[Reviews - 33] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

An impulsive husband’s selfish decision leads to a potentially irreversible change in the dynamic of his marriage with his demure wife. But could this actually be just what they needed? 

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rated: X
Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Feet, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Odor, Scat, Unaware, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No
Word count: 114598 Read: 63100
Published: June 03 2024 Updated: January 28 2025
Story Notes:

Hey all! Long-time lurker, and I’ve never really generated content before. BUT…after circling around (but never quite finding) stuff that fits my niche, I decided that if I wanted to see it that badly, I should just make it. My favorite scenario is an underrepresented one: reluctant pred. For instance, Jessica’s Gift by Adeline might be my favorite vore story, even though the actual vore component of it is like 2-3 paragraphs at the very end. I also prefer tragedy to masochism/evil. For instance, a girl accidentally stepping on her boyfriend and feeling awful about it is way more interesting to me than a girl who collects tiny people to smash for fun.


I’m going to try to hit everyone’s favorites over the course of this story. I’m primarily a vore and ass person myself, but I’ll do my best to represent all factions of this particular subject matter. Feel free to make requests or throw out suggestions in comments, and I’ll do what I can to accommodate within reason. I’ve never written anything before, so no promises that I got the chops for this!


For those of you who also work in the legal field, believe me: I am acutely aware of how wildly improbable the contents of this story are. In response to your (presumably) legitimate objections, I will kindly refer you to the title of this story. None of this is realistic so….yeah, just go with it!


Without further preamble, let’s dive in.


Our Main Characters (others will be introduced throughout the story)


Steve Clover

Background: the aforementioned selfish husband. Steve is a partner at the personal injury law firm Clover & Glenwood, who made enough money to retire early on the biggest case of his career. Early on in the five years of litigation, a cute paralegal named Amy began working at the firm. Despite the age gap, they hit it off well, with Amy being attracted to Steve’s brazen confidence and Steve being hopelessly smitten by Amy’s shy-but-cute demeanor.

Appearance: a well-built, middle-aged man, just shy of 6 feet tall, with a mop of dirty blonde hair and a permanent boyish charm to his features. His dimples were always a major selling point with the ladies.


Amy Clover nee Allegria

Background: a paralegal at Clover & Glenwood. She got the job originally by being longtime friends with Allison Glenwood, the daughter of John Glenwood (the other partner at the firm). Amy and Allison lived together during college and for several years after before Amy caught Steve’s eye and the courtship began. She moved in with Steve shortly thereafter. It took Amy a little while to open up sexually with Steve, with him being almost 20 years her senior and the work dynamic with Allison’s father making the situation somewhat unconventional. Even after she did, however, she still preferred to keep things less intense, only really letting her wild side out after a few glasses of wine. Amy is a loving and supportive wife who would do almost anything for her husband.

Appearance: a petite blonde in her mid-20s with emerald, green eyes, a glowing smile, and a little button nose that would often contribute to men calling her “cute” instead of “hot.” Amy can be very seductive and sexy when she wants to be. Seeing her dressed for a night on the town is a revelation for anyone that’s familiar with her more casual look. Amy is about 5’5”, with a slim, athletic body, perky (if somewhat small) breasts, and a bubble butt that is somewhat at odds with the rest of her relatively slight frame.


Allison Glenwood

Background: the daughter of Steve’s law firm partner, John Glenwood. Allison is as bubbly and infectious as they come, always seemingly suffused with positive energy. She’s fiercely loyal to her best friend and, though it took some time, she is now supportive of Amy’s relationship with Steve. Allison handles a lot of the Human Resources stuff for the firm. Despite being the consummate professional during working hours, she has a reputation of being a bit of a “woo-girl” when it comes to nightlife and partying.

Appearance: a pale, raven-haired beauty with bright blue eyes. Allison played soccer throughout high school and college and has the legs to show for it. She is a few inches taller than Amy, being around 5’8”, and is, as the men say, “stacked.” Her larger breasts and perfect ass turn heads basically everywhere. One particularly dopey associate attorney had been overheard saying in reference to Allison’s behind, “now that’s what I call a moveable feast”…..shortly before being fired, of course.


John Glenwood

Background: the other partner at Clover & Glenwood. Steve and John have been lifelong friends, never really making it far from the hometown they grew up in. Where one went, the other followed, including through law school. Much like his daughter, John is steadfast and loyal to his best friend. It got a little weird when Steve continued to party throughout his 30s, and then started to leer a little bit at John’s daughter throughout his 40s, but no lines were ever crossed and the two remain basically family in all but name.

Appearance: a slim-bordering-on-gaunt middle-aged man with dark hair that he likes to slick back. The Patrick Bateman comparisons are as accurate as they are unkind, seeing as how John lacks any sort of (noticeable) psychopathy. 

1. Prologue - The Life-Changing Verdict by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar (1624 words)

Tags: just exposition.

