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Author's Chapter Notes:

NOTE:  I am so sorry it took me almost 3 months to get this chapter out.  I could say life has been a mess, which while true is a constant, and therefore a poor excuse.  I can't say I'm happy with this chapter, but this was the point where I finally felt it was in a state worth posting.  I hope it is to your liking.

In this chapter, Chae-Won makes her move to acquire test subjects for her contributions to the shrinking solution project, legalities be damned.  Also, we have Kim and Claire frantically fighting to save a friend from a crushing fate, putting Kim's life on the line in the process.

CW: Claustrophobia, some violence

Tags: Entrapment, Insertion, Feet

This needs to work, Claire resolved, using the thought as a rock amidst the roiling rapids of her frantic mind.  Desperate plans and acts swirled as she tried to devise a better path to saving Tara than helping a woman she should be protecting to put herself in harm's way.  From the turmoil of those tumbling thoughts arose small ways she could help Kim's desperate plan to succeed.  She was acting on the first before she was fully cognizant of the idea, and only realized what she was doing when Stella’s body slumped against Claire’s desk.

Tara's life is already on the line, and now Kim wants to crawl into the literal belly of the beast to save her.  If this goes wrong, all three of them could die.

One of them might even deserve it, came the thought, unbidden, from a dark corner of her tempestuous mind.

No!  Not the time!  Focus on saving lives!  A brief struggle ensued as Claire wrenched the girl's top off.  The garment had already started to hang a bit loose, highlighting that this rescue mission was on a very short time-table.

Claire quickly lifted Kim off the desk and set her on the floor, right in front of Stella's mouth.  The foul woman's facial muscles were locked in a rictus of discomfort.  Kim pushed on the lips, trying to force them open, but the closing strength of the jaw was beyond her.

"Claire, can I get a little help here?  I can't get her mouth open."

"A little help is exactly what I'm getting you," Claire said, as she rifled through Stella's pockets, quickly locating and extracting a familiar plastic baggy.  Claire reached in and withdrew a pinch of sugar crystals, each holding within a 15 minute dose of shrinking solution.  She lowered her index finger to Kim with one such crystal balanced carefully on the fingertip; the rest she dumped back into the bag.

"Here, Kim.  It's a one-inch booster crystal.  If you get stuck on the way out, swallow this, and you should shrink small enough to still make it out."  

Kim swiped it off Claire's finger, holding it close like a precious jewel.  

"Oh!" Claire almost shouted, as she realized a potential issue.  "The crystal is sugar.  It'll dissolve on contact with saliva, and you're about to go crawling through her mouth.  Um, I'm not sure where you can put it that it won't dissolve - oh.  I guess that works."

Kim shoved the crystal between her legs, and awkwardly slipped it inside of herself with a wince.  "If it's good enough for convicts, then it's good enough to get through this bitch," the little woman grumbled.  Then she slapped Stella's lips with a tiny, wet "thwick."  "Come on Claire, we don't have all day.  Open her up!"

"Right."  Claire placed a hand on Stella's forehead, and the other on her lower jaw.  With a grunt, she forced the foul girl's jaw open, and little Kim dove right past the streamers of saliva, into the open maw.  "While you're making your way to her stomach, I'm going to check the storage room for an extraction tool Titty designed to help swallowed tinies.  If you see a rod poke in there that opens up like a twisty whisk, just climb inside.  It'll close on you like a cage.  There's a central pole, just hold on tight and I'll get you both out."

Claire wasn't sure Kim got all that.  She bent down and peered into the shrinking woman's mouth, to see a pair of legs trying to navigate the corner of the throat as Kim descended to Tara's rescue.  With no small sense of trepidation, Claire placed the pad of her index finger on Kim's naked ass, and pushed her further down the throat.  Then with the wiggling pair of calves and bare feet protruding from the dark depths, Claire put a fingertip on each foot and pushed again, praying she wasn't delivering Kim to a dark and crushing demise.

She'll be fine, Claire told herself, getting up and rushing to the door.  She's strong.  She's the protector in her relationship, and right now she has all the physical benefits of shrinking.  Now I just have to do my job, and make sure she gets out of this alive.

Claire rushed to the secure room's door, and remembered to flick on the overhead lights.  Wasting no more time, she threw open the door and dashed across the back of the showroom floor.

Jen's body wasn't sure where she was.   It was too suffocating for heaven, and too sensual for hell.   The velvety oppression of a slick, sex-soaked sky, and the firm skin foundation of supple, sensitive earth, together comprised the rhythmic midnight of her carnal world.  All along her back, the quivering ceiling of Titty's pussy caressed and compressed her, forcing her against the tensing plane of Ronnie's smooth, toned stomach.  Jen could feel her feet pressed against the bottoms of Ronnie's firm, perky tits, but what truly held her attention was the scrumptious intersection before her face.

Rooted in Ronnie's silky folds just past the grape-sized clitoris was a rare harvest, the kind Jen never expected to find sprouting in these conditions: a wiggling pair of feet.  Jen felt the snackable soles push against her forehead as she licked and lapped against the thrice-soaked clitoris, the little man rooted in that fertile soil using her to reposition to a more fruitful part of the pussy patch.

With the regular beat of a quick time event, Jen used the shifting of the mini-giantess below her to shift her own arm between them, eventually slipping her forearm under her chest, so her fingers reached out from between the seam of her tits and Ronnie's pelvis.  Again taking advantage of the larger woman's rhythmic movements in and out of the crowded love-tunnel, Jen slipped further in, until her head was all but sandwiched between Ronnie's labia and Titty's cervix.  Her fingers were now in the perfect position to demonstrate her digital dexterity on Titty's big clit, her frantic fingering more satisfying than any controller or keyboard.  Her fingers freshly occupied, Jen's mouth was now free to taste a new delight.

