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This story is meant for adults only if you're a minor or are offended by sexual material or verbal depiction of violence stop reading now. If you aren't a minor and such things interest you feel free to read on. Reviews are welcome if you wish to leave one I can be emailed at happiest_in_shadows@yahoo.com just be sure to mention the story in the title so I know it isn't spam.

A slight giggle escaped Lucy. "I have to agree and don't worry. I'm going around right now and explaining my situation to some of the more obscure groups."

"So you already have smaller versions of yourself over there?"

"Already have and have had ever since six hours after my incarceration ended. It was a bit rough getting there of course."

"How did you do that?"

"I just went through the wilderness."

"Is that why it took you six hours to arrive?"

"No, I could have been there sooner if I felt like rushing however they were some things I just had to stop and look at." A slight giggle escaped Lucy. "I got distracted by a group of fury rascals."

"I see. You know I've never figured out why you never got a pet."

"I wanted one at times but I decided against it. I always thought it was more fun to spend time with you and while you weren't always able to play with me I thought it was worth it."

"We could have still played with a pet around."

"Albert, you should know that I don't like to share what I value with anyone. Despite my parents' best efforts they could never convince me that letting others use what I valued most deeply was a good idea. Especially as those that valued it less then me might damage what I cared for."

Before speaking Albert gave his head a slight shake though his grin didn't vanish. "I see. Well then I suppose that is a good reason not to have a pet."


"You want to do what?" Lucy blinked several times as she lay in bed. Albert currently lay atop her stomach. In just a few hours she'd have to wake him unless Mizia gave in to her demands. Currently her mind wasn't on Mizia though rather it was on a phone call she just had.

Sam rubbed the ear that had been against the phone as he switched ears. Lucy had been a little loud for him. "I would like to tag along with you and cover your journey to Mizia and the happenings there in. I was wondering if you would mind if we followed you in a small ship."

"Sam you know if I go there it's going to be a war zone or do you expect them to just tear me apart and you'd get to film my death?"

"Lucy, I've been in the middle of war zones before and I know the dangers. Quite frankly though this will be less dangerous then most of them as instead of having a great many small targets they're going to have a single large target, you. So there is a far smaller chance of me being caught in the cross fire so long as I keep my distance and covered."

"Uhuh, and how do you know that I won't stomp you or eat you?"

"Well that is a danger however I believe I can minimize the risk by keeping my distance and allowing you to know exactly where I am. I believe you could keep track of a GPS locator if you'd be so kind."

"Sam this is a really strange request."

"Now Lucy this is an important world event one way or the other. I'm getting up their in my years and I don't know how many more of these I'm going to be able to cover. So won't you please let an old man tag along? My crew and I will keep our distance while you do your thing and we promise to report the whole truth."

"You're a strange one. Normally I'm getting up there in years means, "I don't want to take many risk." You on the other hand want to go into a war zone and possibly get dissolved in my stomach, trampled to paste or blown to bits. Okay Sam, you can tag along but remember your safety isn't my top, second or third priority. You're going to have to exercise some common sense and do exactly what I say."

"Will you be telling us where you're going to head next?"

"To an extent I will but I'm going to have to respond to changing conditions and you might not always have time to move. I will try to tell you what the safest locations are via radio and you can move to those locations or hold your ground the choice is up to you."


As Albert looked out the massive window before him he had to remind himself that no one could see inside of it. Lucy had plucked him from her cleavage before hand and slipped him inside of her knickers openly. However, the fact that he was currently setting within what looked to be a massive sapphire sowed into her bottom was still a bit much. "So you're really letting them follow you?"

"Yes. I've agreed not to take any hostile actions towards their ship." As Lucy spoke to Albert she glanced over at the ship that Sam and a few others were going to be using. She thought the group was a little crazy but found it to be cute as well. At least she knew some of the reporters that would be covering the happenings. Other than them the area was mostly empty.

"You know Lucy I thought more people would be here to see you off. This is a pretty big event and they sure seem to cover it when a warship takes to the open ocean to go to hostile territory."

"That was my doing really. I didn't inform anyone where I would be leaving from except Sam and he kept quiet about it I assume so that he'd be the only one reporting it. I don't require much to take to the sea after all."

"Ah I see. I would have thought you'd liked the attention. Let them know that you're coming."

"I do! It's just that I'd rather have the reporter covering the event be someone I like rather then someone I don't like. So are you ready for our vacation to begin?"


An amused giggle escaped Lucy as she glanced down towards her crotch. "Yeah! Vacations are about doing something new and exciting and this is something I've never done. Why do you think these clothes took so long to make?"

"I wasn't sure."

"I had them specially made to be very durable especially the part you're in. I know of a few things that could get through that protective covering but not in one shot. There might be some that could but they are few and far between. Plus if I see one of the few weapons that still worry me being brought out I can quickly take you into somewhere even safer with where you are. I had these clothes made for our vacation."

"Oh that is why you put me here."

"Mm one of the reasons." A slight giggle escaped Lucy. "If you thought that I just wanted to give you something pleasant to look at in the front and back sides you were right about that to."

"Lucy, that would apply to anywhere on you."

"I know. Okay Sam, let's get going there is quite a bit of distance to travel." As she spoke Lucy began to wade out into the salt water. The massive waves generated by her impressive form actually rocked the boats in the surrounding docks including the one Sam was on.

"Tsunami Lucy."


Sam gave a slight jump as he turned to Lucy. "Oh, nothing I'm just trying to think of a nick name for you. Mm Tsunami really doesn't seem fitting though. Don't worry once I come up with a name that I believe works I'll run it by you. I wouldn't risk calling you something you hadn't approved of while in a war zone with you."

A slight chuckle escaped Lucy. "Okay." Once she addressed Sam Lucy glanced back down at the water and watched as her hips began to submerge. "I hope you enjoy the underwater view Albert. Hey Albert, Sam is coming up with a nick name for me would you like to try your hand at it?"

"Little Lucy."

A snort escaped Lucy as she gave her hips a quick shake to rattle Albert up a bit. "Very funny."

A slight chuckle escaped Albert as he shook his head. "Little Lady Lucy."

"You're asking for it you know that?"

Instead of responding right away Albert leaned against his seat and closed his eyes. He wasn't done coming up with nick names however he was having trouble thinking of names that went with Lucy's other then little. As he once again opened his eyes he began to search around hoping for some inspiration to come before Lucy had time to relax too much. "I'm having trouble thinking of a word that goes with your name that would convey how short you are."

Sam was a bit surprised when Lucy quickly jerked her hips to the side. The sudden motion was swift and powerful enough that it generated waves large enough to lift the ship even in the deeper water. The real surprise came moments later as it didn't stop at one wave as Lucy seemed to be part dancing part walking though he wasn't entirely sure why. He did know that the waves she generated by this simple if vigorous act was quite a nice display of power. "Leviathan Lucy."

As the words reached her ears Lucy quickly glanced back at Sam. "I think I like that one."

"I'm glad the idea came to me whenever you were making those waves just now."

"Ah, don't worry about that. I was just giving a smart mouth a bit of a ride."

Despite the sudden motion of Lucy's hips it was clear to Albert that she'd designed the room for his safety. He was shaken up but not harmed and even found himself laughing moments later. "Hey you shouldn't shoot the messenger. If you're so upset over being short you should just grow some more."

"OH I see. That is how it is. You just want more of me so that you have more to explore, you selfish male."

"It isn't my fault that I like tall women."

"Humph I'm beginning to think that I'll never be tall enough for you."

"I know but I love you anyway, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop reminding you though."

"Can't you accept me as I am now?"

"Nope, I just can't accept you as short as you are."

"Fine then, I'll put on a few more meters when I can if it'll make you happy."

"No where near enough to make me satisfied but I'll be glad when you add them."

While she'd been trying to keep an offended tone while speaking with Albert Lucy couldn't help but giggle. She had no doubt that he was serious whenever he told her that he felt she was too short. However, from his tone and because of what he was telling her to do she knew that he wasn't truly trying to offend her. "So do I get any form of reward for all this work I put into getting larger for you?"

"I suppose that you should get something for all your hard work. Okay I'll praise you whenever I see those extra meters."

"You call that motivation?"

"Fine, fine. I'll cook you whatever you want so long as I have the materials and it's within my ability to cook in forty eight hours."

"Okay! I want a batch of blue berry, cinnamon, black berry and strawberry oh and chocolate chip muffins. I mean a big batch to. At least twelve of each and not in miniature, I expect each muffin to be the size of your fist."

A slight chuckle escaped Albert as he shook his head. "You have one hell of a sweet tooth on you."

"Oh, oh, I also want one batch of muffins to be a surprise." For a moment Lucy started to continue to tell Albert not to try something like mixing the doe together. She stopped herself though as she trusted him not to go the lazy path with her reward.

"So if I bake more then a dozen of each does that mean you'll grow more then a few meters next time?"

A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she reached down and ran her finger over the gem that served as Albert's carrying container. "You'll just have to wait and find out."

"I'm going to need a couple of stoves and a whole lot of muffin mix."

"All in do time. However, we have other things to take care of now."

"You must really be looking forward to this if you're turning down fresh baking."


"I told you that we had to take a fast boat." Sam grinned as he looked at the radar and noted how far Lucy was ahead. Fortunately he had pushed hard whenever they were choosing ships and managed to get the fastest one they could find though it wasn't the most luxurious.

"Fine, you were right. I'm still surprised by how fast she can move in the water. Can you imagine the energy needed to push something as big as her through the water at such speed?"

"I don't have to imagine I can see it in every wave those legs of hers generate. The captain has been doing a nice job of staying out of their path by the way."

A slight chuckle escaped the crewmen as he shook his head. "You mean he has been since the first one nearly sent us down. I swear if we had to follow directly behind her it would have to be at great distance or we'd sink."

"At this rate when will we arrive at Mizia?"

"We'll arrive in less then twenty four hours."

Sam didn't get a chance to respond as his phone began to ring. Reaching into his pocket he quickly flipped it open having a good idea of who it was. "Hey Lucy, what is up?"

"Sam, I can't continue going this slow if I'm going to arrive in a timely fashion."

A sigh escaped Sam as he shook his head. "Yeah, this was the fastest ship I could get though. I suppose I should have left sooner."

"I didn't think far enough ahead myself. Listen I believe that you're ship is small enough for me to carry however the hull will take some damage. I can come back and let the entire thing take a ride on my back, carry a few of you or I can go on ahead but what I can't do is continue moving this slowly."

"How do you intend to carry us?"

"The same way I'm carrying my Albert of course. The gem on my top and in my necklace is actually a little carrying device. It's large enough to hold three people actually however Albert's the only person that gets to ride in the lower one."

"You mean you'd let us ride in your necklace?"

"Sure. I don't believe Albert will ever be using it anyway. You could probably get some interesting footage from there or the one in my top. Of course, that means you're gambling that I'm not only going to win the first encounter but that these gems are sturdy enough to protect you."

"Why did you have those gems made so they could hold more then one person?"

"I wanted to make sure Albert was comfortable so I had them made so that he'd have plenty of space. That and so that I could join him if I wanted to."

"I see. Well given who you designed them to safe guard I'm certain you made them quite well. I would be happy to tag along with you for a rather interesting view of the battle field. I imagine that Aaron will as well."

"I will what?" Aaron immediately glanced over at Sam who in all of his years of working with had learned. When Sam volunteers you for something you want to know what it is.

"Lucy is going to let us ride in her bra so we can get a new view of the battle field."

Lucy gave a slight jerk the moment she heard the words and quickly moved to cover her mouth. While she couldn't see Aaron's expression she had a pretty good idea of what it was. A mixture of fear, curiosity and shock, "Sam I'm a little too far ahead to see what is happening. How did Aaron respond?"

"He's sort of staring at me while chewing on his breakfast biscuit right now. I'm surprised he remembered to chew."

A sigh escaped Aaron as he shook his head. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I am."

"Fine. I'll go and get the stuff. You haven't gotten me killed yet so I suppose I can hope the trend will continue."

"That's the spirit! Okay Lucy, please come back and pick us up. We'll hurry up and get all the equipment ready."

"Make sure you take care of any hygienic issues you have before I get back." As she spoke Lucy quickly flipped around in the water faster then any ship could hope to manage. The forces Lucy exerted as she altered directions generated massive waves in nearly every direction waves that would be more then a little noticeable when they made it to land.

"Lucy, I have to ask. Have you ever sunk a ship or drown a town while swimming?"

"I haven't to my knowledge. Of course it would be kind of hard to trace a wave back to me. Still, the waves I generate aren't so massive that I think they'd be able to cause any real damage to a solid structure. They might catch a few surfers off guard and send them for a little swim though."

"Are you sure about that? I swear given what we've been having to deal with I wouldn't be surprised if you'd sunk a few small ships."

"Na, unless the ship wasn't in sea worthy condition I don't think what I've generated so far could sink one. Now if I were to get a running start and do a belly flop that could probably sink a ship. Anyway, I'll give you thirty minutes to get everything ready then we're really going to start moving."


As Sam set within the confines of Lucy's gem he couldn't help but think about the past few hours. He had expected the entrance to the gem to be in the back of it but had still been surprised when Lucy removed the gem. Apparently it was capable of being separated from her clothing. She'd then opened it and let them enter before fixing it back to her top. He'd heard the power of the waves generated when she began to swim again.

Now as he checked their location through the GPS tracker he was amazed by how swiftly Lucy was swimming as well as made to wonder. Was she holding back to keep from generating waves that were too powerful? "Okay Aaron let's get some video of this." As he spoke Sam pointed out of the gem and down into the ocean.

Aaron gave a quick nod and began to work the camera. As he did so he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder. "Can we get a recording of that?"

"You'd better ask Lucy about that one."

"Given what I guess he's indicating you can go right ahead."

Sam gave a slight chuckle as the camera came on. "Ladies and gentlemen, currently I find myself within the ornament that Miss Lucy Angeye wears on her chest. I can assure you that this is of my own choosing and that we're traveling with her to cover the happenings of the next few hours. I haven't been given permission to detail our location but we are currently fast approaching the coast of Mizia and should arrive shortly."

A sigh escaped Albert as he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms to his side. He'd fallen asleep sometime during the night despite the spectacular view. "Hey Lucy, how are things going?"

"Great timing Albert, we'll be at Mizia shortly."

"I see. Are they still refusing to respond to your demands?"

"Yep, they've also been building up troops on the coast. I don't know why Sam isn't telling them our location. It isn't like I'm hard to track. You seem a little down Albert."

"I'm still a little tired is all and well. Once this begins you won't be able to go back you know? I'm just thinking about all the possible scenarios. I've come to a few decisions and would like to make a request but it's also kind of hard." As he spoke Albert reached up and rubbed his forehead trying to clear his mind.

"What's the matter Albert?"

"Lucy, you're not an entire nation. You don't have the people or infrastructure to handle prisoners. Beyond that it's somewhat impractical. I don't believe you should take prisoners once they fire at you. I believe you should adopt a policy of one warning, one chance at forgiveness then no mercy if they don't accept that."

"So even if they surrender if the battle has already begun you still want me to eat them all?"

"Yes and Lucy this goes for the government as well. If they give the order for their soldiers to die they are as responsible as they are. They're trying to kill you as much if not more then the soldiers."

Before speaking Lucy let her tongue flick out and slowly ran it over her lips. As she withdrew that massive muscle into her mouth a slight moan escaped her. "So you're not just giving me permission to not show any mercy to those that try to kill me you're telling me not to show them any mercy."

"Surrendering doesn't change the fact that they tried to kill you it just means they realized they're most likely or certain to lose. That means they'd still seek to harm you and there is no point in risking that especially when you have no real reason to show them mercy."

A slight giggle escaped Lucy. "Albert, what made you decide this?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while actually and this really isn't a normal battle that is coming. Besides I can't help but think that no army has ever really accepted an enemy's surrender without something to gain. Whether that was insuring that more of their own people survive or the right to absolutely pillage the land of the fallen they always had something to gain. You don't have anyone to protect accept yourself though."

"Oh so if they find a way to possibly harm me and then offer to surrender I should accept it?"

"That depends on the likelihood of them managing to harm you."

"Well what if they offer to make me impress and do whatever I say?"

A slight chuckle escaped Albert. "Is that something you'd like, would it benefit you in anyway?"

"Nope, it wouldn't and doesn't."

"In that case you have no reason to accept that offer. That's not the only thing I've been thinking about though. Lucy, you've always wanted to do this haven't you? You openly said as much during your most recent interview. So you're happy about this aren't you?"

"I have no reason to be unhappy about it and several reasons to be happy. So yeah I'm ultimately glad someone has finally given me the chance to do what I've wanted to do for a long while. How does that make you feel Albert?"

"There is a notion that I should try to calm you down to convince you that this isn't the best method to use. I can't bring myself to feel bad about it though and I can't speak against it. For a little while I was worried that I was slipping but then I thought about how I felt whenever you ate Phillip. I was utterly horrified and whenever I think about it happening again that same horror is there."

"So you don't find what I'm doing now ethically objectionable?"

"No, I'm not and while on the surface it seems that I should. The more I think about it the fewer reasons I can find to believe it's unethical."

"Would you mind explaining them to me? I have my own reasons but I'd like to hear yours."

"I don't want to lower you to the level of an animal but it seems like a law of nature to me. A rattle snake shakes its tail to warn someone that it's there and they should back off. Should that person continue pressing the snake it's going to eventually try to bite them and if it succeeds and they die I don't feel the snake has any fault. It warned them of its presence and its intent."

"You know some might argue that the snake feared for its life while I don't have that argument."

"Yeah I've considered that as well. Lucy, why don't you allow people to use technology you've developed for war?"

"They are three reasons. First I don't want someone to get clever and find a way to use technology I've developed to destroy the world. That just wouldn't be any fun. Secondly as I developed the technology I feel partly responsible for how it's used. Not entirely responsible mind you but I should do what I can to insure that it's not misused. Then thirdly if I did so an arms race could quickly begin and may spiral out of control which could once again end with things getting destroyed that I don't want destroyed."

"I see. One other reason I don't find what you're doing objectionable is that they're plenty of precedence for it. Two nations agree upon an arms limitation. One nation expresses a clear intent to violate that arms agreement so the opposing nation gathers its allies and attacks. Even if there was no other indicator that the violating nation meant them harm the fact that they've violated the agreement is reason enough at times."

A slight chuckle escaped Lucy as she gave her head a slight nod. "That's an interesting point. So Albert how do you define nation for yourself?"

"I suppose a nation would generally be a group that has sufficient power to hold a region of land and in force their will upon it. That is the most basic way of defining it at least. They generally have a common form of communicating and some goals that are in line with each other's."

"So once again we agree that I could be defined as a nation?"

"Yes, you meet most of the requirements I can think of for state hood. You simply haven't claimed a territory for yourself. Some might argue that a nation needs a populace though."

"I have a populace though even if it only happens to be one person."

"I'm not sure if you could say the state is the populace as well."

"No silly. I mean you. I have a populace of one and you're that one."

"Yeah, I suppose" Albert didn't get a chance to finish speaking as he felt himself suddenly shifting position. His seat shifted position as Lucy moved so that he found himself going inverted with Lucy. However, it didn't stop the sudden acceleration upward from dropping his stomach into his feet.

"We're here."

Before responding Albert quickly glanced out the gem and towards the force waiting on the shore. Due to the distance he could only make out very large vehicles such as tanks and rocket launchers. He could see the soldiers but only as a blur of motion. "I guess they were waiting for you."

"So should I give them a warning?"

"I'd appreciate it."