2. Chapter 1 - Voluntary Intoxication by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 0] (2369 words)

Tags: Shrinking, finally, but little interaction until the end where we get some brief feet content. The good stuff picks up in Chapter 2. 

3. Chapter 2 - A Reasonably Prudent Person by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 0] (4786 words)

Brief Announcement: this is the last super-long exposition-y chapter. It’s intended to give you guys some insight into Steve and Amy’s dynamic as a couple. Just so everyone knows, the format for this story going forward is as I mentioned in the summary: each chapter, Steve is going to selfishly ask his normally-reserved and demure wife to indulge his perversions, and each request is going to get increasingly…invasive. Yes, at one point he’s going to ask her to use him as a dildo. At one point, he’s going to ask her to stick him up her butt while she goes to work. At one point, he’s going to ask her to swallow him whole. And no, I didn’t tell you about Allison Glenwood for nothing. She, and other women, are going to gradually be involved in this story too.


Like I said, I’m going to try to hit ALL of the areas of the giantess fetish over the course of this story, so if you have a special request for what you want to see next, let me know, and I’ll do my best to accommodate! Otherwise, I’m  just going to go wherever the pen, er, keyboard, takes me. As with any author/artist, I thrive off feedback, so comments are appreciated! With that, let’s dive in to Chapter 2!

Tags for this Chapter: Unaware, feet, handheld, some light breast interaction toward the end.

4. Chapter 3 - Res Ipsa Loquitur by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 0] (3764 words)

Tags: vore (dream/fantasy), unaware, breasts, body adventure/exploration, pussy interaction.

Once again, if you have a request for what's next, leave it in the comments and I'll see what I can do! Like the summary says, the requests are going to get increasingly uncomfortable as the story goes along, so if you go straight for using him as a buttplug, I'm not sure that jives with the narrative just yet. But I'll prioritize it later (I promise)!

5. Chapter 4 - Assumption of Risk by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (8861 words)

Tags: unaware, feet and in-shoe action, odor.


Note: there’s some more exposition stuff first with some fun dialogue that I hope everyone will read and enjoy. We introduce some additional characters in this chapter that will come into play later on. But in case you want to skip to the good parts, it comes after the first break in the chapter (the point on the page with the ---------------------- line). Warning: this is a long one. 

6. Chapter 5 - Attractive Nuisance by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 1] (10709 words)

Update and opening chapter notes: You guys enjoying these legal pun chapter names? Just wait until we get to “Gross Negligence.”

I didn’t forget about this story, and I’m back (not that anyone was asking)!! I went away for a few weeks in July and have been paying for it ever since at work. Been hammering away at this chapter in bits and pieces, and then it became much longer than I anticipated when I put pen to paper finally. Anyway, this chapter is basically pure smut so…enjoy! Settle in, this one’s a doozy of a chapter.

And for anyone that’s following the plot (and we all know ain’t nobody here for the plot), yes: our hapless couple finds a bit of common ground and they’re able to cut loose for the first time since Steve’s incident. Is this a sign of an improvement in their marriage?


Tags: body exploration, breasts, butt interaction (brief), mouth play, pussy interaction and insertion. This chapter is way more into the steamy stuff. Literally and figuratively. Amy starts to get into her role as a giantess a little bit, having fun with Steve for the first time at his new size. 

7. Chapter 6 - Negligent Entrustment by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 1] (17880 words)

Chapter Notes: we expand our cast of characters beyond our main couple, and we also lean HEAVILY into the reluctant pred scenario for the first time! Took me long enough, amiright??!! Good bit of exposition before we get to the fun stuff, and I’ll admit there’s a great deal of maudlin prose interspersed with the sexy stuff. I’ll bold, italicize, and underline the “---------------” that I usually use to indicate chapter breaks/switches in POV so you know where the good parts pick up. BUT, you’ll miss a rather salacious physical description of our latest character, Emma and, beyond that, I feel like knowing the characters enhances the sexy stuff by adding emotional stakes. So, skippers beware: skip at your own risk!! Just read the damn story you lazybones. I ain’t writing this shit for my health you know.

Third (and last) Update: Okay, I went through and painstakingly edited it line by line. It's much more readable now. Sorry for the delay. 

Tags: breasts (part unaware,  part aware but unwilling), feet (in-shoe, also unwilling…sort of, you’ll see what I mean), vore. 

8. Chapter 7 - Reckless Disregard by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (14292 words)

Tags: vore and butt (MINOR scat reference, but I’ll warn ya anyway). Brief giant male interaction but it’s just to move the plot forward quickly.


As I mentioned at the outset, I enjoy the tragedy aspect of GTS interactions, so if you’re expecting our protagonist to have a grand old time in Emma’s belly well…you’ll be disappointed. This gets a little heavy. You’ve been warned!

9. Chapter 8 - Admissible Evidence by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 2] (16671 words)

Chapter Notes: I worked in a couple of scenarios per requests I got in comments, including an unaware ant crush and some more barefoot action. This chapter has some pretty mild story beats and dialogue before devolving into the unadulterated smut once again. That’s what we’re all here for though, right? ;-) Another doozy of a chapter, so settle in!

