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A Man of His Time

By NFalc

The Prison

"It's her!" I yell as Raymond comes into view. "Raymond, she's the one. Cheryl. She's the one who destroyed our city!"

Raymond grabs me by the shoulders, and turns me roughly to the right.

She's standing right in front of us.

I must not have heard the door open.

In one swift movement, her arm flies downwards as she crouches, sweeping us all into her hand, which she quickly closes, trapping us all inside her fist. She doesn't crush us, but her grip is tight enough that there is no chance of escape.

Her fist flies around as she rummages in the shoe closet, without bothering to keep her hand level. The motion is so fast and constant that everything becomes a sickening blur. I close my eyes, I try to calm down. The blood is pounding in my ears. You bitch, you bitch, you bitch. There's a voice in my head screaming this at me, urging me to bite, scratch, punch, do anything in my power to hurt this woman. The sad fact that I am powerless does nothing to help.

Finally, Cheryl finds what she's looking for. A shoebox. She lifts the lid, and then I'm flying through space, landing hard on cardboard which drops, falling to the ground, bashing us around. "I'll deal with you later," she says, and I hear the pounding of her footsteps as she walks away.

I need a moment to clear my head.

There's a strange ache in my knuckles, and I realize that I've been punching the cardboard walls, hitting them so hard my fists are bleeding. My throat hurts. Someone is screaming. Me. I've completely lost it.

"You're in shock," says Raymond from behind me. An echo from my past. A reminder of how I've betrayed my city, my friends, myself. You slept with her, the evil bitch. You fucking slept with her. "You have to calm down. I know it's hard, but you have to."

It takes a lot of effort for me to unclench my fist. I put my hand to the rough cardboard wall, and I lean my head against it, and tears, silent tears well in my eyes. I am not crying. These are tears of rage.

Most of the space in our prison is occupied by two large, black patent leather pumps. Still, there is plenty of room for those our size, even if it's uncomfortable, and smells strongly of leather and female sweat. I wonder, dimly, if she has others trapped in shoeboxes like we are, or if we're just special. I always wanted to be her special one, her favorite. It reminds me of Jude, before he died, and the thought of him makes me sick.

Our prison is dark: there is a single hole poked through the roof to allow air, and a small amount of light. The hole is only a foot wide, and it is positioned over the flat part of the pump. There is no way we can use it to escape. The lack of light makes it difficult to see my friends. We haven't talked much, since we were captured. I think my outburst frightened them.

Dustin simply sits crosslegged, lost in his own thoughts. Raymond leans against a wall, hands balled into fists, jaw clenched tightly into a frown. I can tell he's thinking about her.

The silence begins to feel like it's closing in on me, tightening it's grip. I have to say something, anything. So I do. "I'm sorry." My voice is hoarse. It hurts a little to talk. My knuckles hurt also, I hurt all over. I welcome the pain. It reminds me.

Raymond looks at me coolly. "Sorry for what?"

I feel my eyes stinging again. "I don't know. I'm just... sorry."

Raymond pauses a minute, gazing up into the gloom. "I don't think I would have done anything differently from you."

"I lost my head," I admit, "I didn't think. I just had to tell you... I didn't know what to do. I didn't think."

"Don't beat yourself up about it." I look down at my bloody knuckles. Dustin laughs dryly, and even I smile.

"I think I already have."

There's a strange pause. I want to talk about something, but I don't know what to say.

"There's something I have to tell you, Adam," Raymond says. "There's something you need to know about..."

He trails off, as there's a sudden scraping sound all around us. Light floods into the box, hurting my eyes, which had just become adjusted to the dark. She's back again. I grit my teeth, and struggle to control myself.

Cheryl simply looks at us, those huge green eyes piercing, frightening. I'm reminded once more of the sheer physical power she possesses, which she can use at a moment's notice. But if she wanted us dead, she would have killed us right away.

"I always knew who you were, from the moment I saw you," She begins, and I know she's speaking only to me. "Even if you did not recognize me. And I began to realize, that if you were anything like your father, you would not be afraid. You wouldn't leave it alone. You would come after me, carrying out some simple-minded quest for vengeance, and do it until you died.

"That would have been such an utter nuisance. So, I thought up ways to stop you. The most obvious one, of course, was to kill you. Don't think I didn't try. But I couldn't do it out in the open. Some of the other ranking members of the Establishment put a high value on the men raised in the wild. So I tried subtlety. I assigned Toni to give the entrance test at the Plant, knowing she would be merciless. I had one of my workers assigned to kill you.

"Yet, you somehow avoided them all, only to come, stupidly, stubbornly out here. And I realized that you still didn't know who I was. So I used you. I tried to put you on my side."

