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Author's Chapter Notes:

THanks for reading, this is my first time doing a challenge.

Samantha Stevens was an ordinary girl.  She just turned 20 in May, and was looking for summer employment between college semesters.  She got a fantastic opportunity working with the government, and moved to Kansas for the summer.  Upon her arrival, she took an impromptu physical, and general IQ test.  All vitals were fine, and she was by all metrics a healthy young woman.  Once all of her testing was completed she then was presented with multiple contracts and NDA’s to not discuss government findings until it is alright to do so.

Once all preliminary work was completed she was then selected to be the first recipient of a new special experimental serum.  The government had been working on a physical enhancement serum for people, so that both men and women could grow to be stronger soldiers, with improved durability, and physical capability.  This substance was dubbed Ares Serum, after the Greek god of war. 

There were other girls who signed up for the program as well.  While Samantha was getting tested and prepared for the procedure, these girls were learning about what the procedure would be like when it was their turn.  Once that concluded the next girls were given intern tasks and office jobs for the moment.

At the time of the injection of serum into each arm and leg, Samantha stood at 5’4”.  Samantha was left in a recorded room in her designated home, along with her designated doctor.  Soon a grand buffet was brought in and Samantha was prompted to eat as much as she could, and call if she became hungry again.  Her doctor, Susan Safron, also told her to drink as much milk as possible so her bones could grow at a healthy pace.

“mmmm,” The mac and cheese is so good,” Samantha said, happily eating.  “It is, but you should eat more protein, and make sure to eat your vegetables,” Dr. Safron said.  “Yeah yeah,” Samantha said.  Even though Samantha was eating much more food than usual, she was still feeling hungry.  “I feel so hungry,” Samantha said, waiting for more food.  “That’s to be expected, the serum will temporarily quicken your metabolism so your body can get straight to growing.

A few more rounds of food were brought in, then Samantha started to feel full.  Dr. Safron went to her own designated room, prompting Samantha to call if anything felt off.  Samantha laid on her couch and started snacking on whatever was in her house.  Samantha soon showered and went to bed early, feeling oddly exhausted.


Samantha woke up the next morning, and her whole room felt off.  She went to her wall, that had measuring marks on it, and measured herself.  “*gaaaaaasp* IT worked I’m 6’4”” Samantha said beaming.  Samantha put on a specially made hospital gown, and called Dr. Safron.  Dr. Safron soon arrived, and brought with her a breakfast buffet, that Samantha quickly gobbled up.  3 more rounds of food were brought in, until Samantha was satisfied.  Dr. Safron took out some measuring tape and took Samantha’s exact measurements.

“Amazing you once stood at 5’4” but now are a commanding, 6’8” and what’s more, your figure has proportionally changed as well,” Dr. Saffron said, astonished.  “Yeah…wait, 6’8”?  I’m only 6’4”” Samantha said.  “No, I’m not mistaken, you grew 4 inches more than expected, we must tweek our formula a bit, I’m very sorry,” Dr. Saffron said.  “Don’t be, I’ve never felt so…well big, I never liked being just average height,” Samantha said.  “Let’s show the officials,” Dr. Saffron said, dialing her superiors.

Soon Samantha was brought into a large hangar, where several military, and political officials stood.  Dr. Saffron gave a short speech on scientific achievement, before again measuring Samantha.  “As you can see, she now stands at 7 feet… 7 feet!” Doctor Saffron said, bewildered.  “7 feet?!” Samantha said, backing away.  Samantha looked down at her gown, which had become noticeably shorter on her.  “HOW MUCH MORE AM I GONNA GROW?!” Samantha asked, getting scared.  “Don’t worry, we have an antigrowth serum for such an occasion,” Dr. Saffron said, trying to calm Samantha down.  Dr. Sffron opened a brief case revealing a syringe with an orange liquid in it.

