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With the steam clearing, Neil got a better view of the cup around him; to his slight surprise, the cup was not china but made of glass. Neil didn't know it then, but the Black Cats had begun using glass cups to make seeing tines trapped inside easier. However, this had the opposite effect on Neil.

Seeing the stem of the small leaf poking upwards, Neil climbed it to get a better view of Nekoru and for her to see him more easily. Just beneath the very top, Neil hugged the stem as much as he could while looking out. But, unfortunately, he was instantly met with Nekoru's large rear pointing right at him, her tail lazily swinging from side to side while she searched.

His hopes were raised even more as he saw Nekoru stand up and slowly approach the cabinet where he and the cup were sitting. "NEKORU DOWN HERE! NEKORU Down here…" Neil shouts for attention died down as he witnesses Nekoru standing above him, not even looking down at him.

Looking up, Nekoru's large chest blocked out most of her face from view, but looking upwards, Neil noticed one of her hands starting to extend towards the cup. Before he could plan for anything, Neil felt the water shake as the hand clamped down on the handle and lifted it upwards. "NEKORU, STOP. IM IN THE CUP; LOOK DOWN. LOOK DOWN!" Every plea for help he shouted out fell on deaf ears as the cup was placed just under her lips.

As the seconds passed in slow motion, Neil watched Nekoru's lips pucker again, but she would not kiss him this time. Instead, a hurricane bellowed out from between her lips; Neil did what He could to stay on the leaf stem as it and the rest of the leaf was swept all around. The draft almost capsized his raft as it rammed into the side. Then, after one final gust, the leaf came to rest with Neil, having lost his grip, sleeping on it.

"She's not going to eat the leaf; nobody eats tea leaves, right?" Neil asked as Nekoru's lips were placed on the rim above him. Then, gazing upon the scene around him, Neil watched as the cup began to tilt and the tea began to flow into the gap between her lips and her mouth. With the first thousand litres of water in her mouth Neil heard the ghostly bellows of her throat as she gulped down her first sip.

The leaf he was on was just in front of the lips as Nekoru began to take more sips, but from what Neil could see, it was way too small for the whole leaf to enter. It still could, but the stem would collide with her upper lip. Despite knowing that Nekoru would likely feel the leaf before she drank, it did not rest his fears. As if to make things worse, Neil spared a glance upwards to see that Nekoru wasn't even looking down at the cup.

Looking up, Neil spotted two things that may be a possible death trap, but he would take them over being drunk. First, high above him, Nekoru's nostrils gently flared as she breathed in and out; though he highly doubted she could smell him over the minty scent, it still gave him a little hope she could sniff him up. Climbing the stem to reach the highest point he could, he had a better chance of getting sniffed up or having a more excellent vantage point to climb into her upper lip.

Just as Neil was about halfway, he suddenly felt the leaf below him shift slightly, causing it to turn around. The stem end of the leaf would be the first part to make contact with the point of no return. However, the reason for this shift had Neil's mind racing. First, Nekoru tilted the cup to increase the flow. Then, to help with the increased flow rate, Nekoru opened her lips a little more.

This new gap was big enough for the whole leaf, stem included, to enter her mouth undetected. Neils's heart raced increasingly as we saw her pink gates get closer. Even if he climbed to the stem top, the gap would be too big. But maybe he could try and swim to the edge of the cup.

As Neil thought, or attempted to, of a plan, he suddenly felt a wave of dread wash over him as he saw the sky above him change. The view of her cliff-like face was replaced with the soft pinkish roof of the underside of her lip. Neil froze as he realized that his window had passed, as he looked ahead to see where his fate would lead him.

Wait, maybe he could jump onto… the moment he thought of the idea, the current pulled the leaf through Nekoru's lips and over her front teeth. It was official Neil screwed. The side rows of her teeth were too far away; even if he jumped and swam to them, the current would be too strong. As the leaf passed through the rapids caused by Nekoru's rough tongue, he was met with the sound of a large waterfall.

Looking at the source of the noise, Neil was met with what was arguably the most terrifying sight he had seen so far, being shrunk, the back of Nekoru's throat. Like some eldritch, the cavern of flesh moved in ways almost indescribable. While he had been swallowed before, he had not paid much attention to how the body was forced to gulp him down. But here, he had a front-row seat to repeated swallowing. First, unseen muscles pushed and pulled at the flesh to move the liquids from her mouth and deeper into Nekoru's body. Then, just before each gulp, the back of the tongue would rise to cut off the flow momentarily before dropping back down to let the next load of tea dropdown.

