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Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter 5 of Shrinky Maze Runner Surprise.

Image of shrunken Johnny (the young boy from Nibs Adventures, The Traditional Family) being eaten by Lindsay by AmyGiantess (DA).

Image of a shrinky underneath an upturned glass by CaddyIsRaddy (DA).

Shrinky Maze Runner Surprise: At the Dish


Forbidden Dish, the bar on the second level


It had been a slow lunchtime crowd at the Dish and even slower time at the bar area on the second floor. Meanwhile, things had also been slow on the third floor, with few patrons going to the pool or riding the Virtual Vore. A single game of Shrinky Maze Runner had concluded roughly a half hour prior. Danielle had refereed the game. Afterwards, she had found her fellow server and friend Lindsay and the two were lounging on barstools as they took their lunchtime break and mingled with the barmaid Kara. One other patron, a woman in her late twenties ate quietly by herself a ways away from them.

Kara had brought a ‘Bop It’ handheld electronic device for slow times such as this and was playing with it as Lindsay and Danielle sat sipping their drinks and eating from a tray of traditional appetizers.


“Bop it…Twist it…” went the monotone robotic voice.

Lindsay bemoaned how slow the week had been and that she’d had to attend the shrink booth the previous night.

“Atleast the Shrinky Maze Runner game seems to be catching on”, said Danielle as she took the Bop It from Kara.

“Pull it…Whip it…”

“Yeah”, sighed Lindsay. “And I know Meghyn’s planned to start the ShrinkBall and Vore Tag in late fall. That should be fun.”

The young server Mackenzie walked over and sat down with them. “Can I play?”

“Sure”, said Danielle, handing her the Bop It.

“Click it…Spin it…”

As she played with the tool, Mackenzie noticed the frown on Lindsay’s face. “Slow day, huh?”


“Who was that boy you ate just a bit ago?”, Danielle asked.

“Nobody special. Just some kid. I think he said his name was Johnny”, Lindsay replied casually.

“Just some cute boy named Johnny?”, Danielle smirked. She remembered the teenager as he’d come in, a bundle of energy and impatience, almost out of breath as he asked for Lindsay. When Danielle had pointed in Lindsay’s direction, the boy had broke into a big smile, muttered something about “this is gonna be great” and then made a b-line for the server.

“Mmm, well, he had a funny last name – reminded me of a cat”, Lindsay paused, trying to recall the name of the boy she’d eaten just fifteen minutes prior. She thought back to the boy, who had insisted on being shrunk down to just 1.5 inches as he told her he wanted to jump around on her tongue. She had played with him for awhile before swallowing him head-first down her gullet. The tickling sensation she felt when he squirmed down her throat helped her to remember his name.

“Whiskers”, she said proudly. “That was his last name. He kept going on about how he’d just turned eighteen and had been waiting for months to get in my mouth. He kept asking me if I remembered him when he was here with his family. I pretended to remember, though I didn’t have a clue who he was. I gotta say, though, he was yummy.”

Danielle laughed, “Lindsay, you say that about all the guys you eat”, prompting the others to laugh and Lindsay to nod in agreement.

“Lindsay, how many people have you eaten…I mean, like total”, Mackenzie inquired.

“Oh gosh, no idea”, Lindsay answered, adding “Meghyn’s kept track of those sorts of things on her spreadsheet. Last I knew, it was several hundred.”

“She loves eating guys”, Danielle chimed in. “For Lindsay, it’s better than sex.”


Lindsay was thoughtful for a moment, before saying, “Actually, in a way, it actually is a kind of sexual experience for me.”

“Mmm. Yeah”, Mackenzie concurred. “I wonder…how many of those guys you’ve eaten, was it their first sexual experience?”

“That’s an interesting thought”, Lindsay remarked. She hadn’t given it much thought before, but she quickly ran the idea through her head.

“I bet a fair share of the younger ones had their first sexual experience in Lindsay’s mouth”, Danielle offered.

“Twist it…Spin it…Pull it…”

“Can I get some hot sauce?”, said the voice of the woman at the other side of the bar.

“Of course”, Kara replied, looking over her array of sauce bottles, “how hot do you like?”

“Eh, what’s your hottest?”, the woman said.

“Here, try this”, Kara said, sliding a bottle with a scorching flame logo on it down to her.


“So Linz, do you have any special shrinkies you’ve eaten. Any that have been super memorable?”, Mackenzie asked.

“Er, some of them”, Lindsay said, though she didn’t appear very convicted in her statement.

“Tell me…”, said Mackenzie, eager to hear of her exploits.

“Well, there were those first guys I ate, when I got second place in the inaugural Miss Vore beauty pageant…”, Lindsay said, then paused to try to recollect some more of her conquests.

After some seconds, Danielle laughed, saying, “You really don’t remember any of them, do you?”

“Don’t you have any favorites?”, asked Mackenzie.

“Sure I do”, said Lindsay defensively, “uh…I like all of them”, Lindsay said.

“Lindsay…?!”, said Kara, with a teasing, almost stern tone. “You know that’s not what she meant.”

“Oh, alright, I don’t remember them. Ok? So shoot me”, Lindsay said, throwing her hands up in annoyance, like a child having been found out that had snuck into the cookie jar. “It’s like that saying, out of sight, out of mind?”

“Well I remember mine”, said Mackenzie with an almost innocent expression. “There was Jason. Then Josh…mmm, he was dreamy. And Seth, I just had him last week, he was delicious, and…”

Lindsay cut her off, rather annoyed, “I can’t help it. My motto is – life is short, they are short; eat’em up and move on.”