Practically motorboating the puffy lips of the leaking labia, Jen dug her chin between them with enthusiasm and thrust her open mouth forward.  Ten tiny toes hit her tongue, along with the cum-covered balls of Dick's strong, firm feet.  Jen licked and lapped at the delectable, diminutive digits, enjoying the funky flavor layered beneath the piquant, piscatorial pool of womanly weepings.  The burgeoning bouquet of fragrant feminine fluids flowed over everything in this cave of wonders, and Jen was near to hyperventilating in the heady excitement of this exotic, erotic experience.  

Jen could feel the taught muscles beneath her flexing and tightening, and she was preparing for the twitching toes in her mouth to be displaced by Ronnie's latest orgasm, when the larger woman went suddenly, and unexpectedly, still.  The twitching muscles had become tight as Jen's grip on the controller that time she was outnumbered five to one in the final round of a pick-up-group tournament.

Something's not right.

Jen gave the toes one last, frustrated nibble, then started squeezing her arms down towards her hips.  Maybe if she could get her hands on Ronnie's splayed thighs, she could get out and find out what was happening.  It turned out her efforts to extract would be for naught.

A large, feminine hand wrapped around both of her ankles, and with a heave, she was torn from the Stygian embrace of Titania's womanhood, and into the harsh,  fluorescent light of a sex shop thrust into chaos.

Chae-Won watched the blonde woman swallow something, then set a baggie next to the large case, which she pushed closed.   The blonde moved over to the flesh-colored, Lovecraftian monstrosity hosting a depraved orgy.  The blonde shed her clothes and climbed atop the flesh pile, her movements demonstrating a sort of discomfort before she passed out.

This is my chance, Chae-Won thought.  The blonde is incapacitated, the demon woman is restrained, and I have a potential solution for the robot.  It's time. 

Chae-Won slung the duffel bag over her shoulder, and started towards the door.  As she walked, Chae-Won unzipped the nylon pouch on her belt, removing a hot-pink, pressurized cylinder, slotted into a plastic, aerosol spray-head.  There were cherry-red crescent symbols on the can.  She gripped the can firmly in one hand, ready to spray, and in the other hand she firmly gripped the black handle of her boxy weapon.  

Chae-Won took a deep breath, leaned gently against the frosted glass door to the shop, and slowly exhaled, letting go of the roiling pit of doubt in her chest.  This was her chance to contribute to a revolutionary new field, and to guarantee her tenure with the university.  All it would cost was the sacrifice of a few depraved heathens.  Her expression determined, she pushed backward into the door.

It didn't budge. 

Of course, they locked it.  They're not complete morons, she realized.  Glancing around, she found a softball-sized chunk of concrete on the ground, not far from the door.  Does the demon use that as a door stop?  Who would be so crass as to leave open a window to such debauchery?  Her opinion on the typical use for the concrete aside, Chae-Won decided it would make an effective bypass for her current obstacle.

With a crackling smash, Chae-Won shattered the lower pane of glass in the door by throwing the chunk of concrete.  She reached in, twisted back the deadbolt, and grabbed her black-handled weapon from under the opposite arm.  She pushed open the door and entered the hedonistic den.  Her steps clicked and chinked across the glass fragments littering the floor.

The demon on the table was cursing up a storm, though Chae-Won was unsure if that was due to her entry, or the continued efforts of the experimental subjects.  The form of the shrinking woman across the demon's legs obscured their vision of each other.

The entity that was most aware of the circumstances was the robot. It had popped open one of its fingers, revealing some sort of needle or spout, and it was walking quickly towards Chae-Won.

"Intruder detected.  One incident of breaking and entering observed.  Multiple non-lethal suppression devices detected.  Mistress, I am-"

Chae-Won didn't hesitate.  Before the robot made it to her, she had sighted her black-handled weapon, pointing the boxy, yellow-and-black cartridge at the robot.  An over-under pair of red dots lit up brightly against the silicone skin of the robot, right at the top of the synthetic cleavage.  Chae-Won raised the device until the dots were high on the machine's throat, and pulled the trigger.

Two barbed, metallic prongs shot forward, each trailing a long, thin wire.  One prong jabbed into the robot's cheek, below its left eye, and the other stuck into the synthetic flesh of its right shoulder, just above the false collarbone.

There was a buzzing, ticking sound, as 75,000 Volts went coursing into the obscene creation.  The machine froze, the silicone around the contact points darkening, even softening to the point one of the probes fell out.  Then the machine collapsed forward onto to the floor.  For good measure, Chae-Won disconnected the trailing wires, and flipped a switch on the handle.  She pulled the trigger, and a blue arc flashed across two metallic electrodes at the top and bottom of the cartridge.  Chae-Won pushed the two prongs into the silicon flesh of the robot's forehead, and pulled the trigger again.  There was a brief kick, then the robot locked up.  A small curl of smoke drifted up from the machine's head.

"Final hurdle cleared," she muttered to herself.  "Now to collect my samples."

"Great idea Kim," the six-inch woman wheezed to herself, as she struggled her way down Stella’s throat.  "Feed yourself to the Queen Bitch of the mean girls, achievement unlocked!"  Kim gasped in a stale, pungent breath.  "This is like one of those, hah, get yourself killed, gah, in a supremely stupid way trophies.  Hahh.  You might even be the first human to be suffocated, hah, by choking another person to death, hah, hah, from the inside!  Shit, she’s tight!"  

Kim reflexively glanced down and to the right, half-expecting to see her chat making 'that's what he said' jokes.  Instead, the unyielding muscle all around her kept her head from turning, and only the nigh-impenetrable darkness in this flesh corridor of inevitability filled her vision.