In response Lucy gave a quick nod. "Listen up because I'm only going to say this once. I'm going to come ashore and head to where your jet fighters are stationed. I will then dismantle them. Anyone who fires at me is going to be killed. This is my first and only warning you're going to receive." As she spoke Lucy began to advance towards the grouped soldiers.

While her main body advanced towards the soldiers Lucy glanced towards the crowd of people at the airport. It wasn't her intention to allow anyone to slip past her so she'd been watching all incoming and outgoing flights since before her announcement. Over the past few days she was glad to see that more people were leaving then were incoming.

At first Albert didn't think much of what Lucy said however as he realized he'd understood her he had to speak up. He couldn't speak Mizian and he had understood what Lucy said meaning she hadn't been speaking it as far as he knew. "Lucy hold on you" he didn't have time to finish as he heard a rather loud explosion.

When Lucy had first spoke she'd realized she'd made a mistake. So she was glad when the order was given to fire and numerous rockets as well as tank rounds slammed into her. Having no desire to give Albert time to finish his question she quickly pushed forward. Unlike before though she held nothing back as she moved swiftly through the water generating powerful waves that actually reached her attackers. She knew that the Mizian forces had understood her she didn't want Albert to think about how he had too much.

As the rockets and cannon fire slammed into Lucy the general grinned. He had no doubt that the threat had already been ended. Once Lucy began to advance though he felt his heart rate speed up as she pushed past the smoke and flack revealing no harm what so ever. "Increase rate of fire! Make sure all your shots count if we can't break her skin we'll beat her to death!"

Sam gave a slight jump as a rocket slammed into Lucy's breasts and for a moment they were engulfed in smoke. He heard the shrapnel hitting the exterior of the gem and despite his previous confident was relieved when it didn't seem to be harmed. "It seems that the altercation between Miss Angeye and the Mizian forces has begun. This may very well have put an end to any hope for a peaceful conclusion to these events. I'm not sure of the condition of Miss Angeye's body but so far she does not appear to be harmed."

While in scale a rocket or a tank round might have appeared to be a bullet to Lucy it had no where near the affect a bullet would have on a human. In order to survive at such massive scales Lucy's body had to be able to endure remarkably powerful forces acting upon it already. Her body wasn't just designed to survive though as anyone encountering one of her smaller selves would learn. Her strength and endurance went far beyond what was needed to keep her alive.

Albert flinched slightly as the rockets and tank rounds began to slam into Lucy. Much to his surprise though he didn't feel fear or remorse for what he'd requested. Rather he felt anger. He was angry that they had actually tried to kill the woman he loved and he felt that anger building up within him even more rapidly with every second the guns didn't go quiet.

While Albert was angry Lucy felt delight as she neared the shore. Using her size and strength had always been of great delight to her both because it let her show off and because she enjoyed the feeling it gave her. However, she'd always been restrained by other desires and values she held. Now those desires and values had been removed by the first rocket that had struck her freeing her up entirely. It was one of the few times she'd been allowed to indulge.

As Lucy's foot impacted the shore it sank deeply into the earth. The shockwave split the ground around it and caused some of it to break off into the sea. This wasn't a stomp to Lucy rather she didn't bother slowing her foot fall as she stepped onto the land. Its power was apparent as even the heavy armor of the Mizian force was made to jump into the air. Several soldiers were sent toppling over as the shockwave reached them.

"Fall back and keep firing." It seemed the tank crews already had that idea as the driver began to reverse. The gunners kept their target in site though as they continued to hammer away at Lucy. The rocket launchers weren't doing as well though they hadn't received anymore damage then the tanks. Rather it seemed that they had already expended all of their fire power.

It would have been easy for Lucy to catch up to the retreating army but she kept her pace nice and steady. She wanted them to expend as much of their ammunition as they could before she reached them. This desire was brought on by an urge to allow them to know how ineffective their weapons were against her. She made certain to keep her arms at her side as a few of the tank rounds slammed into her face. She didn't want them to think their attacks were managing to sting her.

"As the battle continues it doesn't seem the Mizian forces have suffered any losses. However, at this point Miss Angeye also appears to be unharmed. She has continued at a steady pace towards the enemy with no indication of slowing down." Sam grew silent for roughly three seconds to make editing easy. "Aaron, can you zoom in on the Mizian army?"

"Yes I can." As he spoke Aaron brought the camera to maximum zoom and went silent immediately.

With each passing moment the Mizian army became clearer to Albert as did how high up he was. He felt certain that none of the Mizian heavy armor could have reached past Lucy's ankle and even wondered if they would reach that high. "You're savoring this aren't you?"

"Yeah, and besides their weapons feel kind of nice I want to give them time to run out of the big boomers." As Lucy spoke her arms slowly crossed and she began to squeeze inward on her breasts making them push outward. She then leaned forward to give the tanks a better target. "Come on see if you can hit me right here. Those little shells of yours feel nice."

Aaron and Sam both had been caught off guard when Lucy leaned forward. Fortunately Aaron's previous experience had allowed him to keep his camera focused. As they heard Lucy though he shook his head and glanced over at Sam. A slight chuckle escaped him when all Sam did was try to shrug off the situation and focus on his job. "The battle has only been going on for a short while now but already the Mizian barrage has diminished. What this means is as of yet unknown."

While the shells did continue to slam into her Lucy was made to pout whenever they didn't focus on her breast. Apparently the Mizian army wasn't going to accommodate her request. Giving a slight shrug she once again straitened up and began to advance towards them. By now she was close enough for the soldiers to use small arms fire though it nearly stopped with each step as the shockwaves threatened to or toppled several of them.

As Lucy continued to advance the field commanders grew increasingly concerned. With each step she came closer the rounds had less ground to cover and thus carried more of their energy. This didn't seem to matter though as the rounds continued bouncing off of Lucy. "Where the hell is that air support I requested? She's advancing too quickly for us to hold her on our own."

The soldiers that had been falling back on foot had managed to hold formation despite the constant tremors of Lucy's foot steps. They had even kept their cool but as she drew closer they became more and more concerned. With each moment they hoped to see a bit of blood, a few black welts or anything that would suggest their efforts were having some form of effect.

"I'm blocking your communications." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she stuck her tongue out at the army in general but it seemed to be focused on the commanders.

Nearly the moment the words reached him the commander felt his heart leap into his throat. They knew of Lucy's ability to interrupt and control computerized systems but they hadn't expected her to be able to disrupt military equipment. What made him not doubt her words was that she hadn't spoken through her mouth rather it had been through the radio system.

A delighted giggle escaped Lucy. "Just think of what is going to happen when I show up after your superiors have received a report of your success."

Albert blinked several times. While he hadn't heard Lucy speak through the radio she had told him what she'd just done. "Blast it Lucy you could have concealed where you'd be landing if you'd wanted to. All you'd have to do was tamper with the computer systems of the radar and sonar stations. That's also why you started out going so slow only to speed up suddenly. Why didn't you tell me you had this planned?"

"I thought it would be more fun to surprise you and I was right." As she was speaking Lucy finally came within arm's length of the Mizian force. Bending at the knees she slowly reached her hand towards the closest group of soldiers she could find. She kept her motion slow insuring that it would take her five seconds to fully extend her arm. However, while her arm moved slowly compared to her that was still a good deal of distance to travel in five seconds and far quicker then a human could run.

As that massive hand neared the soldiers found themselves in the shade then the sky was blotted out. Screams escaped several of the soldiers as they felt the heat of Lucy's palm and fingers then they felt them just brushing over their heads. Her fingers curled inward slamming into the legs of several soldiers and lifting them up. A few of them found themselves caught between those massive fingers but that wasn't an escape.

Those soldiers caught between Lucy's fingers didn't get a quick end even as her hand closed. Rather her fingers moved just close enough to gain a secure grip but not enough to crush the life from them. Several felt certain that there legs had been broken though whenever her fingernails had slammed into their legs and flipped them up onto her fingers. They were silenced though as Lucy began to stand up and turn her hand allowing them to topple down into her palm.

When Lucy had bent down to pick up the soldiers Albert had been able to see it all from his vantage point. The action was swift but he could tell Lucy was being careful not to kill them. This wasn't an act of mercy though and he knew it. She wanted them alive. As they were lifted into the air he watched them swiftly pass by and then they were out of site.

Many of the soldiers had dropped their weapons whenever Lucy had picked them up. Some had then drawn secondary weapons and attempted to harm her. Their knives and hand guns had no affect on her what so ever except to cause her skin to depress ever so slightly. "Oh it looks like I've caught myself a lively bunch." An amused giggle escaped Lucy as she opened her mouth.

"Please stop!" One of the soldiers called out as he saw Lucy's massive mouth opening. However, it didn't seem to reach her as she lifted them higher and began to tilt her hand. Those fingers once again curled inward though this time it wasn't to capture them but help funnel them into her massive mouth. As the incline became too great he quickly gripped the space between her fingers only to lose his grip when Lucy gave her hand a very slight but very rapid shake the sudden acceleration upward then downward broke his hold in milliseconds.

As the soldiers tumbled into Lucy's mouth her tongue writhed about quickly catching those that first met it and flipping them back towards the back of her mouth clearing the way for the others. Several of the soldiers were able to look up towards the sky as they found themselves tumbling towards Lucy's throat struggling to take hold of anything that might stop their fall but finding nothing.

Sam hadn't been able to see Lucy pick up the soldiers nearly as well as Albert had. He had however been able to see them as she picked them up and even when she turned her hand up so that they began to fall into her mouth. The view was obscured to an extent by her generous bosom but not so much that they couldn't tell what was happening. "While it is difficult to see from our current location it is clear the Mizian forces have just taken their first losses. At the moment we can't confirm but I do believe the men were alive before entering Miss Angeye's mouth and she doesn't appear to be chewing."

Once the last few had fallen into her mouth Lucy quickly snapped her jaw shut and promptly swallowed. The vacuum created within her mouth was more then powerful enough to suck those within down into her throat. As a bulge appeared in her throat her lips parted and a slight sigh escaped her. "They tickle so much going down." A delighted giggle then escaped Lucy as she once again reached down for another hand full.

While the tanks and soldiers had continued to fire as they watched Lucy swallow their comrades their priorities changed. It was clear that their weapons weren't having any affect on her and that left very few options. "Fall back!" The order came too late for another group as Lucy scooped them up and brought them to her mouth.

Upon entering Lucy's mouth the first thing the men noticed was the horrific heat and humidity. Upon landing on the surface of her tongue they were surprised to find themselves relatively uninjured by the fall as the muscle proved to be softer then expected. Yet this brought them no comfort as they glanced back towards her throat. They then felt her tongue flex quickly adjusting their position for more of their comrades.

As they were flicked towards the back of her throat several of the men attempted to take hold of Lucy's tongue. However, the muscle was too wide and too slippery for them to get any type of hand hold. Coupled with its rapid motions they found themselves unable to hold their positions. Then even those that did manage to hold on for a moment were immediately knocked back by those that soon joined them inside of Lucy's mouth.

Those that found themselves closer to the back of her throat weren't just reminded of their location by their sense of touch and site. Lucy's breathe smelt far sweeter then the outside air and that scent grew stronger as they found themselves closer to her throat. Then as her tongue worked their hearing even reminded them of where they were. Lucy's tongue was so massive that they could hear it as it moved about splashing her saliva from time to time.

Then they noticed her pulse. It was duel and hard to notice especially due to those that cried out for aid, mercy or out of terror but it could be heard. Those that found themselves particularly close to the back of her throat seemed to even hear the muscles in her throat making ready for when she'd swallow them.

Some of those that entered Lucy's mouth didn't even have until she closed her mouth to swallow. The constant motion of her tongue and a few unintentional pushes from the new arrivals was sufficient to send them tumbling down Lucy's throat. Those that saw this only had their fear increased as they realized that they could more fall into her throat then be swallowed.

As the soldiers entered into Lucy's throat the sound of her pulse and her muscles working went from barely noticeable to nearly possible to ignore. Her heart beat grew louder as they drew closer to it yet those that held themselves together enough to think were horrified when it began to become less noticeable. As with each beat of her heart they could tell they were coming closer to her stomach and what waited them inside.

Several of the soldiers pushed outward with their arms and legs in an attempt to stop their fall. Others simply attempted to fall and were met with a horrible reality. It was easy for Lucy to swallow them but still her throat muscles gripped them firmly. They could fall into her throat but she wasn't permitting them to fall into her stomach. Instead with each flex of her throat muscles they found themselves making steady progress further into her body.

Her body was actually working to insure that they survived the trip from her mouth down into her stomach. So that those that struggled to stop their fall were only aiding her body and delighting her with their ticklish movements. Those that didn't try to resist were faced with what was happening to them and what fait soon awaited them.

A grunt escaped the corporal as he felt Lucy's muscles tighten up around his legs. Moments later he felt a wave of motion ripple through them as they relaxed and flexed once more in rhythm with one another. Those muscles that held his legs most firmly were made to relax while those just above his shoulders flexed forcing him down towards her stomach. Yet as those above him flexed he felt a new set of muscles once again grip his legs.

When he had first entered into Lucy's mouth the heat and humidity had seemed oppressive enough. As he found himself moving towards her stomach though he could feel it building all around him. He had been soaked by Lucy's saliva the moment he landed upon her tongue now he was saturated with her fluids as the moisture helped him be moved more smoothly towards her stomach.

He had been one of the last from Lucy's most recent hand full to find himself drifting down her throat. Yet as he felt his world shifting he knew that others would soon be entering into her mouth. A sharp grunt of effort escaped him as he attempted to spread his legs in order to keep himself from being pushed down as he felt the grip on his legs loosen. It proved futile as he felt the muscles above him press down with force that would have been irresistible even if he had been able to find a decent footing. With only those lubricated muscles to press against he had no chance.

As Lucy reached down she didn't take hold of another group of soldiers rather this time she lifted one of the tanks into the air. The heavy vehicle seemed to be nothing more then the most fragile of toys in her massive hands. Reaching up she easily sunk her fingernails into armor meant to withstand any anti-personnel weapon.

Despite having felt the power in every one of Lucy's foot steps the tank's crew hadn't been ready for when they were lifted into the air. As they heard the metal scream upon Lucy's fingers digging into it the gunner at least seemed to snap back to reality. Quickly taking the controls he fired the already loaded cannon in hopes of forcing Lucy to release them. The fact that the fall would kill them didn't even register with him as the shell was released.

A slight giggle escaped Lucy as the shell slammed into her from such a short distance. It had no more effect on her then any of the others except it made her resolve who would be going down her throat last. "You'd better hurry if you're going to fire another one." As she spoke Lucy removed the hatch that protected the driver and quickly withdrew him.

In his career Sam had seen battles that could be defined as slaughters. He had seen jets screaming in to destroy the heavy armor of ground forces then returning to carpet bomb the area. The sight of an absolute slaughter was far from new to him and had no real affect on him. He doubted that there was ever an army that didn't want a totally one sided battle and sought it in everyway they could. "The Mizian casualties are mounting quickly while Miss Angeye shows no sign of slowing down. It seems unlikely that any of them will survive given the previous warnings. How many have tried to surrender thus far is currently unknown."

"They've been a lot of individual soldiers calling out they surrender or running away. I haven't started counting but would you like for me to?"

Sam couldn't help but be somewhat stunned as he heard Lucy. He didn't want to loose footage so he resolved they'd just have to edit some of the audio out and replace it when they got back. "No thanks."

"Would you like to know why I choose to eat people whenever I decide to kill them? You know it isn't really the taste causes me to enjoy this so much. I do believe they taste good though I wouldn't suggest anyone else try it. I tend to be able to enjoy more things then most as I can digest most anything safely."

Battle field conditions tended to be Sam's main focus whenever working however he couldn't pass up Lucy's question. "I think many would like to know."

"It's the feeling of power it gives me and of dominance. I'm taking someone that sought to harm me and forcing them to nourish and amuse me. The nourishment is negligible of course however feeling them struggle in my mouth and inside my belly is such a delight. Insuring that they know that despite their best efforts to harm me to exact some form of revenge they can't cause me the least bit of misery but they serve to delight me."

While he didn't know where it came from Albert couldn't help but chuckle as he listened to Lucy. "Then your core reason is perfectly human. You want to do things in such a way to bring you the most pleasure and to insure that pleasure last for a while. You've also already decided that you're going to kill these beings and to you they've proven that they don't deserve mercy through the act of attempting to harm you first and their leaders have proven that they aren't human to you."

An amused giggle escaped Lucy. "Albert, I noticed that you referred to them as beings instead of humans. It seems that you've decided that they aren't worthy of that name as well."

A sigh escaped Albert. "I'm a little pissed off right now so I'm in no mood to humanize them in anyway."

"Huh? What is wrong?"

"They shot you. That's what is wrong." A slight huff escaped Albert as he shook his head and pressed his hand to his forehead. As he gripped his forehead he rubbed his temples. "I'm just trying to focus on how much you seem to be enjoying yourself and keep from screaming out any of my thoughts."

"You mean thoughts like how you want me to digest them slowly being careful to keep it quick enough to insure they don't stop struggling but doesn't end in just a few hours."

For a moment Albert was quiet then he slowly nodded his head. "Yeah that is one of them." Once again a slight chuckle escaped him. "You really know me well."

An amused giggle escaped Lucy as she allowed the tank she'd been holding to slip from her hands. "Do you want to know what might be even more interesting? Though it could end up cutting the stay of some of the people in my belly short it could also prolong the stay of others."

"What is that?"

"I wonder if I can adjust my throat muscles enough to let me swallow a tank. They're a little big but I think I can get one of them down." This time Lucy didn't speak privately to Albert but spoke openly so that everyone could hear her. Even before she could finish speaking she began to walk forward in order to bring some of the heavily armored vehicles back within arms reach. She then bent down and began to pick one up.

"Some of those already in your stomach would almost certainly be killed by such an act. It would be something else if you could manage it though!"

"Yeah, I believe that I'm going to give it a try." As she was speaking to Albert Lucy was already lifting the captured vehicles to her mouth and parting her lips as widely as she could. As she pressed the vehicle into her mouth she had to resist giggling as she felt something slam into the back of her throat when the crew managed to get a round off. Most likely they'd get several more off before they made it to her stomach. She hoped that they would.

"Well how does it taste?"

"Well you probably wouldn't think it tasted the same as I do."

"Okay then how does it taste to you?"

"It isn't really sweet or bitter. If I had to liken it to something I would say that it taste a lot like a carrot. They are several nutrition reasons to eat it but you know that there aren't a lot of sugars to it."

"Does that mean your body intends to use it as building material instead of for energy?"

"No though it is a sign of it. Things that are easy for me to digest tend to taste sweet to me though nothing as sweet as your muffins. Things that have a relatively low energy yield are somewhat bitter while things that fall into a medium can be sour."

"Ah so you're not getting much out of the tank?"

"Out of the skin of the tank I'm not. However, the fuel, the propellants in the rounds and the crew should be plenty sweet to me. There's enough energy in the shells alone to reduce the tank to a molten heap after all."

While Lucy and Albert had been talking Sam had been staring wide eyed and constantly glancing back at Aaron to insure he was video taping what was going on. It was only when he received a sharp kick to his foot that he was snapped back to reality. "It would seem that Miss Angeye has resolved to try to not just crush but consume an actual tank. I say this with some surprise but it seems as if she's going to succeed."

The crew of the tank heard the armor scream as it was compressed upon entering Lucy's throat. While the muscles did relax and allow themselves to be moved as much as possible there was a limit. However, it was loudest as they passed the uvula and began their trip downward the protest of the metal began to decrease. The alloy gave off the occasional scream of protest but only periodically and with each scream came a sudden increase in their movement downward.

