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Dragging himself across the drenched leggings, David felt the cooling rush of fresh air, the electrical hum, the whirr of air conditioning. The brightness stung his eyes, forcing him to squint. He emerged into his new surroundings.

The leggings had been discarded onto the floor. David found Shyrece, or more accurately, her immense legs dangling over the side of a bench. Her panting boomed out. He could hear her licking her lips with an inconsistent smack. From the way her legs were spread, David guessed what she was doing.

A foot, gargantuan in size and scale, loomed over him. Behemothic toes wiggled; David sighed. He saw it coming down, felt the earth shudder around him as Shyrece’s immensity came crashing down. He had just enough time to notice that her foot was a shade lighter than the rest of her body before it slammed right into him, pinning him flat. Not only was he slathered in her cum, Shyrece somehow found another way to compound this humiliation by making him endure her foot. The only comfort was that the leggings provided a cushion. Better to be utterly smothered on something soft than on the cold hard floor he supposed. That thought was his only comfort as he was engulfed by the smooth sole, entombed by her foot so completely he had no room to move. David put in a token feeble struggle, but he was spent. Even the fever seemed tired of it all at this point. The damnable virus wasn’t able to squeeze any more joy out of him now. Perhaps it only wanted to be crushed by her ass, rather than her foot.

Shame swallowed him whole as Shyrece’s foot ground him down. Being nigh impervious when shrunk had its blessings - he wasn’t dead at the very least, though at this point part of him wished he was. He would have to go through the rest of his life feeling this sting, the pain of knowing he was reduced to nothing, made to be a toy and unwillingly used to satiate Shyrece’s sensuality. He would also have to go on living with the intimate and haunting knowledge of what it was like to be flattened beneath a giantess’ foot, to be so overwhelmed by such idle strength that he was stuck and forced to stare up into her sole as Shyrece masturbated away. He could hear her, feel the pressure rising once more. One small mercy: he wasn’t being flooded by her cum. But this? This was hardly better. It was pathetic, he was pathetic.

Shyrece’s foot lifted away. David decompressed, hurtled down and landed this time atop her leggings. Upon the summit of her clothing, he watched the giantess move towards the showers across the changing room. For all the humiliation he felt, a twinge of awe overcame him, a strange sensation undoing the knot that had twisted in his gut. Shyrece’s gorgeous body, so unfathomably huge versus him, was laid bare. Her leggings and bra were removed, David watched as her step sent her luscious glossy ass cheeks rippling, thighs wiggling and hips swaying from the powerful movements, all being in slow motion. Cum dripped down from her groin, staining her thigh gap. He didn’t need the virus to make him find the sight so alluring. Power of such magnitude was innately alluring. Shyrece, her athletic form lustrous from the sweat and her fluids, strode away, the ear-splitting thooms and booms of her footfall growing fainter.

Running waters and steam clouds, Shyrece’s soft yet godly voice arose from behind the wall as the shower ran. She was humming and singing.

An odd tranquillity set in. He was in the best possible position now to get her attention. Surely she would notice him as a remote speck now. If anything, Shyrece would be able to see a minute dot outlined by her white leggings and, hopefully, question what it was doing there. It all suited David well for one simple reason: fatigue. Surviving this whole ordeal, plus all the climbing, sapped him of his strength. Even the virus which drove this whole ordeal was now content to have him lay atop this pillowy peak and rest. 

The shower’s spluttering ceased followed by a contented sigh. Shyrece appeared once more, her earth-shattering gait rumbling the leggings and stirring David up from his rest. Fear danced in his stomach at the sight of such a titanness coming straight towards him, but her curves, her physique sent David as wild as ever. Wisps of steam streaked across her wet body, erect nipples proudly protruded upon a colossal chest, a faint jiggle making her boobs bob up and down. Above it all was that statuesque features: a sharp pointed chin, ombre hair now slick and wetted, a cute button nose. She hummed along still, the power of her harmony upon his chest. 

Confident he was about to be rescued, David waved up at her. He didn’t feel the need to scream or to yell. There was no way Shyrece could ignore him now.

She took another step. David waved harder. Another step. Panic crept in. He waved faster. Another step. David waved frantically. Another, and soon Shyrece was towering above him. He could feel the nascent heat as her body cooled down from the hot shower, her massive form changing the humidity so that it felt he was now in a sauna. Now he was yelling. She couldn’t be that stupid, no one was that oblivious, Shyrece wasn-

Lumbering down, her hand came down, gripped the leggings, hosting both it and David up. The sudden shifting surroundings were like a blur in his vision. He could feel himself tumbling, rolling, fields of white meshing with a stream of black and brown. Dazed, reeling, the ground gave out from under him and now he was in freefall, plummeting down from the heavens, legs kicking out and arms flailing as he spun in the air, the wind blasting against him. As he spun about, he could see where he was about to meet his end: Shyrece’s gym bag. It was open almost as if ready to welcome him into his new home. He prayed for Shyrece to notice him. There was no chance, even with the virus’ effects, that he could survive smashing onto the floor from this height.

The bag came closer and closer, his vision filled. This was the end. He passed by the lip, into the darkness. David closed his eyes, not wanting to see his oncoming death.

