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Chapter two


Sally quickly developed a brisk walking pace, if a speed of 160 miles an hour, can be called walking.(about the equivalent of a normal person walking at 5 miles per hour) While she didn’t deliberately crush  things, she didn’t bother to slow down enough to let people or animals get out of the way. At 2,785 tones she left quite a mark on the landscape.


Following the 102 highway north, and then the Trans-Canada west, she found it easy to head in the right direction. Expect when it came to highway signs, she found them hard to read. Deep down, she missed reading books, but felt being big was wroth it. Especially since she could walk right by the toll booths and not have to pay the toll.


When she reached the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia border she was surprised to find a road block under construction. She could see people rushing to build a wall, a wall to keep her out. But she had arrived before they were ready. She started to walk around the road block, when a man with a megaphone shouted.

“Stop right there Sally. You are not welcome in New Brunswick.”

“Come on Mr. Premier, I need to go through your province to get to Ontario.”

But they continued to pester her, they even started shooting at her, with small arms fire. But all this did was annoy Sally. She thought about stomping the premier flat, but didn’t want to commit murder so she simply stepped over him, and left the frustrated authorizes behind.


After leaving the roadblock behind, Sally noticed it was getting late, so she found a field to spend the night in. While she was sleeping, Ray Hammond a reporter from Supercity News, showed up. Here is his report on what he saw that mourning;

“When I first came across Sally, she was lying with her back toward me. Just as the sky was getting bright in the east a faint glow seemed to cover the giantess. To my amazement, her body seemed to be growing. Her bond hair grew longer and thicker, her limbs lengthen and got thicker. Every part of her from her heads to her toes was enlarged. When it was all over, her height had increased to 384 feet. Then she yawned, and stretched. I ran to run for cover to avoid those monstrous limbs.”


Sally walked through the forests of New Brunswick. She was starting to tire, after hours of walking. Then she saw the thunderstorm moving toward her. Sally looked for cover, but there was none to be found. Within moments the sky opened up and Sally got drenched. Then she got struck by lighting. But she soon recovered from the burns.

“Too bad I can’t get above the clouds.” Sally said to herself as she moved on. Then she laughed, at the mental image of a woman, so tall most of her was above the clouds.


While sally was walking, people hundreds of miles away, were deciding what to do with her.

“If Sally attempts to enter our territory, will we destroy her.” The US general told the assembled authorizes.

“Why would she enter the US? She trying to get to Ontario.” A scientist asked.

“If you look at the map(he then pointed to a map on the wall) if she goes by the shortest route, she’ll cut through Maine. We will not permit that.” The general replied.

A aide then burst into the room.

“Pardon me, but there are two people outside who claim to have caused Sally growth.”

“Send them in.” A professor and a young man enter the room.

“I’m professor Roland and this is Conrad one of my students. Several days we went to wishbone, and well I kind of used Sally as an example of geometric growth.”

“What do you mean?’

“I wished that she would double in height every day.” Conrad replied. “You got to admit it’s a cool way to destroy the world.”

“Not if we can help it, how do we stop her growth?” the general asked.

“Go to wishbone, and wish her growth away.” The professor responded.

“Unfortunately Wishbone has inconveniently disappeared. Do you have any idea how large she get?” a doctor asked.

Before the professor could answer another aide, entered the room.

“Sally has just entered Maine, what shall we do?”

“Destroy her.” the general cried.


Sally original plan was to fallow the Trans-Canada to Ontario, but as the hours and miles passed, she began to long for a short cut. She thought back to maps she seen of North America. She knew the Trans-Canada had to go north to avoid the state of Maine. Then the idea struck her, why avoid the state of Maine. Why not keep walking west until I reach the Saint Lawrence River, Which would then lead me to Ontario. Her mind made up, she headed west into Maine, and straight into the American army.


Tanks rolled through the forests of Maine, struggling to keep up with their target, who was doing her best to get away. But the helicopter gun ships were on her tail, they fired round after round at her. Soon she was too wounded to continue running, so she collapsed in a bleeding heap.


The soldiers tried their best to kill Sally. But she held on. She suffered terribly, throughout the day and night. Towards dawn of the next morning, the soldiers gave up on trying to kill her, and instead bond her, figuring she was too badly hurt to grow anymore. They were wrong.


The solders could not believe there eyes, when the first rays of dawn arrived, the giantess wounds healed in seconds then she started to grow. The ropes and chains strained to keep her body in check. But after a few moments, they broke apart, letting sally’s body explode outward. When it was all over, Sally was a towering 768 feet tall and fully healed. Troops after seeing the mega giantess in the mist, decided it was time to leave. Sally had the same idea, she ran away, crushing everything in her path. Even the air displacement she caused was enough to cause damage, for she ran at a speed of 900 miles per hour for several minutes.


