Summary: An Adventuring party is trying to take down a Mighty Dragon... when The Thief asks for some help, she gets much, much more than she bargained for.
Rated: R
Categories: Destruction,
Growing Woman,
Slow Size Change,
Young Adult 20-29,
Crush Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21
Completed: No
Word count: 53768
Read: 67576
Published: August 28 2023
Updated: February 07 2025
Story Notes:
Can you be called an Adventuring Party if you don't have BIG Adventures?
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. The Fight is on! by slogro [Reviews - 5] 

(3546 words)
We start in the middle of the fight... going poorly for the party.
2. Metamorphosis by slogro [Reviews - 0] (547 words)
Astrid is adrift... not here or there...
3. The Fall by slogro [Reviews - 1] 

(1861 words)
What happens to the rest of the party during this development?
4. Treacherous Expanse by slogro [Reviews - 2] 

(1075 words)
5. The Town of Ruindia by slogro [Reviews - 1] 

(1794 words)
6. The Clock is Ticking by slogro [Reviews - 2] 

(2431 words)
7. Another Growing Problem by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2579 words)
8. Morning Rises by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2910 words)
9. The Hunter and The Priest by slogro [Reviews - 1] 

(2596 words)
10. The Giga Wakes by slogro [Reviews - 1] 

(2679 words)
11. Now They Fall by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2502 words)
12. The Search by slogro [Reviews - 0] (3342 words)
13. The Climb by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2841 words)
14. On Top of The World by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2835 words)
15. The Thief by slogro [Reviews - 0] (3767 words)
16. The Drop by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2685 words)
17. The Plan by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2494 words)
18. The Mistake by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2637 words)
19. The Locating by slogro [Reviews - 0] (3382 words)
20. The Master by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2362 words)
21. The Flame by slogro [Reviews - 0] (2903 words)