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Author's Chapter Notes:

See what happens when a celebrity pop singer holds a concert at the Forbidden Dish.

First chapter in my rewrite version of Purple Bands, the fantastic story by oishi1.

The Purple Bands - The Concert Dinner Guests


 Adela was excited. 

The famous pop singer Ava Max was coming to Forbidden dish. She was touring through the U.S. to promote her new CD ‘Simply Ava’.  This leg of the tour would culminate in her ruining ‘Star Spangled Banner’ at the big game by adding too much soul and forgetting some of the words. Ava's visit to the restaurant was not what exited Adela, but rather the fact that this was her first time to be in charge of the purple bands! Ava was alright, she guessed, but she wasn't really her thing. Adela had wheedled Megyhn into allowing ‘Who Bit Fluffy?’ to open for her. It was just the thing to help increase her roommate’s band's exposure.

The crowd was already insane. It wasn't like a normal weekday, heck, it was busier than a weekend! Not everybody that was here was a vorephile. Some people loved certain celebrities so much that they were willing to take the plunge for them or become part of them or whatever. (Almost like a human sacrifice) They all had their different reasons and Adela wasn't there to judge, just to give out little purple bracelets.


Megyhn said the purple bracelets were for expedience. Adela didn't know what expedience meant, but it sounded very important and she was in charge of it, so she was going to ‘expediate’ them like there was no tomorrow. The concert was only for staff and people with purple bands. There was a sign-up sheet at the podium for those interested in receiving a purple band. There were fliers all over the restaurant explaining the difference between the purple and the red bands, and a disclaimer was on the sign-up sheet. It would take too long to pass out full packets to everyone involved.

Most of the serving staff didn't like celebrity visits because it meant fewer meals for them, but Megyhn loved them because it meant more revenue. The concert was to be held upstairs in the club, so for today only staff and people with purple bracelets could go upstairs. Ava would get her meal in the large private room with her entourage. Only her people and Forbidden Dish staff were allowed in the room so she could dine in peace. Since they could afford it and liked to show off, celebrities tended to eat more than the average customer, but one could never judge how many that was.

Pop princess Taylor Swift ate sixty nine (the current record) when she visited despite her svelte frame. She also showed a shocking disregard for the ones that changed their mind. Despite her friendly public persona, she seemed thrilled when she was told she could eat them anyway.

‘Happy Happy Pow Pow Ambush’, a cute Japanese Pop group ate two hundred and thirty one, but that was between five band members. When they finished they burped sweetly and waved to the staff as they went back to their limo. They didn't speak English, and nobody had the heart to tell them when some of their volunteers chickened out.

At one time, the celebrity was allowed to guess how many they were able to eat and they were all shrunk beforehand and whatever was left over was resold, but that changed when that rich heiress, Marissa Henfield came in and ordered all the people with purple bands shrunk at once. Adela still couldn't figure out what was more messed up, the fact that she had over 300 fans despite a lack of discernable talent or the fact that she only ate two before she passed out drunk and the others were resold.

From then on, ten at a time was the maximum. The celebrity would have to keep ordering by tens to keep the amount of leftovers low. Adela felt sorry for the leftovers, but that was a risk people were willing to take. It was all clearly spelled out on the fliers. (Besides, Adela wasn’t complaining. They had been pretty yummy.)


"If you're here for Ava you have to sign here and take a purple bracelet," She said to the customers as they entered. Some people signed the form and put on purple bracelets. Others asked for red or blue and were upset when told that the restaurant proper was closed down until after the concert. Many of those turned around and left. Some complained about the club being closed, but most of them understood why. Adela was good at calming angry people. She had to be since many people were impatient with her short attention span.






James, or ‘Goggles’ as his friends called him, clicked on the youtube link for the Ava Max music video entitled ‘Kings & Queens’.

He had gotten his nickname because he wore thick glasses and when he played sports, and basketball and swimming were his favorites, he did actually wear goggles.

A pop-up of an entrancing Ava with a line of blue warrior paint across her eyes, gyrating in a leotard, holding a sword on her throne, before a group of backup dancers in a Hollywood Studios representation of a fanciful medieval setting crossed with new-age modern dance routines.

Doves were flying into the heavens, champagne was being spilled. People were dancing around a large dining table feast and dancers in white new age outfits were gyrating suggestively in a hall, then switching to playing guitars. The scene cut back to Ava in here leotard swiveling to saunter around her throne.