Her personal progress down the throat had been slow going, and the pressure of the esophageal embrace had shifted from an awkward hug with a friend’s new boyfriend, to the body-crushing constriction of a massive snake.  At this point she was no longer moving herself along the throat, but rather being moved by the reflexive, peristaltic movements like any too-large piece of food.  Kim was beginning to fear her bruised body would be completely crushed before she even reached the stomach.

The pressure around her head and shoulders decreased as the pressure around her legs and hips increased, and her body was pressed forward another inch or so.  The lack of fresh, breathable air was a valid concern, as she really only had the tiny, compressed pocket between her jawline, shoulders, and forearms, and that tiny bubble of air had been inhaled and exhaled dozens of times already.  The building carbon dioxide had been causing her thoughts to fuzz, and so it was a moment before she realized her head and hands had pushed through to a larger chamber.  It wasn't large by any means; she was going by feel, inundated as she was in the literal darkness inside Stella, and not only were the backs of her hands no longer smooshing her cheeks, but her palms and fingers were no longer pressed against anything.  Still, there was a faint luminescence filtering through the flesh above and to one side, and that provided enough contrast to make out a sort of narrow pit yawning below her, a littler longer than she was tall, and maybe twice as wide as Kim’s hips at the midpoint.

That must be why Claire pulled off the bitch's shirt, Kim realized.  It was so I had a chance to see in here.  If only she’d thought to force the villain onto her back, instead of leaving her able to curl up on her side.

It was difficult with her torso still stuck in the entrance to Stella’s gut, but Kim looked around at the chamber that would offering her a limited, and temporary, reprieve.  The stomach was only a little wider than Kim's shoulders at the far end, and the surrounding flesh shifted from a bruised yellow near her head down to a midnight purple in the dim, pass-through lighting.  It was hard to tell for sure, but she thought she could make out motion at the bottom of the stomach.  As the next crushing wave pushed on her hips, Kim’s torso was finally ejected into the stomach, and she wasted no time pushing herself the rest of the way out of Stella's esophagus.  Her struggles slid her down until she was ass over tea kettle in a fleshy, over-sized sleeping bag.  It was cramped, and Kim could tell she would have a hell of a time righting herself, but that thought immediately took back seat as she felt something lodged between her head and shoulder start flailing.

"Tara?" Kim asked, her voice horse but hopeful.

"Oh my god," cried the sorrowful voice in her ear, "she ate you too!"

"No, no, that's not at all what happened," Kim quickly corrected, feeling odd to be speaking at her tits when her conversation partner was lodged against her own ear.  "I'm Kim Vanderbuurt, I'm here to rescue you!"

"You're who?" Tara yelled in Kim's ear.

"I'm here to rescue you," Kim repeated, trying to shift around to get a better look at the tiny damsel she came to save.  Her movements just caused Tara to shout at her to stop moving.

"You’re going to get me killed if you shift on top of me!  If you want to help, then pull me the fuck out of here!"

Kim half-laughed, half-groaned.  "That's sorta the plan, though I'm hoping for an assist from Claire.  Just let me get turned around, and we can start making our way back-"

"No no no, I need you to get me out of this hole," Tara sobbed.  "My legs, they're half-way into her intestine.  I can't pull myself out."

Still lying with most of her weight on her shoulders and neck, Kim cast about with her hand through the slimy, tangled mess of her own hair, finally feeling a pair of spindly arms reaching for salvation.  She traced them back to a slick, naked torso, which was half-submerged into the exit from the stomach.

"Oh.  Wow.  I guess I got here just in time," Kim said.  She wrapped her hand around Tara's chest just under her tits.  Her fingers were not quite long enough to fully encircle Tara’s torso.  Once she had groped the little woman for the best grip she could find, she pulled.  There was a moment of resistance before her hand jerked free.

Tara wasn't in it.

The tiny, enzyme-slicked woman yelled in surprise and pain, and Kim gasped at the shrill sound tearing at her eardrum.

"Oh, sorry," Kim said.  You’re in there pretty good.  Let me get a better grip."

Tara sniffled, but she worked with Kim, wrapping her arms over Kim’s grasping hand and holding on tight.  Her strength wasn’t enough, and as Kim’s hand slid free there was a pop as one of Tara’s shoulders was pulled out of the joint.  Tara shrieked in pain and despair.  Kim didn’t hear when the joint popped itself back into place, Tara’s tiny body working to keep itself in good health.

"Tara, Tara, calm down, please.  I'll get you out.  You are going to be okay, just take a deep breath, and we'll try this again."  Following her own advice, Kim forced down a deep lungful of bilious, caustic air, then coughed instead of letting it out slowly.  Screw it.  Just do it.

After two more forceful, but ultimately unsuccessful attempts to extract the tiny woman, Kim cursed.  She knew she had to do something for better grip, and fast.  The only option she could think of was less than gentle.

She paused, her suddenly swirling  horror at what she was contemplating, disgust that she was capable of hurting a person in that way, and disappointment that she couldn’t think of another viable strategy.

"Tara, this time I'm going to get you out, but… I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry," Tara asked, her strained voice edging towards hysteria.

"I'm sorry, because this is probably going to hurt."

"I can take pain.  I’m p-pretty good with it, really, b-but what are you going to do?"  

"Take a deep breath," Kim pressed on, trying to distract the smaller woman with the sound of her voice, and a small task she could focus on.  "That’s right, just suck it in, and then let it all out."

"Y-you said your n-name was Kim, right? W-what are you going to do?" Tara sobbed, her voice shifting at the end to a shrill cry.

"We'll go on three," Kim continued.

"W-what are you going to do?  K-kim?  Kim!"

"One," Kim said, shifting her grip down until she could feel a couple fingers below Tara’s solar plexus.