"Ha! I got it in."

"How much did you have to compress it?"

"Way more then I liked but I still got it down!"

As Albert heard the excitement in Lucy's voice he felt a grin that seemed like it would split his face forming. Moments later he found himself chuckling despite attempts to keep from doing so. If it hadn't been for his seat belt he would have fallen into the bottom of the gem as he struggled to regain control of himself. He wasn't entirely sure at the moment but something in Lucy's voice reminded him of the past.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Not. No, nothing." Despite his best efforts Albert found it nearly impossible to regain his composure and speak clearly.

"Come on. Tell me what is so funny."

Instead of responding right away Albert simply let himself continue to laugh in hopes that he would regain his composure soon. So that it was only when his laughter died down was he able to speak. "You just sounded so much like you did when you first showed me that I could ride in your pocket. Do you remember? You said, "I can carry you and keep my hands free now!""

"Of course I remember that!" A slight giggle escaped Lucy. "I was so excited even though it required me to use one of those over sized pockets that cover the whole front of an outfit."

A sigh escaped Albert as he leaned back in his seat having regained enough of his composure to set up strait. "It's just that I haven't heard that voice in a long while and to hear it now. You weren't really sure you were going to get that tank down were you?"

"Not entirely sure."

"Anyway, you have a lot more to go."

Now only those that Lucy captured continued to fire upon her. Even the tanks had gone silent despite their ability to both move and maintain fire. None of the crews wanted to risk drawing Lucy's attention and making the next journey into her stomach. However, one thing the armored units didn't realize is that they were indeed drawing Lucy's attention. They were moving the fastest and thus could put the most distance between them and Lucy and this inevitably drew her attention.

By now Lucy had walked passed several group of soldiers that were on foot in her pursuit of the armored units. Some dared hope that she might continue to pursue the armored vehicles and forget about them. All of them began to seek out ways to insure they escaped. Some ran and others pursued those who ran hoping to be led to safety. Those runners who still held some semblance of calm resented this more then anything as they realized staying in large groups was not the thing to do.

There was no need for anyone to be able to see behind themselves to know how close Lucy was. The power in the shockwaves from her foot steps told them plenty. Then when they stopped it meant that one or several tanks had been captured and were about to make the trip into her mouth and then down into her stomach. The fact that she'd started swallowing tanks whole wasn't lost on anyone. So when the shockwaves ceased the gunner quickly spun the cannon around.

Even with the block on communications Lucy didn't want to have to chase the armored units too far. In order to keep from having to she had ceased to take her time in swallowing them and had started gulping them down as quick as she could. This meant she was rougher on the new tanks then she was on the first however she was also learning the best way to swallow them to avoid damaging what she wanted to preserve. "It was so nice of your leaders to have this little snack waiting for me."

Those within the first tank Lucy had swallowed tried desperately to get the main gun to fire in hopes that her insides were more vulnerable then her outsides. As they struggled with the equipment though it became clear that wasn't going to happen. In order to swallow the tank she had been forced to compact its form. It wasn't crushed so badly that the crew had been killed but nearly all the mechanical equipment was destroyed beyond use. The barrel had actually been bent inward and forced into the gunner's room whenever it slammed into the back of Lucy's mouth.

"Lucy, I know that you like swallowing things whole. However, why don't you bite the sides and front off? It'd make it easier to get them down."

"Because that would reduce the armor of the vehicle and I want it to last a good while in my belly."

"Ah I see. I didn't think about that. So what are they doing?"

"OH they're moving all over the place! I can feel them struggling to get out of my belly. Some of them are trying to cut their way out, others shooting, some of them aren't struggling to escape really they just can't endure the pain well enough to remain still. Then some are too panicked to really think about doing anything. Those who are shooting should be more careful though they've shot a few of their allies already."

"What about the tanks?"

A sigh escaped Lucy. "Not much at all but it's still fun swallowing them. I end up having to compress them to get them down my throat so the barrel is taken out of commission as are the treads. They can't even swivel the turret I have to compress it down into the armor and it's too much resistance for the engine to over come. I'm quite certain that those in the turret won't even be able to open the hatch however the gunner should be able to open his.

"See I told you that you were too small!"

Every single one of Lucy's bodies gave an irritated snort as she couldn't prevent a look of surprise from spreading across every face she had. Those on the battle field were mostly too pre-occupied with other thoughts to notice however elsewhere she received several strange glances. Her gaze immediately turned towards the gem on her bikini bottom as something that was a mix between a grin and a growl began to appear on her face. "I swear I thought you'd stopped that."

"Lucy you should know me better then that. I said that I wasn't happy with just a few meters. I'm afraid that as long as you're where you are I'm going to have to keep reminding you of how much more powerful you need to become."

"Humph, well then I should eat up I suppose." A slight chuckle escaped Lucy as she once again began to pursue the armored units. Their numbers had been greatly reduced so that she had to weave about more to catch them as they grew further apart. She had even started swallowing the jeeps and rocket launchers though in their case she removed their weapons platform.

Albert watched intently as one of the armored units drew closer fully expecting Lucy to reach down and pick it up. He was rather surprised when instead of a hand her foot slammed into the machine crushing it in an instant. The force of the impact was so powerful and the metal was compressed so quickly that he could have sworn he saw red hot slag shoot out from the sides. "Lucy what's going on? I thought you wanted to snack on them?"

"I can't keep it up like I have been. They're too many to fit into my stomach and if I tried I would either end up crushing everyone that entered instantly or have to digest them far more quickly. Oh and Albert, don't you dare make a comment about me being small, tiny, runty, short, puny or miniscule either!"

Immediately Albert felt himself convulse as he struggled to keep from laughing. It was hard to resist teasing Lucy over such matters but he knew it was time to hold his tongue when she used that tone. "So are they piling up on one another in there?"

"A bit more then I like yes, I've already ended up crushing quite a few of them by snacking on the tanks and I'm running a bit low on room. I can't keep eating the heavy armor without killing the majority of those already in my stomach more quickly then I'd like and there is no way I could fit all of it down without ending the life of everyone who entered too soon."

"Wow, I haven't scene you actually getting full in a long time."

The tank commander rubbed his head as he drew himself out of the floor. The fall into Lucy's stomach had been far from a pleasant experience for those inside the tank. Unlike those that had landed in her stomach they didn't land on flesh but on hardened alloy. As he felt his forehead he noticed a good deal of blood flowing from it but that didn't concern him. Instead he found himself fumbling to find some form of light source. He knew where they were but some part of him had to see it with his own eyes.

Screams filled Lucy's stomach and blended together into horrific wailing. Cries for help and curses of defiance could be heard as the commander finally found what he was looking for and broke the seal. As the liquids mixed in the tube he found himself finally able to see. The tank was badly damaged and he actually found that the compartment he was in had actually began to be crushed inward. What he saw outside though was nightmarish.

Soldiers were running around some blindly some with purpose but none of them with anywhere to go. Several had removed parts of their clothing though many had not been fast enough and were now sporting chemical burns. A few lie steel and quiet one that caught his eye quite quickly was bleeding from the head. Whether he had received the wound at his own hands or if someone had accidentally shot him he didn't know. It hardly seemed to matter in this situation.

"Work together damn it and focus all your efforts on a single point. There is no way we're getting out of here unless we focus our efforts."

The tank commander quivered a bit as he heard the officer barking orders. He wasn't sure how many were obeying them but he couldn't help but think they were futile. A sudden clang drew his attention followed by several others as he realized that people were beginning to climb onto the tank no doubt to avoid the chemicals that were forming in Lucy's stomach.

As the tank began to rock the commander felt his heart quiver despite the situation and wondered if perhaps too many had climbed onto the machine's remains. Seconds later he realized that wasn't the case as he found that they were drifting in a precise direction. Before he could truly ponder the event he was surprised when another massive slab of partially compressed metal joined them and realized what had happened. Lucy had actually shifted their location to keep the machine from falling on them and ending their plight quickly.

For a moment the commander simply set there but finally reached into his pocket. It only took him moment to find the two bits of paper he was searching for. In one hand he drew out a cigarette while in the other he retrieved a picture of his family. Carefully he placed the picture on the panel just before wedging it into a small opening so it wouldn't slip. One hand then took hold of his lighter after he took the cigarette in his mouth while the other reached for his side arm.

While Lucy's foot steps were indeed noticeable even while in the most heavily armored tank the energies released when she stomped the ground was far beyond that. Her foot sunk deeply into the earth taking the flattened tank with it. As the ground was forced out of her foots path it was rapidly forced to the sides and up. As the shockwave spread its energy did diminish but not nearly quick enough for several of the armored vehicles especially the more lightly armored as it slammed into them, lifted them up and toppled them over.

Given his location Albert had a wonderful view of the destruction left when Lucy had just stomped her foot. As he noticed some of the closer tanks were actually brought to a stop by it he couldn't help but be impressed. "They're very lucky that you never stomped your feet in the city. Actually, it's a good thing you've never been the type to scream and stomp her feet whenever she didn't get her way."

A delighted giggle escaped Lucy as she began to make her way towards those vehicles that had managed to stay upright and running. "I'll be back for the rest of you in a few." After addressing the army as a whole Lucy focused her attention back to Albert. "It just never seemed to be the most effective way of getting what I wanted. Standing there stomping and screaming never was quite the way to trigger my mother and father's guilt responses. I'd probably gotten a spanking if I had or grounded."

"You sure mastered the pout at an early age though."

"Hey that gives me an idea!" As Lucy continued walking she proceeded to wrap her arms around herself in a hug and squeezed inward on her breasts. After she pushed those mountains of flesh out and up so they seemed even larger she leaned forward and turned her lips down into a slight pout. Her eyes drifted to her feet for the moment. "Why are you running away? Don't you want to be in my belly?"

While Lucy was speaking Albert's hand came up and pressed against his face covering his eyes for a moment. He was still grinning but his face began to glow red as he blushed. "Lucy I don't believe that being cute is going to work in that situation."

At first Lucy just held her ground, she was made to convulse moments later as she had to fight back a laugh and a grin spread across her lips. Her tongue quickly darted out of her mouth and towards the army. "Well fine then. Don't cooperate you're going inside of my belly anyway."

It had taken a fair bit of effort in the form of turning around and pulling the pin out of a grenade but he'd finally managed to convince everyone to stop following him. As the soldier continued to run he found himself unsure of what he should do. He had seen the news reports and heard about how aware of her surroundings Lucy was. So he now found himself conflicted as to whether or not he should hide or keep running. The best choice ultimately depended on how long the armored units managed to keep her distracted.

A powerful shockwave that threatened to topple him once again delayed his progress as he struggled to keep his balance. Upon regaining his footing he quickly glanced back in the direction Lucy had gone. He had felt such a shockwave some time before though he didn't know why she had done so. This time he was horrified to see that it wasn't due to her stomping her feet rather she was walking back towards them.

"The armored units of the Mizian force that was sent to neutralize Miss Angeye have been entirely wiped out to my knowledge. Now it seems she is intent on exterminating the ground troops as well. Ladies and gentlemen this has been an absolute slaughter from start to finish and with no heavy armor these ground troops don't have any real chance. It seems unlikely that Miss Angeye will change her mind just because of this fact though."

"I did give clear warning at the beginning though. It was their choice to try to kill me."

"That is true. So Miss Angeye you truly plan to consume all of them?"

"Mm I really don't know about all." As she spoke Lucy placed a hand over her stomach. "It's getting kind of crowded in there. I could fit in a lot more then I've eaten easily but if I want them to be able to continue struggling as they have been I don't know if I can eat them all."

"So what do you intend to do with those that you don't eat?"

"Keep recording and watching. You'll see for yourself that way."


A sigh escaped Lucy as she lightly splashed her feet in the ocean water sending up a massive spray of salt water. Albert was currently setting atop her stomach but close enough to her breasts that he was in the shade they provided. Sam and Aaron were currently waiting on the beech for a smaller ship to make its way over to them. "Lucy, you're sure you don't mind us airing this now? Didn't you want to surprise their leaders?"

"I'm plenty sure that they will be surprised. They may not even believe it. Besides they'd learn of what happened soon enough. When none of their supposedly victorious forces return they'll know something is very wrong with their information network."

"I see your point. Okay, we'll try to keep our distance from now on. Thank you for the interesting footage."

"It isn't a problem. If you want to come along for the ride again let me know. I know that you've ridden with armed forces before."

"Thank you and I will most likely take you up on that offer."

"Why do you say most likely?"

"The footage Aaron was able to acquire was spectacular. I would be glad to take you up on your offer but first I must see which way the wind is blowing. I hope you don't mind but I won't be able to come along with you if it seems it might get me charged with criminal activities in the state. Though I'm not sure what they could charge me with."

"Ah I thought you were dedicated to getting the truth no matter the cost."

"Can't I get the truth even if I'm not in your gem?"

"Well yeah that is true. I suppose there is no reason for you to risk imprisonment when you can accomplish the same objective with that possibility. Okay you go ahead and tend to whatever you need to take care of."

"What do you intend to do?"

"Albert needs to eat something, I need to digest my food and I want to relax a bit. Even playing requires energy after all." Before continuing Lucy gave the water a few quick kicks insuring that the gore was washed out from between her toes. "Besides it's going to be nighttime soon and I want everyone to be able to see."

"Okay then. Would Mr. Guarsen like to come with us to get cleaned up?"

A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she shook her head. "No, he's staying with me. There is no way I'm letting him out of my site or reach right now it's just too dangerous."

"I see. Well I suppose you've planned ahead and are ready to take care of his needs."

"Yeah, now get going. You only have a few hours before the sun is back up and I'm ready to begin moving again."

A chuckle escaped Albert as he allowed himself to fall backwards against Lucy's stomach. Turning his head to the side he gave her a skin a soft kiss before speaking. "Well are they still moving around in there?"

"It has died down a bit since I began but there is still movement. I've being real careful to make sure their stay in my stomach last for a while. I want them to have to stay in there for at least one night."

"I imagine some were killed whenever you lay down."

"Yeah and when I bent over or suddenly started moving. Fortunately every time I did that I was replenishing their numbers as well." As she spoke Lucy lifted her feet out of the water and held them up while she examined them. After insuring that they were clean enough, she lowered them back into the water.

"So just how do you plan on getting me cleaned up?"

Instead of speaking Lucy reached up and took hold of the gem she wore around her neck. She then placed it next to Albert. "Did you bother checking under the seat while you were in the gem?"

"You know that I didn't but I assume that I should have now."

"I designed these with you in mind so they have just about everything you need. I didn't store any food or water in them for you though." As she spoke Lucy opened up the gem completely and flipped the seats up. She then took out a few small packets. "Of course you probably know how you're going to be getting your meals. As for getting you cleaned up I stored a water filter."

"Ah I see. I suppose that is why you didn't ask Sam if he wanted anything to eat."

"Yeah, you're the only one that I want drinking from these mountain springs." As she spoke Lucy placed her right hand atop her right breasts. She then gave the massive mountain of flesh a gentle squeeze.

"It's nice that you didn't forget how many needs us humans have."

A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she blushed a bit. "I made a check list."

Nearly the second the words left Lucy's lips Albert burst into laughter. He wasn't certain why he found Lucy's comment to be so funny but the idea hit a nerve with him immediately. "I see! Well I'm glad you decided to be thorough. Now just how useful was this check list?"

"It was kind of vital actually instead of just useful." As she was speaking Lucy had placed the containers on the ground beside of her. She then placed a hand next to the containers and began to form one of her smaller bodies. "I hope you don't mind if I join you in the shower."

"Sure. That'd be fine." As he set up Albert gave another slight chuckle and began to walk towards where he'd seen Lucy setting the items down. "So does each gem have the same equipment?"

"Nope, but you want to shower first so I started with my necklace."

For a moment Albert was tempted to ask Lucy how she knew that he wanted to shower first but he resolved not to. They were so many ways that she could answer that question he knew it was pointless and she was right. He did indeed want to shower first though that was mostly due to the fact that he'd be showering with her.

Aaron had kept his opinions to himself over what had been happening and what he'd scene. Now that the battle was over though he had to speak up, "So Sam, how do you feel about all of this? She really didn't show them any mercy. She even went so far as to insure that their deaths would be slow and painful."

"I've seen chemicals used in warfare that I'd be willing to wager were as painful or even more painful. I don't see how you get the idea that she acted without mercy. She gave them a chance to surrender at the beginning. They could have just let her walk on by." While he was speaking, Sam glanced down at the mini screen on the camera looking for any moments that he found to be particularly notable.

"So you weren't bothered by what she did in the least?"

"I've seen worse."

"Yeah but didn't it bother you?"

A sigh escaped Sam as he shook his head. Aaron wasn't his first camera man though they had been with one another for nearly a decade now. That still left Sam with a lot more life experience. "No, do you want to know what disturbs me? The mass execution of prisoners, using them as test subjects, torturing them needlessly after you've allowed them to surrender are what disturbs me. She warned them that if they fought against her there would be no surrender."

"She acted without mercy though and with abundant cruelty."

"In the beginning she gave them a chance to surrender didn't she? Like I said before, that sounds like a mercy to me. She isn't stopping them from taking their own lives either if they want the pain to end soon. I'm pretty darn sure she didn't take any of their weapons."

"Well yeah. How could they surrender though? If they had their own allies would have shot them."

"That's one of the draw backs of being in the army. If they didn't want to be in endanger of having to handle such a choice they shouldn't have joined. Probably should have left the country in advance."

"I just think she went too far. She didn't have to kill them all and not like she did. Heck she's still killing them right now just slowly. They're still alive back there!"

A frustrated snort escaped Sam as he finally looked towards Aaron. "If you feel so strongly about it, go back there and try to talk her out of it. If you're convictions are truly as strong as you seem to believe they are then you're a murderer as well by not trying to do something about it. Why are you starting this up now anyway? Complaining to me about it sure isn't going to help anyone. Are you trying to appease yourself by acting as if you were outraged?"

All Aaron could do was stair at Sam for a moment as he struggled to keep his composure. Before he could speak again he turned his head to the side. "I don't want to die."

"What makes you think she's going to kill you or would kill you? So far I haven't known her to harm anyone for simply expressing their opinion. I don't really believe you'd be risking your life in the least."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"Like I said before I've seen worse policies when it comes to fighting battles and wars. She seems to enjoy herself a little more then I feel is entirely healthy especially given her power advantage. That said I personally have no reason to denounce her actions. All I'm going to do is tell the truth. She gave her enemies once chance to surrender and that's the only chance she gave. They didn't surrender so she granted them a painful death. Aaron what brought on all of this? You seemed fine at the start."

"When she was tearing apart tanks yeah but. What she did to the foot soldiers once she'd destroyed all the armored units. It was just a bit much."

In response Sam gave a quick shrug. "I can see why that would be a bit overwhelming to some. However, those in the armored vehicles didn't have any more chance then those on foot. So if their deaths didn't bother you I don't see why the foot soldiers' deaths would."

"So what do you think?"

"If I felt strongly enough to denounce her actions I would have while she was committing them. I think she enjoyed herself too much but she didn't do anything that I found truly troubling. I suggest you take some time to think hard about what you've seen and how you truly feel about it. Everyone should. Also quit asking me the same questions."

"What about long?"

"As if I have time to let you think long! We have a job to do and I need you focused on the battle field. I resolved my feelings on mercy quite some time ago."

"What did you decide?"

"I'd rather to keep that to myself until you've resolved where you stand."


As Lucy watched the boat nearing she held a finger up to her mouth as a signal for them to be quiet. She didn't bother speaking through her main body but made her way towards Sam and Aaron with one of her smaller ones. "So Sam, how did things go with your producers?"