I realize that everything, my special tasks, my good treatment, even the sex, were all designed simply to win me over to her side. I shake my head, disgusted with her, and with myself for falling for it.

"And now you've found out. It was the shoes, wasn't it? I should have realized, that must have been all that you remembered of it. Your kind are so puny compared to us, that you could only have seen up to my ankles."

"Why are you telling me all this?" I ask.

Cheryl's confidence breaks slightly for a second, a slight frown shows through her even expression. "I suppose it's refreshing to be honest," she says. "Yes, now we both know the score. I suppose I'm just playing fair."

"This is no game. You destroyed my city, Cheryl. You killed everyone I knew or loved. I can never forgive you for this." I say, struggling to keep my voice level.

"I never asked for your forgiveness. I don't regret anything I've done. I suppose it's too bad it will have to end this way."

"You're going to kill us, then?" shouts Raymond from behind me. "Just like that? You can't be through with us that easily!"

She presses her scarlet lips together thoughtfully. "No, I won't kill you just like that. You've caused me too much trouble, you can't get off so easily. And besides, fair is fair. No, I know just what to do with you." She stands up, stretching high into the sky, until from where I stand I can only see the tops of her ankles. Then the cover comes over us again, and we are plunged into darkness.

The motion of the box is rocky as Cheryl carries us around. It's when we've come to a stop that I believe we've reached our destination, and get to my feet. The box wobbles slightly, and I realize she's simply standing still.

Her voice is muted through the cardboard, but I can still make out the words. "You've been good lately, dear, and I thought I'd give you a little token of my appreciation."

"Mom, I told you already, I don't want any of your stupid shoes, I have enough of my own." Not that voice. She's not giving us to her...

"Toni, stop being a spoiled brat for once, and at least open your gift." There's a sudden jolt as we're shoved forward, and I lose my balance.

The lid opens up, and her face is there before us like a movie screen, filling our vision. Her cute blue eyes, with their silent promise of cruelty, light up when they land on us. "Are they mine?"

"All yours, honey. Do whatever you want with them."

A slow, frightening smile spreads across those pink lips. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best."

Then the cover is replaced, and we're in darkness once more.

The cover comes off, and I get my first glance at Toni's room.

It is, quite simply, a mess. There are stockings and bras littered everywhere, a T-shirt draped over a lamp, shoes cluttered around. It was easy to forget that Toni was merely a teenager, probably a year or two younger than me. Her sheer size overwhelmed any concept of age differences.

Toni tilts the box until we're dumped out onto soft white carpet, the fibers cushioning my fall. Then she turns and walks away from us, bare feet both thudding and slapping against the floor. She picks up a phone next to her bed, dials a number, then flops down on the ground a good distance away from us, as if she's completely forgotten our existence. Within seconds, she's chatting on the phone with some friend, as if we're not even there.

She wears a thin-strapped white top, and a pink miniskirt that shows off her tanned thighs. Once again, I'm struck by how little she resembles her mother. She's certainly as good-looking, though, if not even a little more so. Seeing her spread out on the floor before me makes my head spin slightly against my will.

Raymond taps me on the shoulder. "Now's the time," he whispers. "While she's distracted we find a hiding place, then wait until she leaves the room and make a break for it."

I nod, and we set off across her room, searching for a good place to hide. There are several hiding spots, given the clothes scattered all over, but we need a place that is both well-hidden and near the door. The three of us wade through the heavy carpet, making our way towards a white lacy bra that is lying to the right of the doorway.

We're getting close, so close, when I hear Toni's voice get louder. "Yeah, my mom just gave me three of them. Your mom hasn't gotten you any? Ohhh..." Her feet are thudding once more across the carpet. I struggle to move faster, the thick fibers stopping my progress. "Well then, come over and play with mine! It's not like I don't share."

Those tan feet land on either side of us. I gaze upwards, and find that Toni isn't wearing any underwear beneath the pink skirt. "Okay, get here quick though, or they might be all gone." She booms from above.

Then she crouches down above us, her pussy bearing down on us from above, and for a second I wonder if she plans to crush us all beneath her right then and there. But it stops, just fifty feet above us, and I feel a gigantic droplet fall on my head. Oversexed. Like mother, like daughter, even if they are of no genetic relation.

She steps backwards slightly, peering down on us, a terrifying smile on her face. It feels like I can see every one of those huge, straight white teeth. "I know you three. You're the ones who talked back to me. Thinking my mom would protect you. But she doesn't care about you now..."

A hand sweeps down and closes around Dustin, who flails uselessly against those tapered fingers with their pink nails. Once more, she brings him to her face. "You need to learn some manners," she says. "You really should remember, if you get mouthy with a girl, she might get mouthy with you."