After this incident the military keep a low profile, for they realized there was nothing they could do to stop Sally.


After a few hours of roaming through the woods Sally realized two things, she was lost and she wanted a drink. (Sally didn’t actually need to drink but she liked the habit. Then she spotted a lake in the distance. She quickly headed for it.


A short distance from the lake, professor Blockman was giving a lecture. He felt that, Sally was a story made up by the government to take advantage of the giantess craze. The reason? To put fear into the people. As Blockman when on, the ground started to shake, then to be replaced by a slurping sound. But Blockman, continued on, only stopping, when he noticed his audience was staring right past him.

“What’s so interesting about my lake?” he asked. Then he turned around and gasped. An enormous woman was draining his lake.


After a few moments, Sally spotted the group of people.

“Can anyone tell me, how to get to Ontario from here?” Sally asked, but she couldn’t hear the response. She then, tried picking up, some of people before here, but she was clumsy and accidentally squished them to death. Frustrated she decided to keep on going.


After leaving Blockman’s lecture, Sally continued walking towards the west, until she came across a large lake in her path. Thinking it was one of the great lakes Sally followed the shoreline north. When she reached the top of the lake, she realized it wasn’t a great lake.(it was lake Champlain but Sally didn’t know that) Disappointed and a bit lost, she decided it was time to stop. Then a thought crossed Sally mind, she didn’t know the exact location of Blueberry Hill, where the GTS festival was being held. What that thought she went to sleep.


The next day, after some roaming, Sally managed to reach Ontario, but to her horror couldn’t find Blueberry Hill. She walked for hours, eventually spotting Toronto, and it’s CN tower. But still the festival eluded her. For t a moment, the thought that a mega giantess, would not be welcome at the festival crossed her mind but she dismissed it.


At the GTS festival the party was just getting started. Several world famous giantess were there, and well as thousands of visitors. But these visitors weren’t allowed into the heart of the party, where only woman were allowed, and they had to taller than a line drawn six feet one inch above the ground. Despite this a good dozen ladies were at the heart of the party. Including Sara, who got to talk to her favourite giantess Ginger, a seven foot 10 inch redhead. Much to Sara’s surprise the conversation turned to Sally.

Ginger: “Do you ever listen to the Sally tracking network?”

Sara: “I never heard of it. There people who actually spend there time tracking Sally?”

Ginger :”She’s hard to miss, Did you know she was in Vermont yesterday?”

Sara: “I’m surprised she was so far south, she must have got lost, But more importantly where is she now?”

Ginger: “North of Toronto, They say she’s over a thousand feet tall.”

Sara: “I hope she never finds this place.” This statement surprised Ginger but Sara refused to elaborate. And the party went on.


As night fell, Sally was in despair, she was missing the festival, she came so far to attend. Suddenly a flash appeared, to be replaced by the tallest woman Sally had even seen. Even at 1,536 feet tall, Sally didn’t even come to the other giantess knees.

“She must be miles tall.” Thought Sally.

“Five miles to be exact.” The other giantess replied. “Most people call me Without Warning, but you can call me Valerie.”

“You must be the tallest giantess in the universe.”

“Far from it actually, I’ve meet giantess that were 80 miles tall. And have heard of even larger giantess.”

“Sure, why are you here?”

“To get you to the GTS festival. But before I do, I should warn you, that wish you made at Wishbone is going to come true. Someday you’ll be the largest giantess ever.”

“How do you know about my wish?” Sally asked but Valerie didn’t answer. Instead she reached down, and picked up Sally in her hands.

“Hey put me down.” Sally cried. But it was no use. She and Valerie disappeared in a flash of light.


Meanwhile at the festival, reports describing a giantess so big she dwarfed even Sally, started to arrival. But the partygoers refused to believe it, they even laughed at the idea, until a flash of light appeared outside town. To everyone shock a burette giantess, was looking down on them, there amazement grew when the burette lowered Sally down to the ground. The giantess at the heart of the party, felt like ants, before these two GTS-Goddesses.


Sally looked at the festival in delight, she had arrived at last. She looked up at Valerie and said

“I’m not sure how you got me here. But thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Valerie replied as she vanished in a flash of light.


Sally then turned her attention to the festival.

“Well Sara, I’m a little late, but I managed to make it. Can I join the fun?” Sally scanned the crowd for her friend, but had trouble identifying individual people.

Sara had no trouble, seeing Sally, but like the crowd she was asking;

“What do we do now?”


To be continued

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