[Reviews - 62] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

Blaire, a young and bashful woman, moves to Valdez, Alaska to start a new life free of her oppressive family. After meeting a handsome young man, Jacob, the two hit it off and everything appears to be looking bright for Blaire's future. However, unbeknownst to Blaire, a nefarious trafficking organization has its firm grip around Jacob and his mysterious abilities. It will take everything in Jacob's power to protect Blaire from the very evil he has allowed into his life. Will Jacob and Blaire be able to break free of the biggest and most nefarious trafficking organization in the United States?

All characters are over the age of 18 years old.
This story has elements pertaining to dark and grim fates, and descriptions that can cause trauma or trigger reactions from those with difficult pasts. If you have PTSD from previous sexual experiences, it is recommended YOU DO NOT READ this story. You have been warned.

For now the tags I know will be added for CERTAIN are the ones shown for the story. The below tags are considered, but may or may not be added later on.
- Lesbians
- Nose

SPOILER: (look away if you don't want to be SPOILED lulz)
If it isn't obvious, they traffic tinies. Lmao.

Rated: X
Categories: Destruction, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Mature (40-49), Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Slave, Unaware, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Completed: No
Word count: 150045 Read: 48552
Published: July 05 2023 Updated: October 22 2023
Story Notes:

This story is a tribute to an old friend.

1. ~Volume I~ Chapter 1 - Prologue by KYS [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar (3794 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

The prologue of the story and the set-up of the main characters and potential villains. While there is no content in this chapter, things will speed up quickly in the following chapter. For those only wanting content to fap to, then you'll have to wait my apologies. However, this prologue provides great context to the worldbuilding and characters within. For those interested in that, feedback is appreciated.


2. Chapter 2 - No Hard Feelings by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5233 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Finally a bit of a tease into the type of content you'll be seeing. I should mention, despite some male characters in this story of normal size, please understand I have ZERO intention of writing ANY smut that includes them aside from direct plottelling. This chapter is more buildup, with a dash of a preview regarding other characters.

To explain, this story will follow this premise. Most chapters will showcase the main characters/villains, however I plan on hosting "side chapters" that will showcase the fates of certain victims, which I think you'll come to understand clearly once you read this chapter.

I'm pretty excited, I think I have a solid concept going here, so very curious to know your thoughts. Of course, I hold no expectations from anyone until I deliver, and delivery will come very soon!


3. Chapter 3 - Delivery by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4199 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I was hoping to have a quick smut scene, but admittedly the progression took another turn. That being said, I've finally wrapped up the major components for the telling of the story, and the next chapter will finally rush into an immediate, juicy scene with certain characters. I think you'll deduce who and who yourself, once you finish the chapter ;)

I am most excited! The feedback so far was unexpected. Thank you.

Side note, I had a formatting error when trying to convert from google drive to giantessworld. I tried a new format, and updated the first two chapters to fit this format including this chapter as well. Hopefully it's easier to read and less clunky.


4. Chapter 4 - Deita's Desires by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4495 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*


This chapter hosts the following kinks:
- Boobs
- Mouthplay
- Entrapment/Panties

I am genuinely excited for you all to read this chapter. While this is my first story, this chapter is my first smut content ever... I am very nervous, I tried my best, so please let me know what you think!

I am going camping come this Sunday, and won't return till Tuesday. I'll try to get another chapter out before I leave, I promise, but otherwise the story will take a brief pause while I'm on vacation. Alicia & Camilla scene will be coming next, very soon! Next chapter will pick up with Blaire and Jacob. Very excited.


5. Chapter 5 - 6:00PM by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3888 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I took a nap and that turned into six hours, so I almost didn't post this tonight lol. Not much for me to say, other than the next chapter will be shifted to Alicia and Camilla, so much to look forward to there!


6. Chapter 6 - Jacob's Nightmares: Camilla's Cupcake by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4610 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

This chapter hosts the following kinks:
- Violence
- Feet/Crush
- Vore (Hard)

For the purpose of my sensitive readers, I must warn that this chapter takes a darker turn, you've been warned.