Time seemed to slow as the next load of tea began to reach the back of the throat, carrying the leave along. Neil could feel fear telling him to run for his life and hold onto the stem. Said stem was the first part of the leafe to pass over the threshold. Sparing a nervous glance downwards, Neil saw an endless abyss of the throat looming below him.

A gentle tea waterfall was running down the side below her tongue. "NEKORU!" Neil shouted one last time as he felt the leaf tilt backwards. As the tongue lifted upwards, a single sound rang out around him; the flesh contracted. Letting out a blood-curdling scream Neil just hung onto the leaf as it began its descent down Nekoru's throat. But something strange happened; the leaf knocked into the side of her throat, causing a reaction from Nekoru. Suddenly the walls of her throat came to life as it seemed the leaf had caused some coughing fit.

Bracing himself, Neil found himself getting thrown off the leaf as he was sent bouncing from wall to wall. Eventually, he felt himself getting launched upwards and out of her throat. Landing with a slight squelch, Neil got a layer of saliva and tea coating his body as he found himself in a pool of a mixture of the two. Looking around, Neil saw that he had landed on the centre of Nekoru's tongue.

Just as Neil was about to get up, he saw light pour in as Nekoru's lips parted, but seeing no sign of the cup, Neil took his change and shouted out. "NEKORU" Sadly for him, the reason Nekoru had decided to open her mouth was not to drink but for an equally dangerous reason.

Recovering from her coughing, Nekoru looked down to see the culprit or lack of one. "Nya, I was too worried about the little one. I forgot to take the leaf out. I'm quite surprised that I didn't end up coughing out the leaf. So Nya, next time I'll ask Hanako to use bigger, more obvious leaves," while she spoke calmly, it was anything but for Neil.

As Nekoru began to speak, Neil instantly covered his ears to cover out the sound. But being on someone's tongue as they speak had other issues that he failed to consider. The moment the first syllable was said, Nekoru's tongue shifted to help produce the sound. But, unfortunately, it was causing Neil to slide along its surface, helplessly unable to get a grip.

Ramping up, the tongue became wilder and wilder with each word. Neil found himself getting thrown this way and that. He crashed into the side of a tooth one moment, only to get thrown right off a second later. Neil was thankful that she was quiet and that her speech was short.

Pulling his face from the surface of Nekoru's tongue Neil saw that he was in darkness; she had closed her mouth. Slowly peeling himself off her tongue, Neil's hearing still rang after being so close to her vocal cords. Getting to his feet, Neil was shaken to his core; his head was spinning he felt like he wanted to throw up. He had avoided being drunk but was still trapped in Nekoru's mouth; maybe he could single her somehow.

Slowly his heart began to return just as the light began to pour into the darkness as Nekoru's lips parted. However, as they opened, a wave of heat raced into the mouth and washed over him; a scent of mint did the same thing. With his body extremely tired and unsure of where to go, Neil stood there as the sound of crashing water grew louder.

Like a scene out of a disaster movie, a tsunami was mint tea cascaded over the front row of teeth and filled the gap between them. The crashing waves washed over the tongue, hurtling towards him. Taking a deep breath and holding it, Neil was instantly hit by the raging tea wall. In a split second, he was returned to the back of her mouth. Deep inside the wave, Neil got pulled and pushed all over by unseen currents. Neil felt the wave below him give way for a split second as a single sound roared out from around him, punctuating his fate.


The trip down Nekoru's throat was chaotic. The tidal wave of tea was flipping Neil all over the place, and it did not take long for him to lose which direction was up and which was down. But he had no time to ponder as he splashed down into her stomach, Neil wanted to surface form acid, but the tea cascade pushed him deeper.

Breaking the surface, Neil gasped for air, and he got air but very thick air. It was hard to breathe. Whipping his head around, Neil tried to look for the leaf she had swallowed, but his eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness. Suddenly he heard a noise; realizing what was happening, he dived under the 'water' as the next mouthful of tea crashed into her stomach.