Goggles clicked the ‘pause’ on the video just as the camera moved in for the close up on Ava’s delectable derrière. The screen froze giving Goggles a perfect caption of the posterior in mid-step. Ava’s butt had been mischievously called her greatest asset. It had all the girls jealous and the guys drooling. Goggles was no exception. He was an ass man all the way.

Goggles had read an article saying that a large movie company planned to cast Ava in an upcoming picture as Ninja Girl, a super heroin. There had already been some speculation as to exactly what kind of costume Ava would wear. †In a newspaper article Goggles had come across, the movie director had boasted that he had cast the perfect ass for the part. The article went on to say that the Ninja Girl alter identity was that of a brilliant scientist. Goggles guessed (correctly) that it would take a whole set’s worth of movie writers, editors and one hell of a director, each armed with loads of patience, to try to get Ava to sound intelligent.

Despite being a physically striking woman, Ava was not the brightest crayon in the box. Fortunately for her, she was pretty enough that no one really cared about what she said. Like Goggles, everyone just watched her videos of her shaking her butt or bought CDs of her generic music.

Goggles watched the rest of the video before clicking a link that took him to a gallery of Ava pictures. Clicking on one of her more scandalous tabs, a pop-up jumped onscreen. Goggles hated pop ups. He had depressed the mouse button down to close it when the large blinking advertisement brought him to a stop. This is what it said:


In much smaller letters it said “Signature of legal disclaimer required. Must be 21 years or older.”


Now that was worth investigating. Goggles wrote down the address of the restaurant. He knew where he would be going! He texted a couple of his friends to see if they wanted to join him.





Michelle and Priest:


Twenty-three year old petite brunette Michelle Dyson was browsing through her phone when an advertisement popped up. It was for her favorite pop artist, Ava. Clicking on the popup, she read the short blurb. Ava would be performing at Forbidden Dish.

That looks cool, thought Michelle. Forbidden Dish was only a forty-minute drive for her and, although she had been curious about it, she had yet to visit. Intrigued, she read through the small print, which mentioned the waiver and the chance to be Ava’s dinner.

She thought for a few minutes, than resolved to let one of her good friends know about it, a guy she sometimes roleplayed kinky adventures with named Priest.

The two had met at a job, both of their first after finishing college, and Priest had been a mentor to her for several months before moving on to a subsequent job. But the two had remained friends ever since, especially after discovering each other’s kinks on an odd night out.

It turned out they both had a vore fetish and turned this into role-playing sessions that they played out every few weekends or so. Michelle had been initially surprised to learn the buff dark-haired hunk had a similar fetish. Similarly, Priest had been surprised about Michelle, the former Homecoming Queen. The two shared a very flirtatious relationship, though they had not consummated it.


As Michelle phoned, she thought this could lead to a wild night. She thought about perhaps the two of them getting swallowed together.

Priest was initially thrilled to hear about the event. He was not as high on Ava as Michelle, but he had wanted to visit Forbidden Dish, as it tugged at his vore fetish. But he was ambivalent about really getting eaten, though he thought the pop star had a hot body.

That was when Michelle laid out her offer, that they make love in the belly of Ava after getting swallowed together.

Priest was won over instantly.






It was one in the morning, but there was no way Sam would be able to go to sleep yet. His blood was liberally saturated with fructose from the Mountain Dew and pop-tarts he’d been eating since that afternoon. A zombie in Sam’s video game exploded in graphic fashion as Sam guided his character to another section of the haunted graveyard.

Suddenly a large trap opened up beneath the game character and he fell into the abyss, ending the game. Sam groaned in frustration. He’d been trying for hours, but still couldn’t get his character out of the graveyard. Maybe it was time for a break.

Switching off the video game console, he opened his computer and started visiting some of his favorite Internet sites. With the knowledge of the world at his fingertips, Sam restricted his use of the Internet to three subjects; computer games, fast cars and giantess vore.

Sam wasn’t in a car mood right now and having just finished a video game he decided to do a celebrity search of giantess pictures. A search of Ava Max Giantess, brought up several web sites with collages of her sticking her tongue out playfully. The captions on all of them read: ‘Come watch the show at Forbidden Dish and be my dinner.’

Sam clicked on one. He looked through the pictures before scrolling through the comments at the bottom.


One caught his eye. He looked closely. Apparently Ava would be appearing at The Forbidden Dish, a restaurant that catered to the vore lover. If the quote was to be believed, signing up to attend meant you had a chance of actually being eaten by her, the small print laying out that the star would eat as many of her fans as she could until full.