With a pomf! David gently landed into a blue basin, at the bottom of which a soft cushion absorbed the speed of his fall, leaving him in a small imprint of his own making. Ocean-blue walls stretched all around and only gave way to a rectangular opening way above. A waft of dampness and the faint smell of freshly cleaned clothes. David ran his hands on the surface. He touched a similar fabric before. Shyrece’s hand came into the bag, aiming right towards him.

A spare pair of leggings.

Before he could make any headway, Shyrece grabbed her new leggings, bringing them up. Reality swirled for David, the g-force from being swung about darkening his vision, making him black out. All he could feel was his racing heart, hear the swoosh as he was dragged aloft with the leggings. When it all settled, David stared up at Shyrece as she began to slip herself into her new clothes.

Now there was the urge to run. David wouldn’t be trapped again, not like this. Filled with determination, he sprung to his feet and made for the rapidly ascending slope before him, and as the leggings levelled up, he climbed up. Knowing he could survive the fall, he could leap out and dive into the bag. 

But Shyrece thwarted his hopes. As she stumbled about to fit one leg in, all the commotion caused David to lose his grip. He dangled, one arm still holding on. He could hear the oncoming rush, the hurtling of something immense on its way towards him. Roaring past him, a gargantuan foot sped into what seemed a neverending hole, followed then by a toned leg, announcing the arrival of a titanic thick thigh. David turned back to the ascent, regained his grip and kept moving up. The dilation between their movements meant he could have enough time before she was fully in her leggings. He just needed to keep going. One last effort.

Distant booms, the mighty thick at his back rippled. The light dimmed, becoming a distant ball. Shyrece was pulling the fabric up, which meant… David didn’t want to look. He did so anyway.

Shyrece’s cheek ploughed into him, its soft doughiness spreading out all around him, entombing him once more in a new world, one solely consisting of her huge black ass. This time there was no struggle, no fruitless bashing. Pinned in place, David took a faceful of her butt, basking in her thickness once more, and hated every single moment of it. Her ass kept jiggling, the voluptuousness that was once candy to the eye a humiliating curse when shrunk. Even the fever abandoned him now in this purgatory. All there was now was Shyrece’s ass. He was overwhelmed by it, made completely and utterly pathetic by it. All those hours in the gym, all those hours building up strength and muscle just to be at the mercy of a single giant ass cheek. Indignity made him rage, forcing him to call up whatever dregs of willpower he still had to make one final attempt to escape. As if reading his mind, Shyrece sat down.

The weight of the world landed upon David, forcing him to suffer somehow more of her ass. He heard a harsh crunch, his bones being pulverised by Shyrece’s immense butt, yet that was drowned out by the explosive boom of her sitting down. David could only wiggle his digits, and barely at that. Heat rose, his body ached, David grunted out helplessly. All there was now was Shyrece, all there was now was her ass, all there was now was to accept his new fate as a shrunken tiny trapped in her leggings: submission.


Shyrece sighed as she dried her hair, silently thanking God for remembering to pack another set of leggings in case of emergencies. She sat down, ignoring that irritating little niggle on her cheek. It seemed to be a recurring theme at this point. Maybe her leggings were too tight at this point, and this was her body's way of letting her know that her ass was far too huge for this choice of clothing. 

Focusing on the set about one the next hardship, Shyrece readied her sports bra. Such were the problems when one is hot. Her leggings were a pain to get around her thighs, to get up and over her thick ass - an issue caused by far too many squats. Pulling and tugging, it was always as if the leggings simply didn't want to go on.

The sports bra was worse, however. Nestling her breasts was a chore thanks to their cumbersome size. It gave her an excuse to wriggle at least, allowing her to slip her arms through and begin the odious task of ensuring her breasts didn’t burst through her bra whilst at the same time using her ass to flatten out whatever was on this bench. It took a few moments, but her breasts were tucked away enough to satisfy her. Still, they were so huge that they were almost spilling out the top. She thought she’d have to stop this game eventually. David, that thick-headed hunk, would eventually find out the reason why she kept on wearing such tight-fitting clothing. Flaunting was always a part of it, seeing everyone stare and ogle at how blessed she was to be graced with such outrageous curvature, but it was all for David to pop the question and ask her out. For all the muscles he worked out, he never seemed to exercise his brain at all.

She rose to her feet, crossed the changing room to the standing mirror and allowed herself the excuse to check herself out. Her womanhood still pricked, but she was nowhere near as horny. Running a hand down her wide hip, she placed the other beneath her breast and bounced it up and down, admiring how it shook her chest. Now turning sideways, Shyrece tutted. Her backside arched far out, ass jutting out, held aloft by a stocky toned thigh, but there was a bump so small it bordered upon the imperceptible. It ruined how her leggings so perfectly outlined her thickness.

Raising a hand, she smacked the bump with all her strength. Pleasure raced across her as her hearty spank made her gorgeous butt jiggle. Shyrece pulled her leggings up more; the bump disappeared. Satisfied, she rubbed her hand over a cheek, patting her backside before turning away to collect her bag.

I guess there's always next time~

The tingle was still there, even as she left the changing room. Shyrece went back out to the free weights section and grabbed David’s bag as well. The idiot must have been in a rush, probably fretting over that shrinking virus as per usual. It was that thought that seemed to make her womanly ache roar alive. Shyrece licked her lips. She could tend to her passion back at home. There were far more toys that could help scratch that incessant perverted itch, and she had more than enough energy to make her fun last the whole night.

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