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"So the party is tomorrow night around 9 ..." Lexi said, talking to her best friend, Leah Henderson via cell phone while laying the side of her face against her hand , "...still sucks that Chrissy's leaving though..."

"Well yeah but hey ..." Leah said, trying to sound reassuring, "you said she flirted with you or something?"

"Omigod it was so weird..." Lexi chuckled, leaning her phone on her shoulder while she sat in the newly re-enlarged Shrinkmobile, "she wanted the Lexi badly..."

"Did ... she say that or are you saying that?" Lexi giggled with a raised eyebrow

"Okay maybe I'm inferring too much..." Lexi shrugged, turning down the radio to hear Leah better as she simply relaxed in the idling car for a bit, "...but yeah ... I mean ... damn, it sucks she's leaving"

"Heh I can see why..." Leah shrugged, "but hey, guess we both got hit on by chicks recently ... that's something else we can both claim"

"Oh!" Lexi said, chuckling a bit, "Speaking of which, I ... may have invited your bewitching admirer to the party..."

"Who, Delia?" Leah asked, now more than a bit confused, "How did you run into her?"

"She was at the mall and yeah, she's totally hot ..." Lexi said, "well, physically ... honestly emotionally she seemed kinda cold..."

"You just don't have that Henderson charm..." Leah said with a sly smile

"That must be it" Lexi teased

"So wait, you invited someone we barely know to the party for Chrissy?" Leah asked

"Yeah ...." Lexi said, exhaling a bit as she questioned herself a bit as well, "...I don't think she'll come though to be honest, she doesn't seem like the party type ...not that this'll even be much of a party but ... yeah..."

"Well, no harm no foul I guess" Leah shrugged, "anyways I gotta get back to work, my break is ending soon"

"Oh right, knock em dead, Leah darling" Lexi said with a playful smooch

"Later, Lexi lovely" Leah said before ending the call.

Lexi would contemplate just a little further everything that had happened in the past couple hours or so.

Why HAD she invited Delia? It was almost like she couldn't resist. Still ... perhaps she was too quick to rush to judgement. Just because someone dresses and acts a certain way doesn't imply anything bad.

"I'm sure in her heart, Delia is a really nice person" Lexi said to herself, "witch or not..."


Many miles away on the other side of town was a house with a couple of cars parking in the driveway. A black Honda, a blue Dodge and now a third car was coming to join them, its driver looking a bit perturbed as she turned down the radio, hooding her eyes down in displeasure.

"Oh lord ... having company, Thomas?" Delia muttered to herself.

See, Delia wasn't the type to "own" houses or any residence as it turned out. Why bother when one can be as ... persuasive as she was? The unfortunate family who took her in this time? A married couple known as Thomas and ... well, the wife's name isn't important. A few days ago, Delia had crashed on the couch, as usual. There comes a point when the owner of a dwelling finds her aloof on their sofa or bed and understandably causes a scene. That's nothing that a little magic can't dispatch.

Delia would very often flip the script on people whenever she "squatted" at their place, convincing them via magic that SHE was the owner and they were a guest.

In this particular case however, the car in the driveway alongside Thomas' black Honda was not his wife's red Buick.

Thomas let out a chuckle and a moan as his lacy clad lover smooched his chest before they were both interuppted by the sound of a slamming door.

The woman, a 20 something blonde in a black negligee with green eyes looked up in stunned silence before finally whispering, "Your wife's home?"

"No..." Thomas stuttered, shaking his head. "It's too early, she was going to be out until 9 she said..."

"Well, it's 8 now ..." the nervous woman exclaimed, swinging herself around to sit on the bed now as Thomas got up, only clothed by the bedsheets as he peered curiously towards his window, noticing the motion light had gone on recently but he didn't see his wife's car in the driveway. The car he DID see was a fancy deep red Corvette which made even less sense. "Maybe I should get out of --"

Before the woman could conclude her predictable sentiment, the door flew open as if thrust by a gale force wind. The lady let out a scream and attempted futilely to go for her shirt that was draped over an ottoman across from her.