"Kim, w-w-what are you-"


Kim squeezed as hard as she could, fully closing her fingers around Tara's chest, her clenching fingers likely breaking Tara’s lowest ribs, but finding traction under the smaller girl's sternum.  With a powerful yank, Tara was ripped away from her imminent demise with a shriek of intense pain.  She slipped out of Kim's grip, only to stop suddenly in a wet slap against Kim's navel.  Tara slid down until Kim caught Tara against her chest.  The smaller woman was drawing wet, rasping gasps, the sound occasionally punctuated by the slurping snap of another piece of her ribcage healing back into place.

"Th-th-thank y-you," Tara wheezed, her little arms embracing Kim's hand in a death grip.  "Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!"  Kim pulled the smaller woman comfortingly against her chest, one hand holding her secure, the other gently petting Tara's head much as she would reflexively brush Jen's hair when her love needed comfort.  After a short time, the wheezing eased, and the litany of thanks turned to sobbing.

"I’m sorry you came after me.  I don't want to die," Tara sobbed.  "I don't want to die.  If it wasn't for you, I would be...  Thank you for coming for me.  But I’m sorry.  I don't want to die alone."

"I don't want to die either, Tara.  And we’re not going to.  Just hang in there a little longer, and we’ll be out of here.  Right now Claire is getting a tool to help us get out nice and easy.  Once she’s back, it’s a quick trip back up the throat, and we’re…"

Kim trailed off, realizing that her feet - which had been tucked up over her as she lay on her shoulders, ass to the sky - were now touching the top of the stomach.  Both her knees were being pressed into the lining, and her hips were also feeling the stomach curl around them.  Kim’s shoulders were being forced upwards by the reduced area.  Stella’s shrinking was reaching the point that the stomach couldn’t hold both of them for long.

"What’s wrong?" Tara asked, her voice a little stronger than it had been moments ago.

"Nothing," Kim hedged.  "Claire just needs to get her ass in gear so we can extract."  After a moment’s thought she tried to shift her arms, only to find they had been locked in place in the tight confines.  "Actually, I have a mission for you.  If you choose to accept it, then we both make it out of here.  It won’t hurt, but I think we’re going to get a lot better acquainted than either of us is comfortable with."


The shattering of glass sent a chill down Missy’s spine.

She’d been mid-orgasm, relishing both the slick friction of Ronnie’s tongue thrusting deep inside her, and the slick, pliant lips of Titty’s pussy kissing her with every thrust.  It couldn’t compare to the all-encompassing embrace of Livy’s love tunnel, but the combined stimulation, the knowledge of the incredible orgy occurring inside the giant succu-girl before her, and Livy’s imminent participation had combined to drive Missy completely wild.  It had lifted her to the peak of sensation.

And with that one sound, it all came crashing down.

Missy tried to shift herself off the stunning woman she’d been riding, but Ronnie held on tight.  With Ronnie’s knees splayed around Titty’s cervix, Missy couldn’t simply step away and drag the woman with her.  With that thick, sinuous tongue plunging deep into her pussy, a quick release came to mind far more readily than a method of escape.

Missy regained a modicum of clarity when Aidra's voice drifted through the cacophony of Titty's cries of passion.  It sounded like the sexbot was talking to someone on the other side of Livy, but a loud puff of air followed by intense crackling put pause to anything their electronic guardian was saying.  Missy leaned back hard, half-falling and half-somersaulting off her ravenous new friend, and finally Ronnie gave her the less-desirable kind of release that she needed in this moment.

"What's going on?" Ronnie asked, wiping at her cum-soaked face.  Her sex-slicked hands only succeeded in spreading it around.

"It sounds like someone broke in," Melissa said, her voice cool and calm, despite her heart hammering a million beats a minute.  "Get Jen.  Titty's tied up, Livy's laid out behind me, and Aidra just went silent."

Ronnie squelched one of her hands into her vaginal accommodations, and started to withdraw the Asian cutie.

"Any idea who it is?  And what did you mean about Aidra going silent?  You said she was programmed to protect us."

"She is, and she tried.  I heard what sounded like-" A loud buzzing gave her pause, and it quickly turned into a zapping, sizzling sound.  "Like a taser.  Shit, we need to move.  Come on."

Melissa grabbed the glistening pair of pale legs that Ronnie dragged from Titty's pink depths.  She scrabbled for purchase, then dug her fingers in behind the knees and pulled.  Jen slipped out, half laughing and half coughing up copious amounts of femcum.

"That, was fucking awesome.  Think we can convince Ki-"

"Later Jen," Melissa cut her off.  "We have a problem.  A big problem, and we need to get moving.  Someone broke in, and..."

Melissa trailed off as a shadow fell over her, and the others lifted their gaze, expressions shifting from uncertainty to fear.  Titty's tirade of pleasure had fallen into deep, gasping breaths for air, but through the din Melissa could make out the clack of heels on tile.  She spun around, her body cum-soaked, stark naked, and all of eight inches tall.  She brushed her tousled hair over her shoulders, the concealment of its unkempt state a self-conscious act to help her better prepare to face the intruder with all the poise and dignity she could muster.  She was, after all, a Vane.

Not that it would save them from the giant bitch before them.  

"What are you doing here, Professor Myung?" Melissa asked in her most authoritative tone.  "You were not invited to this event, and it would seem you have comported yourself in a highly destructive manner."

Professor Chae-Won Myung loomed over Melissa, the clean lines of the Korean teacher’s suit marred by the chest strap of the nylon duffel bag on her back, and her facade of professorial comportment was sullied by the taser and pepper spray held at her sides.  Professor Myung did not respond at first.  She simply loomed there, a stately monolith of fascinated uncertainty masked by assumed dignity, diametrically opposed to the tiny, soiled woman standing proud in the cleft of a succu-girl’s legs.

