving that comprised each fiber.  Lasers or not...this was going to be real enough for me.  Assuming that held true for everything around me, I would almost certainly die if that flower vase fell on top of me, or anything else heavy enough to smush a little bug like myself found its way to the floor.

So..now what? A week stuck inside a carpet? Some punishement, Samantha! Boring, yes, but pretty damn weird and not particularly dangerous.

I began pushing against the fibers in an attempt to walk. They were indeed resistant, and fighting my way through them required manually grasping each one with both hands and pushing it to the side so that I might squeeze past, only to face another equally annoying fiber.

Okay, this was punishment!

After ten minutes of walking in no particular direction, I was exhausted, my arms and legs burning with numerous scratches.  I had shorts and a t-shirt on, with sandals...not exactly hiking attire.

I sat down amongst the fibers, darkness surrounding me inside that fabricated jungle.

I pondered my situation.  I had ridden to campus with Samantha, leaving my phone in her car.  Stranded, with that damn chamber door locked and now impossible to find, I could only wait for help to arrive.

It was then that I felt the first tremor. It issued all around the hard ground, and I stood up, wondering if Samantha had programmed an earthquake to cause me more grief.  Another tremor, and another...and now, booms! Boom...boom...boom...each one almost knocking me off my feet.  I bear-hugged a fiber to keep standing, looking around in bewilderment.


A shadow engulfed my tiny form, and ice ran through me again as I turned towards the bedroom door; my jaw dropped and my hands feel limply to my sides. 


But not the mom I knew and visited every other weekend for Sunday dinner.  This mom was a giantess, a looming, towering woman whose vast dimensions boggled my mind.  Certainly, she looked like my mom: shoulder-length brown hair, youthful face and rosy skin, petite but firm body.  Even in her mid-forties, she retained a grace that kept her young. 

Currently, she wore a black top stitched with lots of pretty red roses, her bust clearly evident.  A short red skirt rode just above her knees, flowerly in design.  Around her wrist, the watch I had bought her for Mother's Day two years ago.

Her legs and feet were covered in the sheerest hose I had ever seen, barely visible agains her lightly-tanned skin.

What struck me the most was her expression...her eyes flitted about, clearly brown even from my distance.  Indeed, she looked quite real, her chest breathing in and out.  If not for my insane predicament, I would have marveled at Samantha's programming prowess.  Even the little dimples in her cheeks, the freckles around her nose...it was all there.

And it was coming towards me! I gripped the fiber again in fear as my giantess mom raised a foot and took a step into the bedroom.  The large leg and foot seemed to move in almost slow-motion, and as her sole came crashing down onto the carpet, a BOOM issued forth and knocked me down to the ground. 

I quickly stood, only to be knocked down again with her next foot-fall.  My mom took yet another step, crashing through the carpet carelessly and without regard, I noticed, to her tiny son stuck amongst the fibers!

Standing again, I peered up.  She was indeed coming my way, and two more steps would position her directly above my puny form.  Running was futile; and if her body was proportionally "heavy" like the damn fibers that surrounded me, one step would smash me to jelly.

BOOM! I held on to the fiber. My mother now loomed above me like a goddess descending to earth to trample the plains.  I could see up her skirt, her white thong quickly causing me to avert my eyes.  Had Samantha even peeked in my mom's bedroom drawers?!

My mom raised her left foot, and I watched as the hose-covered sole swung slowly above my head.  I was now cast in deeper shadow, and I watched as the red sole and thin fabric lowered unceremoniously towards me.  "Mom!" I shouted.  "Mom! It's Rob! Mommy!"

No use.  Her foot lowered towards me as a rush of air flattened me to the ground.  Laying on my back, staring up through a window in the fibers, I watched as my mom's sole darkned the light and finally left me in total darkness.  Heart pounding, I closed my eyes and braced for my mom's foot to fall on my helpless body. 


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