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Author's Chapter Notes:

On the way to the capital, Morgan talks with an acquaintance, who might have something surprising to share. Meanwhile, Nameless heads into the basement.

Content Warning: A certain character is introduced in this chapter, who implies some unsavory world views. Please understand in now way does that view reflect the author’s own views. No it’s not the djinn, she’s a precious gem.

Disclaimer: Double Drop Today!! I know I said there would be shrinking in this chapter, but a 13K+ word chapter seemed to long to follow up a 6K+ word chapter, so it was split into two. Regardless, I hope that you enjoy the last build-up chapter. Unfortunately, because of the split, all the lewd shrinking content is in the next chapter.

A Road to the Capital of Longinquus Kingdom


Any moment now.


Morgan Tam Lin waited for the private quarters of her carriage to be invaded by the blubbering oaf.






Like clockwork.


The elf rolled her eyes. Deigning not to open the door for a guest that was most unwelcome. Yet the door still rattled. Morgan’s lack of response was invitation enough for the aged old man. A foreign diplomat who traveled to many places but seen so little.




“Oh, my word. Court Mage Morgan. You are as beautiful as ever. Goddess knows that I endeavor to strive for such physical health, but my skin just desires to be likened to the tallow of a cow.”


The old child’s lips flapped and warped in an uproarious and unnecessary laughter. One that was obviously supposed to instill levity into the air, but only intensified the discomfort that the mage felt.


It’s too early in the morning for this.


“What is it, Yashima? Would your sudden intrusion have to do with your dilapidated vehicle?”


If the scathing nature of Morgan’s remark registered in the old diplomat Yashima’s mind, he didn’t show it. His fat face was broadened by a wide grin and the rolls that served as his neck wobbled as his head bobbed.


“Ah! What a keen eye Court Mage Morgan. Nothing escapes you. Now, I do believe that it should be a simple matter of you fix my mode of transportation, but would that benefit both of us?”


An unnecessary pause interspersed Yashima’s drivel. One that was caused by a drag of his bloated tongue along lips that were much too variegated in their hue.


It would most definitely benefit the workers that operate your carriage, but that probably was neglected by your smooth brain.


“Now, I can see that I caught your attention. As evidenced by my misfortune, there are plenty of things that could go awry. My driver said that the carriage had veered off course due to issues with the packaging of my trunk. Hah! Would you believe that! I knew that he had a blockish look about him, but I may have been too presumptuous in not concluding that his form was not in any way related to his cognitive functioning. Now, I don’t have any compunction about racial differences, but physical appearance is ingrained in his blood, so it would be logical to conclude that the brain is influenced as well…”


Morgan tuned out Yashima’s following tangents, that were rife with barely veiled discriminatory beliefs. The white-haired elf may have tried to correct the insular-minded diplomat of his erroneous assertions, such as how there was a barrier between the brain and blood to protect the former from the latter’s contents. However, she knew better than to pull up a lost cause by its bootstraps. It would most likely just holler and make excuses before retuning back to the self-made pit it so comfortably strolls in. Like a tunneling worm that finds comfort in a small patch of moist soil, but never deviates from the home that it buried itself in and the pleasure it seeks.


What I would give for a downpour to tug Yashima out of my life, and for him to be crushed under some apocalyptic weight.


“Yes…yes…so you mean to travel with me. Your information in exchange for me guaranteeing safe transport.”


Morgan interrupted the diplomat. She had stopped listening by this point, but she already knew what he desired. Greedy man with beady eyes, like an insect’s ocular structures, were so transparent.


“Why yes! How astute of you, Court Mage Morgan. Maybe next time I should just skip the explanation and join your seat after my introduction.”


Please…please don’t.


Morgan shuddered at such a reality. The elf was so discomposed at the notion that she mentally scoured her schedule. To verify that she wouldn’t be expected at the capital after this sudden call for some time. At least to her knowledge.


“Alright then. An equal exchange. Pray tell, what knowledge do you have to offer.”


Morgan wasn’t going to play any games with Yashima. She got straight to the point. In hopes that whatever the fat decrepit child, with a physical appearance matching his soul, had to share, was something that she could easily turn down as inconsequential.


Then she could fix his carriage faster than most citizens could count to ten with their fingers, and they could be on their separate ways to the same location.


“Oh my! Morgan! I thought that you of all people would be privy.”