"Professor, your actions reflect poorly on you, but you have yet to take any action that cannot be walked back or overlooked.  I’m not sure what you hoped to accomplish here, but if you leave now, I’m sure we can work something out-"

"Your pride was always going to be your downfall, Miss Vane," Chae-Won interrupted.

"Excuse me?  You have no ri-"

"Your work with Adjunct Professor Barnette was ambitious - certainly beyond what I expected," Chae-Won continued, her words easily overpowering those of the tiny Melissa.  "Yet, you decided to keep your work isolated from the community.  I can only assume you took shortcuts, or overlooked key issues; no mind is perfect.  Seeing the power of Professor Barnette’s shrinking technology, it is my duty to step in and ensure that key issues with the technology are not overlooked, certainly not in the way that you have overlooked security."

"Listen up, Professor Fuckoff," Titty said, "I watched you fucking break our security sexbot, but there are three more people in the back room.  We just need to scream, and you’re dealing with a fucking triple threat.  Besides, we all saw you.  How the hell do you expect to get away with… whatever the fuck it is you’re doing.  So far it just seems to be breaking and entering, and then more breaking."

"It is simple, really," Chae-Won said, walking towards the central table with the massive lockbox, and the spare baggie of sugar crystals.  "I intend to nurture this half-finished technology, and to do that, I need samples.  And you have provided that which I need."  Chae-Won looked over the locks on the case, and bent down to observe the bolts through the solid wooden table.  She put her hand on the lid and lifted, but neither case nor table budged.

Melissa hopped up, locking her arms and lifting her torso onto a twitching pink thigh.  She watched the giant professor like a hawk.  When Chae-Won reached for the baggie of booster crystals, Melissa felt a chill run down her spine.  They were out of time.

"Ronnie, are you free yet?" she asked, half-turning her head.

"Not exactly, no -ow!  I don’t think that’s happening without some more help."  Melissa turned and saw Jen tugging ineffectually at Ronnie’s hair as she tried to help the larger woman extricate herself from Titty’s womanhood.  Ronnie’s hands were gripping the pink woman’s pliant outer labia and trying to push herself out, but those puffy love lips kept spreading like kneaded dough as she pushed.  Her splayed knees were stuck tight deep inside Titty, their braced position locked in tight when she grew from eight to twelve inches tall.  Ronnie might well need the booster crystals to shrink her small enough to get her knees back out.

"Shit.  Alright, let’s think.  Professor Coattails has already seen us, and she knows we’re here.  Ronnie’s stuck, and I don’t think Jen and I can outrun her.  Some of us are getting close to regrowing, which she doesn’t know about.  So, we have that going for us, and I don’t think she’s seen Richard.  Ronnie, can you get him out?  We might be able to hide him before she takes us."

"I’m sorry, takes us?" Jen yelled, her hands sliding along Ronnie’s slick hair.  "Who is this woman, and why is she going to take us?"

Melissa curled her hands into fists.  They didn’t have time for this.

"Listen up.  We need to get a message to Claire.  Even just telling her 'Professor Myung,' or 'Chae-Won,' would be enough.  I would bet my family’s fortune that she takes us to her private lab back at SMUT.  If I’m wrong, I’d bet my apartment she’ll take us to her house, seeing how sloppy she’s been so far, but the college makes more sense.  It has better security, and the college would be likely to back her claims of assisting with the research if it means they get recognition, a claim on the IP, or worst of all, access to the technology.  If we can hide Richard, then-"

"I'm disappointed, Miss Vane," Chae-Won said in a soft, chill voice as she sauntered back to the restraining bed.  "You are trying to convince your friends that I’m some evil woman?  What a waste.  The scientist considers not the opinions of her lab rats."  Chae-Won slipped her duffel off her shoulder with a disgusted frown, and held it open at the edge of the bed.  "Now, be good test subjects, and transition to the carrier.  I would prefer not to touch you until you have been thoroughly sanitized."

Melissa looked at the frightened Jen, and then at Ronnie.  The latter had her eyes closed, and her face was twitching.  That gave Melissa an idea.

"My friend here is stuck.  She’s not climbing anywhere, unless you pull her out first."  Based on the disgust on her face, this should take a few tries.  Ronnie should be able to leave Richard behind before she’s freed.

"Is that so?  And how did she get stuck there in the first place?"  The corners of Chae-Won’s mouth turned down in a suspicious frown.  "Did you shove the harlot into this demon's hell gate?"

"Demon?  I’m a succubus, bitch!  Just you fucking wait until you fall asleep!  I'll be there in your fucking dreams, to fuck that black soul right out of you!  I'm gonna-"

There was a crackling sound, and Titty's whole body locked up tighter than her hardest orgasm.  Ronnie's mouth was open in a silent scream, that transitioned to a high-pitched whine as the crackling sound ceased.

Melissa whirled to see a furious Chae-Won pulling her taser away from Titty's side.

"That is enough out of you, demon."  The Professor's gaze shifted back to Melissa.  "Pull her out."

"I cannot," Melissa said, crossing her arms over her chest, pushing that reminder of her nudity to the back of her thoughts.  "She is stuck, and it would likely take your strength to remove her."

"Then I ask again," Chae-Won said in a strained, threatening voice, "how did she become stuck?  If you pushed her in, then you can remove her."

"She was smaller, then," Jen shouted, trying to be helpful, though Melissa feared where that conversation might lead.

Melissa turned and tried to shush Jen from speaking further, but a carefully manicured hand brushed her casually aside, such that she fell against Livy's dwindling form.  There was a soft scream before she recovered, but when she did, Melissa saw Jen squeezed within Chae-Won's grasp.

"Explain," the Professor said, and Melissa could barely make out the sound of Jen's panicked voice softly recounting details.

