In the Yard
Out in the yard both Laura and Cameron were growing restless.
“What's taking them so long?” Laura huffed.
“I'm going upstairs. Those brothers of yours better not be teasing Michael. You may not be able to control them, but I can!” She stormed her way inside.
“Michael?” Laura called out when she entered the garage, looking around for them and creasing her brow; at the almost empty looking room. That wasn't normal. It normally looked like a junk yard.
Pop and flash went the machine and Laura found herself on the vast wooden floor of the attic, together with the three others.
The foursome found themselves 1/4 inch tall, stranded on a vast wooden plain. Huge floorboards stretched away from them; like the size of football pitches.
Shrunken furniture and objects were scattered everywhere. The twins weren't at all pleased or impressed.
“It… works…” Michael muttered under his breath.
“I don't know how you did it, but… you did it!” David pointed at Rob.
“I didn't do anything. It was that stupid machine!” Rob protested.
“You must have touched it,” David said.
“Shut up! Both of you!” Laura snapped. “Michael?” She walked over to her brother, who was just stood mesmerised by the towering machine. “What happened? Where are we?”
“We haven't gone anywhere. We're still here. But we've been shrunk down… to… oh,” he looked down at his hands against the backdrop of the large wooden grained floor. “I'd say about a ¼ inch tall, that's all,” Michael murmured in amazement.
“That's all?!” Laura shouted out in terror, she spun round looking at the enormous room and absorbing their situation.
In the yard
Cameron was sitting impatiently outside. He finally got up and stood under the garage window.
“Hey, you guys! Come out now! Whatever game you're playing, it's not funny,” Cameron shouted. “I'm bored out here, okay?”
There wasn't an answer, so he walked up to the back door and slowly swung the door open.
“David? Rob?” He called out as he slowly entered the garage. Half expecting them to suddenly jump out screaming ‘BOO’ at him. “Guys?” He asked anxiously.
Nothing seemed amiss to Cameron, apart from the fact that the room was mostly bare and not a soul in sight.
The shrunken tinies, on the floor, spotted
Cameron, now the size of a towering giant to them. They craned their necks in awe.
“Look out!” Rob shouted in horror.
“Go back!” David warned. “Get outta here!”
“Go get help! Get my dad!” Laura cried out.
Cameron didn't hear the tinies, let alone see them.
He glanced suspiciously around the garage, then he heard a strange buzzing sound as the shrinking machine started to warm up.
He spun round in time to see the laser “cannon” flash with a bright light and a pop of sound.
Cameron started to dodge and weave, like his dad and coach taught him when playing football.
He ‘hot footed’ it around the room, jumping, dodging and ducking as the laser cannon tracked and followed him, firing beams of light out towards him, but narrowly missing each shot.
Every time his titanic feet hit the garage floor, the tinies were tossed up and down into the air, they were the victims of a man-made earthquake, and terrified for their own lives.
They tried to struggle to their feet and stay upright but it was a losing battle.
Every time they stood up, they were thrown to the ground again.