And without any hesitation, she throws him into her vast, pink mouth. I silently pray for her not to chew. She couldn't swallow him alive, he's too big for that... Could she? No, she simply rolls him back and forth inside her jaws, pushing him around from cheek to cheek. I watch, horrified, knowing that there is nothing I can do.

Eventually, she spits him out. He is covered in her saliva. His hair is tousled. For the first time I see fear, real fear in his eyes. He knows how close he's come to death.

"Now, what was it I was doing with you three when my mom interrupted? Oh, I remember, we were playing hide and go seek... So who's going to hide this time?"

None of us move. We stare at her, wondering what she's going to do next. She's out of her mind. She could do anything... we're just toys for her.

She bends down low, until her face is right in front of us, and then extends a finger. "Eeeny, meenie..." she chants, the pink fingernail stabbing the air in front of us in turn. "Miny, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. My mother... well screw my mother, you're it." The fingernail is pointing right at me.

I go limp as her fingers close around me, soft pads pressing tight against my chest. I'm hoisted into the air. She turns around, calling downwards, "No peeking!" Then, without warning, I find myself hurtling down her neckline, under the top, towards her bra. Her colossal fingers shove me into place, and I feel something wrap around my waist. An elastic band. Toni has managed to rig her bra so that I'm held right next to the firm, yet yielding flesh of her breast. If I try to move, I'll fall. When I struggle, she simply giggles.

I realize that Toni is either not terribly intelligent or not very original. This is the same place she held Dustin. I can see why he was smiling when she let him out. If I was in any other situation, this would be amazing. As it is, it's terrifying.

"Okay," she says, and I can both hear her words and feel them vibrate through me. "Time for you to seek!"

I feel myself tilting wildly backwards, and I know she must be lying down. Now there's no danger of falling. I try to wriggle out of the elastic, but she's wound it tight. Expertly. I wonder how many others she's put in here.

I feel her giggle, and her the flesh behind me bounces. "Finding it hard to get up?" She asks my friends. "Let me give you a hand."

I can see nothing more than the white of her top in front of me, and her tan skin everywhere else. I pray that Raymond and Dustin manage to find me.

"That's right," she says, her voice becoming slightly deeper. "Explore. I can feel you walking over me. It feels so good." Her breath is heavier, her chest expanding further under me. No wonder she put me in the same spot as Dustin. These little games are how she gets her kicks.

I can hear footsteps, and I know that Raymond and Dustin aren't dumb: this must be the first place they're looking for me. Too bad for Toni, the fun will be over too soon. I see their shadows through the white top, then there's some muffled speech. I whistle softly, trying to let them know my position without getting Toni's attention.

It works. Seconds later, Dustin lowers himself carefully down her shirt. He loses his grip however, and falls - right onto her breast. Suddenly, I'm pushed upwards as Toni arches her back, with a huge gasp of pleasure. Dustin slides down into the crevice between her huge boobs, managing to grab onto the string of her bra. I'm shoved to the right as she puts pressure on herself, shoving her breasts together, trapping Dustin between them.

He claws his way upwards between those two soft mountains, fighting for air. I watch with a sick fascination. She's crushing him between them. She must be able to feel every one of his movements.

Raymond dives in from above, landing somewhere above me on her heaving breast. He skillfully slides down the slope of her curves, grabbing onto the elastic next to me. He pulls at the elastic, giving me just enough freedom to slide down out of her bra, and slide down her chest onto her flat stomach. A moment later, and I see Dustin sliding down behind me, with Raymond just after him.

Distantly, I hear a knock on the door.

Everything that was horizontal begins to turn vertical. I find myself sliding further down Toni's body as she stands up. I try in vain to grasp her belly button as it flies by, and find myself hurtling downwards, straight towards her pussy. I have no choice. If I fall, I will die. I grab on to one of the blond hairs before me, and hold on for my life.

"Hey Christie," I hear Toni say from somewhere above us.

Raymond and Dustin have grabbed hold above me. I press myself against her, and try not to move. If we stay close enough, there's a chance she won't feel us down here. Maybe she'll think we're still stuck in her breasts.

"Hey girl," I hear a deeper voice answer. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much. Just playing with my new toys."

"Ooh, you mean the ones you talked about on the phone? Can I see?"

"Sure," Toni says, and I know that a hundred feet above, she's fishing around in her shirt for us. "Now where'd they get to... I know I put them in here..."

"They probably figured out some way of getting out. We should look on the ground for them."