Melissa moved to Ronnie, supporting the woman's torso where it was hanging from Titty's squelching vagina.  On her knees, she set Ronnie's shoulders against her chest, and brought the woman's head onto her shoulder.

"How's Richard doing?"

"I managed to get him out of me, but the poor guy's trapped between my ass and her cervix.  The way he's moving, I'm afraid he's running out of air."

"Shit," Melissa spat.

"So these crystals make a shrunken person smaller," Chae-Won muttered up above, and Melissa doubled down on her curse.

"We may need to encourage her to use a booster crystal on you.  Frame it as going along with her for now.   I was hoping to leave Richard behind with a message for Claire, but that's looking increasingly unlikely."

"What about Titty? Isn't she going to be left behind?  She's too big to take."

Melissa shook her head.  "If she knows the crystals can change size, there's no way she doesn't test them on Titty.  She's going to be six inches tall in a few minutes, and Richard is going to be out of hiding places.  We might be able to slip him into the waist restraint pass-through in the mattress, but that's assuming she hasn't taken us yet.  And even if we leave him behind, he doesn't have the message-"

Suddenly, massive fingers wrapped around Melissa, and she was ripped away.  There was a rustling sound of nylon rubbing, then the fingers opened, and for a moment, Melissa was suspended in the air by the sticky juices that had covered her.  Then she began to fall, as long, glimmering streamers of cum stretched between herself and the Professor's hand.  She landed inside the swinging duffel.

Tara was barely holding it together.  She'd been shrunken, raped, and retained as a concealed sex toy, and it took everything she had to find the resolve to fight back.  All it had accomplished was helping her abuser get a bit hot under the collar.

Then the monster that had so casually subjected her to the worst short-term abuse of her life had raised the bar.  The bitch had eaten Tara.

Tara found herself descending into a Tartarian prison, her all-encompassing world making sudden and extreme shifts that knocked Tara from stomach wall to stomach wall, even landing her in a pool of the most horrific substance she could have imagined.  The loss of feeling in her legs on the coattails of sanity-shearing pain had been terrifying.  The nerves regenerating and reestablishing connections as her legs rapidly healed took the pain to another level.  Tara had been adrift on a sea of trauma, unaware of her location or circumstances as she tried to pull herself back together in the sudden absence of soul-crushing torment, and she had stayed that way until a giant woman had come crashing down upon her.

This doomed savior had pulled Tara from the brink of digestion, even if it had taken several attempts and a few broken ribs.  Tara had almost withdrawn into herself, but the giant woman wrapped her in a comforting embrace, and that sudden kindness all but broke Tara.

She was going to die here, held in the tender arms of her doomed savior, but at least they would be together.  And if her savior wanted her to help in these final moments, then she would...

"You want me to what now?"  Tara stared at the silhouette of her savior, completely nonplussed.

"I know its weird, but theres a dose of shrinking solution in a sugar crystal, and I needed to get it safely through this bitch's mouth, so, yeah.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, and all that."

"I... why would you want to be smaller?" Tara asked.  Small things get broken.  She had learned that lesson far too well.

"Because I don't want to get crushed before Claire gets back.  Here," the giant Claire said, lifting Tara awkwardly.  Tara felt her foot slip off one of the fingers holding her, but they had basically wrapped her in a cage, so she caught herself before she slipped from Kim's grasp.  "Whoops.  Good save.  Here, can you reach my belly button?  I don't have a great angle to get you higher."

Tara's hands held the fence-post sized finger in a death grip.  She didn't want to do this.  She just wanted to lie down and cry.  She was done with all of this.

"Tara." Kim said again.  "Can you do this?  I would rather not get crushed here, so if you can't, I might have to do something desperate."

"L-like what?" Tara asked, jumping at the chance that she could just curl up and wait for things to end.

"I honestly have no idea," Kim said, her confidence cracking and voice weary.  "You're our best hope right now."

"Fuck," Tara moaned.  "Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuckity fuck, fuck!"  Kim laughed, jostling Tara.  "What's so fucking funny?" she whined.

Kim took a dank, steadying breath.  "Sorry, your carpet F-bomb sounded so much like Titty, I couldn't help but laugh.  Look, I'm sorry you've been through so much," Kim said with a shadowy grimace, and Tara realized there was enough light filtering through the skin, abdominals, and stomach lining that she could actually make out the expressions on Kim's face, "but at this point, we're almost out of this bitch.  We have two objectives right now, which are stay safe, and wait for Claire.  Waiting we have to do, whether we like it or not, but this stomach is getting really tight, and shrinking would give us some more wiggle room.  It also gives us a better chance of fitting back through the throat when Claire comes through for us."

Tara's frazzled thoughts churned a moment longer, but when she saw Kim wince at the continued compression of the stomach, she made her decision.

The climb to Kim's womanhood was not long, but that did not mean it was easy.  Both women were drenched in half-dried stomach acids, and more.  That made their skin tacky, though if Tara pushed too hard that tacky connection slipped, Kim’s skin becoming slick as oil.  Tara cursed the slipping, right up until she had to squeeze between Kim's thighs, which were being forced together by the big bitch's shrinking stomach.

When she finally made it to her destination, Tara found herself in a tight hollow between twitching calves, straining thighs, and the wall of taut flesh trying to crush her savior.  Tara knelt down on the slick, pliant lips as they shifted and quivered below her, and without preamble she shoved her hand down into Kim's quim.  The legs above buckled to the alarm of a sharp gasp, and suddenly her hollow was half its previous size, as Kim's knees were pushed up towards her chest.  Only Kim's feet were keeping the encroaching stomach at bay, and Tara could feel the space above her shrinking by the second.

Tara forced her arm in past the elbow, and her fingers slid around a course crystal that felt as big as a golf ball.  Tara pulled out the crystal, but as she did, she felt something that made her blood run cold.