Samantha was quickly injected.  Samantha felt a strange buzz throughout her body, but she did calm down.  “You should stop growing now,” Dr. Saffron said.  “Okay,” Samantha said.  Samantha’s stomach audibly rumbled.  “We’ll get you some food,” Dr. Saffron said.  Samantha returned to her temporary home and was momentarily brought food.  Samantha tried to take her mind off everything by watching T.V., but it wasn’t working.  Samantha now had to watch her head in every room she entered.  She also noticed that she was now very thirsty, and requested water, and was brought many, many gallons of water.  Samantha expected to have to use the bathroom, but she didn’t need to go.

Samantha called for Dr. Saffron to measure her again, and it appeared that she was still growing.  “You’ve already reached, over 8 feet tall,” Dr. Saffron said, bewildered.  “Am I gonna be okay?” Samantha asked.  “Of course, we have access to the best scientists and doctors in the country, you’re gonna be just fine, but in light of these issues, we’re gonna put a pause on our operations, until your situation is fully under control,” Dr. Saffron said.  “Am I gonna be stuck like this forever?” Samantha asked, starting to cry.  “We will be working tirelessly to make sure that doesn’t happen, just look on the bright side, there are still people who are as tall as you, and maybe after a while, you can be presented to the world and you could get some fame from it,” Dr. Saffron said, trying to reassure Samantha.  “Yeah, I guess I’ve always wanted to be a celebrity,” Samantha said, giving a weak smile.  “Just try to relax for now, we’ll have more antiserum tonight, then I want you to get a good night’s sleep,” Dr. Saffron said.  “OK” Samantha said.

Samantha was later injected with more antiserum, and was given a large dinner, more water, and quickly made clothing.  Samantha also took an awkward shower, having to squat for the water to reach her hair.

The next morning, Samantha awoke, but was too big to be measured by herself.  She put on her new gown, and called for Dr. Saffron to measure her.

“You’ve already grown, 12 feet tall,” Dr. Saffron said.  “Can you give me more Anti Serum?  Maybe a concentrated dose?” Samantha asked.  “Unfortunately, no, after re-examining your body, it seems that your body has adapted, to figure out how to consume the serum as well.  For now, you need to continue to eat and drink as much as you feel, so that your growing can be as healthy as possible,” Dr. Saffron said.  “What if I stop eating? Shouldn’t that stop my growing?” Samantha asked.  “That might work for a week, but you might still grow eating away at your bones and muscles making you get bigger, but frailer, besides with holding food from you wouldn’t be ethical,” Dr. Saffron said.  “I understand, have my parents been told?” Samantha asked.  “This is a delicate issue, we are currently in the process of telling our officials, and figuring out how to move forward, you may still talk to your family, but you are still barred from telling them about your circumstances,” Dr. Saffron said.  “Ok,” Samantha said, quietly.

Samantha then noticed a few large trucks transporting what looked like large flag poles.  “What’s that?” Samantha asked.  “That is a precaution.  It is speculated that you could grow too big for your temporary home, so the sheets and poles are for your privacy, and a larger sleeping bag is in production,” Dr. Saffron said.

Samantha continued eating and drinking.  She called her parents, just to hear their voices, to calm her nerves.  Samantha spent her last night in her temporary house, before being too big for it.


Samantha continued to grow, day by day, gaining 40% of her height.  She grew too big for her temporary house, and continued to grow.  She kept growing for 9 days after her injection, reaching a final height of 105’4” an even 100 feet taller than she originally was.

After 2 days without shrinking, Dr. Saffron concluded that Samantha wouldn’t grow anymore, which was a relief to everyone.  Samantha’s appetite also lessened when she stopped growing, she still ate an astounding amount of food and water, but it was less than what was estimated that she’d eat.  Her body had also become especially more efficient with processing food, as she had very little human waste, which was a relief to everyone.  The organization quickly made clothes to match Samantha’s measurements, once she stopped growing.  Underwear was made first, then clothing.  After a while, a shipment of clothing arrived for Samantha consisting of Skirts and T-shirts, but things with more fabric still took too long.