Splashing sounds overwhelmed his hearing even if the acid muted it, and the splashing had churned up the acid making Neil flip all over the place by unseen currents. Eventually, Neil resurfaced and spoked the leaf's ghostly outline in the distance. Swimming through the weak acid, Neil approached the leaf as Nekoru took another gulp. As the tea landed, the wave produced caught up with Neil and pushed him away, and to his luck, he was washed up onto the leaf itself.

With the relative safety of the leaf below him, Neil collapsed onto his back and panted. Another cascade of tea splashed down, shaking the leaf slightly but not enough to shake him off. Then there was silence. It would seem that Nekoru had finished for now, and now the only sound left was that of her inner workings.

Neil was not quite sure how to describe the sounds he was hearing. All alone in her stomach, Neil could hear the ghostly sounds of Nekoru's body working away like nothing was wrong—the loud-ish thumping of her heartbeat out somewhere far above him. A strange long pumping sound could also be heard, but he was unsure if it was just blood flowing through her body or her lungs. Then there was a long list of other sounds he could not Identify, and part of him did not want to. However, the worst sound was those coming from below him—more than likely, Nekoru's lower digestive track procession older food he would soon be joining.

One thing He was glad about was that the acid was not that bad. While it did tingle, he had no real damage…yet. So now he just had to wait for the end. Seeing his vision had adapted to the darkness Neil was defeated to see that the stomach was mostly empty, say for his leave and a few small 'islands’' of something none massive enough for him forever. One thing he was happy not to see was any corpses of other shrunken humans floating in the acid. So it looked like she wouldn't be eating for a while, and given it was probably mid-afternoon, it would be a wait. Neil struggled to remember how his Father and companions had escaped Mary-Jeans stomach. She had drunk fizzy soda, but since Nekoru had drunk tea, Neil was unsure he would rely on her burping him out.

"Nya, if it isn't here, he must have landed on Hanako, but given his smaller size, there is no way of knowing where he is on her body. That's if he did land on her; for all I know, he flew much further away." The voice of Nekoru echoed and reverberated throughout her body; despite being muffled by several layers of flesh, he could still make out every word she was saying. Neil felt even more defeated, knowing she could even presume she may have swallowed him, but it would more likely be too late by the time she did.

Suddenly the calm water around him started to become overrun with waves. Neil was forced to get up and hold onto the stem. He was unsure what Nekoru was doing but did not like it. "NEKORU! NEKORU!" Neil shouted, screamed, and pleaded to the heavens for her to at least hear him. But, unfortunately, Neil's voice was not strong enough to create an echo in the stomach, let alone escape its confines.

Not hearing or even suspecting that the tiny one she was looking at, the one she was meant to protect, was deep inside her. Nekoru walked into the open area and looked for Hanako, but her heart dropped as she could not find the girl anywhere. Opening the door to their tiny village, Nekoru felt her stomach growl a little. Placing her hand on her belly, she rubbed the area simply; it was pretty loud, and she just hoped none of the other girls heard her.

If Nekoru thought the growling was loud, it was on a completely different level for Neil. Deep inside of her, Neil thought he could avoid the worse of the noise by covering his ears. However, being close to the source of a sound and being right at the start were completely different things. Neil felt the vibration and reverbs shake him to his core; every fibre of his being was becoming the growl. But it wasn't just him being affected. The stomach walls sprung to life, vibration in time with the growl, as the sound travelled through the acid lake, creating waves that bobbed the leaf up and down.

As Neil thought the sound would kill him, it stopped, and he fell to his knees. His ears were ringing, the pain slowly fading. Neil was both relieved and surprised that his earring had somehow survived. However, the only problem with that was what he heard next. Just after the growling, the chamber violently shook as something from the outside slammed into it. The sound was quickly followed by a sound of something impossible large being dragged all around. Simply guessing Nekoru was rubbing her stomach, he knew she must be hungry and would soon eat. But what she said next was what scared him the most was not her saying she was hungry.

"Nya, that leaf is not agreeing with me, I know it was small, but I guess it must have been potent…." Nekoru cooed as she continued to rub her stomach. "… let's hope it's nothing a little digestive aid can't fix, Nya", she purred as she closed the door and entered the kitchen, first getting a glass of water before looking for the aid.

Neil was now in full panic mode; a digestive aid? There was no way he could survive that could there. His mind soon began to race with, well, anything, ideas to escape, plans to get her attention before it was too late. But he kept encountering the same problems; how would he do it? In his confused and frantic state, Neil had lost track of time, and by the time he came, Nekoru had already gotten the little tablet and was nearing her bedroom.