"They said I should keep tagging along with you for the moment. They haven't aired the video feed I sent them."

"So I noticed. Why haven't they bothered putting it on the air? I would have thought they'd be eager to put that kind of footage up for the world to see. After all you have action, a lovely woman, the consequences of ones decisions and even some comedy."

Sam gave his head a shake as he walked alongside of Lucy's larger body. "I imagine they're deciding on what moments they want to show and when. There were some rather graphic events after all and they don't have time to show everything. You did drag things out a bit. Plus I'm sure they're other factors that I'm not considering."

"Such as, what the other stations are airing."

In response Sam gave his head a quick nod. "Lucy, you do realize that you ate a few reporters? At least you killed a few of them when you were making a snack out of the army."

"I was quite certain that there would be some reporters amongst them. However, I'm not so aware that I can keep track of what every single person on a battle field is doing or had done. I'm sure that not every soldier fired at me. They chose to come with the Mizian force and I'm not going to be responsible for their safety."

"Yeah, so I suppose you know that they're talking about how their station loss communication with people they had in the field?"

"Yes, the funny thing is that they're just now catching on because I reported to the Mizian higher ups that they'd been successful." An amused giggle escaped Lucy. "It was nice to be able to relax for the night. I'm a little surprised that they didn't send in any air support though. I really expected to have jets blasting me."

"Lucy, you've already revealed you can tamper with electronics on numerous occasions. A tank is a ground vehicle and while modern ones may use some very advanced computers they aren't as dependant as jets."

"That is true and I did acquire one of their newer models. So they might be assuming that I found some form of flaw or don't want to risk that. They also didn't want to commit more troops to handling me then they had to." An amused giggle escaped Lucy. "They really picked the wrong time to mess with me."

"So do you except the Mizian army to have to fight a two front war?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest. If I was just an observing nation that has a reason to be hostile towards Mizia I would probably try to contact the invading power. If I couldn't work out some form of mutually beneficial agreement I would just stand by and watch. So they might be hoping that I'll exhaust the Mizian army but leave or be killed. Then while the army is weak swoop in and finish them off." A sigh escaped Lucy as she shook her head. "I feel so dumb."

"Why do you feel dumb? That sounds right to me."

"Yes, but I didn't think of it until just now. I've been wondering why no jets have been making an appearance. Mizia believes that I'm dead and they probably want to keep their fighters ready to handle any secondary threats. That was hardly their entire army I just snacked on anyway."

"So what are we waiting for?"

"Albert is still asleep and I don't have to rush too much. I didn't expect him to sleep this long though. He must be having a nice dream and not want to wake up from it too soon."

"So what is your target for today?"

"I intend to head to the airstrip where Mizia's new jets are stored. I'll then scrap them and deal with anyone that tries to defend them. Depending on what happens though that journey could be side tracked by aggressors. Once that is finished I'll search around and destroy any others I find before going after their government officials."

"Shouldn't you be pursuing their leadership first?"

"If I wanted to bring this to an end as quickly as possible yes I should. However, that isn't my intent. I want to give them time to run so that I can search for any additional supporters they have. I believe that I made it clear that anyone aiding someone I considered to be an enemy became my enemy as well."

"Yeah you made that very clear but Lucy. Would you mind defining aid?"

Before speaking Lucy shifted the head of her main body so that she could see Sam with both her smaller and larger body. "I suppose I should have been clearer about that. Well don't worry. If you want to complain about my methods or call me an immoral monster I wouldn't harm you for that."

"I'd have a hard time calling you a monster given that you're willing to let people get away with calling you just that. There is also the little matter of you giving them a chance to surrender or just to stand down. I suppose at this time things can't end without more blood shed."

"No, they can't. I personally have never been a fan of situations were the soldiers die while the leaders are allowed to surrender. Of course, the soldiers are the ones that support that leadership and keep it in place so they're hardly exempt. So Aaron did you ever decide on where you stand?"

Immediately Aaron focused on Lucy, nearly dropping his camera as he did so. "What do you mean?"

"I could hear you speaking to Sam last night. He is right. It's perfectly safe to express your opinion around me."

At first Aaron said nothing even biting down on his lower lip as he still seemed nervous about expressing his opinions. As a sigh escaped him though, he was able to find the willpower to speak up. "I believe that you should have allowed them to surrender once they began to retreat or at least given them another chance to. I believe that you're horribly cruel and given how much you seemed to enjoy yourself you're quite sadistic."

An amused giggle escaped Lucy while her smile grew until her teeth could be seen. "See you're still alive."

Aaron said nothing at first as he noted the smile on Lucy's face. He expected her to explain herself to try to counter act his points but when it was clear she wasn't going to he had to speak up. "Well aren't you going to argue? Tell me where I'm wrong."

"I didn't intend on it and I really don't feel any need to. After all, while I don't mind you expressing your opinion I feel no need for your approval in anyway. If you want to talk ethics while we wait for Albert to wake up I'm quite alright with that. However, I believe that my actions and my interviews have shown just where I stand on such matters or should have given everyone a reasonable idea."

"How can you be so cruel though?"

"Well first of all they tried to kill me first. Secondly I offered mercy in the beginning and they rejected it. I only have cruelty for those that choose to reject my mercy and kindness especially if they don't just reject them but choose to abuse them as well."

"From the way you work though it just seems like you're looking for a reason."

"That's a given. I am looking for a reason. I enjoy creation and destruction however I tend to enjoy creation more. Take you. Right now I would like to eat you alive and feel you struggling within me as you were slowly broken down inside of my stomach." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she noticed a horrified expression forming on Aaron's face. "That said I enjoy talking to you and your company more then I feel I would enjoy your death. So you're safe so long as you don't try to harm me in such a way that it diminishes how much I enjoy your life to the point that I'd enjoy your death more."

As Sam listened he turned away from Lucy and looked towards Aaron. He could see that Lucy's words had quite an affect on him and he wasn't coping all that well. "Are you going to be alright?"

Aaron didn't respond at first but continued to look at Lucy as if trying to guess if she was serious or not. Only after Sam asked him a second time did he snap out of his contemplative state. "Uh sure yeah, I'll be fine. I believe."

"Okay. I suppose there isn't much to do then but wait."

"Ah are we done talking already? Well I hope I made it clear where I stand." As Lucy spoke she looked away from Sam and Aaron and back to Albert he was currently lying atop her stomach. She didn't want to disturb him but she wasn't able to resist running her finger along his sleeping form. No response came from Aaron as she waited but Sam did speak up.

"I believe that you made yourself perfectly clear."

"It's amazing how many times I have to do that. I swear I show a little kindness, donate some money, I help rebuild something I damaged or didn't, save a few lives and people start getting ideas about me. Then I cause some destruction and mayhem openly enjoying it as I do so and peoples view seems to shift so drastically."

"Well I hope you're ready for it to shift to one extreme. You can probably guess how people are going to respond once the recording we made yesterday is shown."

"I wonder how many will protest my behavior and how many will be willing to do something about it."

In response Sam shook his head. "I imagine many will be willing to talk about it but if you mean military action by do something about it I doubt many will. Ultimately humans seem to be inclined to allow others to suffer and perish then risk their own comfort and lives. I'm more curious about those that feel that while you're methods are going too far you're doing something that needed to be done."

"I guess that it's about time for us to go." As Lucy was speaking she felt Albert's hands press against her belly as he pushed himself to a setting position. While he was setting up she reached up and placed a hand next to him providing additional shade while his eyes were still adjusted to the dark.

As Albert drew himself to a seated position he glanced over his shoulder and up at Lucy's face. His view was somewhat obstructed thanks to her breasts but he could see her face well enough. "Good morning Lucy."

"You're a little off there. You slept for quite some time."

"Whoops I didn't mean to. You could have woken me up you know."

"Why would I do that? You looked cute and I'm not in any great hurry. Besides I can just jog and make up for lost time." As she was speaking Lucy retrieved the gem from her bikini bottom and set it next to Albert. "Are you ready to get going or are there some things you'd like to take care of first?"

"Well generally when I wake up I like to wash my face at least. I normally get breakfast but I don't feel all that hungry. What you made last night was rather filling."

"I figured that it would be." As she was speaking Lucy started to reach down for Albert with her right hand. Before she could take hold of him though, he spoke up.

"Hold on! Just what are you about to do?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You're grinning. Lucy I don't consider a quick lick with your tongue as a face wash."

Lucy had to bite down on her lip to keep herself from openly laughing as she observed Albert. Fortunately she was able to quickly regain control of herself. "Albert, what makes you think I was going to do that?"

"Because you're you and I know that grin means you have something planned."

In an attempt to keep up the ruse Lucy tried to form a slight pout. Before she could she once again had to keep herself from giggling completely destroying any hopes of forming a decent pout. "Well you might be right. Okay, but I really didn't think of something like washing your face in the morning unless you want me to set up the shower and to take another bath there aren't any options."

"I think we should get going. I'll cope until later. It's a shame you didn't save any of the soldier's supplies they might have had some comfort items in them."

"Yeah, once we get to the airstrip I'll use one of my smaller bodies to search around after things have settled down and see what I can find."

"So when is Sam getting back?"

"He's already here."

Albert was made to jump slightly as he quickly glanced to either side of himself to see if he could find Sam. However, due to his and Sam's location and proximity to Lucy he couldn't quite see him. "You wanted to take a shower while he was around?"

"You were the one that wanted to get cleaned up. Besides, the curtain would keep us from view."

A sigh escaped Albert as he noted Lucy giggling. "You can be very naughty you know that?"

"You should have seen what I was doing before you woke up." As she was speaking Lucy opened up the gem Albert was going to be riding in due to his standing up and walking towards the gem.

"I wonder if I can snooze a bit before the actual events begin."

"You should be able to get in a little bit of sleep. I know that it would have been simpler to let you sleep in the gem but I really wanted to feel you against me. You're even better at helping me relax then my covers when I was a kid."

"Did you have a security blanket? I really can't recall one."

"I didn't have a specific blanket rather I had to have a certain amount of pressure spread over my body before I felt secure. Well I suppose to be more precise there was a pressure limit."

"Huh you never mentioned that before."

"By the time we met I was so strong that they'd had to been made out of lead to make it hard for me to sleep. For some reason I never really coped well if I felt like something was trying to pin me down."

"That sounds like you." As he was speaking Albert felt the gem be lifted into the air and he glanced through the floor as he traveled over Lucy's body towards her crotch.

"Lucy do you believe that we could interview Albert at a later date? Given how much of an influence he seems to have over you I'm sure many would like to hear what he has to say. We'd also like a chance to speak with both your and his parents."

"If Albert's okay with it I'd be glad to let you interview him again. You'll have to ask our parents though if you want to speak with them. I might see to their safety as best I can but I ultimately let them decide what is safe enough and what is over zealous. Unless I disagree with them over what over zealous is."

"I thought you were going to include that last part." As Lucy had been speaking she'd retrieved the gem from her top and placed it on the ground. Sam had began to walk towards it immediately but had to reach behind himself and take hold of Aaron to convince him to start moving. "Lucy, I'm not sure if we'll be covering every military incident you're involved in but we will be certain to stay away from the Mizian army."

"That would make it easier for me to insure that I don't end up eating you. I'm quite eager to see what happens whenever your produces air the footage you recorded though. Hopefully they will at least show it by tonight."

"I'm sure they will. They actually talked about showing things as they happen whenever I called them or did you already know that?"

"I knew that you were using a secure line and noticed the encrypted message but I didn't bother to decode or read it. So your privacy is safe. What did you tell them about a live video and audio feed?"

"I mentioned how you'd been blocking the Mizian communication and that I doubt our equipment could send through that block. How do you do that anyway?"

"I don't mean to offend but that would take a bit longer to explain then I'd really like to take." As she was speaking Lucy had already slipped Albert's gem back into place and now fitted the one Sam and Aaron climbed into its place. Before she continued speaking she stood up. "I wouldn't mind if you did provide a live video feed you know. I could even help the signal well less help and more like insure that it gets through."

"If you're serious about that I could give them a call now. However, I'm going to need some help. I doubt my phone is going to get very good reception out here."


As the radar operator watched the screen he couldn't help but feel nervous. It had been several hours since the armored and ground forces had been dispatched to deal with Lucy. During that everyone had been on high alert. Then they had received the report of their success and the casualty tally. He was actually surprised by how high it had been but it had meant the threat was over and everyone could relax some.

Everything seemed alright but then people started trying to make contact with the soldiers that had been dispatched. No one was too worried as they had wounded and were most likely slowed down by that. However, when they failed to respond to any form of communication people had started to become worried. After an entire night of silence many including the operator found themselves worried that the report of their success had been false.

Despite his suspicion though he still wasn't prepared for when a massive blip appeared on his screen. The source of the blip seemed immediately apparent given the scale and its altitude. When the same blip came back a second time the speed with which it moved further confirmed the operators concerns. Even before he truly had thought of what to do his hand slammed down on the alert. He couldn't order an attack but he doubted that his superiors would wait long to do so.

"What is going on?" As the ranking officer in the room made his way over to the operator's station he could see that the man was quite concerned. Instead of asking a second time he glanced over his shoulder and felt his heart rate speed up. "Ready the long range missiles."

So far Lucy had avoided populated areas with great success it was something Albert found quite impressive despite the desolation in the area. He was still surprised by the lack of any real response though from the Mizian government given that they had to know their initial attack had failed. "Lucy, I've noticed that at times you seem invisible to detect with electronic equipment. Then at other times you seem to stick out regardless of how well concealed you are."

"Yeah I tend to either hide or reveal myself on whims really. All I have to do is stop tampering with the electrical systems and quit absorbing energy quite as readily. I want them to have time to prepare to an extent but not enough time to be too prepared. I hope you don't mind just staying on the side lines."

"I'm fine I'm quite okay just watching."

"Perhaps there is a way that I could get you more involved with my fun. I can't really just let you roam around. You might be hurt. I could let you pick out my targets and just how I should handle them. Do you believe that you would enjoy that?"

"Don't worry about me Lucy. I'm fine watching and besides I have a wonderful view from where I'm at."

"I figured you'd like it there. Still, I wish you could see more of me. Perhaps I should make Sam and Aaron spend some time in my necklace while you take their spot in my bra. That'd let you see the ground better and my face as well. Oh wait, I bet I could adjust my necklace into something that is more like a tiara!" As she spoke Lucy reached up and took hold of some of her hair. "I could even form a nice secure cradle with my hair."

"Now would that be for me or them?"

"Mm you know I'm not really sure. Albert, if they start shooting me before I can give everyone a verbal warning should I treat the situation as if they have already rejected the warning? Be quick with your answer please."

"Yeah I suppose. I mean if someone shoots a police officer in their bullet resistant vest I doubt the officer." Albert didn't get to finish as he heard an explosion. While the sound was limited it was still enough to cause him to be quiet and turn his attention towards the explosion. What he saw was Lucy's hand and a bit of smoke. "Lucy, did they just shoot you with a rocket?"

"Yes, yes they did."

"I suppose they've already told you where they stand then. Do you think you should hurry before they can deploy the fighters?"

"Not really. I'm sure I'll be able to track them down wherever they go and if they do decide to move them to another location I know where my next target is. They'll probably be sending more rockets though once it's confirmed that I wasn't killed."

"So what do you intend to do?"

"Mm I don't know. On the one hand it might be fun to let them expend all their big boomers before I make my way there. On the other hand rockets aren't really all that fun. One of the reasons I like being shelled is that it comes in rapid succession and cause some really nice feelings. The rockets don't really let me show off as they can't see them failing to harm me. I believe that I'll just keep moving."

"Lucy, were you actually able to digest those tanks that you ate yesterday?"

"Yes I was. I waited until most of the soldiers had died off except those in the tanks and then I ramped up my stomach activity. It was rather amusing how they responded once the metal began to fail. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just trying to imagine how your body must operate to be able to produce enough energy to literally digest a tank. That isn't exactly an easily accomplished task."

"I wish that I could tell you Albert but I can't. I don't even know that myself. It's like when I woke up and found myself able to separate into separate bodies. I had no idea of how I had done it only that I could. I found out later that I could control it but that doesn't mean I had any idea of how it was happening. Even now it's rather beyond my understanding to a large extent."

"I know. I'm just trying to decide which is more remarkable. That you just shrugged off a rocket like it was nothing, well to you I imagine it was nothing, or that you were able to digest a tank. Honestly I'm finding the idea of you digesting alloys meant to withstand extremes of both kinetic energy and temperature to be the more remarkable of the two given what your stomach would have to endure to process such materials."

"Mm I believe that we're going to have to have this conversation later." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she turned her head to the sky. "They aren't done shooting me."


It was rare that Lucy would actively defend herself most of the time Albert knew she preferred to permit the attack to reach her main body. So he was rather surprised when Lucy continued to block the rockets with her hand. If anyone had asked him what she'd do before hand he'd guessed that she'd tried to catch a few of them with her cleavage. "Lucy, are those actually hurting you?"

"Nope, why do you ask?"

"Then why are you blocking them?"

"To relieve boredom it isn't exactly stimulating but it gives me something to do."

"I thought you enjoyed being shot with exceptionally powerful weapons?"

"When I have an audience yes, however you really can't see what is going on while Sam and Aaron aren't really the type of audience I enjoy. You seem to appreciate my little displays more then most and I don't have anyone to scare. Without a truly appreciative audience it sort of quits being fun."

Before responding Albert removed his restraints and moved to the front of the gem. He then glanced up the bit of roof he could in an attempt to see more of Lucy's upper body. All he was able to see was the underside of her massive breasts, her stomach, shoulders and arms. The front of her breasts was visible to a limited extent but only the bottom curve. "Well darn it. What about that tiara idea that you had earlier?"

"Believe me Albert once I'm done with this you're going to be changing locations. I think my crotch was the idea location for the first encounter but I really want you to be able to see more of me. So you can either expect to be moving to my forehead or my top. I just don't feel secure doing it just now. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you were hurt because I wanted to move you somewhere more suitable for my amusement."

"Lucy, you're not exactly exerting yourself. I doubt there is any real chance of me being killed or injured."

"I know the odds are low enough that many would consider the risk acceptable but I just can't accept that." As she had been speaking Lucy had already blocked several of the incoming rockets. When she couldn't detect anymore rocks coming she began to rapidly brush her hands against one another using the friction generated to remove the suit and debris that stuck to her hands.

Abandoning the airstrip and the surrounding facilities seemed like an exceptionally good idea. Given that none of their attacks had managed to actually kill Lucy and even failed to delay her. It was apparent that his superiors had agreed but as the captain looked around he realized one cold fact of the situation. Not everyone could be removed or she would just ignore the airstrip and pursue those that ran. They had left a contingency force behind to delay her and he was part of it.

At least they had left them with some equipment to defend themselves for what good it would do them. From what he'd seen on the radar she'd shrugged off rocket after rocket. Given that they had failed to kill her he doubted that anything they currently had could harm her. Now he watched as the ranking officer drove ahead of the main force then turned to address them.

"As you all well know we're about to fight an opponent that exterminated a force far larger and better equipped then ours. While we don't know what condition she is in we can assume she's capable of fighting given that she hasn't shown any signs of slowing down. We're most likely going to die here today and I doubt that it will be pleasant. However, if we don't hold her here many more will die. Surrender isn't an option, we must buy time."

"You should have given me something that would let me watch what was going on." As Albert looked out of the gem he could see the airstrip and several of the larger buildings but he was having trouble making out any details. Given that he could see it though he knew that Lucy could see everything that was going on.

"I know. Would you like me to tell you what is going on?"

"I'd like to have an idea of what you are walking into."