7. Chapter 7 - Benjamin by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3735 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Posting from my iPad while camping, couldn’t resist writing another chapter so I spent various times today when able to get this out. It’s slightly shorter than usual, but still over 3.5k words. This chapter gets a better look at the dynamic and personality of Jinshin when she’s not around her master, Avaramix, or clients.

What will she do with the new, tiny gift that was given to her by her master? Time to find out!


8. Chapter 8 - Assimilation by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5596 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Gentle
- Cruel Masturbation
- Entrapment (panties)

Longer chapter than the last few, hope you like it.


9. Chapter 9 - Transition by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3011 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Anal play/insertion

Shorter chapter to showcase a transition coming soon to make preparations for the larger second volume of this story. Only 3 or 4 chapters left until we wrap up this first volume.


10. Chapter 10 - Dilemma by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4370 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Very little I want to say as we near the end of volume one. I'd love to hear more feedback from more of my readers, so please, if you like the story leave a review and let me know your thoughts :)


11. Chapter 11 - I Am A Monster by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4759 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Just a brief warning, there is a quick and brief male scenario in this chapter. Please note it's entirely story based, and it's beyond brief, so please don't skip anything because this chapter is VERY VERY important.

That is all, enjoy the chaos.

12. Chapter 12 - Facility by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3816 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags update: Odor was removed, unaware and footwear were added. Some other potential tags have been removed completely.

Second to last chapter of the first volume, look forward to releasing the final chapter of this ongoing series. Thanks for reading this far!


13. Chapter 13 - Gullivette by KYS [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4059 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

- For spoiler purposes, I'll be keeping the tags in this chapter a secret.

The final chapter of the first volume. I've looked forward to this for some time, and I really hope you guys enjoy.

Have fun! :)

14. ~Volume II~ Chapter 1 - Who Is Gullivette? by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (700 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I am pleased to reveal the very first chapter of the second volume! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, finished it in like an hour if that. Just a quick chapter to unveil some new directions and get the characters a quick recap of previous events in preparation for further plot progression.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one! Gonna be an exciting volume!


15. Chapter 2 - Suicide by KYS [Reviews - 0] (4391 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I'm not going to be stating as much as I have been. My time has been a bit constrictive but I am pumping these out as fast as I can because it's all fresh in my mind.

I am simply trying to press forward so we can get the story to a place where I can start diving into some bonus chapters and getting some awesome interactions involved.


16. Chapter 3 - Elizabeth 'Liz' Sanchez by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4446 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Footwear
- Crush

Had a good time writing this chapter, admittedly it took a turn I was not expecting. Hope you guys like it! We are getting close to some good shit!


17. Chapter 4 - There Are No Heroes by KYS [Reviews - 0] (5332 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

What can I say, decided to just pump some chapters out. Expect chapter five to be released tonight as well very soon.


18. Chapter 5 - The Great Escape by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5212 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Unaware
- Footwear/Crush

Didn't plan on grinding three chapters in a single day but here we are. This volume could very well end up being pretty long, this is taking longer to progress the plot than I anticipated, but I'm not complaining.


19. Chapter 6 - Jacob's Nightmares: A Delicious Delicacy by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4965 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Vore & Hard Vore
- Chewing
- Swallowed Alive
- Slight Digestion
- Cruelty & Violence
- Blood & Gore

I didn't hold back on this chapter. It was time to give a reminder that the fates of Jacob's victims are less than alright. They have lives, all of them, and in the end their fates are cruel. For those who find this stuff sad and depressing, I apologize in advance.

I make but one promise, there won't be cruelty to this nature again for some time... Next bonus chapter will be feet, pussy or ass related. Gonna break on the vore a little bit, unless it's involved in the main plot (yes, I mean Deita and Liz...)