With a click, Nekoru unlocked the door and entered her room, scanning the floor for the tiny she had lost. "Nya, don't worry, little one. Once I have dealt with my stomach, I'll find you where ever you are."

“NO NEKORU IM IN YOUR STOMAHC YOU HAVE TO STOP. NOW." Neil screamed in response to the statement. Scared out of his mind, Neil was ever tempted to swim from the leaf and to the stomach. Neil was about to jump in on the edge of the leaf when he froze upon hearing the one sound he feared most.


Before long, a torrent of water poured into the stomach, carrying a large white object in the flow. Looking at the landing zone, Neil saw the tablet floating on the surface before the acid around it began to bubble and hiss. Seconds later, the tablet fully sank under the waves, with only a giant bubble popping to signal where it had been.

The next few seconds in the stomach were silent before the chaos. Then, bubbling and hissing slowly increased as they spread from ground zero. "Nekoru! NEKORU" Neil screamed, tears almost forming in his eyes; he thought it could have been from him or caused by the air becoming more acidic.

Like a boat in a storm, the leaf was buckled this way, and the chaos finally caught up to him. The smell and sounds were getting worse by the second. "Yikes!" Neil spat as he felt the piece of leaf below him hiss before melting away. Then, slowly but surely, more and more of the leaf started to dissolve; seeing no real way out of this, Neil retreated to the stem and climbed to the very top.

By the time he reached the top of the stem, most of the leaf had already melted. And with a low hiss, the stem slowly sank below the waves. Tears streamed from his eyes, and this was it after everything he had been through. All the things he had survived, and this is how it would end. A million miles away from his Sarah, away from his dad and away from the only way to get him back to normal. His fate was to be nothing more than a bit of nourishment for a girl who knew about him and was looking for him. Then, a giant bubble formed with a hiss of the acid, writing below him.

Neil heard the noise for a split second and awaited the end. But to his utter surprise, he felt hit by a tremendous force as he found himself airborne. Waiting to fall back into the acid below, Neil was taken aback as he did not fall; instead, he rose at an alarming rate. Then, opening his eyes, he was met with not the size of an acidy death but the view of Nekoru's throat racing past him.

His eyes widened as he realized what had just happened; what He was looking at was like his Father had described escaping Mary-Jean's stomach. All the bubbles had caused air to build up, and with nowhere to escape, there was only one-way Nekoru's body could release all the gas. So he had burped him out.

As if to prove him right, Neil felt the ari current shift as he was no longer inside her throat but was back inside her mouth. He had little time to take in the minty smell as he saw light pour in as her lips opened. Soon joy faded into fear as Neil realized that the burp would launch him out of her body and far away from her. Being inside her for so long, he had no idea where she was or what she might be doing.

However, as soon as the light poured in, it was blocked off as something covered the exit; he could see it was skin coloured. Not quite expecting the burp, Nekoru quickly covers her mouth with a free hand as the force of the belch hit it. Smacking into her palm Neil was quite surprised he was not injured or even knocked out by the impact.

For a moment, Neil was just stuck there, dazed from everything he had experienced. Then, looking ahead, Neil was met with Nekoru's mouth slowly closing, the smell from her burp still lingering in the air though it was mainly minty. What confused Neil was that the mouth was upside down. But, wait, her mouth wasn't upside down. He was.

As the gravity of the situation fell upon him, so did that of reality. Upon impacting her palm Neil hadn't gotten stuck to it but instead hit it and fell off. Falling from her palm, Neil tried to call Nekoru's mouth, but the wind forced his mouth shut. Watching her hand and head rise away from him, Neil looked down, expecting to see himself falling towards her scalp. But, instead, her open cleavage lay beneath him, awaiting his arrival.

In a combination of shock and embarrassment, Neil did nothing to alert Nekoru as he fell into her costume and chest. Then, with a small smack, Neil slammed into the flesh of Nekoru's left breast before rolling to a stop. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Neil lay on his back and looked up to see Nekoru's face high above, recovering from her burp.

From below him, Neil could hear her heart beating. But, unlike when he heard Sarah's, Nekoru's was calm and relaxed. The ground, or rather flesh, below him rose and fell in time with her breathing. Then, just as Neil regained his breath, I felt Nekoru start to move.