"They're only a few tanks and jeeps. I don't even believe it could be called a defensive force. Most likely it's a force that was left behind to delay me. I'm certain that they've already removed everything of value that they're able to move. Mm I don't see anything that would indicate a trap but then again it wouldn't surprise me if they detonated every explosive in the arms depot they have."

"I'm not sure how you should handle this really. If you let them delay you by playing with the soldiers they left behind you'll be letting several others escape. If you just pursue those that have already ran though you'll have less fun."

"That is true. Well if I stop to play with those they left behind I'm just letting them prolong things. It isn't like they have anything that will change the ultimate outcome. I believe that I should eat them."

"Check for binoculars or take one of the scopes from a gun."

"Hey! Are you getting more into this?!"

Upon hearing the sudden surprise in Lucy's voice Albert gave a slight jump. A slight chuckle escaped him before he could answer her question. "It just takes some getting use to."

"You know Albert. I know that I don't think exactly like a human. Even if I am mentally human on several levels I don't have the same social concerns. At the times most children were still learning their actions had consequences I was learning that a hunting rifle couldn't harm me. I know that I gain knowledge faster then human but that isn't really part of moral development. So I know that my mind isn't quite the same way that it would have been if I had grown up as a normal child. What about you though?"

"What do you mean Lucy?"

"I can enjoy creation and life but I can also enjoy destruction and death. I enjoy causing both as I've said before. It's just that creation gives me a greater since of fulfillment. Being feared is fun but being loved is even better."

A slight chuckle escaped Albert as he shook his head. "Well of course. You want to be loved however if someone isn't going to love you then you want them to fear you. I've known that for a while. Also I know that you enjoy using your power whether it's for creation or destruction. How people treat you is the deciding factor in what way it's used."

"Yeah, but like I said, I really didn't have a human up bringing. What about you though? What allows you to enjoy my behavior in such a way?"

There wasn't an immediate answer as Albert took at least a minute to consider his response. "You can keep walking Lucy I don't want to delay your fun while I think. Are you sure that this is the best time to discuss such things?"

In response Lucy resumed her walk towards the airstrips. "Yeah I believe it is."

"I haven't really given it much thought but I can give a few reasons. Lucy, I don't really derive any enjoyment from their deaths. However, I do derive enjoyment from seeing you happy and having fun. What allows me to enjoy the situation completely though is that you took the time to warn them and they refused your warning. Thanks to that I can watch you and feel no sympathy for them.

Not only that but even if they didn't know how powerful you truly are they should have known you posed a serious threat. You've revealed enough of your strength on several occasions to at least give them a starting point for what you're capable of so to me it isn't like there wasn't fair warning. Does that make sense?"

An amused giggle escaped Lucy as she reached down and ran her finger over the gem Albert was in. "I really don't believe I'm the person to be answering that question. I do like your reason though. So you're saying that you couldn't enjoy this if I were to simply start consuming people with no reason or warning?"

"Lucy, you know that I couldn't enjoy that. What brought this on?"

"The fact that I'm about to eat quite a few living people and you're telling me to pick up some binoculars for you or a scope. It just made me think. Yesterday you really didn't talk all that much and sure didn't stop to think about such things. So what made you do it today?"

"Lucy, I never have really had any sympathy for people that get themselves killed doing something foolish. I've also had time to come to terms with yesterday and what is happening. Humans are a very adaptable species."

"It was one night. Come on Albert tell me what really happened."

A sigh escaped Albert as he shook his head. "Lucy, I've known you for quite some time and you've openly confessed what you'd like to do several times if the situation arose. So I've had longer to consider such things then a single night. For a long while I wondered if there was something wrong with me. If perhaps I was some form of amoral hypocrite for not trying to convince you to give up such desires."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I didn't want to bother you with it until I had a better idea of how I felt. Yesterday as I watched you. Well watched your hands and feet I came to a better understanding of how I feel and what I value. I just needed the situation to actually occur before I could truly resolve my thoughts. If I had enjoyed seeing other people dying in mass I would have been worried. As I watched it though I realized that it was you enjoying yourself that I enjoyed."

"I see. So now that you're not questioning your own humanity you're able to think of other things." An amused giggle escaped Lucy. "Okay I'm glad to know that. You know what? For the sake of humanity I believe I'm going to cut these guys a little break if they're willing to accept it."

"What are you going to do? Step on them instead of digest them slowly."

"Not exactly" as Lucy neared the Mizian guards she came to a stop and called out to them. "Okay, you already started this fight by shooting me with those rockets. However, I'm willing to wager most of those involved in that have already packed up and left. So you all can either surrender and let me search the installation for anything I find interesting and not be harmed be me or we can try to kill one another in truly horrible ways. I'm pretty confident that I'll come out the winner though if you try to harm me. Also, there will be no surrendering half way through or even once we truly begin."

Once Lucy had finished speaking she once again resumed walking towards those left behind to slow her down. All of the soldiers remembered what their superior had told them. They were all expected to die fighting her. Their deaths would give the others time to escape and hopefully come up with a battle plan. If they didn't hold her there at least for a while she would catch up with those who left very quickly.

A weapon clattering to the ground drew a few soldiers attention as one of the men laid down his rifle. "I sur." The man didn't get a chance to finish as a soldier standing near by turned in his direction and brought his rifle up.

"No you don't. Either you fight her or I'll kill you now."

An amused chuckle escaped Lucy as she noted the seen before her. "Oh and one more thing, I won't be responsibly for your safety should you choose to surrender. It's up to you to get away from those that chose to fight me. I can't keep track of every single little thing after all."

As the commander looked at the two men he gave his head a slight nod. He hadn't had time to issue an order but he was glad that the man hadn't been allowed to surrender. If he had then most likely others would have done so. He could understand why he wanted to just give up and live however he had joined the armed forces and had a duty that came before his life. Despite these thoughts the commander found his mouth going dry as he tried to order everyone to open fire.

His decision to surrender had been sudden and unexpected even to him. As the soldier considered his options though he turned towards the one that currently held a rifle aimed at him. "So you're willing to die for this?"


For a moment the soldier just held his ground but then gave a nod. So far no order had been given to attack but he felt certain that if he waited until then it would be too late. "I don't want to die and I doubt that you do either."

As Albert watched the amassed soldiers he couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen. "Lucy, what are you going to do if they don't openly surrender?"

"If they just want to stand there that is fine. I'm going to see what supplies I can find then be on my way. If they wait until I've gathered up what I need and leave they don't have to actually verbally surrender."

"It seems that the Mizian force is currently at a stand still having yet to openly surrender or attack. Miss Angeye has already made her way onto the base and is moving towards some of the buildings. So far she has not moved to harm any of the soldiers that remained behind to delay her and doesn't seem likely to unless they make a move to harm her."

"Open fire!"

In response to the command Lucy quickly glanced in the direction of the army. A slight chuckle escaped her though when she wasn't immediately assaulted with a barrage of fire. Instead the guns remained silent while some people lowered their weapons to the ground. "I suppose that you're not united in the decision to die this time. I doubt that the group I encountered earlier would have been if they'd know what they were against."

"I'm sorry sir, but I just can't throw away my life for this." While only one soldier spoke, several others seemed to agree with his decision as they placed their weapons on the ground. As a few looked around it seemed clear that they'd been chose to stay behind for yet another reason. They were probably considered the most likely to betray their nation.

All of the commander's training and since of duty told him not only should he open fire on Lucy but he should also have all the men that lay down their arms shot. It wasn't as if all of them had put down their weapons after all. However, not all of them seemed as willing to die for the nation as the one that had drawn his weapon on the first deserter. "You will all be executed for this. So either pick up your weapons and fight now or die as traitors."

"They probably know they've got a better chance of surviving if they put down their weapons now. While I'm sure that some of your men are willing to shoot their comrades. I doubt all of them that are holding onto their guns are doing so because they intend to shoot me." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she finally came within arms reach of the army and bent down. "So most of you don't want to end up in my belly I take it."

In response to Lucy's comments one of the soldiers that had put down his gun stepped forward. "We surrender."

"I believe that I used the wrong word when I said surrender. I'm not taking you prisoner after all. Just don't get in my way. Now I'd appreciate if you did what I told you to do earlier and separate yourself from the main group if you don't want to fight me. That way those that do can go ahead and try, I can eat them and we can move on. On second thought, those of you that don't want me to eat you should really go inside one of the bunkers. I believe some bombers are coming this way. I don't remember being hit with any ground penetrating rockets so I assume you don't have any but I suppose they might be about to try ground penetrating bombs on me."

Several of the officers stood still as did some soldiers. Yet others began to move in response to Lucy's warning. They didn't truly trust her at the moment but they'd given up to save their lives. Even the soldier that had first drawn his weapon remained still as he noted not one but several of his comrades falling back. Much to his surprise he found himself letting go of his weapon.

"Hey Lucy, how do you feel?"

As Lucy spoke she didn't use the lips of her main body but chose to speak to Albert directly and privately. "Would you believe that I don't feel disappointed?"

"Yeah, I would."

"I was so looking forward to killing them but now that it doesn't seem like I will get to I can't say that I feel disappointed. I guess I know that there is more fun ahead. Still, I wonder if I could at least eat the commander sense he did tell his men to shoot me. Well no, he might have told them to but he hasn't actually taken out his weapon yet and shot me and if I went around killing everyone that encouraged others to kill me I would be very busy. I'd get to travel a lot more though."

While Sam had chosen to go along with Lucy and trust in the sturdiness of the gem he couldn't help his concern. "Lucy, do you intend to simply stand here and let them hit you with a ground penetrating bomb or are you going to try to dodge?"

"Stand here of course. I have to make sure they know that such weapons aren't going to hurt me. There going to have to really step it up if they're going to even give me a bruise let alone kill me."

"Step it up to what though?"

"I really don't want to give anyone any ideas."

For a moment Sam said nothing as he considered what Lucy had just told him. So far she seemed quite certain that she was invulnerable to any damage current levels of technology could deliver. Yet now she was indicating that there might be something that could kill her or at least harm her. "Lucy, are you seriously concerned that you might inspire someone to find a way to kill you?"

In response Lucy chuckled lightly but nodded her head. "Sam, humans are exceptionally good at finding ways to kill things. That includes their own of course. I've tested what I can endure within certain parameters so as of yet I haven't had to worry. They are certain things that I can't test completely though and limitations to what I can test as well. Look up."

Instead of speaking Sam turned his eyes to the sky as Aaron turned his camera. What they found was a tiny spec well above them and something falling towards them moments later. At the distance Sam couldn't really see it and knew that once he could it'd be moving too fast for him to.

While Lucy had been speaking to Sam she had been speaking so that everyone could hear her. Those soldiers that had been left behind were encouraged to move much more quickly upon being told to look up. Apparently they had been left behind to also keep her still to make her an easier target. As they dashed away several of them found themselves wondering just what type of explosives were inside of the weapon and if it would reach her.

At first Albert struggled to see what was happening however he soon found that to be an impossible task as Lucy's hand came down and engulfed the gem he was in. He didn't realize it but she had also taken hold of the gem Sam was in and held it firmly inside of her hand. He didn't believe that the bomb could harm Lucy despite what she'd said before but he was made to wonder if it could destroy the gems she had built. There wasn't time to ask her any further questions though.

As the bomb slammed into Lucy her flesh was made to yield as it attempted to borrow into her. The heavy weapon depressed her skin within milliseconds and then began to give itself. Lucy's flesh gave initially, but hardly more then what it gave whenever Albert crawled over it. As the softness of her skin was maxed the bomb's heavy armor began to degrade.

There was no doubt in Lucy's mind that the bomb had been laser guided. Due to her both being able to see the beam and the accuracy with which it struck her. Had the bomb been able to break her skin it would have been trying to push through her rib cage and two her heart. She felt a slight rush as the weapon detonated and the shockwave pressed down upon her breasts and into her face. Shrapnel burst fourth in all directions and Lucy couldn't help but grin.

Lucy's hand had covered the gems for less then two seconds before she removed them. As Albert found his confines once again filling with light he looked around checking for any damage. From what he could see of Lucy she was fine. "So how did that feel?"

"It felt as warm as anything else that has tried to harm me has."

"Did your clothes survive the blast?"

"Yeah, but they're not made like the gem if that was what you were wondering. I had them made to transfer energy to me instead of try to soak any of it. If the heat energy had remained within them they'd melted and believe me it wasn't my clothing that stopped the shrapnel. It is however worse off for the experience."

While Lucy was speaking to Albert Sam turned his attention to those troops left on the ground. "The speed with which the Mizian air force delivered that strikes leaves me with only one conclusion. They had planned to bomb Miss Angeye as soon as they realized their rockets weren't harming her. While Miss Angeye appears to be fine I can't tell how many of the surrendering force are injured."

"Most of them are alright. The bomb hit me in the upper body so the energy was pretty spread out by the time it reached them. A couple of them got killed by shrapnel."

"I see. So what do you plan to do now?"

"Search the buildings for a few items then be on my way."


"Hi, I've been wondering whenever one of you could decide to get in touch with me."

"Well the situation is a little more awkward then we're used to handling. That was quite an impressive display withstanding that bomb as you did."

"So are you one of the reasons the video footage Aaron got has yet to air."

"Yes, the situation is delicate and we weren't quite certain how we should handle it. We didn't want the masses responding before we were able to. You do realize that you're upsetting the already delicate political balance of that region do you not?"

"I'm quite aware of this."

"Miss Angeye, we would like to take advantage of the situation that you have created in Mizia. I take it you still intend to do away with their political leadership do you not?"

"Yes that is my intention. Just how do you plan on taking advantage of the situation? Wait until I'm done here then come in and take over?"

"That would reflect rather poorly on us and you know that. We would like to come in shortly and begin securing various locations. Nothing military I assure you. I believe that we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement if you agreed to leave those areas we secured be."

"Ah, you have me trounce the army then come in and offer a few safe havens. Before that though you have the footage that Sam made aired in order to scare everyone half to death. That would put you in quite a good light but what is in it for me?"

"I'm going to assume that you realize the obvious benefits so I'll get to what you're most likely asking about. We'll hand over any government officials that come into our hands. We will also take steps to drive out those that would support the fallen leadership while urging those that don't support them to come to us. I believe that would free you up more."

"I would have to agree with you."

"We will also be careful to not portray you as some form of monster. We are only there to give those who do not wish to be swept up in the schemes of the government a place to go other then in your belly. Naturally those that don't take us up on our offer we'd rather not have around anyway."

"Then once all the destruction is over you step in and set up a government that is to your liking. I'm not sure if I like this plan given how little I seem to be gaining."

"There are humanitarian benefits."

"That is partially offset by the fact that your ultimate goal isn't entirely humanitarian though it is very human. I'm having quite a bit of fun here I don't know if I want to let you come in and risk losing that."

"We won't force our way in however we do feel that we would be simplifying things for you rather them complicating them."

"I can see how you could do that but that doesn't change the fact that some of my snacks might end up hiding within the safe havens that you're going to create. Of course, you did say that you don't want any of the current government's supporters to live. I assume you have a method for decreasing the number of such people you end up protecting."

"It isn't a full proof method but we believe that we do."

"I'll consider your offer and contact you later. I want to let Albert know what is happening and see what he thinks about it."

"Ah Mr. Guarsen, yes you do seem to be quite fond of him. Very well if that is what you desire then we'll wait. However, would it be rushing you if we were to deploy some ships now?"

"Not really."

"Thank you for being reasonable about this. If you'd like I can inform you of what locations we'd like to secure."

"Given your objective I assume it's any location that you have some form of legal ground to do so. A university where some of your people are still attending or where a corporation belonging to your nation currently resides in mass seems a likely spot."

"Does that mean you don't want specifics?"

"It'd be safer if you gave them to me so go ahead."


As Lucy walked along the concrete she glanced towards the sky. The sun was just beginning to come up and great the land with its warmth. She had been at the airstrip for quite some time now to insure that nothing snuck by her. It had paid off as she continued on towards her target. A small jet currently set on the runway with several people running about preparing it for take off.

It hadn't even been a week since the giantess had arrived on their shore but already they'd lost several military installations. The army was still in one piece in a since due to them being able to track her and fall back when she got close but it meant they were cramming more and more people into smaller areas. To make the situation much worse nothing they had tried had yet to harm the giantess. The only reason it seemed the army still existed was because the giantess was taking her time.

Warren glanced out at the aircraft as he looked at his cell phone. He was tempted to make one last call but resisted the urge. While no one was quite sure how well Lucy was monitoring communication lines he didn't want to risk being caught now. Once the jet was fully fueled they'd be taking off. As he slipped the phone in his pocket he began to make his way to the runway. The moment there was enough fuel in the aircraft to get him to his destination he intended to leave.

A thoughtful sigh escaped Lucy as she looked at the aircraft. She knew that she couldn't get any closer without drawing attention but that hardly mattered. First bending down she buried her fingers in the concrete up to her knuckles. She then began to shift her hands around tearing through the earth easier then what someone else would have done sand. The sound of the stone being shattered was more then enough to draw the attention of those working on the jet.

Twelve armed guards might not have sounded like many to most. However, when seeing them standing around a single aircraft they seemed far more imposing. As they heard the stone being shattered they quickly moved to the opposite side of the aircraft. Despite their training though they weren't prepared for what they saw.

Once Lucy had weakened the bonds surrounding the slab of concrete she curled her fingers further gripping the bottom of it. There was no sign of strain as she easily stood up taking the heavy slab with her and lifting it above her head. As she stood up her eyes locked onto the guards and her lips spread into a wide smile. Before she could release the slab though, she felt something quite solid slam into her stomach. The force of the impact quickly overwhelmed her mass even combined with the mass she held above her head and lifted her off the ground.

As the rocket slammed into Lucy she felt a pencil like opening dress into her stomach. Moments later she felt the molten metal within the rocket pushing into her flesh. The rocket was designed so that once the outer casing slammed into something the insides of it would shoot out and break through the armor of whatever they struck, normally penetrating it and turning the insides of the target into goop.

Even before he had time to think about it the sound from the explosion made Warren's heart skip a beat. As he turned in the direction of the explosion though he felt as if his heart might stop beating as he saw a figure walking towards the jet he was to use to depart. The female figure was engulfed in flames no doubt from the hot liquid from the rocket and her burning clothing. The fact that she should have been torn to shreds and nearly vaporized was troubling enough but it didn't seem to have hurt her at all.

"Limited inertia can be so annoying." Lucy chose to stop advancing as she came to the spot where she had been standing before. It was quite clear to her that the guards were rather loss for what they should do next. While she had no doubt they had been trained and conditioned to protect their employer with their lives they clearly weren't trained on how to handle an opponent they couldn't harm.

While Warren wasn't certain of what was going to happen next he was sure of two things. He wasn't going to be getting on that aircraft and he needed to get away from the airstrip quickly. Fortunately he hadn't left all of his guards to watch the plain and wasted no time in turning around. "We should leave before she finishes out there." The ringing of the PA system stopped Warren before he could move.

"I know you're looking out of the window at gate c-3 and can see me. You might as well just give up shoot yourself because you're not going to get out of this alive. I'm going to have some fun with your bodyguards and then I'm going to take care of you. Watch carefully and decide on what you want to do because if you leave your death up to me theirs will seem pleasant." While Lucy was speaking through the speakers she turned and looked directly at Warren though he hadn't realized it yet as she found herself looking at his back.

As Warren stood there he felt as if an ice cold hand had take hold of his throat. The grip wasn't smothering him but just strong enough to keep him from moving. The grip seemed to tell him that it didn't need to choke him but could snap his head off in an instant. Yet when he reached a hand up towards his throat he found that nothing was there yet the chill and the apparent pressure didn't go away even as his hand wrested upon his own skin.