"No. Stay. Please" Delia said, a snide look on her face as she stood in the doorway, eyeing the couple of canoodlers with contempt.

"Wh-Who are you???" the woman gasped, "Thomas, is she...?"

"No..." Thomas said, worried. He vaguely recognized the woman with the purple hair but couldn't place her. She looked like the thief that broke in a few days ago and he had gone to reach for the phone to call the police when ... for some reason, he didn't. In fact, a lot of the past couple of days since then felt hazy for him with some of his memories only returning now.

"Ahhhh... you could've made this all so simple ..." Delia sighed, holding her hand out and watching in delight as a green flame formed there, getting wider and wider as it levitated ever so slightly off of her palm.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" The woman screamed, scrambling for her shirt.

"You're free to go, dear" Delia said with an indifferent tone of voice, stepping aside to give the woman ample room to scamper aside through the exposed and waiting threshold, "Don't ask why, I'm feeling generous ... ask any more questions and I may just change my mind..."

With that, Delia's shadow continued to advance on a scared and fightened Thomas who shook his head as he looked towards his blonde floozie, as if begging her to stay, for whatever help it would provide. The woman was frightened out of her mind as she watched the purple haired vixen closing in on her love affair but she was also careful to heed the witch's advice, taking her leave as she slowly backed away and out of the door, only running once she was clear of Delia.

"You got a smart one there" Delia said with a smirk. Thomas would have joined the woman who was making record time for her car if not for the dread and even moreso the very real feeling that he was losing the ability to operate his limbs, his body going stiff as he just lay there. "Hold onto her whatever you do..."

"Wh-Who are you? Who let you in?!" Thomas said, still able to yell even as he twitched and writhed in agony, Delia looming over him with an aggressive gaze.

"Why, don't you remember?" Delia smirked, holding the flame up to her face and puffing it out effortlessly as if it were a mere birthday candle. "You did"

"I ... I ..." Thomas shook his head, trying to deny that. He had done some foolish things before ... like cheat on his wife, but he would've remembered letting this young woman into his home and he certainly would have remembered her icy gaze and the enchanting aroma and pyromancy she was able to command at the same time.

"I'm not a good person, Thomas" Delia said, very matter of fact and casual as she seemed to stretch up over him. "I'll be the first to tell you that ... but you know what I REALLY hate....?? Cheaters"

To his shock and horror as she continued her sentence, Thomas' body seemed to be ablaze with an involuntary sensation, an aura of green surrounding him as he started becoming smaller and smaller. Perhaps inspired by her meeting with the perky little wannabe superhero, Delia was digging into her own bag of tricks and systematically reducing his size, being sure to enjoy it herself as she licked her lips, letting the gravity of the situation hit him like a tsunami. Thomas was still unable to speak, his arms and legs begginning to regain some control but it wasn't going to do him much good now.

For even if Thomas DID run to the edge of his bed, he would find the waiting descent comparable to the grand canyon. Delia had been sure to make him tiny as a little bug and there was no escape.

"So?" Delia asked, her voice now even more gargantuan and conquering as she rose up above him, "Not so chatty now, huh?"

Perhaps lost in her own entoxicating air of intimidation, Delia herself wasn't paying complete attention to her surroundings as her hand softly but coldly plucked up the tiny man and deposited him into her palm.

Had she been more attentive, Delia might've seen the approach of headlights from the other direction as another car slid into the driveway taking the place of that other woman. This car was a red Buick and the woman inside was more than a little confused to see a wine red Corvette had made its way there.

"Oh god! Oh my god!!" the terrified Thomas squeaked, now sounding more like a member of Alvin and the chipmunks than he had just a few short moments ago. This alone would solicit a giggle out of the amused Delia, "What have you done to me?!"

Ignoring his obvious question, Delia would simply relish in her victim's suffering a few moments longer before hearing approaching footsteps and only then making the connection that Thomas' wife had arrived home. She sighed.

"I hate when I don't get to play with my food first..." Delia muttered, and it was a bit of a soft mutter but the words weren't lost on poor tiny Thomas.

