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In the lively streets of Central City, urban life flowed with inexhaustible energy, marking every corner of the city with an innate joy. The imposing steel and glass skyscrapers rose towards the sky, silent witnesses to the comings and goings of their inhabitants. In those days, the streets were filled with a diversity of people reflecting the cultural richness of the metropolis. Hurried professionals made their way through the crowd in their impeccable suits, while groups of friends gathered on the corners, sharing laughter and animated conversations. Entire families walked through the parks, children ran around playing games and the elderly enjoyed the sun on the benches in the central square. The city breathed with the vitality of its inhabitants, each one contributing to weaving the complex work of urban life, with their own stories and experiences. Those days, now shrouded in the soft veil of nostalgia, left their indelible mark on the collective memory of those who once called Central City their home...

It disappeared.

Yes, it disappeared.

The desolate landscape of Central City stretched out like a grim testimony to the absolute devastation. Where once stood proud skyscrapers and bustling streets, now there was only a sea of rubble reduced to dust, mixed with sand, dirt, and pieces of sticky chewing gum. The shoe print, having left deep grooves in the ground, was the only visible evidence of the tragedy that had devastated the city. The twisted remains of what were once buildings and vehicles lay unrecognizable, scattered everywhere, all traces of life buried. But the most heartbreaking of all was the silence, a silence so deep and ominous that it seemed to absorb even the echo of the screams that were never uttered. The inhabitants of Central City, reduced to a pasty red puddle of blood and viscera, lay scattered throughout the streets, mute witnesses of a nameless tragedy. Amid the desolation, only the sepulchral stillness remained, a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the implacable force of destiny.

Or the strength of a carefree step.

Miranda continued walking her home as if nothing had happened. She had not realized the existence of those micros that she had just annihilated. If they had at least been minis, perhaps she would have slightly noticed the tallest skyscrapers like light pebbles under the sole of her shoe. But no, they were micros, as small as microbes, the most colossal metropolises in it barely measured a millimeter in diameter. And present on the ground of the street... it was only a matter of time before disaster occurred.

In defense of those micros, it must be said that they had built their city in an uncrowded alley. However, Miranda had seen an old schoolmate in the distance on the path she always took when she went from the store to her house. So for the sake of not having to greet him, she had decided to change her route through the alley. So yes, millions of micros had been trampled by Miranda's sneaker, along with her city and her entire history of existence, just because she didn't want to spend a few seconds of embarrassment while she greeted her old schoolmate. her.

Well, don't think badly of her. Miranda wasn't evil at all. Quite the opposite, in fact, she was always willing to help the weakest. But of course, when you are so weak that you become imperceptible, and a human steps on your city, well, you can't blame him either. Those things happened from time to time. At least, for Miranda it meant nothing, just one more step of the hundreds she took along her walk. If she had known of the ex-existence of those bugs, she probably would have felt dismayed by guilt. However, since that had not been the case, she continued listening to music through her headphones, so happy, with the shopping bag in one hand. She is tired, wanting to get home to take a good bath. She sometimes thought that her life was very hard and frustrating.

Miranda was a teenage girl who was slowly entering adulthood. She was 21 years old, and she lived in a fairly normal city, neither too big nor too small. Her voluminous, long black hair fell slightly in waves over her shoulders, descending to the middle of her back. Her face was rounded, with prominent cheeks and full lips. Her eyes were large and dark, and her eyelashes were quite long. Her skin was very whitish. She was 1.75 meters tall, so she used to stand out in height compared to the rest of the girls.

She finally came home. She opened the door and greeted her mother and her little sister.

Her mother, Sofía, was very similar in appearance to Miranda. She was 44 years old, but she looked completely young. Her little sister was called Victoria.

—I'm here, mom! —Miranda yelled, leaving her bag withthe things that Sofía had told him to go buy in the kitchen.

"Hello, sweetheart," her mother greeted, with a calm tone.

-I'm going to have a bath. Tell Victoria not to go into the bathroom.

Sofia went upstairs and took her youngest daughter out of the bathtub. She always used to stay there for a long time playing, so her mother had to go drag her out of her.

—Who will it remind me of? the mother asked, struggling to get the girl out the bathroom door. You both have the same imperious energy and strength. It is obvious that you are sisters.

—Surely it's because you insisted on signing us up for classes in various sports since we were little. Victoria seems very fit for her age, although I don't think she'll ever beat me at rugby. —Miranda smiled and raised both arms, showing some really developed biceps for a teenage girl. She then laughed out loud, amused. Her mother imitated her, and Victoria continued kicking in the air.

—Are you going to feed your little friends before you take a bath? —Sofia asked.

-No. The last time I did that, the stench of my bodies overwhelmed them. I don't want to cause them so much displeasure.

With that, Miranda went into the bathroom, undressed, and lowered her athletic body into the warm water.

Her body was amazing. Every muscle of her was properly developed. Her back was tanned, and her stomach was marked by showy abs. Her breasts remained firm, but they were much larger than average, so they did droop somewhat due to her own weight. Her hips looked wide, and her thighs powerful. All those features were not so appreciated with her clothes on.

She got out of the bathtub, dried herself and dressed. She went to her room. She liked her dark clothes, matching her hair and eyes. That day she was going to go to university, so she took the opportunity to put on a dull blue dress, which was very low-cut, exposing half of two breasts which, according to the friends who had begged her to wear it, would mean a tremendous impact on any boy who crossed his path.