Yashima brought his hairy, bulky palm against his chest. His lips stretched vertically, and a disgusting wheeze squished out of his tobacco-degraded lungs.


Just cut with the theatrics. If there was even a shred of truth to those words, then you wouldn’t be wasting either of our times.


“Why…this emergency meeting. The reason it’s been called is because of your dear colleague. Court Mage Jafar has had a terrible accident.” 


Morgan shoulders stiffened and she perked up from her seat. The name that came out of the diplomat’s lips was not a random one. It was the name of a dear friend to the Tam Lin family. Someone who was practically an uncle to her children


“Jafar? What happened to him?”


“Well…information is hard to come by…”


The blob twitched his eyelids. Then the elf shuffled to the opposite end of the carriage. To make room and then some. Her aggravation gradually increased, as the squeaks of the carriage’s steps sounded, and the detestable individual made himself at home.


“Now…where was I…”


The fabricated anxiety on the fat man’s countenance withered away. Like a little child suffocated by a pillow. The necessity of conveyed empathy lessened now that he secured a means of safe and comfortable travels at the expense of others. Not the first time, and probably not the last.




Morgan single word was spoken with a gentle strength. The court mage having fully donned the intangible social mask. To veil her true thoughts and emotions from this weasel of an opportunist.


“Mmh…yes Jafar. I’ve heard that he created a new spell and used himself as a test subject. What was it…a spell to change one’s height or stature?”




The Tam Lin Estate’s Basement


Down the basement. Make a right, make another right, then turn to the left. In the Tam Lin Estate’s basement, there one would find an empty space leading to a room on the left wall. A room that the mother, and head of the household, Morgan, had warned her children against entering.


Except it was a red herring.


In the past two months, Nameless polished his sensory translocation and amplification magic. Through much pain and effort, the son was able to see the silver replica of his mother and their golem maid, Gloriana, press a hand against the fourth tile down from the ceiling and the sixth tile to the right of the sealed room. Then the wall should soundlessly shake and shudder. Brick and mortar rewinding through what must have been a reversible spell cast by the Longinquus Kingdom’s Court Mage Morgan Tam Lin.




Why did Nameless put so much effort into this reconnaissance? 


Firstly, it was because of Nameless’s personal aspirations. A fall and a desire to stand up once more. 


With the recent rise of research into enchantment magic, its increasing versatility, and the industrialization of charms and relics, many stable fields had become less desirable as professions.


Of course, that included professions that were based around support type magic professions. Such as Clerics. A century ago, the strongest relic could provide a healing effect that would instantaneously heal a bruise or scratch and slightly mitigate incoming damage, but that was the most it could do. It was paltry compared to the ability and value of a Cleric. Especially in Adventurer groups. However, in the past ten years, the potency of magics that can be inserted into objects, by Enchanters like Frigg, had risen. To the point that merely wearing enchanted jewelry or clothes could completely replace a spell cast by a fifteen-year trained Cleric. All at the small cost of a little bit of the user’s mana.


It was a travesty for the support-type profession, made even worse for the poor students and professionals that already put in the years of now wasted practice. As Clerics were now replaced by trinkets that could be sold on the market for at most just a tenth of the price of their services. And, unfortunately, once a mage had chosen a specialization, their mana circuits become attuned to those systems for the rest of their lives. There was no destruction and replication of those magical lines like the biological building blocks of an organism. 




Mana circuits bore more of a resemblance to the nerves of a human body. Except the plasticity they possessed, a flexibility in adopting several magic systems, severely diminishes after a certain age. Typically, around ten years of age for normal humans, thirty for elves, and somewhere in between for individuals with recent ancestral lines linking to both…like Nameless.


Thus, it was incredibly frustrating for the young man. Nameless was now making his way through the path in the basement. A path that he delineated by spying on Gloriana in the past months. His motivation and energy in a slow spiral, due to the supposed hands of the clock nearing an unknown date that would finalize the magic path he would be on. Yet, despite his efforts, the green-haired man had yet ripped himself of the bondage that tied him to being a Cleric. Thus, there was always this oscillating swell of fear and anxiety in the sole male of the Tam Lin family. What if the unknown deadline for half elves already passed for Nameless?


As for the second reason that he was traveling to this hidden room. That was tied to the first.


This rapid development in enchantment and enchanted objects, colloquially called charms, was due to a groundbreaking finding in the field by Longinquus Kingdom’s neighboring democratic country Oesis.


