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Wonder Woman smiled.

“Oh Ray, I don’t know. I thought I could just dismiss you as not being tasty and skip this idea. But you tasted delicious,” she said, as her words drove him wild, “Now I’m finding it far more alluring to yield to your request.”

“Then will you do it?”

“Yes,” she said, “I suppose so. When you’re gone, I won’t be able to tell the League why though. Are you happy to have your disappearance remain a mystery to all but the two of us?”

“Of course. You’re the only one who matters.”

“You’re so sweet. I still love you, of course. I’m going to love this. And you don’t even want to know who I’m seeing.”

“Know. It doesn’t matter. I’m the one you’re eating. Even he can’t do that.”

“Maybe I should take custody of your belt in case he wants to.”

“No, I’d prefer that privelge to be for me alone,” said Ray.

“I was just joking. Let’s go to your place.”

Diana left with Ray concealed between her breasts, which her trench coat covered along with her dress; and took him to his own place.

She removed her trench coat and took him to the dinner table. She thought of the meal she’d recently enjoyed at the dinner table in Wayne Manor. This meal would taste better, but she would enjoy many more at Wayne Manor.

“Are you sure about this,” she said to Ray.

“I’ve been sure for a long time,” said Ray.

“Then I’ll enjoy this, my love,” said Wonder Woman, and placed the Atom into her mouth.

He looked at both sides of her tongue, and how they met in the middle. He couldn’t explain the effect it had on him, but it was undeniable. He lay on her tongue for a while, until he realised what Diana was thinking.
Part of her wanted to gulp him down. The other part was not sure if she should. He wanted to spare her any more indecision, and he also wanted to ensure that he fulfilled his wildest dreams, before she could change her mind.
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