This was a little too much for Sam. He was a hard-core vore fan who also loved Ava! It required more research.

Driven by the iron will of a man who wants to make his dreams come true and fueled by the junk food of a nerdy insomniac, Sam hurriedly punched in a few other sites and confirmed that she was indeed going to eat her fans at the Forbidden Dish on an upcoming weekend. So it was true! He was going to go and he was going to be eaten by her!

He knew about The Forbidden Dish and figured he would go there someday, when he had enough money to pay for it. He couldn’t miss this opportunity, not only to be eaten, but to be eaten by her! It would literally be a dream come true. He had to get there soon though. His car had recently been impounded, so driving was out. Without losing a second he called up his bank statement and took account of funds. If he hitchhiked to the nearest major city, then caught a plane, he could make it with plenty of time to spare.






Wilmer Allen was uncomfortable. He was the only one here wearing a suit, having just come from work. Many of the people around him were barely wearing what he'd call clothes at all. What kind of restaurant is this?, he wondered. The office secretary, Miss Stevens, had mentioned that Ava was going to be here and he decided on the spur of the moment to get an autograph for his youngest daughter Ruthie, who was a huge fan of the star and couldn’t stop talking about her.

Wilmer did this often, acting spontaneously to do things for his wife or his kids as he loved the looks of happy surprise on their face. However, knowing this might make him late for dinner, he phoned his wife to let her know he would be stopping by this obscure restaurant, Forbidden Dish, to get the autograph and to go ahead and eat without him. He wasn’t sure when the concert would end.


He didn't care for the atmosphere at all. Does that hostess have purple hair? Maybe I'm in the wrong place?

"Excuse me ma'am, Is Ava supposed to be here today?" Wil asked.

"Sure is, Just sign here and get your purple bracelet. Right there. Now don't lose this, k? The concert's upstairs and if you're not wearing the band, they won't let you in."

He thanked the lady and went upstairs. The price was steep for a concert, but he figured it would be a nice change of pace for him; besides, with such a small crowd (at the moment) he may get a picture to take home to Ruthie.




Goggles signed the waver flyer and handed it to a rather airhead-like girl who seemed to constantly need to be reminded of where she was.

“Do you, like, want a peek at the contract?” the girl asked.

“No thanks. I just want to see Ava,” said Goggles patiently.

“Ok then, like, hop in that line over there. Here’s your purple bracelet. Put it on now and don’t lose it, otherwise they won’t let you in, k?



Goggles did as he was told and followed the growing crowd into the building. He stood behind an Asian guy wearing a Star Trek t-shirt.

“Hey,” he said. He looked friendly if not a bit nerdy. Goggles could forgive that. He went through his own nerdy phase himself. He still had his “Sith Lord” t-shirt at home too.

“Hey,” said Goggles. “How you doing buddy?”

“Excited!” said the man. “I guess you and I must be into the same thing!”

“Yeah. Ava. Wish I were balls deep into her.”

“We’ll be inside soon enough. You know, I always wanted to come here. I mean the Forbidden Dish is famous, but to go with Ava eating here. Amazing! That’s all I can say.”

Goggles agreed, though he was slightly annoyed that both of his friends had rejected the offer to join him. Their loss, he thought.






Chaz LaFleur was Ava's number one fan, and don't you forget it. Also, don't bring her up in conversation with him unless you want to hear so many "fun facts" that you are tempted to break his head open and spill every ‘fun fact’ on the fun pavement. He had all of her CDs, even some that were only released overseas and very hard to find audition recordings.

He had tried to date her once, but the judge had given him a restraining order. He knew that if she ever met him though, she'd know he was her number one fan, and fortunately for him for reasons he did not understand he was actually allowed to come here and see her concert.

Not only that, but he got a letter in the mail asking him to come, so here he was in his Cheeze Twirliez stained Ava shirt. He got his purple bracelet and headed upstairs.

"I can't wait, can you?" He asked some guy in a suit.

The man sniffed the air, grumbled something about Cheeze Twirliez under his breath, and stepped away. Pretty much everyone he talked to had the same reaction, but he didn’t know why. Chaz just shrugged it off, stood quietly, opened a fresh bag of Cheeze Twirliez, and waited for the concert.




“Seriously Danielle, we’re missing out.” Lindsay cocked her hips to one side and leaned against the wall. She was decked out in white pants a small T shirt with the silhouette of a woman holding a two inch man. Underneath it said ‘Boys are Yummy’ and in smaller letters below this ‘The Forbidden Dish.’ Over this she wore a jacket to ward off the Autumn chill.