The discovery was like one that a kid would read in a fantasy book. An archaeological survey had unearthed a settlement of an ancient civilization that lay underneath a barren patch of desert. The expedition team had found an old city within under the layers of stratum. A naturally formed this antrum of the planet. Yet, mysteriously enough, not even dust could be found on the buildings there. Buildings that towered to heights that were said to match or exceeded even the castles of Longinquus Kingdom. Furthermore, and this was equally as unbelievable, many of these buildings’ architecture was proclaimed to be seamlessly formed. The excavators could not find line or imperfection that would indicate a brick or tile. Some of them were entirely made of glass-like material with iron interspersed. The country of Oesis had practically found a whole other world beneath their own country. 


However, the first expedition, that initially clued the economically booming country to this scholastic wonderland, was none other than the one that Nameless’s mother had went on. One that she was tipped off about by their family friend, Jafar. It was just supposed to be an ordinary trip to familiar catacombs, but a hidden puzzle was deciphered on texts that were returned in an earlier expedition. 


Information that revealed a secret path…that led to a wish-granting existence or device.


In the present day, that object or being was in the family’s basement. How did the son come to know this? Some underhanded plot from an outsider? A final letter from his deceased father?




It was much more benign and uneventful.


Months ago, on a particular night that followed another tiring day of studying, practice, and poor performance, the young man had once again hit a figurative wall. He failed again to branch out into a new field. Thus, Nameless decided that it might have been a good time to test faith, and his mother’s mood, and see if she would be amenable to comforting her son…instead of trying to motivate him to study the night and the following night away.


Sometimes a twenty plus year old adult is just a grown-up kid, and just like anyone else…they needed a hug.


That night, Nameless was not alone in feeling this way. Houseki was too, but for an entirely different reason. It was the eighteenth anniversary of her biological parent’s death. An entire childhood had passed, and time may have numbed the pain, but the figurative scar still festered. So, the usually reserved adopted daughter had a long talk with Morgan. To relax and be emotional…and the son had just happened to be at the door at that time.


The first reaction the young man had was to be courteous and leave when he realized that his oni sister was having a personal conversation. He had pulled his hand away from the door and was about to leave, but then a pang of anxiety caused his heart to tighten…and his palms to sweat.


What if they are talking about me?


Thus, curiosity won out. Instead of walking away, the brother stuck his ear close to the door and listened. Nameless was about to leave again when he confirmed that the topic wasn’t about him…but then he became intrigued by the odd things Morgan and Houseki said.


That couldn’t be possible…could it…something that could grant three wishes!


Thus, that night passed. Then days passed. The diligent student began spending more time researching about this arcane topic in lieu of his normal studies. A week passed and a plan was hatched. Afterwards, weeks passed, and the groundwork was laid out. He had to wait…when everyone else was occupied. Sure, Nameless could have asked his mother if he could use the lamp…but he had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn’t. As she had been so fiercely against any of the siblings going down to that part of the basement. 


Finally…it came to today. The day when Nameless entered the basement.




“Ow! Huh…I guess that even if Houseki is privy to the lamp’s location…she’ll have a hard time sneaking up on me in here.”


That was one less concern that Nameless had to be worried about. As he was hunched over under the ceiling that was too low for his 6’0”. Houseki’s towering 6’8” stature would be hard pressed to squeeze through this path soundlessly. Even for the lithe foot oni.


Although, that wasn’t to say that Nameless’s temples didn’t throb from more proximal stressors. Such as the possibility that his mother had laid out the entire narrow pathway with concealed spell circles. Traps. 


Thus, what should have been a quick two-minute walk, ended up being an entire fifteen minutes of time wasted. The Tam Lin family’s son prudently angled and touched the sole of his shoe on the tile that he believed Gloriana stepped. When she patrolled this route, a detail that the young man tried to fastidiously memorize, while using sensory translocation daily for nearly a couple weeks.


A beginner level magic skill that Nameless learned from Houseki. The latter being able to activate the advance form even when she was mobile.


I have to hurry…I might need to walk out of here too…before the hour is up.


Nameless gulped at the thought of succeeding and getting his wish granted, turning around, walking back up the path, and being spotted by that golem maid. The spitting image of his mother. A replica whose elegant face would be much less fierce than the visage that Nameless’s mom would be wearing if she found out what he did. 