"So how do you all want to do this? Running tends to be fun but you're welcome to stand and fight if you want as well. Your firearms won't have any affect on the situation but you can feel free to use them or if you want you can even try using your fist. Why you might want to use your fist I don't know but you can feel free to try it anyway. Oh or if you want you can stand there and let me kill you. Surrender isn't an option in this situation."

By now the molten slag that had clung to Lucy had fallen away and was hardening on the ground. What they found underneath that slag was truly horrifying to the guards. Her skin was covered in a black residue yet it was clearly flawless. Not a scratch or burn mark on any part of her they could see. Despite that six of the men took aim with their fire arms and began shooting.

As the bullets began to slam into her Lucy thrust her chest forward into the storm of metal. The hardened metal tips pressed into her flesh indenting it and losing some of their energy before beginning to fall. Those bullets that struck her breasts she quickly caught as the greater give of her breasts decreased the damage they suffered. Due to the weapons' fire Lucy had to raise her voice to be heard. "Hey that feels kind of nice! I wonder if I could get Albert to shoot me some. Probably not, I doubt he'd be comfortable pointing a weapon at me."

Why was he staying still? Warren gave his head a vigorous shake as he finally willed his legs to begin moving. As he pressed forward the feeling around his neck began to grow warmer though it didn't release. Despite that he continued to press onward and by the time he had taken his fifth step he was running. With each step he took though he couldn't help but notice the area around his neck seemed to be warming up.

While their weapons couldn't harm her they were prolonging the lives of the guards. As the weapons fire continued to strike her Lucy began to shift about. She didn't change her stance but shifted her upper body causing her breasts to bounce and sway. Slowly her grin began to widen until her teeth could be seen and she began to shake lightly. Had the guards been able to hear her they would have realized that she was also giggling as she tried to block the bullets with her nipples.

The odds of something being able to kill Lucy whenever her bodies were all joined together seemed beyond hope. However, the soldier that had first fired the rocket at Lucy had hoped that the weapon could at least kill one of her human sized bodies. It had no effect upon her though so why did she seem to be shaking? There was no way that the bullets had enough inertia to cause her to shift about like that. As he observed her he realized what was going on upon seeing her face and noticed a smile that was trying to open her mouth into all out laughter.

Those bullets that ended up in Lucy's hands were quickly adding up even as she played her game. As she gathered more and more bullets though some began to fall to the ground as her hands became too full. With the need to have a free hand quickly arising Lucy drew back her left arm and quickly emptied it of bullets by sending it into the aircraft behind the guards. Those people close to the aircraft and especially the machine itself were caught within the barrage.

An explosion seemed to resound from behind the guards as the bullets slammed into the aircraft. While their mass was relatively low Lucy had imparted tremendous energy to them when she'd thrown them. Coupled with how the metal had been warped by both hitting Lucy and the wind friction generated when she'd thrown them the results were quite vocal. Due to the energy they were also quite noticeable as the shells tore through the aircraft.

With one hand empty Lucy quickly shifted a few of the rounds from her right hand to her left. As she did she quickly took one of the caps between her thumb and index finger and gave it a swift flick. The round was made to shoot through the air more quickly then it had been fired from the gun and slam into one of the six men that had drawn their weapons. Lucy was careful to miss vital organs as she sent the bullet through him.

Despite Lucy's aim though, the sheer energy that she imparted to the cap insured it had quite an effect. A massive hole was torn in the man's stomach as an even larger one was torn in his back. He didn't stand even for a moment after the round ripped him open as it destroyed his spinal cord his lower body went limp and he toppled to the ground a massive amount of blood already pouring out of him.

The scream of their coworker didn't draw the attention of the eleven remaining. They'd learned how to focus on the target long ago for what little good it would do them. Unfortunately this meant they just stared at Lucy as it became clear nothing they had was going to have an affect on her. All they could really do was, delay her or beg for mercy and none of them had been conditioned for begging.

"Those are some pretty heavy rounds you're using there. I imagine your employer values armor penetration." Even as she spoke Lucy brought another cap to rest between her fingers and gave it another flick. This time it slammed into the first guard to open fire on her and sent him toppling to the ground. "Oh come now surely you're not just going to stand here and let me kill you. That isn't much fun." Despite her words Lucy once again sent a bullet into the group.

If she was trying to get a reaction out of them or not they weren't ready to give her one. Given that she was flicking their bullets back at them they doubted she was going to give chase so running wouldn't delay her. Unable to remain still though one of the guards that had unloaded his primary weapon took out his side arm and quickly took aim at Lucy's head. At such a close range his aim was very precise.

As the bullet left the barrel Lucy could tell where it had been aimed at. The guard had meant to put the shell right between her eyes. Instead of allowing that though she shifted her head to the side ever so slightly. The action was a blur to the guards as she adjusted her head just enough to insure that the cap would hit her in the eye. Despite her endurance it was very hard for Lucy to keep herself from blinking as the shell neared her eye and blocked out the light.

As the bullet drew closer to her eye more light was blocked out until she couldn't see around the tiny piece of metal. Lucy's desire to blink quickly grew until it was almost painful to resist it so that there was an actual sigh of relief as she felt it finally pressing into her eye. As the metal met her eye and then began to rapidly deform Lucy quickly opened her mouth and let her tongue flick out. As the metal slug came toppling off her eye she leaned forward just enough to place her tongue under the falling bullet.

When the warm metal met Lucy's tongue she quickly curled it upward to capture the bullet and drew the bullet inside of her mouth. Her cheeks hardly puffed as she blew outward but the bullet shot out with far more force then what any hand gun could have given it. The shot slammed solidly into the firer's head. The back of his head exploded outward less then a second after he fired the bullet and his body fell to the ground. "Nice shot!"

Their training told them not to but the remaining guards glanced down at those Lucy had already killed. The injuries she had inflicted were simply massive and their blood was quickly emptying out onto the ground. As they turned to Lucy one of the guards took a step forward. "Why are you toying with us like this?"

"I'm not toying with you! I take very good care of my toys and would never treat them so poorly."

Until now the guard had managed to keep a strait face and his resolve strong but now he was made to wince. "Why are you killing us?"

"Amusement, I believe you deserve it, scare your employer, I like to try new things, I don't get to do this often, you tried to kill me initially, you protected someone that truly deserves to die, you helped that someone stay in power and I could go on if you would like me to."

Instead of verbally responding the guards reached into his coat and took out his hand gun as well. As he drew the weapon he quickly reversed its direction so that it would fire cleanly into his head. He gave the trigger a slight squeeze and didn't even have time to hear the sound as the bullet shot out far faster then any sound wave. The powerful hand gun had been designed to insure that whoever it shot went down in one hit and it did its job especially well when fired at the head.

"I really don't like it when people chose to exercise that right but I just can't bring myself to take it away from them. I won't stop you if you want to kill yourself or one another even. So long as everyone knows that you died, I'm fairly happy with the outcome." The moment Lucy finished speaking she gave another bullet a quick flick sending it into another guard.

Warren knew that he hadn't been running for very long however his throat felt like it was on fire. With every step he had taken the heat seemed to have grown and now he found himself actually thinking of stopping to take a drink of water. So oppressive was the heat that the pain was actually pushing through his fear of death. Just what was causing the pain escaped him but he knew that he didn't have time to think about that.

Lucy gave a slight shrug as she looked at the twelve corpses before her. Only one of them had chosen to take his life while the others had stood there ground. She wasn't entirely certain which would have been the better choice. As far as their duty went they were obligated to stand and die slowly to buy their employer time. Which choice favored personnel freedom though, she wasn't certain.

Those guards that had remained behind with Warren were currently faced with quite a dilemma. For some reason he had nearly collapsed saying something about his throat and two of them had to help him along. They had also seen what Lucy had done to several of their colleagues and the ultimate futility of their efforts to harm her. Given that it seemed Warren was certain to die anyway some were considering leaving him a very good idea.

At last one of the bodyguards had enough. As they came to one of the stairwell exists he relaxed his grip on Warren. The other immediately noticed the increased load on his shoulders and turned to the other. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to die here and not like this. By now she's finished off those of us outside and is coming for him. Perhaps if we leave now she won't bother chasing us down." Instead of waiting for a response the guard quickly turned pushed open the stairwell and more dashed through it then walked through. Lucy was a concern but he didn't want to risk getting a bullet in the back either.

Those guards still left were somewhat stunned by the sudden departure of their coworker. One of them moved to draw his gun but didn't bother gripping the handle. He had waited until they were near the stairwell to help avoid getting a bullet in the back. "We don't have time to chase him down."

It was generally easy for Lucy to find her way around any structure but after visiting the airport so often she could have found her way around it blind folded and with her ears covered. She might have left a few holes in the walls but she'd found her way. Tracking Warren was proving to be exceptionally easy as she jogged through the halls. Lucy was careful to keep her speed relatively slow but to strike the ground hard to create enough sound for them to hear her.

"I'm leaving." Yet another bodyguard moved away from Warren though he was past the exit. It was clear he didn't speak for just one of them though as several others backed away with him. As they moved away they took hold of their weapons and began to walk backwards as if it was a planned retreat. "I suggest you all leave him as well."

Even the guard that had been helping to support Warren couldn't help himself. He released his hold on Warren and allowed him to topple to the ground. "It was a pleasure working for you Sir but I won't stay here and die for no reason." With that he began to quickly dash away.

A sharp gasp escaped Warren even as he landed on the ground. It was meant to be a cry of protest but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He was actually surprised whenever he heard a click on the ground right in front of him and noticed a hand gun placed on the floor as well as a clip with a single bullet in it. "You could have told those of us outside that they could retreat."

As Lucy walked through the building she was far from unaware that those bodyguards with Warren had already left him. She was actually surprised given the conditioning that they went through. Of course, giving your life when it's possible to save someone else's life is far from giving your life when there is no way to save them. She doubted that they had been trained to handle a situation such as the current one. It also made her glad to know that the guards had left him.

There was no sympathy for the guards in Lucy what she liked about their decision was the affect it would have on Warren. Before hand he at least had them to give him some form of hope no matter how superficial. Now that was gone, they had scatted in every direction as none of the men seemed eager to stay with the larger group. One thing did perplex her though. She wasn't certain why Warren had stopped all of a sudden.

With his last protector gone Warren began to force himself into a setting position. His hands reached out and took hold of the weapon. He could hear Lucy coming closer and strangely the pain in his throat had diminished. Unfortunately as the pain diminished his fear continued to grow as he struggled to think of a way out of his current situation. "We can pay you!"

"Hey! That's an insult!" For a moment Lucy stopped moving and slammed her hands into her sides. The impact could easily be heard throughout the entire structure as could her voice. Oddly Lucy found herself truly offended at the offer. Something about it and the tone in Warren's voice upset her far more then what it should have.

"It doesn't have to be in money. I know you don't need that. There are other things."

Despite the anger of the previous moment Lucy's voice held a tone of amusement as she began to move. "What do you think you're doing now? I consider your death payment for violation of our contract, ignoring my warnings and attempting to kill me with your army."

"That wasn't me! It was a group decision, I didn't agree to it."

A slight chuckle escaped Lucy as she neared the corner Warren was around and slowed her pace. "That has got to be one of the most obvious lies that I've ever heard."

The disappearance of the sound of Lucy's foot steps was far from comforting to Warren as he began to fumble with the hand gun. Much to his surprise his hands were shaking so much that he was having trouble putting the clip into the weapon. "We just did it to protect our nation!"

"Now if I actually cared about that I wouldn't be here right now would I?" Instead of walking around the corner Lucy quickly leaned over so that she could peak around the corner. She wore a wide grin as she looked at Warren's downed form and brought a hand around the corner to wave at him. "I am curious about something. What is wrong with you?"

Despite the circumstances Warren couldn't help his surprise. "What do you mean what is wrong with me?! You're the one that did this to me!"

"Uh no, I haven't touched you in anyway yet. I thought that something might be wrong with you physically. I know they are plenty of things wrong with you mentally. However, this whole time I haven't been able to see what is wrong and even now I can't find anything. For some reason your muscles just seem to be registering that they're in pain."

With the pain relaxing all the more Warren was able to better focus. He was still surprised whenever he heard a slight click as he slipped the clip into the handgun his bodyguard had left him. He knew that it only had one bullet and that it wouldn't affect Lucy. So he chose to turn the weapon on himself. He didn't risk saying anything as pointed the weapon at his heart and pulled the trigger.

When Warren had pulled the trigger Lucy fully expected the weapon to fire killing him. So even she was a bit surprised whenever all she heard was a slight click. As she watched Warren pull the trigger several more times she actually found herself beginning to giggle. "Well it sure isn't your lucky day!" With that Lucy finished rounding the corner.

Was the gun jammed? Warren frantically began to work the weapon as Lucy walked towards him at what seemed to be a snail's pace. As he managed to remove the clip he proceeded to check the one bullet inside. He didn't get a chance to reload though as he failed to realize how close Lucy was now standing to him and her hand took hold of the bullet.

At first Lucy said nothing but seemed truly interested in the bullet. Holding it at arm's length she lowered it and raised it several times as if testing the mass. "Oh someone really doesn't like you. This bullet is a dud there isn't any propellant inside of it."

Warren nearly choked on his surprise as his mind turned to the last guard to leave him. He had thought that he'd been performing an act of mercy but also insuring that Warren didn't shoot him for trying to leave. Instead it seemed that he was playing some kind of sick game. Letting Warren think he could end his life with the gun but not leaving him with any bullets that could truly be fired.

"I had intended to kill all your bodyguards but you know. I believe that I'll let those still alive live. Oh and just so you know, I won't be killing you right now. I want to wait until more of me can arrive." As she finished speaking Lucy delivered what was to her a horribly slow punch to Warren's gut. She had to be careful not to tear him in two as she felt her fist easily sinking into his stomach. While Warren was being sent to his knees Lucy quickly moved to the side as a jet of blood escaped him.

Pain once again flooded Warren's mind as every last bit of air was forced out of him. That wasn't the only thing that escaped him though as he felt certain Lucy had ruptured some of his internal organs. As he clutched his stomach and looked upon the small puddle of blood that he coughed up he felt certain of it. He couldn't comment or even plead for a quick death though as he struggled to regain his breath.

"While we're waiting that doesn't mean I can't have some fun, of course. Anyway, at least I'll save you some suspense. The reason I want to wait for my larger body to arrive is that I intend to swallow you. I want to slowly digest you over the next few hours. Of course, I could slowly rip you apart and generate the same amount of pain. I just don't find that to be as amusing though. You know? It's as if even though I'm only use part of my hands technically, I still find the idea that I'm having to use my hands to tear you apart less amusing or even offensive. Eating you seems to make it more clear how vast the difference between me and those I consume is."


"So how are they doing now?"

"They're moving more materials from the beach and towards the cities to reinforce the paratroopers they dropped originally. They're slacking off on the heavy armor but that isn't really surprising. They most likely want to avoid much collateral damage so they're relying on their enhanced soldiers to maintain order."

"I guess this is a big day for InCon then. Didn't you say the paratroopers had their latest generation of military symbiot?"

"Yeah, well at least they weren't joking when they said they wouldn't be portraying me as a monster."

"That is true. By limiting the heavy armor they bring in they're either saying that they trust you or they don't believe it'd matter if you did decide to attack them. So do you believe that they'll manage to drive out most of those that would support the current government?"

"I believe that they've already began working on that." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she shook her head. "Though it is kind of funny that they start it with something as simple as a signing a sheet of paper."

"A sheet of paper that confirms they denounce the old government, were never supporters of it and hold no hostility towards you or them."

"Yeah I know, it's the start of a mind game. It isn't much by itself but done in conjunction with several other things it can have an affect. I'm more surprised by the brute force methods they're using. I never expected them to openly reject people at the gate so to speak."

"Hey Lucy, I've been wanted to ask you for a while now. This is my vacation as well isn't it?"

"Just because it's your vacation that doesn't mean I'm going to let you stop exercising." As she spoke Lucy once again pressed down on Albert's legs as he worked on his leg lifts.

"Come on! Can't I take a little break?"


A low groan escaped Albert as he shook his head. He'd expected Lucy to let him skip a few of his exercise sessions but so far she hadn't let him miss once. It was doing wonders for his physical condition but he still had a lazy streak that encouraged him to push for a break. "Can't I miss a few days? It isn't like my muscles are going to atrophy just because I missed one session."

"Mm, Okay Albert I'll make a deal with you. If you can climb me starting from my crotch and until you reached my nipples then I'll ease up and spread your sessions out a little more. I won't set up perfectly strait but I'm not going to lay down flat either. To make it a true test of your ability I'll also refrain from doing anything that would hinder your efforts such as blowing on you."

Despite all the slack Lucy had just agreed to cut him Albert couldn't help the cynicism in his voice or on his face. "Gee and you're not much taller then the last time you had me do that."

"Ha! That's what you get for all of those short comments!"

Nearly the instant the words hit his ears Albert nearly doubled over. It wasn't from pain but from him trying to keep himself from bursting into laughter. Fortunately Lucy noticed this and relaxed the pressure she was exerting on him. After a few moments of struggling to keep from breaking down though Albert proved unable to hold it in and began to laugh openly.

Lucy couldn't have removed the grin from her face no matter how hard she'd bit her tongue as Albert laughed. "Hey Albert, how much longer do you believe I should give them?"

A sigh escaped Albert as he pushed up on Lucy's finger when he regained his composure. "I don't really know. I suppose that it depends on where you want to go next. If it's fairly close then I believe eight more hours would be long enough. You've already given them a fair bit of time."

"Okay then. Until then we can just relax here."


"Oh shush, it isn't like I'm going to have you exercising the whole time." As Lucy spoke she added a little extra pressure forcing Albert to work all the harder as he pushed up on her finger. "Hey Albert, you haven't asked me what the media is saying about me in a while."

"Huh, honestly it never really crossed my mind. Why is something wrong?"

"Not really. The responses are pretty much what I expected them to be. Business is down a little bit but not enough for me to worry. Fortunately I have more then a few contracts that are going to be good for a few more years. I swear, I've been burning through my earnings quite rapidly though. I need to be more careful."

"By that time this will have all been forgotten. Well not all forgotten but people won't care enough to change their purchasing plans for the most part. How is that satellite project coming along though? I've also been wondering about Phillip and Sandra."

"I believe I've come up with all the materials and systems that it's going to require. I just have to put the machinery together now and give it a test before putting it into orbit. Hey that reminds me, you were supposed to come up for something else for me to make."

"The satellite isn't in the sky yet. I've had some inspiration recently though."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Develop some form of drink or device that will make physical development easier especially when exercising. Something that doesn't involve the use of a symbiot in anyway, as you're not allowing me to get one."

A slight chuckle escaped Lucy as she shook her head. "I should have seen that one coming."

"Hey you agreed not to question my decision."

In response Lucy gave a quick nod. "Yes I did. Okay I'll develop some chemical compound that will help women to develop their body more quickly while not causing any biological changes that would be considered not lady like."

"Hey I didn't say for women!"

"You didn't say that it wasn't for women. Besides, such compounds do tend to need to be made for one sex or the other. It would be hard to make something that worked with both biological systems equally well."

"I thought you wanted a challenge."

"I do that is why I'm going to try to develop something that is exceptionally effective. Perhaps I shouldn't stop at physical development but help with height as well. I believe that'd be a good move of course it's going to also have to help with their over all biological systems to sustain their health."

After listening to Lucy Albert gave his head a slight shake as he resolved that she was serious. "I'm going to have to be very careful of the wording I use in the future."