20. Chapter 7 - The Missing by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3626 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Sorry for the delay in the next chapter, I know I haven't posted since Monday it's just been busy at work and I've had little free time. I'm going to try and get more chapters done today, so keep an eye out for more than just this one.


21. Chapter 8 - Interrogation by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6215 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapters:
- Growth
- Brief mouthplay

This chapter is now the longest I've written so far in this series. I'm very tired and sore from a long work week, this is all I have the will to publish today. Hopefully I can pick up again soon and get out daily chapters like before. I hate waiting forever to publish since I have the entire story completed in my mind, I just need to get it written and posted. The longer it takes, the more I fear of losing valuable ideas that are still fresh in my mind.

Anyway, love you guys and thanks for reading!


22. Chapter 9 - Wrath Of Jinshin by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4316 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Getting ready for that mid-volume finale... So here's the setup and you mother fuckers enjoy yourselves now.


23. Chapter 10 - Atonement by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5810 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Tags for this chapter:
- Brief mouthplay
- Threat of vore

There is nothing I wish to say for this chapter. All I'll say, is looking forward to seeing you in the next one. Until then...

... Enjoy...!

24. Chapter 11 - Deita VS Jinshin by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (9125 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I had to keep leaving this chapter to keep thinking of how to write it. I'm not entirely sure if it's exactly how I imagined it to be, but ultimately I can't always translate my thoughts into words with perfection, but I hope regardless you all enjoy this chapter.

Next we'll be shifting back to Blaire, and then Jacob and Gullivette as we head towards the conclusion of the second volume.

Enjoy, this is the longest chapter to have been written yet for this series. For good reason.

25. Chapter 12 - Who Is Jacob? by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3535 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Work is getting beyond busy, so expect fewer updates inbetween, my apologies.


26. Chapter 13 - ? by KYS [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3697 words)


27. Chapter 14 - Jacob's Nightmares: The Sole Problem by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (7281 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

- Humiliation
- Unaware Barefoot Crush
- Aware Barefoot Crush
- Footplay
- Sadistic & Gentle Scenarios
- Torture
- Chewing
- Hard Vore
- Forced Vore

The poll has ended and the poll results are revealed in the story text section before the start of the chapter.

As for this chapter, based on your reactions in the reviews for previous chapters, I'm thinking this might be a good one for you all... NO SPOILERS so I won't say anything, but buckle the fuck up because this chapter is going to fuck with your heads lol


28. Chapter 15 - Jacob VS Gullivette by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (9631 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

- Destruction
- Shrinking

The long awaited chapter I'm sure... Enjoy (this is now the longest chapter of the series....)

29. Chapter 16 - Revelations by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4387 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Apologies, work has been very busy and it's been super hard to find time to write. I miss the days of daily uploads, but I'll do what I can to at least wrap up the second volume so you don't have to wait so dang long!

In any case, we are only a handful of chapters from the end of Volume II


30. Chapter 17 - Subject Zero by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5402 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

Sorry it's been awhile, life got insanely busy... Still is, but I'm glad I was able to find time to get this chapter out finally! Only one left.... THE VOLUME II FINALE!

Enjoy :D

31. Chapter 18 - The Puppet Master by KYS [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3641 words)

*For ideas, requests or feedback you prefer to keep off here, you can message me on discord through the giantessworld discord server. My username there is Alec, and tag is carlisle94. I am now accepting friend requests.*

I hate it took so long to release one bloody chapter to finally wrap up this volume, but here it is! Work has been crazy, but I'm hoping it won't be too long until the start of the next volume :)


32. ~Volume III~ Chapter 1 - Prelude To Peril by KYS [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2768 words)


Should be ready in the next few chapters, this discord server will be a space for me to get more in depth with my characters and their profiles. Using AI technology I've been able to devise some interesting character concept art and I am very excited to showcase them to you!

There will also be more in depth character biographies, for an easier way for readers to learn more about each character and their strengths and weaknesses and history leading up to the events of the first book! So get ready!

Without further adieu, the opening chapter for VOLUME III