If only I could use a wish to just get out of here unnoticed…


The young man recalled his research into genies, as he stepped in front of the final red door. A door that was rimmed in a gleaming metal that he has seen many times before with extended sensory magic. However, now that the half-elf was facing it in person, he was certain that the coruscating alloy was of an origin unknown to him. Most likely the same material that housed the buildings that the lamp was found in. 


It stimulated Nameless’s collected memory on the arcane topic of lamp-dwelling creatures and brought them to the forefront of his mind.


Genies are otherworldly entities that live in lamps. Gods or Demons, their identity matters not. What matters is that the lamp must be rubbed thrice. Then the genie will be freed and a wish for each rub would be granted during its tenure. Most desires are within its reach…just not the intersection between transcendental and mortal roads.


Nameless hovered his open palm over the door. Goosebumps crawled up the young man’s arm. The fine hairs of half-elf’s body stood in attention to a surging field.


That line of text…it probably means that you can’t wish for the dead to come back.


That was the only wish that Nameless thought that Houseki and their mother, the two members of the family that were on the expedition of this lamp, would want. To bring back loved ones from the past.


Houseki’s parents, they embodied strength and independence, but were also blessed with parental instincts to bring their daughter along with them…to see the world. Nahla’s father, who was a bit of a troublemaker, but was able to soothe Morgan’s heart during her darkest hour…and rose to the occasion during the most perilous portion of their journey. Titania and the twin’s father, the strongest knight of Longinquus’s recent history…who was taken too soon…and too violently…




At least that is what Nameless was able to recall for the first three people that could have been wished back. From the stories that their mother told them, to keep the memories of Houseki and Nahla’s parents alive in their growing children.


There…there is a trace of magical energy here.


Nameless reactively jerked his hand back. As he just realized that the entire door was cloaked by some intangible film. Nearly imperceptible, and, if the half-elf were a random thief, then he would have never noticed it. The only reason that the Tam Lin household’s son recognized the energy signature, was because he has been in the presence of his mother while she casted spells for so long.


This door emanated something ominous, but it was tainted by the gentle feel…almost inviting…of his mother’s presence.


It…the form of this spell’s formula…it must be an alarm set to trigger the moment someone accidentally trips it.


Nameless took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The young man tried to focus his mind and block out the world around him. To visualize a ring in front of his trembling hands. Within the darkness of his sensorium formed a sliver, then a crescent, and finally an annular sleeve. 

Key Magic


Slowly shining within his mind. The Cleric gulped and felt his hands tremble. It may have been a small visualization, but just gazing at it, the son could tell the power within the simple spell his mother left behind.


Morgan wasn’t called one of the Longinquus Kingdom’s best three mages for no reason.


The only reason that someone as below average as Nameless had a chance, was that his own magic bore a similar thumbprint to his mother’s essence. It was an inheritance that he would have to rely on, and hope would prevail as he chanted a spell and felt his body began to blaze and cramp.




Nameless clenched his teeth, and lifted his hand towards and through the small, imagined hole in his mind’s eye. The young man felt his body pricked by the natural electricity of the magical field, and firm resistance against his palm, as he found the one spot, like a keyhole, that he could safely press the door without triggering the alarm.




Nameless perceived the glowing ring pulse with a red light, within the darkness of his mind. A pulsation that was followed by second, and then another, and so on. As he fed his hand and felt the door move inwards…opening the room that he had yet to see. For Gloriana had never opened the door during her routine. The golem maid only ever performing a visual inspection, before the leaving the hidden hallway.


It’s pulsing too fast…drat, it must be timed.


Nameless gulped, as he felt and heard the door squeal to a stop. The half-elf had to be quick, and ignored the pain, if he didn’t want his efforts to be wasted and the alarm to trigger anyway because of his languidness.




Nameless was forced to open his eyes. It felt like his entire body was being squeezed through a tight hole, one that was serrated with many fine needles that punctured and trailed along his skin. Of course, in reality, he had just walked through the small opening of the door. A mere two steps and the son had passed through his mother’s invisible barrier.


His eyes now opened to the cramp room, with a single stone pedestal, topped with a red pillow, and a golden lamp sitting on the plush surface.



Nameless moved a hand behind his back, and applied pressure to the lower aspect, as he stared at the object with wincing eyes. 


