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Author's Chapter Notes:

An addition to James’ adventure commissioned by Ligtamateur.

The night with Raychanette was dreadful. Though he bore no weighted pressure, her foot had a dense air that smelled of stale sweat. It was very difficult to ignore and repeatedly woke up James from his attempts to catch some rest. Even so, he eventually got to the point of being able to sleep for at least a few minutes at a time and even got to sleep a solid hour. Unfortunately, by the time he managed this decent bit of rest, it was noon. The boundless body that he rested upon began to stir as Raychanette stretched and shifted onto her butt, all the while she let out a monstrous yawn that sparked James back to consciousness. Now awake, he was able to experience his sky view fly by in a blur as Ray’s feet swung from the couch to the floor. In just a few seconds, James was brought into darkness as her soles pressed into the floor and sealed him beneath her. He hardly had time to scream, though his voice wouldn’t have even been heard of her were his standard two inches. Ray had far more pressing manners to concern herself over than giving attention to the bug man. With a mumbled groan and whimper, Raychantte brought a palm to her forehead. It throbbed in pain and made it clear that she wasn’t going to have the chance to go back to sleep anytime soon. Irritating as it was, she knew it was likely a consequence of her choice to drink. Pleasurable as wine was to her, it took very little to make her drunk and just as little to result in her having a hangover. It sucked and it hurt like an absolute bitch, but there was not much she could do. What’s worse was that whenever she did drink, she often forgot much of whatever led to it and this was no different. It wasn’t like she couldn’t remember, but it often took some time and there normally weren’t many details worth remembering. For the time being at least, anything from the night prior was more or less gone. There were fragments of some sort of bug she had interacted with, but she chalked that up to being a strange dream or some odd memory of her playing with an ant. After all, the prospects of James’ existence wasn’t one that would make much sense and even if Ray wanted to pry into what exactly happened the night before, her head was in too much pain to bother.

Rising from the couch, she subjected James to a confusing new pressure. He felt her weight, yet it wasn’t as intense as he remembered it being when he was bigger. He could actually breathe somewhat normally and even move a bit. It was still heavy, and he was still trying to understand what exactly had happened, but he inevitably pieces together where he was and how he wasn’t being pressed into paste. It was a weird thing to appreciate, but being so worthlessly tiny, his body didn’t have enough of a presence to be stepped on fully. Nearly every bit of Ray’s foot was pressed into the floor itself with a very small fraction pressed into James. This led to her weight being more so distributed away from him, but this also meant that he was fully able to keep inhaling the foul foot funk that came with a dazed Raychantte. The monumental woman began to make her way to the kitchen where she could hopefully chip away at her headache with some soothing coffee. As she moved, her mountain sized feet swung James along with them. At his size, he was moving hundreds of miles per hour, but still found himself stuck to Ray’s foot. It baffled him as to how that was possible, but with how easily other specks of dirt and dust managed to stick to one’s foot, he figured he was just that small that it didn’t matter how crazy Raychanette moved. Even so, it confused him to not fly off. With so little pressure or moisture to actually adhere him, he seemed to actually be free. It might have even been possible to fully dislodge himself from Ray’s foot, yet to his angst and surprise, he couldn’t keep himself from gripping onto her skin with all his might. As much as he wanted out from this situation, he dreaded how much worse it would get if he were to lose himself somewhere along the floor. If Raychanette’s foot seemed boundless now, he would certainly be doomed if he wound up on her living room floor. And so, much to his dismay, he clung to her foot as it was the closest thing to hope and safety that he’d be able to find for the time being. 

With the little mite accepting his presence beneath her, Ray brewed herself a very dark roast of coffee to hopefully mellow out the pain in her head. She wasn’t a stranger to a hangover, but it didn’t make them feel any better when they happened. It did sometimes make her question if it was even worth the drink in the first place, but more often than not it did help to relieve her of the copious amounts of stress she found herself in throughout the week. Regardless of any possible regrets, she’d have to endure it for now. Even with coffee, it would be a while before the pain eased. The prospect of going back to the couch became ever more tempting, but Raychanette didn’t have much of a choice in that. As much as she just wanted to rest, the pain would only continue and there were an assortment of emails and calls she had to get through regarding her many residents. If she wasn’t in pain, she’d likely be able to get through it within a handful of hours, but the strain on her brain was going to result in her working the entire day. Even so, Raychanette wasn’t one to slack off work. With a cup of coffee in hand, she made her way to a desk and plopped onto a chair. With a tired sigh, she began to clack away at the keyboard of her computer. For hours upon hours, James was stuck having to huff Ray's foot, trapped in utter darkness as the oblivious woman worked tirelessly through her headache. With little movement outside of trips to the bathroom or getting more coffee and food, James’ day was more or less uneventful. He simply existed as one of millions of specks of nothing stuck to Ray’s feet and even fell asleep a few times out of sheer boredom. Of course any slight movement from Ray instantly woke him up as he feared falling off. To his mixed gratitude, he managed to stick to her foot regardless of how consistent his consciousness was. By midnight, Raychanette had successfully responded to every message, email, and call. It was relieving to finally be done with it all, though several residents had left her with a sour taste in her mouth. The fact that she’d likely have a similar pile of work the next day also left her in a somewhat bitter mood. To her gratitude, the headache had dialed down to a mild discomfort, but there wasn’t much left in the day to really do anything. With a tired sigh, she made her way back to the couch, grabbing a handful of snacks to join her in getting to watch a movie. It was the least she could to at least get some comfort out of the day. As for James, he was finally given some relief and a bit of light as Ray positioned herself to sit upon the couch with her legs bent off to the side. With both of her soles exposed, a slight change in air wafted over James. It was refreshing when compared to what steamy air he had been trapped beneath for most of the day, but it could only lighten his mood so much. Ray’s foot remained colossal and its owner remained oblivious to James’ situation. It was weird to miss being two inches, given how puny that already was; but even at two inches, he’d at least have the strength to pinch or bite or do something to move and get the attention of Ray. As if out of spite, James kicked the skin beneath him. It didn’t even give to his weight, let alone his kick. He didn’t even have the required weight to be of notice. He slumped down and laid across the skin as he contemplated his options. As far as he could tell, his only play was to just be there and do nothing. It was bothersome to say the least, but it wouldn’t stay like that for too long as his somewhat uneventful day was about to get a hell of a lot more exciting. Whether it was by his own action or that of a more significant speck of dust, Raychanette had felt some sort of little itch along her foot. She would have reached over with her fingers to eradicate it, but one was holding a bowl of popcorn and the other was covered in the butter of said popcorn. Her only remaining option was to use the nails of her other foot.