“You’re just jealous that you’re not going to get to eat anyone tonight,” said Danielle, sending a text to her boyfriend Quinton on her phone. Her pants were also white. Her T-shirt said ‘Eat Them Alive, The Forbidden Dish.’ Above this there was a caption of a woman sitting in front of a plate of tiny men.

They had both been told to wear company shirts. Because they were going to be serving Ava, Meghyn wanted them wearing something that she hoped Ava might think was trendy and wear herself, preferably in front of several thousand fans and a nest of TV cameras.

“I don’t know about that”, Lindsay responded, “you don’t think I’ll manage to scarf a boy here or there?”

Danielle flipped the phone closed. She had never cared about I-phones or Droids and had never played Angry Birds. Instead Danielle preferred an older phone that she simply used to call or text people. It was just another reason her coworkers called her a hippy.

Turning to Lindsay, she smirked, “You eat more people than any other girl here. It’s just one night. You can stand it.”

“I could stand it a lot more if it were someone other than Ava Max. You know I hate her music.”

“Really? I seem to remember you dancing rather suggestively to that song of hers last week. What was it called again? Make the Glitter Fly? Such a complex song!”, She said, batting her eyelashes and briefly going through an exaggerated dance while mimicking Ava’s voice. “Make the glitter fly. Make it fly in the sky!”

Lindsay laughed. “Okay. Guilty as charged. But in my defense, I was trying to convince a guy to let me eat him at the time.”

“How’d that work out for you?”, Danielle asked with a toss of her hair which had become slightly entangled from her dancing.

Lindsay grinned and patted her belly. “Exactly as planned. He thanked me all the way down.”

“Those are the best kind to eat”, nodded Danielle.

“Those are the ONLY kind you eat!”, said Lindsay. “I wonder how Ava will take it if someone backs out on her? Ten bucks says she eats him anyway.”

“Deal,” said Danielle. She doubted that someone begging for mercy would stop Ava, who was rumored to be self-centered, but Danielle was always willing to believe the best in a person. ”Although, she’d be crazy not to eat them given how much Meghyn is charging for this as a venue,” she added glumly.






Eighteen year old Kyle Allen ventured into the kitchen to get something to drink. The high-schooler had just arrived home after finishing his physics class. His older sister Jenny was sitting at the counter, working on some sort of art project for one of her university courses.


“Oh good, I was wondering when you would get home”, she said, a hint of urgency in her voice.

“Why? What’s up?”, Kyle asked as he closed the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk.

“I need you to run an errand”, Jenny said.

“Ok mom”, said Kyle, smiling as he took a drink of his milk. He liked to tease Jenny like this when she doled out orders.

“No, seriously. I would have done it myself, but I need to finish this for class tomorrow”, she replied.

“Ok, what type of errand?”, he asked.

Jenny held up a note that was left by their mother. On it, their mother said that she was out shopping for groceries and that their dad would be late tonight as he was stopping by Forbidden Dish to pick up a special surprise for Ruthie, their fourteen year old little sister.

“So?”, said Kyle.

“So! So, dad doesn’t know anything about Forbidden Dish. There’s a concert tonight with Ava performing. I looked into it and she’s actually going to eat some of her customers. I bet dad is going there to get an autograph for Ruth and he doesn’t realize how dangerous that place is.”

“Did you try calling or texting him?”, asked Kyle.

“Of course. And no response”, she said.

Kyle put down his milk and thought about things quietly for a minute. He knew as well as Jenny that their father was notorious for putting his cellphone on silent mode during his work hours (he worked a 9 to 5 office job) and the only way they typically got ahold of him was to call his office number.


Finally, Kyle looked back up to Jenny and asked, “What time does the concert begin?”

“Six o’clock”, Jenny replied.

Kyle looked down at his watch. “Alright. Shit. I don’t have much time.”

Jenny sensed that Kyle seemed to be talking himself out of going. “Bro, you better go help dad. You can even take the Buick. Oh, and by the way, Charity is there. Say hi to her for me if you see her there.”  She knew Kyle had a ‘thing’ for Charity Hoover, her blond haired, blue-eyed tanned goddess of a friend, though she was more just an acquaintance to Jenny since they had a class together at university. She held out the car keys for him.

“Alright”, Kyle said, swiping the keys from her hand, “wish me luck”.

“Good luck!”, she said as the breeze from the back door opening and closing swept across her hair.



Chapter End Notes:

continues in the next chapter

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