The cold air of the hallway was replaced by a gentle warmth of this small space, an insulated temperature that must have been maintained by the outer barrier, which had now fully resealed. 


I have to be careful with how I move.


A droplet of sweat beaded on the half-elf’s face as he felt his mother’s barrier behind him. The alarm was still active, and his body took up nearly the entirety of the room’s space. In terms of width and length, the stone box of a space was much less forgiving than the hallway. Although, and thankfully, the ceiling was much higher than that of the hallway. The young man was able to straighten his hunched back. If Nameless tilted his head up, then he would have seen that a person twice his height could fit in this room. A bit odd considering that the entrance into here had a much lower ceiling.


Maybe this was a leftover dungeon from the previous owner. A stretched-up ceiling and walls that closed in on a prisoner…would be terrifying for them.


Nameless didn’t have the time to dwell on this possibility, nor drift off into a fetish-driven tangent of relating this tightly closed room with a skyward ceiling to the insides of Titania’s boots. By now, the young man definitely had less than half an hour before Gloriana made a loop back from the farthest point of this mansion from the basement’s entrance…and went down the staircase for her routine visual inspection. In fact, the dutiful golem maid was probably on her way right now.


Without a thought, Nameless picked up the lamp, his mind halting as he realized that he forgot to consider if there was a physical or magical trap in place. Although, several seconds of silence, where he waited with bated breath and an expression that was waxing towards mortified, confirmed that was not the case. Nameless was so thankful for his luck, that he gave a laugh and once again forgot to consider one other detail as he rubbed the gleaming object thrice.


If he summoned the genie now, then how would they fit in this cramped room?




A flash of light.




And then a sudden weight pressed on Nameless’s shoulders, and a brown and plush wall, emanating a slight warmth and beguiling fragrance, pressed against his face.




An almost lyrical intonation, if it weren’t for it sounding like it was put through a filter of static, echoed between the tight walls. Not just the walls that formed the bricks of the room, but the plump brown meat that pushed up against the sides of Nameless’s human-like ears and face.


That was how the genie popped into existence, within the tight room. Her thighs on the summoner’s shoulders, legs descending his back and crossed over the lower curve, and a bare caramel-skinned belly pressed firmly against his face. As the pair tried to stabilize their new position. 


The genie, who was most definitely of feminine form, pressed her hands down on Nameless’s scalp. As she was equally surprised to find herself in this awkward position.


“Woah! Woah! Mistress Morgan, what are you doing summoning me in this odd way…?”


Because of the pressure on the top of his head, the young man’s face was shoved into and over the near planar surface of flesh, that sat between her voluminous thighs. A dangerous triangle, that concentrated the blissful blast of erotic fragrance. An aroma that diffused through the half-elf’s flaring nostrils. A musty odor, seasoned by a confluence of bitter and relaxing aether, that swam up and down to his lungs and brain in rapid sequence. 


What…what is this…


Nameless could feel his eyelids began to droop into a half-lid.


…heavenly aroma…


Without even a thought for common courtesy, Nameless took a deep whiff and felt his heart and mind figuratively clutched by the divine presence that addled his mind. His eyes hadn’t even trailed past the rectangle formed by the genie’s thighs and hips, filled with wobbling weight and the bottom roll of her doughy stomach. Yet, he couldn’t help but want to prostrate himself to the unknown existence at this very moment. The gentle warmth of her body was much more consuming than a wildfire. It almost felt like the small transference of heat, from the slightly differing temperatures of their bodies, was enough to just melt the half-elf’s mind into unthinking goo.


“Huh…Mistress Morgan…did you cut your hair, get taller, and a bit more rugged…oh wait…who are you?”


The world shrunk and narrowed into a small canvas of flesh for the 6’0” half-elf. He could feel himself drifting off…memories, relationships, and even dreams slowly bubbled away. This happened in tandem with the mystifying orchestra that played on the other side of that brown stratum of genie flesh. A rumble of borborygmi that was comparable to the grumbling of an ordinary person’s stomach but was simultaneously so different. It almost felt like the flexing tapestry of sinuous tissue was sucking the stunned summoner’s face right in. This powerful effect on the young man’s senses compelled his mind to entertain what it would feel like to merge with such untarnished plush. Divine flesh that would wrap and squeeze around him with each oscillating movement of her gait and diaphragm. Does this divine woman even walk, or is she too good for the ground and merely floats above the sullied plane by simple effect of natural rejection? At the very least, buried within that flesh, a diminishing sentience would slowly be made dumb and then nonexistent with each abdominal squeeze.


