Astrid drifted, mind aloft somewhere in between awake and unconscious. Actually everything about this moment a contradiction. She couldn't breathe but somehow did. Her body drenched in pain but somehow also completely numb, feelings non-existent. Tremendous cracks and deafening rumbles muffled as if happening underwater. The last things that clung to her memory was the panic of completely running out of room in the cave. Before she floated in this current void.
Was this death?
Was this magic?
No this was... Metamorphosis. And that journey always completed with the next part...
Astrid started to experience a new dawns light, and taste the first breath she'd ever taken. Exhaling with trepidation, Her eyes opened to the blinding light. Pebbles tumbled all around. The small sounds they made as they slid off of her body. This makeshift bed delicate and soft, acting spongy to her touch. The cool, refreshing breeze that caressed her face and hands, too gentle to rustle her hair or clothes. Immersed in grogginess, Astrid began to lift herself up.
“What happened? Where in the realms am I?” She grumbled loudly. Slowly standing up her foot slipped on angled rock before resting against a uncomfortable space for her stocking covered foot. Pushing herself up farther, she kept feeling cold stones underneath her fingers. In fact it may have just been how wet they were causing them to feel frigidly cool. Finally at a standing height she rubbed her eyes and looked up at the sky. Something was off about it... And she didn't know why until her vision fell back to the landscape below her. The size of a mountain, but that didn't last long because she grew even bigger. Astrid actually towered over the tallest mountain in this range. "Holy... Holy shit..."
“You titanic bitch!” A very faint voice squeaked. The giantess squinted catching a glimpse of a crimson gnat about a foot in front of her face. Well, that's how close the tiny tyrant was by her perspective.
"You have got to be kidding me" she said completely perplexed at this notion. The dragon continued barking but she could no longer hear any of its minor squabblings. Because it drifted downward out of earshot. "No! No, this can't be... I'm still growing! I am gods damn continental! I can't keep getting bigger!" Realizing her fist still made a ball, she opened it. Unable to make out anything clutched in her hands... But a familiar voice hissed the repeated word.
"More........ more........ more........." Even colder chilled air washed down the giantess. Realizing that her growth rate pushed her up through passing clouds, the panic set in. Astrid tried to make out where her party could have possibly resided underneath her. It was nothing but trampled rubble.
“No... No... No no no no! I couldn't have... I didn't mean to... I don't... I can't... I...” Her vision failing succumbing to lightheadedness. All the images around her turned into three, then four, then five similar wobbling scenes. Her hands waved around to grip something but the tallest mountain only reached her kneecaps now. Balance faltering, her feet attempted to find stability. They only found angles, which crunched into mud of snow and rock. That void she just escaped from returning once more...
The thief passed out.