Miranda was soooo beautiful, in case you hadn't already imagined it. She had had many boyfriends, however she had never fully hit it off with any of them.

She finally looked away from the full-length mirror in the corner of her room. Two thick black military boots clicked with every step. Her friends had also recommended them to her, as they enhanced her figure and made her even taller. When Miranda

  Wearing them she felt a strange sensation..., a sensation of power.

Although, when she felt the most power, it was when she rested both hands on both ends of the desk and lowered her head, observing everything right above the terrarium.

The terrarium was a simple plastic box that she had bought at some point for its contents: a few packages of gum and jelly beans. But long ago it was empty and clean, she filled it with weeds, dirt and pebbles, and with this she created the ecosystem that at that moment she was looking at from above. Those moments made her feel good. Well, not just good. They made her feel like a true goddess. Standing in front of the desk where the terrarium was located, dominated by a civilization of minis (not micros, but minis). They had built several entire cities inside the box of gum and jelly beans (which measured about 30x40 cm in length). They had used the simple ecosystem to progress. At that time, they were in an advanced medieval era. But when Miranda had bought them at the pet store three years ago, they had only begun to build their first feudal settlements.

"They're moving so fast..." Miranda thought, looming over them in all their enormity. The walls of the plastic terrarium were so high for the minis that in their mentality they saw them as barriers impossible to cross, which had been put there by the will of God (You guessed it, that “God” for them was Miranda. Although Sometimes they also saw their mother and sister, which used to disconcert them a lot).

Miranda lowered her head so she could see more than just brown construction splotches in a landscape of weeds and moss. From the minis' point of view, that morning action was so important that there was no bell tower in the entire terrarium that did not resonate.

The young woman moved her hair away from her so that it fell away from the terrarium.

Everyone was breathlessly enchanted by Miranda's beauty. She certainly looked like a goddess, with her face covering the entire firmament of her. Each eye observed everything. No one could ever escape her ever-present gaze. The young woman had learned to control her breathing so as not to make a mess, as had happened the first few times. She kept her full lips sealed and did not blink for the same reason.

Miranda continued lowering her head, and lowering it... It almost seemed that her upturned little nose was going to devastate them as if it were a meteorite. However, she told youeverything was calculated. As soon as his breasts hit the desk (outside the terrarium), she knew he had reached his limit. It was just a way of measuring it, but the minis were impressed, because Miranda always lowered her head to exactly the same height every day. For them it was a test of absolute wisdom and control. However, for Miranda it was just a little trick that she had already figured out.

During her observation, she noticed that the crops were still insufficient to feed her entire population of minis, which irritated her.

She quickly distanced herself from the terrarium, returning to her highest altitude position.

—You must work the crops more. "People are starving," she said in a solemn voice. She did not like to speak like that to her pets, but she had to act firmly in the role of her protective goddess.

She was right. During her visit, she had seen crowds lying in the streets, wasted, skeletal. There was a lack of food in the kingdom.

"We are sorry, oh, the great divinity of her," responded a high prelate in charge of communicating with God on his knees, terrified. However, Miranda couldn't hear him. The prelate pretended to be speaking with her, but in reality Miranda was talking without taking into account a possible response. This caused her to sometimes say things that had no correlation with what the prelate was telling her, or to cause her to constantly interrupt him. But of course, she was God. Who was going to reproach God?

"We do not have enough resources to produce more..." the prelate continued saying, until Miranda interrupted him by opening her mouth, from which her predominant voice came out, making the walls of the cities tremble.

—I will give you some food again, but this should not be like this. You have to survive on your own.

Miranda put her hands on her waist, her expression serious. She thought that the resources in the terrarium were sufficient to grow the crops she demanded. However, she did not know that they were not. From her comfortable point of view, she thought it was something simple, but it was simply impossible for the minis to get more seeds from where there was nothing more to get.

"Thank you very much, her great divinity..." the prelate was saying, but before he finished saying goodbye to her, Miranda turned and left without even seeing the minis. She never imagined that there really was a man who took care of her every day in vain. For her it would have meant an irreverent act that she would have preferred to avoid, out of respect for her pet inhabitants. To the minis, it was just the indifferent nature of a god.

Miranda came to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of the carrot that her mother was cutting to make Victoria's food.

—Miranda, honey, didn't you buy them food in their size? It could be dangerous for you to give them such a large piece of carrot,” her mother warned her.

The little piece in question was no bigger than the tip of the young woman's index finger, but of course for the minis it would be another story.

"Mom..." the daughter responded reluctantly, "I haven't remembered this time." Furthermore, they must be self-sufficient. I have them too spoiled.

With that, Miranda returned to her room. She looked into the terrarium and quickly left the piece of carrot somewhere where she wouldn't crush anything. She was in a hurry, because her college classes would start soon.

"Right here," she thought, and she dropped the little piece a few inches from one of the cities. However, she let it go too high, so when it fell, apart from crushing a couple of poor peasants who were passing by and whom the young woman had not seen, the ground shook. A slight earthquake arose with the impact of the carrot piece, and an important segment of that city wall collapsed. At least no one else died, but there were injuries.

"Oops, sorry," Miranda apologized without further ado, looking over the scene and thinking that no one had died. Excuse me, seriously. This would not have happened if you had made an effort with the crops.

Without further ado, she withdrew and left the house, running towards the university.

And behind she left terror and panic among her fragile pets, traumatized by the disastrous event they had just experienced.

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