Oh heavens, she smells like that first day I played near the ocean, and her skin…so soft…I can just close my eyes…and…


“Huh! Hey! Hello! Can you hear me!? Oh hun, you’re a weak-minded one, aren’t you?”


The genie’s words danced like faeries, sprinkling sugar-frosted dust into Nameless’s ears. Pleasantly tickling those pinnae and leaving a residual humidity. Like someone had just spoke right into the half-elf’s ear canal with sultry “little-nothings” that would keep him up for all night. 


“Oh my! Hun! It seems that you’re at a complete loss for words. So smitten by someone that you’ve partially seen, why if I asked you to rip your arm off now…”


The soft tut, seemingly benign, punctuating the end of her sentence exploded in the increasingly delirious half-elf’s mind with an unparalleled erotic intensity.


“This simply won’t do. One second, let me just change something in your head quick. It will be like a little prick in your head.”


It was then that Nameless became aware of a pulsing heat began to rouse within his loins. A gushing of sanguine urged by a traitorous heart that screamed inside the young man’s chest. How could he? How could he embody such disgusting and disdainful lust towards such a beautiful being?


What! What am I doing? How dare my sexual organ try and defile my eating with this angelic existence. I…I…must abscond and relinquish its attachment to my body postha—


Nameless’s thoughts froze as he felt a surge of…energy…not magical energy…suffuse through his scalp, and then his mind.


“There we go. That should fix your brain and make it so that my presence doesn’t cause you harm.”


“Now then just follow what I say. Just one, two, three…breathe in and out.”


The jovial melody echoed in Nameless’s ears. He repeated what she said, then inhaled and exhaled. The rosy and the blurringly bright world of rolling bronze shifted back into clarity. Mad ramblings were supplanted by a slow and gradual confusion within the young man’s mind.


Wait…what was I doing?


Nameless attempted to speak. Although, his vocalizations were trapped as hot puffs of oral air that blasted against the pink fabric that covered the triangle that sat between the genie’s thighs.


“Hey! Stop that Nameless. It tickles.”


This time the half-elf was not completely spellbound by the bouncing tummy, and he tilted his head upwards. The brown skin of the lean abdomen continued, and atop it was twin swells of brown flesh. Fat breasts that swayed with the soft-green haired woman’s laughter, and would have been bare, if it were not for the two polygon-shaped sections of pink fabric. They barely sufficed as a bra, much less a top. The pink garb bore a golden border and were shaped like rectangles that stretched over the tanned woman’s jostling breasts, covering where the nipples would have resided. The bottom side of that rectangle, stretched downward into a triangle, such that the clothing looked like a noble family banner that would hang from a wall. A dangling golden and diamond-shaped trinket hung from the end of that paltry price of clothing. Those perky sacks of flesh were unblemished save for a singular black dot on the inner side of the right breast. Through the tanned woman’s uncovered cleavage, the young man was finally able to see the sharp and angled jawline. The tan woman’s chin reminded Nameless of the bone structure of some distant elf relatives he met in the past. In fact, two long brown ears sat on the sides of her head and below the soft green hair that was done up in a flowing ponytail. This mysterious woman’s face was both soft and sharp. Her purple eyes inviting and piercing. The brutish curvature that swelled her cheeks finally lessened as she got over her fit of muffled laughter. Those full lips rested and shifted into a comforting smile


“Hey there hun! Glad to finally see your face and the top of your head. I’m called a D.J.I.N.N. by the way. Not genie. It stands for D-type Juvenescent Information Networking Nucleus, but that is a mouthful. So just refer to me as a djinn.”


The gen— the djinn’s voice, tinged by static, still rattled through the half-elf’s ears pleasantly. Just not to the point that he would want to be absorbed into her flesh or kill himself. Like someone that a person would be fine with listening to them ramble on about their lousy day during lunch.


“I don’t know what kind of books you read, but they definitely messed up my name. So, I thought that I should clear that up. Glad to meet you, Nameless.”


The young man blinked as he processed what the tan woman said. Her unique parlance was ignored in favor of a matter that was more directly related to him.


Did…did you read my mind?


Nameless thought. As it was still difficult for him to talk with his chin now resting on the bottom of the djinn’s lower abdomen. And he didn’t have the freedom to reorient himself within the small space. With the alarm barrier still active, as a film in the open space of the exit behind him.