Another week passed, and more tests were conducted on Samantha, her strength was at an expected level, proportional to her weight.  She weighed roughly 290 tons, and could easily lift large trucks.  She couldn’t lift an airplane, though she tried, it was too heavy and awkward to hold.

Samantha was then shown to many government officals and politicians.  After careful deliberation, it was decided that Samantha could be presented to the world.

On June 30th, Samantha was presented to the world by every news station, and social media.  For those first few weeks, of July Samantha was the only thing on anyone’s mind.  She had many news interviews and was given a special camera to appear for various news organizations.

Naturally, many speculated on what else the government was hiding, and Samantha was asked probing and personal questions about herself.  Samantha was given a massive key board and mouse, unfortunately a proportional T.V. screen would take much longer to construct, so she used a projector instead, and was able to use it like a computer.  Of course, Samantha searched on certain sites like Deviantart, and Rule 34 and sure enough there was already, an incredible amount of adult material surrounding her.  Samantha was upset, but she learned to brush it off.  Samantha then researched foreign coverage of her especially in English speaking countries.  Many other countries saw her as a cool celebrity, some speculated on how enemies of the USA would see her, and if the USA had created a new kind of weapon.

As the summer came to a close.  Samantha yearned for normalcy, so she pleaded with the government, and was given special permission to attend the nearby university.  Samantha was soon built a to scale home for her to live in, it wasn’t big, but since she didn’t have any way of cooking, a kitchen wasn’t needed, neither was  a living room, just a bed room, and bathroom, basically a dorm room.

The government tasked multiple businesses to build the dorm room as a top priority, once Samantha reached her final height, so it was ready right on time for the school year.  The college was told of Samantha’s arrival, and had begun special preparations for the freshman welcoming activities, as well as preparing for an influx of tourists.

Samantha made the short walk to South Kansas Institute of Renewable Technology.  Samantha was excited, but nervous to transfer to S.K.I.R.T. but she stayed positive.  She was dressed in blue shorts, and a green T-shirt.  The newcomers had an event on the football field.  Samantha wanted to participate, but she just sat on the field away from everyone.  The students all took selfies with Samantha in the distance.  Samantha put on her best smile, trying to make the best of the situation.  Samantha had gained millions of followers on all of her social media accounts, and the attention was wonderful.  She didn’t dislike that other students wanted to get her picture, she did however dislike some students tryint to get a shot between her legs, or a panty shot through her shorts.  The faculty tried to organize a tournament type thing with rock-paper scissors, but the students were too preoccupied with Samantha to care.

After the festivities were over, Samantha would attend her classes online, often times the students didn’t even know that she was THE Samantha, just as A Samantha.  After a few weeks passed, her attention died down, as the world moved on to discussing new topics.  Samantha had been told by Dr. Saffron to keep a low profile, stay away from controversy, and be a role model as young girls would be looking up to her.

A little while later, Samantha was assigned to a group for a group project and presentation.  She looked at the group roster, and she saw that she was in group 3 along with two girls, Harper and Kim, and one boy named Mark Kram.  Samantha invited the group to her home.



Being 105 feet tall, means that someone who was 6 feet tall would be slightly taller than 4 inches in perspective.

Samantha’s weight was measured by taking her estimated weight rounded down to 100lbs.  multiplying her estimated weight by a rounded down 18 for height, then multiplied by 18 for width, then 18 for length, giving a rounded down 290 tons.

TO co-author Lanix, contact me on Discord, or email me back.  On discord my name is Atleast Decent#2533

Chapter End Notes:
I originally wrote this chapter thinking I would collaborate with the one who made the initial challenge, that didn't happen, so I lost interest in the story.  It would've turned into something like CHeri's love is 8 meters, but the MC would be a bit more masculine.  I will never add on to this story.  Also, this type of content isn't healthy, stay away from pornogrophy, seek Jesus, because he will always love you.
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