"Yeah," says Toni, and I want to jump for joy. Instead, I focus on staying absolutely still as she moves into a crouched position. Her thighs spread out in front of us, and I realize that if I slide down just right, I can use her thigh to get to the ground safely. I look up at Raymond. He nods. It's a plan.

I close my eyes, and let go. Feel her skin as I slide down it. Press my body into her thigh as I plummet. The angle is just right.

I hit the carpet fairly gently. It could not have worked out better. Raymond and Dustin fall behind me. Raymond waves his hand onwards. This is our chance to escape.

As the girls search for us in the corners of the room, under the scattered clothing, we make our way out of the room as quickly as possible. Maybe it's a miracle, but neither of them have noticed us by the time we're out the door.

Raymond signals us over to the space near the hallway's running board. We lean against the wall, and catch our breath.

"Where do we go now?" I ask.

Raymond grimaces. "We need to find somewhere safe, where we can wait until the Underground arrives."

"It's only been four days since we got here," I reply. "Antoine said they'd be back in a week."

"We've eaten well, we've drank our fill," Raymond responds. "We can survive for three days in hiding. This is the only way we can be sure we get out alive."

"Then where can we wait?" Dustin asks.

"The mouse hole in the living room. The one we came in through. We can wait it out there. Toni's bedroom is on the ground floor, so we won't have to worry about stairs. All we have to do is make a careful run for it."

So we move down the hallway, trying to stay hidden in the shadows, listening for the slightest noise of a woman approaching.

It takes us a tense half an hour to make it to the living room. We follow Raymond's lead then, as he ducks behind furniture, crawling along, making sure that we won't be seen.

Then we run into a problem.

There is a large space in the living room that has no furniture, nothing to hide behind, nothing but open carpet. It's about three hundred of our feet long, and it stands directly between us and our goal.

"Fuck," Raymond mutters. "This is it. We're screwed."

"There has to be some way -" Dustin starts.

"No, there's no way. We can't afford to be caught. If she so much as catches a glimpse of us, she'll stop at nothing to find us again. Cheryl is... methodical."

An image of the red shoes comes fleeting across my mind. How many times did she bring those shoes down upon my city? It wasn't enough for her. She had to make sure every last soul was dead. But she missed us. The last two survivors.

Raymond suddenly points at the hole. There's someone in it.

There, waving us forward, is Antoine.

It's a mirage. It's a miracle. It's sheer dumb good luck. If we're able to get out immediately, it won't matter if she spots us or not. We all break into a run, galloping across the polished wood floor. My heart is pounding in my ears again, with joy this time instead of rage.

I don't hear the footsteps. It's only when I look up that I see Antoine, frantically waving his hands at us to stop.

It's too late.

It's not the thud I hear, as Cheryl's foot comes down on the floor. It's the sickening crack of bone, the horrible crunching sound. I turn my head, still running, unable to stop.

It's Raymond. Half of his body is under her foot. His face is twisted in surprise and pain.

I turn and begin running back towards him, and I am no longer thinking, I am no longer here. I have lost the ability to think. Dustin shouts somewhere in the distance behind me, and he no longer matters. Raymond is my best friend.

I didn't see Antoine step out from his hiding place. I only heard later of how he took just a split second to aim and fire the harpoon, how he nailed the shot from three hundred feet away, a near impossible feat. He saved my life. None of it mattered.

Her foot lifts away as she cries out in sudden pain, stumbling backwards. As the sole lifts off of him, I see that everything below Raymond's waist has been crushed into a bloody mess. He is missing half his torso, his intestines spilling out into the gore behind him. He screams, a scream of pure fear and pain, like an animal.

I don't think as I hoist his remains onto my shoulder. I don't think about the pathetic remains of his lower body that hang limply behind us as I run. I don't think about what could happen to him. We have to make it to the mouse hole. Thinking isn't necessary.

Antoine and Dustin each take one of Raymond's arms when we make it in, and then we keep running, running until we're back in the tunnel which leads to the Underground headquarters.

It's only then that we lay him down, his blood staining our clothes, his face ashen. His breath comes in ragged gasps. I grip his hand tightly, and realize that it's cold.

"I have - to tell you..." he says, struggling to form the words.

"Don't talk," Antoine says. "You're exerting yourself, making the blood flow faster..."

"You have - to know," Raymond gasps, his eyes locked on mine. "You have to - remember..."

I hold his hand, and look into his eyes, and I don't realize that this is the last time I will ever be able to speak to him. I just nod silently.

"The sins... of the father... do not... pass on..."

There's a rush of air, as if he is deflating. His eyes roll up backwards into his head as he goes limp. It's Antoine who gently closes his eyelids. My own eyes are too blurry from tears.
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