Speaking of which, a brief note on the story and the plot (for those of you who are interested). You might have noticed that I revised the synopsis. That’s what happens, I guess, when you publish work piecemeal. If something no longer feels right for the story, you don’t have the opportunity to change it before people see the product.

Well, that’s what happened here. The initial plot synopsis doesn’t feel right for the story anymore. As you might have seen in the comments, the initial plan was for this story to end in tragedy, after our couple’s relationship deteriorated through Steve’s antics first. But then as I started writing both of them, I came to care a bit for these two imaginary goofballs. I haven’t decided whether I want it to still end in tragedy (again, that kind of thing floats my boat, and this story is primarily for pleasure purposes), and I will likely end up composing a few different endings for a “choose your own adventure” style format.

But, what now feels “right” for the story is that Steve’s incident actually ends up being the thing that HELPS their flailing marriage rather than hurts it. It forced him into a sobriety of sorts, and forced some introspection as he got a new perspective on the world literally and figuratively. To the extent that anyone’s upset by this reversal, my apologies. Maybe I’ll write another story in the future that more closely adheres to that line of thinking. But keep in mind that I’ve never written anything before (that wasn’t for work), and I’m just doing it for fun. So, if you’re bugged by the bait-and-switch in the plot, my apologies, but keep in mind I’m not charging for this stuff. It’s free so….just go with it!!


Tags: mouth play, feet (barefoot crush of a bug, barefoot interaction after), butt (buttcrush and some added butt play at the end)

10. Chapter 9 - De Minimis by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (19692 words)

Chapter Notes: Sorry for the delay in getting this one out! I know I said I was aiming for release last Monday and I’m almost a full week behind. This one needed a little additional time in the oven to bake. I was away last weekend and work was kicking my ass all week afterward. This went from being the “fun little interlude” I teased last chapter to being another heavy, story-centric addition.


The original intention was for this chapter to just be a fun little catharsis for Emma, some vindication with Becky after her recent difficulties. But then I saw an opportunity to work in Steve shrinking more (which a BUNCH of people have requested), and then I had to tinker with it to adequately convey the sense of scale while adding some table stakes. One thing led to another and, well, instead of just having a fun chapter where two young lovers finally admit their feelings to one another, we had another stand-alone novel-length chapter of yet another crisis for our protagonist.



Tags: shrinking, feet (light interaction), buttcrush, mouth play, breasts

11. Chapter 10 - Mens Rea by DoctorWeird [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (13950 words)
Chapter Notes: My sincere apologies for the long delay. Rest assured, this story was neither inadvertently abandoned nor willfully discarded. A few weeks ago I tried to post an update, but apparently you need to have minimum of 500 words to adhere to the site’s policy. Anyway, I mentioned this in my response to a review someone left, but my laptop keyboard broke. Then I bought a house in November (yay?). Then the moving-in process started. Then Christmas rolled around and, long story short, a new laptop wasn’t in the budget…until it was. I finally ordered one last week and it showed up a few days ago. I’ve been hammering away at this chapter ever since. 
I won’t complain because it’s completely free, but means of sharing progress updates on this site are…limited, to put it gently. I don’t have a fan Discord or anything like that because I’m neither a content creator nor an actual author. I’m just a dude doing this stuff in his spare time for the fun of it. Diving in further runs the risk of providing a cloak of legitimacy to what is very much a sporadic and spontaneous operation at best, and it creates false expectations about both the quality and consistency of the content. Maybe it’s for the best that I couldn’t post an update in Chapter format, because I know, for me at least, I’d be pissed if I saw that this story was updated for the first time in three months and it wasn’t actually a real update. 
For those of you who stuck by during this lengthy hiatus, you have my sincere appreciation and I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! Going forward, I’m going to try to shorten these chapters so I can put them out more regularly. If you’re following the story, this is our first step toward the resolution arc (which is obviously still a WAYS off). 
After a few chapters of basically just smut, this one is dialogue-heavy. There’s some brief foot stuff just after the beginning that’s tied to some character development, and then a lengthy chunk of dialogue before we set up the next chapter with some brief butt interaction at the end. If you’re only here for the “good stuff,” you can probably just skip this chapter. I’ll say again, however, that emotional stakes and character development create investment, and investment enhances the sexy stuff, in my humble opinion. So if you’re looking for a story and not just straight fap material, this one’s for you. The payoff will be worth it. At least, I think it will be. 
My goal going forward is to try to get out at least two updates a month, maybe bi-weekly? We’ll see how it goes. Home ownership is not for the faint of heart, I’ll tell you that much. 
Again, thanks for sticking by. 
- Doctor Weird
Tags: not a lot going on here. Some brief foot stuff just after the beginning, some handheld stuff, and an introduction to butt interaction in the next chapter. Apologies to you horn-dogs out there.