Summary: These are rewrites of other great vore stories, with my additions and alterations, including alternate endings.
Disclaimer: No REAL shrinkies were teased, unwrapped, eaten, castrated or shat out in the making of these stories, nor were any siblings, students or ex-boyfriends or friend's boyfriends harmed.
Rated: R
Categories: Giantess,
Teenager (13-19),
Young Adult 20-29,
Body Exploration,
Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes,
Instant Size Change,
Mouth Play,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)Size Roles: F/f,
FF/mWarnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14
Completed: Yes
Word count: 31490
Read: 37769
Published: March 08 2024
Updated: April 10 2024
Story Notes:
I will cite the original story and author in the first chapter of each.
1. A Sibling Nuisance - Sibling Angst by kbDArt [Reviews - 2] 

(2990 words)
Jacque and his sister Isabelle had an antagonistic relationship. She had a secret shrink remote which she had used frequently. It wouldn't take much to set her off.
Chapter 1 of A Sibling Nuisance. Original story titled 'Sister Sierra' by 3l33thax0r.
Image of Isabelle by StunningMagicofAI (DA). Image of Margaery by CBusterArt (DA).
2. A Sibling Nuisance - A Snack Before Dinner by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (3398 words)
Chapter 2 and finale of A Sibling Nuisance.
Image of Isabelle licking Jacque by Voralfixation (DA). Image of Isabelle reminiscing at the window by battlestrength (DA).
3. If it looks like Candy - A Shrinking Suspicion by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (2422 words)
Five friends are preparing to go to a Halloween party when they are suddenly shrunk. The bigger problem: they’re all dressed up as candy.
This is the first chapter of If It Looks Like Candy... The original story is titled the same and written by A_Little_Bit_of_Everything.
4. If it looks like Candy - A Child's Thoughts on Candy, part 1 by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (1257 words)
Chapter 2 of If it looks like Candy...
Images of Alice eating Michael by vorifax (DA).
5. If it looks like Candy - A Child's Thoughts on Candy, part 2 by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (2089 words)
Chapter 3 of If it looks like Candy...
Image of shrunken Nora by FantasyFetishShop. Image of shrunken Jeana by vorifax.
6. If it looks like Candy - A Mother's thoughts on Candy by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (2161 words)
Chapter 4 and finale of If it looks like Candy.
Images by aaabbbzzz and vorifax, respectively.
7. Kerry - A Young Woman Scorned by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (1832 words)
Kerry is a virginal girl who loves the attention her figure generates from men and boys. Unfortunately, her would-be boyfriend thinks she's a tease and dumps her. Kerry doesn't take too kindly to it, pondering the shrink gel tablets her cousin gave her.
Chapter 1 of Kerry, a rewrite of the story Keri by Banfield.
Image of Matt in a jar by ilayhu2 (DA). Image of Kerry by Dark-Mind-X (DA).
8. Kerry - Denuded and Devoured by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (3230 words)
Chapter 2 and finale of Kerry.
Images of Kerry peering down at Matt by mk969 (DA).
Image of shrunken Matt on Kerry's nose by jmark1966 (DA).
Images of Kerry drooling by coprinuscomatus (DA).
9. Party Time - The Girls Plan Their Party by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (1403 words)
Chapter 1 of Party Time.
Your college girlfriend is having a sleep over with two of her girlfriends (who have recently been studying a book of spells). You aren’t invited, but your friends convince you to crash it. What could go wrong?
This is a rewrite of a story by Kickyou with the same title. Backstory has been added, with quite of bit of alteration for the story details. This version will also feature two alternate endings for the final chapter.
10. Party Time - Party Crashers by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (1274 words)
Chapter 2 of Party Time.
11. Party Time - Steph and Tom by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (2051 words)
Chapter 3 of Party Time.
Image of Stephanie by OYG-3D (DA).
12. Party Time - Claire and Bill by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (1993 words)
Chapter 4 of Party Time.
13. Party Time - Little Mark's Turn (ending 1) by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (2169 words)
Chapter 5 and finale of Party Time. Ending 1.
Image of gulping by OYG-3D (DA).
14. Party Time - Little Mark's Turn (ending 2) by kbDArt [Reviews - 0] (3221 words)
Chapter 5 and finale of Party Time. Ending 2.