The sugar crystal cracked in her hand.

It hadn't shattered, but she could feel some of the fluid inside seeping out over her fingers.  "Shit, shit, fuck this shit," Tara cursed, trying to rotate the crystal as she gently pulled it the rest of the way out.  She kept the side she'd felt leaking oriented up, and tried to wipe as much of the leaked fluid towards her palm, mixing it with vaginal fluids, but hopefully retaining enough to be effective.

The stomach lining started pressing down on her back as she awkwardly tried to move from kneeling on Kim's pelvis to sitting on it, and all without losing more of the shrinking solution.  As she started her descent, she was thankful the shrinking stomach had forced Kim's thighs wide.  Unfortunately, she was now squeezing between Kim's tummy and the taut stomach lining.

"How are we doing, Tara?" Kim asked, concerned.  Tara heard a pop, and Kim groaned.

"I-I'm almost there.  I have it!  But it cracked."  Tara pushed hard, and slipped her hips past Kim's tits, so she was sitting on Kim's chin.  "Open up!"

Kim did as asked, and Tara shoved the cracked crystal into Kim's mouth, where it promptly shattered.  Tara could feel Kim's lips twitch in a grimace, but she also felt that large tongue lapping every last bit of liquid off of her hand and forearm. 

"Was that enough, Kim?  Did it work?"

Kim was quiet for a moment.  "I don't know.  I don't fe-" and then Kim tensed up.  It wasn’t remotely as severe as the initial shrinking process, but Kim grumbled as her body seemed to dwindle away beneath Tara.  Still, it was only seconds before she was sitting on Kim's face, smothering it with her tattooed ass, and marveling at the fact this giant of a woman was now the same height as her, and they both still had some room to move!

There was some grumbling beneath her, before Tara thought to relocate herself, awkwardly helping Kim stand while she found her own feet.

"I-I take it things are still going according to plan?" Tara asked, her tone stretched between tired and stressed.  Kim just pulled her into a big hug.  It wasn't lost on Tara that before the hug, even centered in the stomach as they were with each of their asses touching the opposite wall of the stomach, they were within arms reach of each other.  They were quickly running out of room.

"Yes, I think they are," Kim said as she finally broke the hug, her eyes trying to find Tara's in the dark.

Tara nodded, and bit back a sniffle.  "So, uh, if things are going according to plan, then uh, what's next?"

The Japanese test subject had proven to be quite forthcoming.  At first, she had only divulged that giving the big, black test subject one of the orange crystals would shrink her small enough to extract from the demon's hall of temptation, but a broken leg had convinced the Japanese test subject to continue to share what she knew.

Perhaps she had been hasty in breaking the leg.  Chae-Won was feeling the pressure of breaking several laws, and doubly wanted to be out of this den of hedonistic perversion.  And yet, the discovery in seeing the leg swell, heal, and recede to normal in a matter of seconds more than justified her ill-considered act of violence.

But that was not all she had learned.  With a few pointed questions, the test subject had blubbered through her tears that each crystal held a distinct unit of shrinking serum - measured for duration, not size - and that even a few crystals would be insufficient to affect a full-sized person.  

Chae-Won had tested this by first force-feeding the trapped test subject one of the crystals, which had almost instantaneous results.  Unfortunately, this resulted in Chae-Won being forced to delve her fingers into the demon's depths to remove the now six-inch tall test subject, who was promptly added to the duffel, alongside the Vane girl and the forthcoming test subject.  Chae-Won then grabbed a sizable pinch of crystals, and held them in one hand, while the other covered the lower face of the demon.  Thumb and forefinger pinched the nostrils closed, while her palm and remaining fingers forced the lips shut.  This went on until the demon opened its mouth wide to take a deep breath, at which point Chae-Won tossed the crystals into the back of the demon's throat.  It wasn't long before the demon's tirade of curses shifted into groans of discomfort.

When the other test subject still on the tentacle table was about a foot tall, Chae-Won tossed her unresponsive form into the duffel, and left it beside the demon's shrinking form.

Chae-Won was surprised and disgusted to find an inch-tall test subject plop out of the demon's tunnel of temptation when the space became too small to retain him, and he was promptly added to the duffel.  The demon followed moments later.

At that point, Chae-Won tucked the bag of crystals into an outer pocket of the duffel, zipped the main pocket the rest of the way closed, and slung the bag over her shoulder to a muffled choir of tiny complaints. Then, prize in hand, she promptly left the demon's den.

Chae-Won did pause outside long enough to grab her camera and tripod, but when she heard what she thought was a slamming door inside the building, she simply grabbed the assembly and hustled to her car.  With two small adjustments, the tripod and camera fit awkwardly in the trunk, and the duffel was dropped on the front passenger seat.  She left the premises cautiously, to be certain that she stayed below the speed limit.  No sense in going through all that just to be pulled over by the police.

Claire barged out of the secure room and flew across the back of the showroom.  Her swirling thoughts were of two minds - the terrified part that was conjuring up nightmare scenes of Kim and Tara being crush or digested, and the white-knuckle fragments that held tight to her loose plan for saving them.

Without slowing, Claire slammed her shoulder into the storeroom door, before remembering it was pull-to-open.  Half-dazed by the impact, her numbed hand cast about until it gripped the handle and yanked, gaining her access to the store room.  At the far end, her stockinged feet slid to a stop before an open cubby stuffed with various prototypes.  As she heaving items from the cubby, a part of her mind caught-up, and wondered at what point she had lost her shoes.

That doesn't matter right now, she chided herself.  I need the extractor.