“Sure did hun. Oh, but no need to worry about me spilling any of your little secrets. I operate on an agreement of confidentiality with my masters and mistresses during and after my term of service with them.”


There was a soothing lilt to the djinn’s voice. Nameless couldn’t help but find the tension in his muscles relax. Not to the point of helplessness, but to the point that he was still aware of his worries in a way that didn’t perturb him. The sore muscles in his body, from the impulse of carrying the weight of a woman on his shoulders, felt like they were being soothed…kneaded even…by the tone of soft-green haired woman’s voice.


“And as the son of Mistress Morgan, you most assuredly fit the description of one of my masters.“


Great! So, you’re also reading my mind. Just like my mother…did you get it from her?


Nameless rolled his eyes and huffed. Inadvertently puffing another blast of air against djinn’s thinly cloaked crotch. The soft-green haired woman’s eyes twitched before she addressed the young man.


“Goodness no! Her and I have completely different powers. Also, hun! I told you to stop with the huffing and puffing. It’s rude to be huffing and puffing at a lady’s body, much less directly at her skin. Oh grief, but I suppose that we are hard-pressed right now. As much as I would like to talk to you…eye to eye…it seems like our current situation won’t avail us to such a scenario.”


D.J.I.N.N. gestured to the empty space, the invisible barrier that doubled as an alarm. Her legs, wrapped around Nameless’s back, kicked slightly forward. A very truncated arc. That ended with the djinn jerking back her foot to softly plop against the small of the half-elf’s back.


“I barely have any room to kick forward…my mischievous master who wants to use his mother’s last wish without her spoken approval.”


The tan woman raised an eyebrow. The half-elf’s heart began to race.


Last wish. You mean…


D.J.I.N.N. nodded. Confirming that the tan woman was still using telepathy to listen to her master’s thoughts. As he tried to not respire the natural musk that cooked between her balmy quads.


“Yes dearie. I know that you have three wishes in mind. How you want to cure your ailment of limiting magic potential, escape the stressful social pressure of your family watching you, and ensure a future where you can physically support your loved ones.”


D.J.I.N.N. paused. The tanned woman’s eyes darted back and forth, before peeking down her cleavage at Nameless’s reddened face. Then a gently sheepish smile crested on her face.


“Unfortunately, Mistress Morgan has already used two of the three wishes in my current service. After the last wish is granted, that’s the end of my charitable power for the next ten years.”


Ten years! 


“Hmm~ Exactly, my business hours are a bit wonky like that, but what am I to do.”


But…but I don’t have that long. I’ll be over thirty years by then…my magic path will be set in stone by that point.


Nameless felt the djinn’s fingers lightly ruffle his scalp. Her palm circled the back of his head in a bid of reassurance.




“Yes, but there is no need to hyperventilate. I think that I have a solution in mind that would solve both wishes in one. How do you put it…two…three birds one stone? Of course, I don’t think that you’ll necessarily need my reality-bending proficiency for these endeavors.”


Nameless noticed that his breathing had gotten a little erratic. The cause was less because of the weight of the woman, and more the fact that his mind was being directly peered into. It always unsettled him. As there were things that he wanted to keep private…




Yea…well I’m not sure if you know this, but families can be a little complicated…and I can’t really do much about biology.


Djinn coltishly rolled her eyes at that last thought.


“Right. You organics and your limitations. Ah, apologies if that name offends you. Last I checked it wasn’t an offensive phrase, but you never know. Doesn’t help that I’ve been in this dusty abode for who knows how long. Anyway, this reminds me of the past world before everything went to hell, and nearly everyone kicked the can. Well, hun, I guess that I should be glad that you aren’t asking me to help you with your childhood mistake with your father—“




Nameless’s body buckled and his mind raced. Anger, fear, and confusion. 


The young man didn’t notice that his stumbling gait pierced the invisible membrane of the barrier. 


The room began soundlessly flashing red. The alarm was set off.

Chapter End Notes:

Only took Nameless three chapters, but he got to the basement. Much better time than the 85 chapters Eren took to go to his basement in the manga Attack on Titan. 

This chapter ended up being too long, so I split it up into two. Go read the next chapter and then cast your vote at the end of it!! Also if you have anything that you want to comment about the story, please leave a review. I would really appreciate it.

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