"Play with your...?" Thomas gulped nervously, looking over an impossible distance that it would take to escape Delia's hand, he simply looked up in pure terror

"Oh well" Delia said, shaking her head as she continued raising her hand to her mouth. Thomas let out a scream but it was short lived. Delia spun around, her silhoutte now opposite the doorframe where Thomas' anxious wife stood, her mouth agape in shock and her eyes looking glassy.

"Who are you?!" Thomas' wife said, her voice trembling, "What have you done with my husband?!"

Delia would give her a "wait a minute" gesture with her finger before spinning around, letting out a long and exageratted gulp before smirking. "Trust me hon, he wasn't worth it"

"WHAT? What are you talking about?!" the woman shrieked, as Delia simply hopped off the bed as if nothing had transpired. "Who the fuck are you?? I'm calling the police!!"

Delia held her position and reached her hand out, a small aura of green striking the woman's cheek and she seemed to freeze as if her cognitive functions momentarily shut down.

"You're not calling anyone..." Delia said calmly. "You came home from work and found your husband Thomas cheating with that slut Natalie from work. You sent him to his mother's for the night and told him the next step is divorce. He tragically died in a car accident on the way to his mom's but you're not so broken up about it because he was a cheating piece of shit anyway... and now ... sleep"

With that Delia let out another half chuckle and tapped the wife's head so that she fell momentarily unconscious. By the time she awoke, Delia would be gone along with any proof of her being there. Her husband? Well he was in a better place... in a manner of speaking.

"It's a shame really..." a cold and calculating Delia muttered as she checked herself out briefly in her rearview mirror, removing any leftovers of "Thomas" from her teeth before driving off, "I rather didn't hate those two"

She'd shrug and be off into the night sky with no particular destination in mind.


On a similar trajectory themselves but for different reasons were a couple of youngsters lounging in Fenster Forest, the tranquil stomping ground for human and fairy alike.

One was an elemental wizard by the name of Chris and he lay peacefully against a tree trunk, his body in half laying position as his knees were propped up to accomodate his little friend, a small fairy lady with brunette hair that bordered on auburn with the streaks of red in it. Those crimson streaks matched the ones in her pretty Fenstarian garb as it draped over her body, her head tilting to the side as she peered up at her pleasant company for the evening but still seemed to have a hint of worry on her otherwise relaxed face. Her name was Spark and she was just one of many fairy denizens who resided in the secret fairy colony of Fensteria, located somewhere not too far from the forests breathtaking lake.

"Have I ever told you just how amazing you look sometimes?" Chris said, in a sort of stunned sounding trance as he watched the fairy woman sit in a fashion similar to him, with her head now leaned against her knees as she rested on his as if they were lillypads. She looked over and smirked, although the smirk seemed a bit "phoned in", as if they had had this conversation before. Sensing her boredom with the topic, he quickly tried to steer clear of the topic but instead dug himself in deeper, "I mean ... yes, I've mentioned it before but ... especially tonight with just the moon and everything hitting you just right, it's ..."

"Chris?" Spark asked, sounding serious at first before letting her arms flop to the side as she slowly stood up to her full height, a ravishing 5.1 inches ... quite tall for a fairy, "What is this?"


"Like ... what ARE we exactly?" Spark asked with a giggle, clarifying her question

"Oh no, not this talk again ..." Chris sighed with a half jovial hint in his voice

"Yeah, well I've asked you before and you never seem to answer..." Spark shrugged, the curvature of one of her wings poking up for a moment as she drew her gaze towards the pretty crescent moon in the sky, "you usually start to stutter or change the subject"

"Wh-What? No I don't, I don't d-do d-do that..." Chris stuttered, "hey, is that a new hairstyle? It's nice"

"Chris, it's the same hairstyle..." Spark chuckled, going back to sitting down on Chris' knee. Despite her exhausted sounding tone, she was quite fond of the human male. Something about his goofy antics and even the way he never quite knew what he was doing made him seem genuinely kind and understanding, unlike many of the male fairies in her colony who seemed to possess an almost arrogant air about them. Well, outside of her brother Mark who was a bit of a social outcast by fairy standards.