Starting to walk around, Nekoru's chest bobbed up and down, though it was not that bad thanks to her outfit. For Neil, it was quite the ride; while not as bad as Valerie's wild chest, it was not a walk in the park. Unlike most other girls he had been around, Nekoru's chest was mostly covered.

As a result, he was not being bounced up and down in the air. Instead, He was bounced between her chest and the inner lining of her suit. However, this difference did come with its issue. Being quite tight, Neil found that as he bounced upwards, so did the breast below him. The beast lifted and smoothed him between itself and the fabric. Not sure if the inner lining of her outfit had the same materials as the shoes, Neil was relieved that it was soft.

"Now, where could Hanako be?" Nekoru said as she walked out of her room, locking the door behind her. Scanning the room, there was no sign of the girl. Making sure to watch where she was walking, Nekoru made her rounds. Only to end up empty-handed. She got nervous and moved to a Yamada who was busy cleaning up the table. “Yamada have you seen Hanako? Im looking for here."

Getting up from her duty Yamada looks at Nekoru. "Sorry, My Lady, I have not. Last I saw her, she went out shortly after she delivered you a cup of tea. I believe she went looking for more tinies, im not sure when she will be back." Nekoru felt her heart drop; Hanako was gone, and more than likely, the chance of finding that tiny.

But maybe it wouldn't be that bad when Hanako returns. The tiny would still be on her. Of course, Hanako might find the tiny ones and bring them back, but that meant that there was a good chance she would tell the other girls. "Yamada, if Hanako returns, please make sure she comes straight to me; there are a few things I would like to discuss with her urgently." This was the best way she could get Hanako to come straight to her, and the only other option would be to go out and look for Hanako herself.

Bowing, Yamada resumed her work and carried out her new orders. With that taken care of, Nekoru began to assess the possibility that the tiny hadn't landed on Hanako or even fallen off. So that meant there was a chance they were still somewhere in the den, but where for a tiny size, there were a million places for it to hide. "Nya, this is going to be hard, but they need to be found," She said under her breath.

While the conversation between Nekoru and Yamada was carried out, Neil paused to reach better ground. Finally, when Nekoru resumed walking, Neil could climb near her collarbone. But as she started to move, Neil found the world around him bouncing with each step she took.

The worse part was her cleavage, down below, so she had no breast to catch him if she fell. Looking down, Neil saw a sight almost making her breast look as dangerous as Valeries. With each step, her breast would come apart for a second, only to slam back together. Like a deadly machine, her breasts would likely obliterate anything that fell between them.

Shaking the thought from his mind Neil began to race up her collarbone to reach her scarf, but he was caught in some sick game. Each time he thought he had made the distance, Nekoru's movement just caused him to slide back down towards her awaiting death trap of a chest.

This round trip went on for a few minutes as Nekoru walked around the den, looking for hiding places he could use. Neil was getting tired. Any ground he made just ended up getting taken away. He could see very little hope, but a new ray of hope appeared as Nekoru's fingers began to reach out in his general direction.

His hope was dashed as Nekoru's fingers hit the skin above him, and she began to scratch herself. Seeing a chance to grab on, Neil readied to jump on. Only to see her nail heading towards him at top speed. Unfortunately, Neil had no time to react as the nail rammed into him, knocking him loose from his perch.

Time seemed to slow down as Neil fell downwards her waiting chest, Nekoru had not stopped to scratch, so her chest was still in motion. Yet again, Neil's luck abounded him as her mighty breasts parted beneath him. The sound of Nekoru's beating heart sounded like a clock counting down. The beating became louder and louder as Neil fell into the awaiting gap.

The inner sides of Nekoru's breast rose on either side of Neil as he fell. He could see them tower over him, signalling that he had dropped pretty deep into them. Opening his mouth Neil was only able to say half her name before time resumed its ordinary course. Everything went black as Neil soon lost all feeling in his body.

Nekoru's breasts slammed together without even noticing the little insect between them. They annihilated, obliterated anything that fell between them. Neil's fragile little body never stood any chance against them; the sheer force of their impact almost any evidence that Neil was even there. All that was left was a small imprint on the breast about the size and shape of a little human. But on the next steps, the breast came together, and the little impressions were swept away.

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