The narrow box and leather straps of a shoulder-mounted palanquin crashed into a cardboard box of lube waiting for available shelf space.  Before it settled, a cloth-wrapped, foam block that looked like a flat, inverted trapezoid from the end, but an hourglass from above bounced off the palanquin, and twirled through the air before bouncing on the ground.  A tiny part of Claire's mind recognized it as a prototype for a between-the-breasts mattress for tiny couples.

The sprawling pile of comforts and conveyances for tinies continued to grow in time with Claire's muttered profanities, until the cubby was almost empty.  Then with a cry of success, Claire pulled out a short roll of rubberized tubing, not dissimilar to a pipe snake.  One end appeared to have ling stripes running a few inches from the tip, while the other looked like an up-sized syringe plunger.

I can do it, Claire thought as she clutched the literal lifeline.  I can save them!  Claire once again shoulder charged the store room door.  She felt a dull ache in her shoulder from her failed attempt coming the other direction, but adrenaline was coursing through her system, and she wrote it off as a problem for Future Claire.

She dashed back across the silent showroom, and started punching in the access code.  She was halfway through when she froze.  Claire spun around, and gasped.  The rest of the room was empty.  The guests, the robot, and her partners - her friends - were all gone.

"Physics, I don't have time for this!"  Claire cried out in a wordless shriek, fists clenched at her sides in white-knuckled grips.  She spun back around, and typed out the rest of the code.

There was no indication that the lock had been released.

Claire grabbed the handle and jerked it.  It did not open.

Claire rapid-fire entered the security code again, and this time the door unlocked.  She rushed inside, terrified of what she'd find.

"I'm sorry we met under such shitty circumstances," Kim said, feeling conflicted to have Tara sitting naked on her lap as the stomach slowly closed in around them.  Still, the poor girl needed this.  And if I'm being honest with myself, I need it too.  Please, Claire, hurry.  We don't have much longer.

Suddenly, their gastric prison jostled and shifted, then steadied but did not still.  There was a wet, slippery sound above them, then through the thinning wall of flesh above, Kim made out a tube that pushed into the stomach.  

"Tara, you ready for extraction?  I think our ride's here."  The exhausted woman shifted enough to look up, then shot to her feet.

"Really?  We're getting out of here?"

Kim nodded.  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure.  That thing- whoa!"  The tube pushed forward again, thrusting between both women and scraping Kim's thigh, before it bottomed out in the stomach.  Her leg quickly healed, but the device was pushing her up against the stomach wall.  "Yeah, this is what Claire was talking about."

"And you said it would open?"  Tara asked, as the cap on the stomach floor lifted slowly to knee height, and twisting, rubbery, pliable strands pushed away from the central body, helping to open and round out the stomach.  "Ah.  Like that."

"Exactly," Kim said, "just climb inside."  She quickly put action to her words, and slipped between two to grab Tara, helping her into place.  "Those wires should act like a basket, or safety net, holding us to the rod as it's lifted out.  Hold on tight to the middle, and get a few of those strands behind your ass and back."

Then, thinking about how much thicker the device was with both of them there, wrapping arms around the central pole and each other, Kim decided to improve their chances of fitting back through the throat on the way out.  She grabbed onto the center pole and one of the cords, and pulled herself up, until her head was near the top of the stomach.  Then she wrapped her arms around the pole, and waited another five eternities before the strands wrapped tightly across her thighs, shoulders and lower back.

"Hold on tight, Tara!" she yelled, and then she was hauled into a crushing tube of muscle and rubbery wire.  She felt like her body was about to be squished into tiny chunks, and then there was light.

A fucking massive Claire had laid Kim and Tara a body-length apart on her palm, and she was gently prodding them with her finger nail to confirm they were still breathing.

"Kim, Tara, are you alright?"  Claire's voice sounded unsteady, or frightened.  Kim waved up at that house-sized face to reassure her.

"I'm alright!  Though, may I say that is one mission I never want to play again."

Claire actually choked out a despairing laugh, and Kim was concerned that the fear hadn't disappeared from her face.  She looked over at Tara, who was an impressive tapestry of tattoo's from the shoulders to her waist.  Oddly, the woman's tattoos looked patchy just below the waist, almost like a drawing splattered with nail polish remover.  From her ass down, her skin was clean and pink, healthy as can be.

Oh, god.  The stomach acid literally digested her tattoos off her skin.  No, it digested her skin, which then grew back.  "Fuck, that's hardcore."

She only realized she'd said the last bit when Tara looked at her, followed her gaze, and froze.

"I'm sorry, that was insensitive, I didn't mean-"

"No, your damn right.  That’s about as metal as you can get.  That's a lot of money gone, which Titty always joked was better spent on rent, but I think I like it.”  She looked Kim square in the eye.  “I was brought to the brink of death, and my angel pulled me back.  She saved my life, and I bear the scars of healing from it."  Tara got up and pulled Kim into a big, wet, still-naked hug.  "Thanks Kim."

Kim awkwardly patted her back.

"I'm just glad you're alive."

"That you're both alive," said a chilly voice from above, and Kim looked up to see a cold, stoic expression on Claire's face.  "We've passed this trial, but another monster decided to throw us another."  Claire reached down and picked up the now less-than-foot-tall Stella, placing the bitch on Claire’s desk.

"What happened?" Kim asked, wondering if Jen did something foolish, and got hurt.  "Is... Are the others alright?"

Claire shook her head.  "I do not know.  They've all gone missing."

A river of ice poured down Kim's back.  Not Jen.  Please, not Jen.  Don't let her be…

Chapter End Notes:

Once again, apologies for the long delay after that cliffhanger, and a thanks for coming back for more.  I'm not sure how long it'll take for the next chapter, and my last timeline suggestion was utter crap, so I'm just going to promise to get it to you when I feel it's ready.  Thanks again for reading, and that goes triple for those who leave comments.  You folks are the reason I'm still posting here.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

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