"Huh. Well..." Chris said hesitantly, a bit of uneasiness in his heart even as he gazed upon Spark in all of her adorable splendor, "if you think we need to talk then I guess we should uh ... talk..."

As Chris' voice trailed off, both he and Spark found themselves distracted by something as it briefly obscured their view of the lustrous moon. It was the shadows of a few robotic looking creatures as they pierced through the night sky.

Chris raised an eyebrow, recognizing them despite the brief look he got at them.

"Aren't those..." Chris said nervously

"Y-Yeah .. they look like the robot things that attacked the colony..." Spark said, her voice wavering a bit as she remembered that tumultuous evening

"Yeah, from that guy Mad Mack" Chris said

"...I thought it was Mad Max..." Spark said, fluttering off of Chris' knee so that he could get up, which he did slowly.

"Heh, 5 bucks says it's Mack" Chris said with a smug confidence

"You know I don't have money, Chris" Spark shrugged, "why don't we just bet uh ... 5 wing massages?"

"No fair ..." Chris whined, "what do I get if I win?"

"You get to give me 5 wing massages" Spark said with a wink, beginning to take flight as they both would walk in the general direction of the drones as they seemed to be triangulating on a spot in the forest that was surrounded by a thicket of trees.

Although the homogenous environments in the woods made it very hard to tell which area was which, Chris found himself having a bit of deja vu, as if he had traveled the current path not so long ago.

Elsewhere in the forest, another being made their way through, having ditched the dark red Corvette, she now just walked through the forest at a brisk pace, looking to unwind and forget about the incident she just experienced before inevitably finding a new place to crash and another set of lives to ruin.

That being of course would be the very well endowed (magically speaking of course) Delia Greystone who took a path running adjacent to that of the fairy and the boy wizard. That's when she began to feel it again. The unusual static in her mind that was produced when she had spent time around Lexi and her magically empowered belt.

"Wait a second..." Delia thought to herself, remembering another time she felt this way.

It had been a night closer to when she first stopped in Miniborough ... a night when she inadvertently found the fairy colony she had heard rumored to be in those very woods. Taking the form of an owl to investigate, she was able to strike a blow against the fairy colony known as Fensteria with a bright flash of fire before some dopey wizard interuppted her. Had it not been for him, she might have been successful in burning the whole thing to the ground. Unfortunately for the powerful young witch though, even she knew fairykind would always been around in some form or fashion, try as she might to extinguish them.

Nonetheless, Delia pressed on, following the source of whatever was causing her magical disturbance but when she traced it closer she was surprised to find not a colony but the same wizard, now accompanied by a floating fairy girl in red.

"Everything happens for a reason, I suppose..." Delia thought to herself with a mischevious smirk.

Not too far ahead on the path were Chris and Spark, both moving at a brisk pace although nowhere near as fast as the drones that had more or less faded out of sight.

"Chris, what exactly is the game plan here?" a weary Spark asked, her wings needing a moment to cool off from the high speed flying. "Assuming we even catch up to those things..."

"I ... I guess I hadn't gotten that far..." Chris sighed, a bit winded himself as he leaned down and rested his hands on his knees while Spark caught her breath, "...I guess it was going to be more of a recon mission than anything..."

"At the very least we could let Lexi know about it..." Spark suggested, "That seems to be more of her thing anyhow..."

Chris simply nodded, and while he was listening to Spark, he felt a certain unease arise from inside himself and it wasn't from the same awkwardness of their "we need to talk" moment. While Spark began to resume flying towards the assumed destination of Max's drones, Chris remained standing in stunned silence, his awareness suddenly peaking.

"Chris?" Spark asked, taking note and looking back at her giant friend, "you okay?"

"Something doesn't feel right..." Chris said, his voice a bit soft as he peered around.

Spark was about to offer some reassurance but she found herself spooked as well as a quick dashing silhoutte faded behind some bushes in their proximity. Probably just a squirell or something, she thought but then the sound struck again, and again.