But Lindsay did remember one of them quite well. Danielle’s presence was a constant reminder to her of when she’d sneakily eaten her boyfriend, Quinton. To this day, Danielle had been unaware of Quinn’s fate. Of course, Lindsay couldn’t make that publicly known, since she’d eaten Quinn against his will. And also the fact that it would ruin their friendship. She also vaguely remembered the first guy she’d eaten on her first day working in the Dish - Cameron or Charlie or Cory or whatever his name was.

She also remembered quite well the one that had gotten away from her – BJ. BJ had been a local star athlete who’d just graduated high school. Not only had he been very handsome and a physical specimen, but he’d been very cocky, especially towards Lindsay and had made repeated visits to the Dish. It was almost like he was mocking her. But the boy had eventually met his demise at the hands of Megan Jones and Cruella Lang – atleast that was what the rumor was. She hadn’t seen either of those women since that night. She’d heard from the shift manager Colby that Megan had a falling out around that time with her aunt, the founder and owner/manager of Forbidden Dish, Meghyn. Megan had apparently moved away somewhere to America’s northeast.


Charles Eddington listened to the women, along with a man named Jordan, whom Charles had just met an hour earlier. The two were the lone survivors of the game of Shrinky Maze Runner which had just finished a half hour earlier. Both stood on a plate on the bar counter, still shrunk to their 1.5 inch height and in their edible shorts, awaiting their resizing and taking advantage of their ‘Frequent Runner Points’, eating tiny bits of pasta, bread and shrimp that the barmaid Kara had sliced into tiny portions to match their size.

While they had listened intently to the server’s conversation and watched them play Bop It, Charles’ attention was now focused on the ‘other’ shrinky who had technically ‘survived’ the game. Except that he had been captured and was fully nude and on his knees underneath a clear upturned glass.

The woman at the bar had plucked him out from under the glass she had used to keep him captive and was now in the process of dipping the now nude guy into the hot sauce Kara had given her.

“Wait! NO…”, screamed the tiny man, who was flailing blindly with his hands, trying to remove the ultra-hot sauce from his face. His legs were squirming too and the woman had to get a solid grip on him to keep him from sliding through her fingers. She quickly ingested the shrinky into her mouth, her cheeks bulging as she sloshed it around, savoring the flavor before gulping hard. The bulge was clearly visible as it squiggled down her neck.

“Whoa, you can really see it squirming”, Mackenzie said as she watched it go down the woman’s neck. Lindsay and Danielle turned their attention to the watch the woman.

“How was he?”, Mackenzie asked the woman.

“Mmmm - quite memorable”, quipped the lady with a sly smirk, apparently having listened in on the server’s discussion.


Charles didn’t like the looks of the former player getting eaten. He turned back to Kara, “Kara, can you check again to see if we can get resized?”

“What. You don’t like spending time with us?” Kara teased him. Seeing his frown made her chuckle, but she made a call down with her Walkie-Talkie to the hostess, Rachel, to see if any new prospects wanting to get shrunk had come in.

“Sorry Charles. No new shrinkmates. But there is a business group that has a game planned, scheduled for pretty soon.”

“Really?”, said Charles in the high-pitched squeak that shrinkies always sounded like. “How many players? How many giants? And are they all women?”

“Let me check”, said Kara. She quickly radio’d and received the prompt response. “Looks like they want an eighteen shrink maze game, but they’re currently only at fourteen volunteers. Four giantesses. Oh, and it’s a ‘safe’ game.”

“Hmmm”, said Charles, thinking things over. He absolutely loved to play Shrinky Maze Runner. He was a gifted athlete, had great reflexes, did triathlons and was very confident in his ability to survive the Maze Runners. Though he didn’t make it known, he’d even had some special forces experience in his past. He’d survived many games and acquired a ton of Frequent Runner Points. And he loved the thrill of the danger element.


He was very careful in who and how he allowed himself to get handled, asking lots of questions first and having the barmaid watch over him until he was resized.  He had developed a trust level with both Kim and Kara. When Kim had been his barmaid, she had warned him that she would try her best to keep an eye out for him, but there were times when she got too busy and her priorities were the patrons. She mentioned a shrinky named TJ who had gotten snatched up by a patron while she wasn’t looking. Thus Charles had dutifully crafted a homing bracelet that would shrink down with him whereby he could send an alert to the barmaid’s Walkie-Talkie.


“I’ll do it. Tell them to add me. How about you JJ? This is a ‘safe’ game, meaning it’s very unlikely you’ll be eaten even if you do get captured.”

Jordan Jameson reflected on the game from earlier. He had been picked up by a giantess who had proceeded to lick him several times prior to his twisting out of her hand as she held him up to her face. He had jumped to a nearby platform and taken an elevator down to a spot two floors down, where he was able to gain the security of one of the safe havens which were spread around the maze. It had been a narrow call, but he fondly remembered how erotic and thrilling it had felt to be licked by the giant woman. Perhaps a ‘safe’ game would yield a similar result.

“Yeah. Count me in too”, he replied.

“Great. I’ll let Jinx know”, Kara said with a smile, “She’s in charge of the setup for the game. That’ll be two less guys she needs to shrink down.”

After radioing the info to Jinx, she gave Charles a look. “You know, one of these days, someone’s gonna catch you.”

“And on that day, I’ll go out with a bang”, he replied up to her with a wink.


Chapter End Notes:

story continues in the next chapter

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