As Lucy looked upon the city she couldn't help herself. Reflexively her hands slammed into one another as she lightly stamped her feet several times. She then clinched her fist and pressed them against her chests as she struggled to keep from vocalizing her excitement too much. "Albert, can you believe I finally get a chance to do this?!"

Even though Albert had seen Lucy responding in such a way several times since their arrival he still couldn't get over how cute she looked. He was however kept from replying right away as Lucy's hopping around had shaken him up quite a bit. As the spinning of his head slowed he glanced over the slope of Lucy's breasts and up towards her face. "You've got to do a lot of things that you had to wait quite some time for a chance to arrive."

"Yeah that has been wonderful! Okay, how do you think I should start things?"

"Would you believe I actually have some ideas this time? I believe that you should walk through the city ignoring the attacks from the soldiers or anyone else that tries something. As you're going through you should only demolish buildings that will serve as road blocks. You may also want to position a few of your smaller selves around the city to observe any escape attempts. Once all the roads have been blocked off you can move from there."

"What about the bunker?"

"Do you really want to move on them right away? I thought you'd want to take your time and let them observe their city being torn apart."

"Yep I do! Okay so first the roads!" As she finished speaking Lucy began to quickly stride towards the city.

Lucy must not have realized how quickly she was moving as Albert found himself more pinned in his seat then setting in it for the first few moments. As her accelerating leveled off the force decreased though he quickly realized that if she were to come to a sudden stop he'd feel it all over again but in a different direction. "Lucy, watch how fast you're moving."

"Whoops! I forgot about that for a moment."

"It isn't a problem." Albert took a moment to look out over the city and took in a deep breath. He knew that in a very short time that there wouldn't much left of the city or its occupants if anything was left at all. There would be no surrender for those currently inside of the city and most likely no escape either. "Hey Lucy, how many chose to stay behind?"

"From what I observed earlier roughly one third of the cities original occupants are still inside. However, that number is bolstered by military forces and those that have gathered here."

"You mean people actually came here?!"

"You shouldn't really be surprised. While I imagine their reasons vary heavily they are going to be supporters of the government willing to give their lives. I'm sure some feel as if they're making a stand while others believe they actually have a chance. There are no doubt several other reasons as well."

"Human history is full of desperate last stands but this is just plain suicide."

"That is what you believe that isn't what they believe. At least that isn't probably what most of them believe."

"Lucy, they've been showing footage of you standing there letting tanks pelt you with fire and even letting rockets slam into you. You've even let ground penetrating bombs hit you and haven't even flinched!"

"You'd think that would be enough however you're not thinking like they are. There is also a chance they're hoping that if they manage to drag this out long enough I'll surrender. I guess that does have some grounds to it. If they did manage to injure me I would have reason to consider talking to them."

"Lucy, you'd probably go ballistic and start tearing apart everything in site if they managed to injure you. That or panic, shut yourself away and spend the next few decades refining your body even more trying to compensate for the power curve."

"Um well, yeah you're probably right. Well I have to say there defense is logical at least."

Well before Albert could respond he heard an explosion and quickly glanced up towards Lucy's face. What he found was her rubbing her nose as if it had just been struck. As he started to respond he was once again silenced as several more rounds slammed into her each one apparently aimed at her face. Instead of waiting for the rain of metal to stop he chose to trust in Lucy's ability to hear him through the sound. "I take it that they've spread out."

"Yeah, they're spread out throughout the city with interlocking areas of fire. The center would be where they could concentrate the heaviest bombardment. It seems to be arranged to force me to walk the furthest between each location. I believe they're hoping to wear me down."

"It may be that they believe that they've been hurting you but haven't been able to maintain the damage long enough. So do you want to change your plan of attack?"

Instead of responding verbally right away Lucy proceeded into the city. As she came to a building that came up slightly past her hips she quickly shifted to her side. Lucy then swung her hips so that they slammed solidly into the structure. The sound of her massive hips slamming into the building surpasses that of the rounds slamming into her. So great was the power of the impact that a jet of debris shot out the opposite side of the building.

As Lucy straitened her stance she took another step into the city. The building began to fail shortly after falling towards the side where it had been weakened the greatest. "Nope, they can use up all their ammunition they want."

"Lucy, I know that you like a game of chase so why don't you avoid damaging the road and bridges so they have a method of retreat."

"Oh I intend to. Mm they seem to intend on using the roads as well. Their mobile fire power seems to be stationed so that it can easily move around the city."

"You don't think that they're going to try to delay you so their leadership can escape do you?"

"There is an escape rout but I'm taking care of that now."

As Lucy continued further into the city she didn't need her enhanced senses to know she was moving further into the interlocking firing ranges. More and more weapons fire was slamming into her and being directed from several directions. One thing that did surprise her to an extent was the limited use of communications equipment. Apparently they were relying on one another to know what to do and move according to some greater plan.

Albert knew from what Lucy had told him that they were some civilians left in the city. He also knew that not all of them had come to fight. It was certain that some of them had come for safety and while to him it seemed foolish. He realized that they were several reasons for them to feel that it was the safest location. The army had encountered Lucy several times now and had apparently developed a strategy for fighting her. There were also several military units in the city using this plan. Factor in that they were now defending a portion of their leadership and Albert could understand why people might feel that it was a relatively safe location.

They hadn't come there to oppose Lucy but rather because they felt the fortress was the safest place to be even when it's besieged. However, that showed support or at least dependence on their government whom Lucy had already chosen to destroy. Albert knew that Lucy wasn't going to spare any of the civilians for those reasons and would no doubt drag out their deaths. If they were wise they'd remain still when she finally came to them to diminish her fun so that she'd end it quickly. If they ran he knew she wouldn't be able to resist playing with them.

As Lucy walked along the street she continued to be pounded by increasingly heavy fire power. Inevitably some of the rounds missed their targets. Rather then allow those rounds that missed to destroy what she wanted to play with Lucy began to quickly block those rounds. This didn't seem to faze those that continued to pelt her with shells even as the debris began to build up more and more in her hands. There was a slight decrease in the number of shells striking her as she came to an intersection where five stationary artillery peaces were mounted.

"Hey Lucy, I'm a little high up for me so it's kind of hard to see. I don't see any ammunition down there though."

"There isn't any. They have the ammunition loaded up in trucks. Once I got this close the soldiers all piled in and moved to another location. They're really focusing on mobility to keep away from me rather then armor to try to stop me."

"So they really have learned from previous encounters though not the most important lesson. You're still going to end up eating them by the same methods you have each time."

Instead of destroying the artillery pieces Lucy turned down the intersection and began making her way towards the next major exit out of the city. A slight yelp escaped her and she was made to jump slightly though as several rounds slammed into her at once. It was only a light hop but due to Lucy's mass the amount of energy involved was tremendous. Both the force from her legs suddenly pushing off the ground and her landing had tremendous effect as her feet sunk deeply into the road easily pushing concrete and earth out their way.

The shockwave that rippled out from Lucy's jump and landing sites shot out in all directions. Albert could hear the walls of the near by buildings shatter as the energy tore through them. Chunks of debris were sent flying up from the ground and slamming into the upper floors. He wasn't surprised whenever he noted several buildings beginning to crumble. "Lucy what happened?"

"They hit my bottom!"

There was no immediate response from Albert as he tried to guess if she was serious. He doubted that Lucy would respond like that for no reason at all but it still seemed out of place. "Did it hurt you?"

"Of course it didn't hurt me."

"Then why did you jump?"

"I wasn't expecting them to hit me in my but and breast at the same time. I saw it coming when they fired but I just wasn't ready for it. It tickled!" An amused giggle escaped Lucy as she quickly covered her mouth to keep from being too loud.

Once again Albert found himself at a loss for words as he rubbed his forehead for a moment. There had been an instant when he'd thought something was wrong. As his heart rated slowed down he found himself blushing for some reason. "You're something else you know that? I suppose they're encircling you now."

"Yep, hey you know it's rare that anyone shoots me in the rump! Plus they haven't hit my face in a while. I bet they're looking for a vulnerable spot." As she spoke Lucy resumed her walk through the city occasionally flinching though not from pain. Apparently hitting several places on her body at once had a tendency to tickle her more then focusing on a single area.

Occasionally Albert found his view obscured as a round would manage to hit the gem he occupied. Fortunately its location made it fairly hard to hit unless you happened to be directly in front of them and at roughly the same level as the gem. "You had this made from some rather tough material."

"Naturally, sadly its life span is only a year or two. After six months I would be afraid to let you depend on it for protection. Ah!" In response to another unexpected shell Lucy quickly bent over and covered her stomach. "They got me right in the belly button."

"You love this don't you?"

Before responding Lucy quickly straitened up and jerked to the side slamming her hips into yet another building. Instead of pulling away immediately though she quickly turned around and pushed out her but further. As she wiggled her rear from side to side she could feel the concrete shattered against her bottom while the still bent and snapped. As she finished wiggling her bottom she gave a quick hop forward and Albert heard the building tumbling. "Yep, but I've always loved attention."

"Damn it! We're not even making her uncomfortable!" As he spoke Gaeten slammed his fist against the desk before him.

There was no disagreement from anyone in the room as they observed the video feed. Those who had gathered in the bunker had done so after Warren's failure to escape. While most of his bodyguards had been wise enough to avoid them they had managed to locate one and obtain some information about how Warren had died. How they'd been able to hear the screams until Lucy had swallowed him. "We have to remain calm. She hasn't moved on the bunker yet. There may still be a way out of this."

"Nothing we've done has even managed to scratch her! She's leveled every airfield we have and over half of the fortified structures. Now she's beginning to move on the cities. At this rate there isn't going to be anything left."

"She hasn't destroyed every airfield we hold. Besides, we still have alternatives."

"What would those be?"

"Conventional weapons haven't been able to harm her but that doesn't mean we can't try unconventional ones. Fortunately she isn't trying to avoid those shells."

For a moment Gaeten was silent as he observed his colleague. "You had something put in some of those shells didn't you?"

"Certain shells contain biological agents."

"And why didn't you do this before hand?"

"Why didn't you? It isn't like you lack the authority to at least propose such an action. The reason we waited is simple. I wanted to wait and analyze her as much as possible to have a better chance of harming her. We haven't just recently begun development of the agents but I wanted them to be as refined as possible."

"Why? Why wait until we're in such a desperate situation."

"If we don't kill her the first time it won't have any chance a second time! Surely you know how quickly she adapts. If all we do is give her a slight cold the first time she'll become immune to the same toxin the second time. We need to kill her on our first try and that means waiting and developing the symbiot until we have no choice."

"A symbiot?!"

For a moment the speaker was made to grimace as she shook his head realizing that he'd said too much. It was too late to take it back now. "Yes, a symbiotic life form, some of the residue you see gathering on her skin is actually a special breed of parasite. We've been developed it by studying symbiotic life forms developed from the eighth step symbiot that was first introduced to Miss Angeye. We were not however able to acquire a sample of the original."

"Just how do you intend to control this symbiot? Is it only designed to affect her?"

"In our testing we found that it would kill anyone it came in contact regardless of the symbiot they used."

"So if she doesn't kill us it will?!"

"No, while the symbiot is dangerous it has a limited life span. Once it kills her we'll only need to wait for the symbiot to die."

While no one commented it was clear that several people still had concerns. With Lucy right at their door step it did seem to be the only alternative if they wanted to survive. None of them needed to ask about those soldiers and civilians that were currently in the city. There was no doubt that those of them exposed to the symbiot would die as well. At least they could use air power to quarantine the city.

As Lucy blocked off the last of the roads Albert couldn't help but notice something. Shells had continued to hammer away at Lucy yet none of them had struck her face in some time. Before hand they had been focusing on her head only. They had then shifted, hammering away at one part of her body after the other until it seemed like they'd shelled every last centimeter of her. Now the fire had become less concentrated. They had systematically searched her entire being with no success so perhaps they were hoping for luck now.

What struck Albert as odd though was that none of the rounds had hit Lucy in the face for a while. If they were no longer searching in the same systematic manner that they had been shouldn't they have returned to firing upon her head. "Lucy, I believe they have some plan in the works. One that isn't so obvious as how they're choosing to use their ammunition."

"The shells that struck my face and cleavage were loaded with biological agents. You can't see it but there is even some residue left atop my breasts. If I was only big the viruses would have probably overwhelmed or started to overwhelm my systems by now. Fortunately my immune system wasn't neglected. So far nothing has even managed to endure the heat at the core of my body."

"Do you believe that they were trying to conceal the biological weapons?"

"Most likely that was there intent. They shell my face and top of my breasts heavily where it'll be easiest for biological agents to get inside of me. Once that is done they begin shelling other parts of me to avoid killing what they've just introduced to my system."

"Due they violate any treaty with Mizia?"

"Nearly every one of them especially a particular one, even if I were to stop right now everyone inside of this city that isn't in some form of shelter is going to die now. One of them is quite a remarkable virus. It's like a medical symbiot only in the reverse. In enters the host, analyses them and then finds the best way to disrupt their biological functions. I can feel it moving through me right now trying to find a way to kill me."

"You haven't neutralized it yet!" As Albert spoke he quickly removed his safety harness and turned around entirely so that he was looking strait at Lucy though over the slope of her breasts.

"I'm just examining it don't worry. It isn't even in my blood stream yet. It wouldn't survive if it managed to get into it. The heat alone would destroy it."

"Lucy, I want you to neutralize that thing right now."

"Huh? How come? It isn't like I'm unaware of it and I'd like to see what happens whenever it decides to make its move. I'm kind of surprised that they would make a self aware symbiot meant for killing just to get rid of me."

"I don't know how quickly that thing learns but you've already told me that it inspects its host or perhaps victim is a better word. Now I don't want you to allow that thing to learn anything more about you. I want you to kill it right now." As Albert was speaking, he kept his tone flat not showing amusement or panic.

Lucy was actually caught a bit off guard by Albert's tone. Instead of being offended by it though she felt herself beginning to blush a bit. "What's the matter Albert? It can't gather any useful information with its methods of inspection. It can't even penetrate the membrane let alone see the inner workings to learn anything."

"I'm not having this conversation Lucy. I don't like the idea of how that symbiot works and I want you to kill it right now."

"Albert, you're sounding like my father."


"Fine" as she spoke Lucy lifted her hands in the air as if surrendering. "You win. I've directed some of my defensive cells to tear apart the symbiot. There won't even be a single protean of it remaining once they're finished."

Despite all his confidence in Lucy a relieved sigh escaped Albert. "Thank you."

Even if Lucy felt Albert was over reacting she was still glad to see him relaxing. She'd wanted to toy with the symbiot a little bit but Albert apparently didn't want her doing so. It was a little strange that he'd be so concerned given that she'd shown him how difficult it was to harm her. "Hey! You were worried because you haven't seen me tested against biological substances!"

"Lucy, that wasn't just a biological substance. It evolved and adapted to suit the situation from what you told me. How much had it already changed by being exposed to you?"

"It hadn't made any threatening changes. It was trying to form cells that were capable of puncturing mine so that it could get inside of me. It didn't have nearly as sturdy of material to work with. There was no way that it could have gotten through with the limitation of materials it had to work with. You worry too much about such things."

"Well, now that you tell me the reason you weren't concerned I'm not so worried. Regardless I'm glad that you listened to me when I insisted you destroy it."

"No problem. Come on though Albert. Mizia hardly has the budget needed to develop a symbiot that is capable of even beginning to harm me. There is maybe, three nations total that could fund a program that could develop such a life form. One of which we live in."

"I know and believe me when I say that I believe you would have handled that symbiot easily no matter how much time you gave it. I just couldn't take the risk."

"Ah well, at least they are plenty of other things to play with." As she spoke Lucy bent at the knees and began to carefully lower herself to the ground. She didn't want to fall too quickly so that she could avoid damaging the surrounding structures. As she settled down on her hands and knees she pressed against the ground with her feet and lifted her rear into the air. "Let the hunt begin!"

When Lucy had been lowering herself to her hands and knees Albert hadn't been sure what was going on. As she announced her attention though and began to crawl through the city he couldn't help but chuckle. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Making things more interesting!"

Albert hadn't been the only one caught off guard by Lucy's sudden change in orientation. Some of those that hadn't been able to see Lucy clearly weren't entirely sure what was going on. A few of them felt their heart rates speeding up as they wondered if they'd actually managed to harm her. Then her voice tore through the city streets and their hearts nearly stopped. Up until now she'd only been interested in blocking the roads into and out of the city. Now she had turned her attention to them.

As the driver pressed down on the accelerator he loathed the heavy ordinance in the bed of the vehicle. If it hadn't been for them he would have been having a much easier time with the curves as he struggled to keep ahead of Lucy. At least the vehicles mass allowed it to handle the shockwaves she generated whenever her hands met the pavement as she crawled after them. As he drove he could hear gun fire as those in the back of the vehicle worked on unloading their weapons.

Artillery shells hadn't managed to harm the giantess yet they continued to fire their assault rifles. There was no hope in any of the men that the shells would harm her but they couldn't stop themselves. The instinct to survive told them that they should fight back so that is what they did. Their instincts screamed even louder as Lucy brought her head forward and her tongue quickly darted out towards the vehicle.

The very tip of Lucy's tongue scooted under the vehicle and lifted up. The massive muscle had no trouble lifting the vehicle despite its heavy load. She didn't quite manage to get the vehicle though as the truck's tires remained on the ground and it was able to slip off. As the vehicle slammed back onto the ground though the force of the impact was too much for the shocks to compensate for. The driver heard the vehicle meet the road and a horrific scream from both the vehicle and one of the passengers.

One soldier had failed to even grasp part of the vehicle to keep him in the bed. As the vehicle had slammed down he'd found himself tossed into the air. Before he could land on the ground though he felt something very warm and wet engulf his being. He hadn't even realized that he was screaming as he was quickly pulled into Lucy's mouth and swallowed.

While the driver hadn't noticed what had happened to one of his passengers those that had been riding in back with him did. Their horror was further compounded by how quickly Lucy caught up to them once again. When the truck had managed to slip free of her tongue they'd felt elation at the slight reprieve. That only gave them further to fall as Lucy swallowed their comrade and once again caught up with them.

Albert couldn't be sure but as Lucy chased the vehicle he wondered if she intended to use her tongue to gather up her food rather then her hands. He could hear her giggling slightly so that he knew she was enjoying it so it seemed likely. At least she would continue eating that way until she got bored and wanted to try a new method. "Okay did you let them get away to tease them or was that an accident."

"Picking up a vehicle with your tongue in such a way that you don't destroy it is an art not a science." As Lucy caught up with the vehicle she quickly raised both her hands and slammed them down onto the pavement. The shockwave generated was more then enough to cause the truck to jump. While the driver's control of the vehicle was reduced she quickly leaned forward and once again extended her tongue. This time she lifted up with her tongue while sliding it forward.

As the vehicle lurched forward it seemed as if it would flip, the back wheels came off the road as did the front moments later. The bumper neared the pavement and the driver braced himself to topple over. Before the vehicle could flip a sudden search of upward motion hit it and the vehicle leveled off. This was far from a relief though especially for those in the back as they found themselves suddenly sliding backwards towards Lucy's open mouth. Her hot breath washing over them in massive waves as Lucy tilted her head back. The vehicle slid rapidly backwards sliding past her teeth before they could even jump over the edge.

"I bet you they don't survive the trip into your stomach."

Instead of responding right away Lucy placed a finger against her throat where a bulge had once been. She then gently ran her finger over the spot a few moments as if helping something go down. "It is a good deal more difficult to swallow such a vehicle and not kill the passengers right away. I can't exactly stop the truck or its contents from landing atop them if they fall out." For a moment Lucy's eyes widened. "Or if they detonated the explosives before they even get to my stomach."