Both Chris and Spark found themselves on the defensive, expecting something to pop up any moment and they'd get their wish when Chris came face to face with a woman who seemingly materialized right in front of them with purple hair and eyes to match. Chris gave her a challenging glare, remembering her from their brief confrontation during the winter.

"You..." Chris growled

"You always so good with words?" Delia quipped, again forming a green flame in her hand.

Spark fluttered to a position just behind Chris' shoulder, her body shaking a bit with dread

"Y-You ..." Spark said

"Guess you're both chatterboxes..." Delia shrugged, casually tossing the fireball up and down as if it were a bouncy ball

"You're the witch..." Spark said, "The witch that attacked the colony! I thought Mark was a bit paranoid but ..."

"I have a name y'know..." the snarky Delia interuppted, fading the flame from her hand as she stared down Chris now who gave her a very aggressive look, "...um.. what's wrong with your face?"

"Spark, get back..." Chris said with a huff, forming a fireball of his own in his hands although his was a more traditional sparkling orange. Delia let off a condescending chuckle at the sight

"Awwww how cute.... protecting your fairy girlfriend..." Delia winked

"She's not my ..." Chris stuttered, before looking back at Spark with a sheepish grin, "...actually we haven't really made that official yet..."

Spark briefly turned a bright red that rivaled only her dress

"No matter..." Delia smirked "I already know I can't do much to the little girl in red ... but YOU ..."

Spark's eyes widened as Delia conjured up a green fireball in her hand pointing in Chris' direction.

"Chris, look out!" Spark shouted, swiftly dashing in front of his face.

Chris found himself shielding with a hand in front of his face in anticipation of an impact, but it wasn't necessary as Spark took the brunt of the hit, seemingly stunned as she was surrounded with black electricity but she shook it off fairly quick despite floating a bit lopsided for a moment.

"Spark!" Chris shouted, "...y-you okay?"

"Heh, I wouldn't worry about her if I were you..." Delia smirked, seperating her hands to allow a convergence of magical energy to reside in the space created.

With Spark a bit woozy as she floated down towards the ground to rest, she wasn't able to defend Chris from the oncoming attack.

Chris panicked, trying to create some quick lightning but he wasn't quite fast enough and found himself under Delia's devious spell as it took hold.

"Chris!!" Spark shrieked as Delia laughed maniacally, taking off in a poof of purple lightning.


The next afternoon, a sheepish Alexis Cole would make her way into the backroom of the Snack Shack in downtown Minitropolis, her regular clothes inside a duffle bag that lay on a chair. The clothes she was currently wearing would be none other than her ShrinkGirl outfit complete with shiny SG belt medallion, Wonder Woman style metallic gauntlets on her wrist and the usual purple spandex with gold skirt.

She'd form an awkward smile while holding a hamburger near her face

"L-Like this?" Lexi asked

Her new boss Mark, despite being supportive, also gave her a bit of a cautionary look and made a gesture with his hands to his mouth as if to say "smile"

"Just relax hon" Mark said, "be natural"

"Natural ... okay..." Lexi said, relaxing just a bit as a photographer snapped a few images of her pretending to eat the burger.

Mark would lean over his photographer's shoulder while the photographer, a particularly picky man standing at about 5'10 with thick black framed glasses would shake his head making small tsking noises. Lexi was suddenly finding herself with "school day picture" anxiety as she tried to nail the perfect pose for the first of what would likely be many photoshoots as ShrinkGirl.

"Okay ... and one more..." Mark said, "this time looking right at the camera!"

Lexi would nod, tempted to almost take an actual bite of the warm burger as she lifted it up to face the cheese, patty, bun and toppings out. Mark leaned in again with an anticipatory look on his face and the photographer simply shrugged after taking the last shot, as if to say "this'll do"

After wrapping up with the photos, Lexi would carefully set the burger back down and come over to talk to her new boss looking a bit unhappy with her own performance.

"I hope that wasn't too bad..." Lexi said with an awkward smile and a shrug

"Huh? No, no not at all" Mark said with an encouraging tone of voice, all while the photographer, who was not huge on words would pack up his things and let out a disgruntled "hmph" as he turned for the exit of the office.

"Heh ... not a talkative guy, huh??" Lexi asked, to break the current silence. Mark simply chuckled a bit

"Jacques is only family friend and ... he's an acquired taste admittedly..." Mark said, which caused a suddenly stir in Lexi's mind as she thought of an appropriate response given her current setting.

"But you know what ISN'T ... is the instantly delicious taste of the one and only Snack Shack burger!" Lexi said with a note of overconfidence before again frowning with her shoulders now slumping, "Mark, I am SO sorry, that was so lame..."

"No ... no, that was great!" Mark said, practically bursting into applause, "I'm just sorry we didn't film it!"

"Heh, really?" Lexi said

"Lemme tell you something, Lexi ..." Mark said, asking her to sit briefly after bidding Jacques adieu, "Do you know why I wanted you to be the Snack Shack's official spokeswoman?"

"B-Because you like the Vikings?" Lexi asked with a hint of levity, referring to her purple and gold color scheme

"No!" Mark chuckled, "You're a real person ... you get it, you get real people and you are a kind, helpful individual ... I can't think of anyone I would rather have representing our family business!"

"Oh? Well ... th-that's ... that's great, sir, I will do my best" Lexi said with a chuckle

"Please... you can call me Mark..." Mark said before pausing, "well, unless you're officially working, like as a waitress... then yeah I suppose that would be kind of ... different..."

"Heh... speaking of..." Lexi said, "do I have to wear the ShrinkGirl uniform when I waitress?"

"No no, of course not" Mark said, "We'll get you an official striped shirt soon ... and hey I appreciate you coming in last minute for the shoot... Jacques had a late cancellation and I thought I'd reach out and see if you were down..."

"No problem, sir ... Mark" Lexi replied, quickly correcting herself, "I am always happy to help people"

Lexi would end the conversation on that high note, walking back out into the restaurant and for a moment forgetting she was in her full ShrinkGirl outfit as she strolled past a young girl with curly blonde hair who was there with her parents. She looked down in her direction when she heard a soft murmur.

"Shwinkgirl?" the girl asked

Lexi stopped, almost stunned. She was surprised enough that the owner and his wife had merchandise of her but ... this little girl knew who she was too? Lexi couldn't ignore her of course so she knelt down to say hello.

"Oh, hiya hon" Lexi said warmly, also waving to the girls' parents who gave her a sort of welcoming wave with only a hint of confusion. It seemed as though their 5 year old daughter recognized Lexi better than they themselves did.

"Are you a ... s-superhero?" the little girl asked with a hint of shyness.

Lexi shrugged and replied very candidly. "I ... I guess I am"

"Come on now, honey ... let the nice young lady get back to her day..." the little girl's mom would say before Lexi shook her head.

"No no I don't mind, really ... it's very nice to meet you all... what's your name, hon?" Lexi asked the little girl.

"Lucy!" she said, a toothy grin as she looked up at Lexi.

"Well Lucy, you listen to your mommy and daddy, alright? and uh ... stay in school!" she said, trying to think of all the corny cliches she could to tell to the young tyke.

"I will..." Lucy giggled, laying her head on the table as she continued to color on her menu with red crayon. Lexi smirked and waved at the happy family.

"I... I've gotta go but if you stop back here, you'll likely see me again" Lexi said, "H-Have a nice day and ... great meeting you Lucy"

"Bye ShwinkGirl!" the little Lucy replied and Lexi tried her best not to let it show how much her heart melted at that.

Perhaps this job wasn't just posing for photos and "selling out"

Lexi would feel her phone ringing a bit as she made her way out of the restaurant. Lexi's phone ringing would be an occurance that would repeat several times a day so she wasn't too too concerned about it, until she got to her car and wrapped her fingers around the cell phone which also had a couple of text messages.

The call and the messages were all from the same person -- Spark.

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