"Are you serious?!" While Albert's tone was shocked it spoke of amusement.

"Yes. One of them or a few of them set off some of the rounds they had with them or set off one and it took the others with them. Humph, well that is one way to insure things end quickly."

"I suppose you weren't expecting that."

"No. I can't say that I was. Mm spicy fast food." A slight giggle escaped Lucy as she gave a quick shrug. "I have plenty of fast food to catch still."

"Not fast enough."

They had been shelling Lucy for so long and so intensely that some of the crews were running low on ammunition. Currently they were expecting additional ammunition from the gun placement that Lucy had just moved against. However, given the path she'd taken they weren't sure if it would be arriving. "Should we load up what ammunition we have left and move?"

There wasn't much time to think so that the gunnery officer responded quickly. "Yes, quickly load up whatever ammunition we have left. We need to move to another location."

"Hi food!" Lucy quickly poked her head around the corner looking towards the gun crew. Clearly they weren't expecting her to move as quickly as she did. This was supported by the fact that they still had some ammunition around the cannons. A slight chuckle escaped her as she began to crawl around the corner and towards them. In that moment, they seemed to be frozen in place clearly not having expected her so soon.

Unfortunately for those that had been loading the ammunition the driver was the first to snap back to reality. His foot pressed down firmly on the accelerator generating a cloud of white smoke before the vehicle took off. Those that had been loading the ammunition and their commanding officer were snapped out of their stunned state only in time to see the vehicle pulling away. As Lucy drew closer one of them quickly dashed forward and began to reorient the cannon.

Instead of lapping up the group Lucy proceeded forward until her hands wrested to either side of them. She then lowered herself until her chin rested upon the ground. "Get in." With that Lucy opened her mouth so that her chin pressed into the street shattering the concrete as it did so. While she opened her mouth she slowly extended her massive tongue out towards those that had been left behind.

Normally people tended to listen to Lucy especially when encountering her face to face. As the soldiers looked into her massive mouth, saw her crimson tongue moving slightly as it waited for them as if a living carpet had been let out before them and they saw teeth larger then many tombstones. There was no way that any of them were going to listen to Lucy.

"Hey I said get in!" A slight snort escaped Lucy as the group broke away from one another. Instead of chasing them though she puckered her lips and began to sharply inhale. At such a close proximity the winds generated by her inhaling through a limited space was far more powerful then any storm. Indeed they exceeded what was needed to lift a human off the ground as she sucked the fleeing soldiers towards her mouth.

The sound of Lucy inhaling seemed to be that of a hurricane. There wasn't time to contemplate that though as the men felt themselves suddenly pulled through the air. Instinctively several of them let out a cry of desperation as they were pulled backward. They were more then a little surprised whenever the wind stopped except for one.

As the soldier met her lips Lucy didn't quit inhaling rather she parted her lips just enough to pull him inside. Due to his proximity there was nothing that he could do as he was pulled inside of Lucy's mouth. Her lips then quickly formed back into a pucker as she worked on inhaling yet another one of the soldiers.

While Albert couldn't see all of Lucy right now he had a good idea of what she must look like. He had to resist chuckling as he imagined Lucy with her rump sticking up into the air while she kept her upper body low to the ground. He was however able to see the soldiers being pulled towards her mouth and had a good idea of how much she was taking in at once. "Don't tell me one at a time is the best you can do."

In response to Albert's taunt Lucy parted her lips slightly. The same way she had whenever she'd inhaled the first soldier. As she parted her lips she increased the force with which she inhaled to compensate for the wider area. The task was quite easy as the soldiers were pulled back once again. This time there was no reprieve for any of them as the first one glided past her lips and into her massive mouth followed by the next and the next.

"You know I wonder what else you're inhaling when you eat like that."

As the last of the soldiers vanished into Lucy's mouth she quit inhaling and resumed her chase. "Shell fragments, ignition residue, some fuel and some other things that people would never consider edible or won't for a long time. I doubt that anyone else would enjoy the taste."

"Yeah, I don't think I'd even care for the taste of clothing but it sure doesn't seem to bother you."

Gaeten tapped the desk before him in frustration as he waited for the outside to grow quiet. So far Lucy didn't seem to be slowing down and that was frustrating him. "What is taking so long? What good will does it do us if that blasted symbiot takes a week to kill her?"

"We have no way of knowing how long it's going to take the symbiot to find a way to overwhelm her immune system. We won't even know if it will be successful. So just set down and wait to see what happens. It's all that we can do at this point."

Instead of doing as he was told Gaeten gave his desk one last quick blow and stood up. Turning away from those that remained in the conference room he quickly walked out. He knew that he wasn't the only one on edge at the moment the others just seemed more composed because they were following another's lead. If it hadn't been for him or if they were more use to thinking for themselves they'd be breaking down as well.

As the soldier gripped the pole he held so tightly that his knuckles turned white. The torrent of air constantly threatened to rip him from the one object that kept him from vanishing within the void of the giantess's mouth. Even as his desperation grew he felt his body fatiguing. His hands were made to ache and as they grew slippery with sweat he found himself losing his hand hold. "No! Stop! Please! Please stop!"

Despite the man's screams Lucy continued to inhale readily. A shiver of excitement ran throughout her spine as he finally lost his grip on the pole and she sucked him into her mouth. "Yummy!" A slight giggle escaped Lucy as the last of the group was pulled into her mouth and down into her throat. "You know fear seems to add to the taste. It must be the release of chemicals that come with it." As Lucy finished speaking to Albert she glanced towards the sky. "Okay that's one complete circle. Who wants to be eaten next? There is plenty of room inside of me." Lucy didn't get her answer verbally and she doubted the sender meant to respond however as a shell struck her in the bottom she made up her mind.

With Lucy now actively moving around the city it was hard to keep firing. The shells didn't seem to be harming her in the least rather they seemed to amuse her. It also served to draw her attention though the odds of her coming to anyone location were still relatively low. Those odds were increasing with every passing moment though as she consumed more and more of the gunnery crews though so far the tanks remained intact.

One of the gunners wasn't able to keep from expressing these concerns. "Sir, we're not having any affect on her. We need to fall back."

"Fall back to where? She hasn't allowed any of the others to escape her and you can be damn sure she isn't going to cut us any slack here."

"Surely running gives us a better chance of escaping then staying here and waiting for her to get around to us."

"Did it help any of the others?! No! Now keep firing and hope you manage to hit something important." As the commander turned away from the gunner he gave his head a vigorous shake. Of course he didn't believe they were really going to manage to harm Lucy but what other choice was there? She'd pursued them wherever they'd gone. It was clear to them that she didn't intend to let any of them escape alive.

Jacqueline bit down on her lower lip as she listened to the cannon fire outside. It had been going on for what she felt to be hours though it was now slowly declining. She didn't know if that was a good sign or not. She did know that it only served to worry her more as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Do you believe that they're winning? Surely she can't get us here."

"I. I don't know. She's killed so many. At the beach they couldn't stop her."

"They've learned since then though. Surely they wouldn't gather here like this. All in one spot if they didn't believe this was where she'd be stopped."

"Just try to stay calm. I'm sure the army can handle her just fine."

In response to the woman's reassuring words Jacqueline quickly nodded her head though her body language didn't show her relaxing. Rather she set down only to stand up once again. "What is taking so long?"

Instead of responding the woman reached into her pocket and felt around for a moment. It only took her a second to find the tiny vial she'd brought with her. "I hope they're okay out there but I know that some of them won't be."

"Oh god, if they can't stop her. Then she's. I don't want to die. I don't want to be eaten! I've seen it on TV, she was swallowing people alive. Then she started to talk about how they struggled in her stomach and." A sob escaped Jacqueline as she leaned against the wall and grew pale. It was clear to anyone that saw her that she was having trouble keeping herself together.

It was hard for Lucy to keep from giggling as she wiggled her tongue. Currently she had her head tilted back and was looking strait up into the air with her tongue extended outward. Two people currently clung to her tongue by making use of one another. This actually allowed them to encircle the very tip of her tongue with their arms and better maintain their position. It would have still been easy for Lucy to pull them into her mouth and swallow them. The force of the suction would have been too much for both of them.

Instead of swallowing them the easy way Lucy found herself doing it the fun way. She slowly wiggled her tongue so that she was fatiguing them. Eventually one of them would give out and fall into her mouth. They seemed to both have realized this of course. So that instead of just struggling and screaming they were actually trying to talk to her to convince her to let them live. She chose to ignore their pleading as she played her game. Her only concern was that one of the rounds being fired at her would end up killing them.

As they gripped Lucy's massive tongue her saliva coated their bodies and her breath washed over them in huge waves. The air was thick with her breath and the heat from the moisture made it harder for them to breath. Still the two clung to one another hoping to reason with Lucy and earn their reprieve. As they had shouted out reason after reason to be allowed to live it had became more and more clear that she wasn't going to listen to them.

"Surely there is something we can do. Something that would give you more amusement then our deaths, what do you have to gain by our deaths? Surely a little extra struggling within your stomach isn't worth that much. We can be more helpful then that and if we're not you can eat us then. What risk is it to you?"

There was logic to the peoples' argument but Lucy still intended to swallow them. She had given them plenty of warning and proven her abilities again and again. It had been their decision to stay and try to fight her. As she enjoyed her game she used one hand to shield her treats from an incoming shell.

Looking down into the giantess's massive mouth gave both of them plenty of reasons to think quickly. The sun light glistened off Lucy's massive crimson tongue while her teeth shown like pearls. Her throat muscles were relaxed allowing the men to see down into it to some extent. They could see as that great crimson tunnel flexed as it waited for their arrival. A sharp gasp escaped one of the clingers as the other's grip loosened for but a moment. "We know you don't need help rounding up others but we could prepare them for you."

Had some of them given up or had some ran out of ammunition? Given the supplies they'd brought along Albert doubted that they'd run out of ammunition just yet. It seemed possible that a few of them were trying to escape but he felt that number would be quite small. Most likely the reason the number of shells hitting Lucy had gone down was because she had decreased the number of people shooting at her. At least they weren't shooting at her from the outside anymore but they might have been shooting at her insides.

A horrified scream escaped the clinger as he lost his grip. His partner soon proved unable to support both of them and the hold they held on each other was broken. As he was sent towards Lucy's awaiting throat he desperately struggled to find something to take hold of. Lucy's tongue provided him no aid though as he slid over the warm bumpy surface towards her awaiting throat. His hands reached out for her teeth as he went past them but by then he'd built up too much kinetic energy to stop himself.

The remaining clinger watched as the other slid down into Lucy's throat. There was no delay to the action, no swallowing motions from the giantess. With her throat relaxed he had been able to slide right down into it. Realizing that this fait awaited him as well he quickly pushed off Lucy's tongue aiming for the street below. He wouldn't survive the fall but he had no desire to be someone else's snack. He soon learned he didn't have a choice in the matter.

As the soldier fell towards the pavement Lucy's tongue quickly shifted about. The muscle swooped down and under the faller. Lifted him slightly and gave him a quick flick back towards her throat. He could still kill himself if he wanted with his service revolver but Lucy had resolved that he was going into her belly. "Yummy! You all prepared a nice meal for me but I can't help but notice you seem to be a bit spread out now. Would you mind coming closer so I don't have to travel as much? OH and anyone that wants to go ahead and get inside of my belly can just meet me half way."

"So do you believe you'll manage to fit them all inside of your stomach this time or is this going to be like at the beach?"

"There is no way that I could consume so many and keep them inside of me without crushing them for long. I have to digest them more quickly then I like but it's still plenty interesting." As Lucy continued she raised her voice so that more could hear her. "I can still feel them struggling around and with me constantly adding to their numbers it isn't really diminishing despite having to digest them more quickly. Those I first ate whenever I arrived are mostly gone now. It helps that I'm taking things slow and they're making me chase them down."

"Your mother clearly never taught you not to play with your food."

"Actually she did. She just taught me not to play with the messy stuff. These are nice tidy little snacks that I can have fun with." As Lucy was speaking she once again resumed her stalk as she was crawling a giggle escaped her. "Hey Albert, the armored units are actually altering their paths."

"I guess they don't feel like cooperating with you."

"They must have really taken the time to plan this out. I expected them to adapt as I moved further into the city but not like this. They're also doing a wonderful job of targeting me modern firing mechanisms are really something else. The level of coordination they're showing despite limited communication is also quite impressive."

"You're giving them too much praise. Such adaptations are natural. If they didn't try something new I'd think they'd all gone insane. Even the use of that symbiot was another act of desperation on their part. One that if uncovered would have landed them in hot water with every other major power even if it had stopped you."

"True." After a moment Lucy gave a slight shrug. "Okay you little snacks you've had enough time to spread out. Here I come."

Sam couldn't help checking his watch as he waited for Patrick to arrive. He and Aaron had been allowed in quite quickly but they'd then ended up waiting half an hour for the commander to show himself. At last the door opened once again an officer entered. "Good evening. I apologize for the wait. I was detained with some other matters."

"So you would be" Sam didn't get a chance to finish speaking.

"Call me Patrick and yes I'm currently in charge of UR operations in this city. I was told you wanted to ask me some questions."

"Yes. I imagine a lot of people have been wondering about this but just what are your military objectives in this?"

"Wasn't that covered in last week's press conference?"

"Not to the extent that I'd like."

"Humph. Very well, our objective in being here is to preserve the stability of the entire nation. It goes without saying that Miss Angeye has weakened the military and governmental power of Mizia and left it a wide open target for other powers to come in. We are here to prevent that."

"Isn't that what you're doing now?"

"It might seem that way but we are here to insure that Mizia is not subjugated by another power during its time of weakness. We also seek to give those that do not wish to be caught up in this war but are unable to flee the country a safe place to go."

"Then why have you been turning some people away?"

"It is our goal to give those that don't wish to be part of this war a save place to come to. However, we can't allow those that have already made themselves part of this war entry as we do not wish to become involved. We must also turn away those that would use this as a safe haven to launch attacks."

"You said war, but it's only one person against an entire nation. Can that truly be called a war?"

"As far as the UR is concerned yes this is officially a war. It is a war that we wish to maintain a state of neutrality in though they are some difficulties."

"Are you talking about the fact that Miss Angeye is officially a citizen of the UR?"

A sigh escaped Patrick as he nodded his head. "Yes that complicates the situation. We don't truly have any mechanisms in place for handling one of our citizens that destroys the government and military of another nation. It's not exactly a situation you plan for."

"Patrick, what are your mission objectives ones Miss Angeye has finished?"

"Naturally we can't simply leave as that would leave Mizia wide open to invasion. Once Miss Angeye has finished with her war against the Mizian state we hope to rebuild the country. So we will be staying behind to help those survivors in construction."

Sam couldn't help but notice immediately that Patrick had said construction instead of reconstruction. It would have been easy for him to question the meaning of such a statement but something told him that wasn't a good idea. The UR wouldn't be dedicating such resources unless it had a reason to do so. "What is your strategy should Miss Angeye move against you?"

"I suppose that those she initially attacks will die and we'll fall back as quickly as possible. We don't truly have the military means with us to counter act Miss Angeye."

"So you're trusting in her not to attack you?"

"Yes, she has always been a reasonable lady. So we have no reason to think she'd violate our nonaggression pact." It was impossible for Patrick not to chuckle as he shook his head. "We have a nonaggression pact with one of our own citizens. I swear that has to be one of the strangest happenings I've ever heard of."

"So the forces currently here are purely to prevent other nations from attempting to take advantage of Mizia's time of weakness. How would you handle it if another nation chose to side with Mizia and took military action against Miss Angeye?"

"This is her war to win or lose."

"So you are under orders not to aid her or the Mizian government?"

"Yes and I don't foresee those orders changing in the future. The only thing that might require us to take action would be if some hostile actions were directed towards us. That is why we must be careful of who we offer shelter to."

"I see. Do you intend to exert a military rule once Miss Angeye has finished with her war?"

"We will do so, only as long as such steps are required. However, the population has been severely reduced by this, many homes and businesses lost as well as the complete destruction of the government. It is going to take some time to insure that when we leave everything is in order."

"You talk as if the government has already been destroyed. I take it you believe Miss Angeye will win."

"I'm fairly certain that she has already won. The Mizian army has been greatly reduced and regardless of their best efforts she hasn't even slowed down except to make a snack of them. I would be quite surprise if something happened to change the situation."

"Let's say what if. What if Miss Angeye was to be killed? What would you do then? As far as I know you have no official agreement with the Mizian state that would permit your current actions."

"Given the condition of their military I would think they'd welcome us. However, if they manage to force Miss Angeye into a retreat and wish to retake the areas that are currently under our protection we would be willing to negotiate."

"Negotiate to get their land back? That sounds like an invasion to me."

"I would disagree. These people that have come here do so seeking shelter and we assured them of our protection. We are here not by our will alone but by their will also."

"Do you not believe their will would change should Miss Angeye be defeated?"

"Even if Miss Angeye should be defeated their troubles would be far from over. As you have witnessed first hand she doesn't tend to leave very much behind once she resolves to destroy a given area."

"This is hard."

A slight chuckle escaped Albert as he braced himself against his arm rest to allow himself a better view. Lucy was currently bent over a tank her lips pressed to the top of it. She'd torn off part of the armor and was now working on sucking the crew out of the tank. The difficult part came from the fact that she was trying to avoid severely injuring them.

Unfortunately for Lucy the restrictive space in the armored vehicle and the small opening was making it hard for her to get the soldiers out. If she were to inhale as hard as she needed to force them out she knew that she'd end up breaking several bones if not taking a limb off. A grunt of annoyance escaped her as she leaned forward a bit and tried working the vehicle at a slightly different angle in hopes that it would aid her. "Darn it quit being stubborn you tasty little treats and come out."

Each time Lucy would inhale a powerful torrent of wind would tear throughout the tank. As the wind moved small objects were lifted up and thrown about. Some were drawn out while others ended up slamming into the crew. The crew for their part desperately clung onto whatever they could within the vehicle. It was a simple task as their desperation led them to find several easy things to grasp.

The wind constantly tearing at them trying to drag them out of the vehicle was nightmarish though manageable. In their panic the crew gripped what each of them held even harder then what was needed. They made their hands ache as well as their legs in two cases. It wasn't being pulled on that they found most horrific though, it was the sound of the wind as it tore throughout the vehicle and got trapped within corners.

As the crew struggled some of them found themselves looking up into the massive void of Lucy's mouth. When she repositioned her mouth they were able to see her soft pink lips as they glistened in the sun light due to a light coating of moisture. They then disappeared as she pressed them against the vehicle. Her teeth were massive by any standards and so perfectly white that even a drop of blood upon them would have been near impossible to miss.

Her massive crimson tongue moved and flicked about as she inhaled unlike what any of them would believe it could. With each motion of the massive muscle the wind torrents would change as Lucy used it to direct them. Even with her lips locked against the tank there was enough light to see that massive muscle moving about. Above that all they saw was Lucy's uvula and the entrance into her throat.

A lack of blood on Lucy's teeth was oddly not comforting to the men in the least. They knew she'd eaten several of their comrades yet there wasn't a trace of them on her lips or tongue. When she consumed them nothing of their bodies seemed left in the world rather they vanished entirely within the massive void. There would be no corpse or even bits of body to go home and be buried.

If Lucy hadn't wanted to get the soldiers out unharmed it would have been so easy for her to remove them from the tank. As she was trying to avoid causing them serious harm it was proving to be horrifically difficult. At last a frustrated snort escaped her and she broke the lock her lips held on the tank.

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