The ground beneath James began to shake violently as though he were at the epicenter of an earthquake. He struggled to get to his feet and looked around for the cause, though there was no real way of him knowing given his size. In the case that Raychanette was about to move, he dropped and clung onto her skin. Soon after dropping, his view became filled with what looked to be some sort of moving wall. It dragged against Ray’s sole with such speed and he could see bits of dead skin and dust kicking up like a sandstorm as it closed in on his position. Much of him wanted to run and avoid whatever it was, but if he couldn’t avoid the bead of sweat from earlier, there was no avoiding this. Even so, it was hard to just accept it. With how effortlessly it tore through the skin, it looked like this could be the actual end for him. Hoping to go out in peace or at least put himself into a state of denial, he closed his eyes and shouted to try and drown out what approached. While he had his little crisis, Raychanette sat content as her big toe dragged its nail across her sole. It was always so satisfying to rid oneself of an itch, and this was no different. It wasn’t anything worth her actual gaze or attention, but it was still a nice two seconds of pleasure across her itchy sole. That would be the longest two seconds of James’ life. In an instant, he was scooped up along with any other debris. His body was quickly coated in the various dusts and collected as a unified mass of toe grime to reside beneath her large toe’s nail. By the time she had relieved herself of the itch and rested her foot back down, James was beyond disoriented with a mouthful of dirty dead skin tainting his taste buds. He quickly hacked up all he could and was terrified to find himself encased in more of the gunk. It was like a cocoon of debris that he was at the center of with no light or bearings to even know where he now was. While he tried to get adjusted to his new surroundings, Raychanette soon found herself passing out along the couch once more. This left James to waste his night beneath the nail of her large toe. The smell had become far worse and would not allow him any form of rest. Even if it was in vain, he began to dig and hope that he’d find a way through all the gunk. He didn’t even want to fully escape. All that he needed was better air, though the more he dug, the more he lost faith in his ability to affect how much better his night would get. 

The following day went no better. While Ray awoke in bliss with the relief of a clear head, James had failed to get a lick of sleep. He had spent the whole night scrummaging through the contents beneath her nail and only just gotten to the point of seeing some light. He had unfortunately exhausted himself while doing so though and while he could kind of see now, he was given the grim reminder that all he had to look at was more foot. It wasn’t all the same though. It actually seemed dimmer and as he looked up, he saw an expanse of what looked to be the same colored surface that had hit him earlier. Given how little he could do otherwise, he eventually thought through the situation enough to figure that he had wound up underneath one of Ray’s nails. As to whether or not it belonged to a finger or toe was up to debate. There wasn’t much visually to give it away, though with how badly it smelled, he concluded himself to still be a resident of Ray’s foot. He had simply gotten an ‘upgrade’ to the toe suite. His new abode was soon to be on the move as its owner got up to start her day. Ray had a similar amount of work to do today, though she’d be able to get through it far quicker without the headache. Knowing that work would be easier this time, she went ahead and brewed some coffee and made some breakfast for herself to enjoy as she leaned into the various emails she had gotten overnight. She’d type away and talk for several hours, all the while James would continue his existence as toe filth. As it came to be the afternoon, Raychanette sighed in relief to find herself done. With a good half of the day left for herself, she pondered what to do. In her blissful thinking, she subconsciously spread her toes about and peered down as they felt kind of gross. She hadn’t really thought about it until now, but it had been at least two days since she had bothered to take a shower. She would’ve found this to be embarrassing, but shrugged it off since she was convinced that she was the only one having to deal with the yuckiness. Regardless, a nice hot shower sounded wonderful. She started to make her way toward the bathroom when she got a call. To Raychanette’s delight, it was her daughter, Sheila. The two shared a pretty close relationship, but due to college, Sheila wasn’t home as much as Ray would’ve liked. This of course did nothing to change how much they loved one another to the point that Ray nearly screamed with excitement to hear that Sheila had decided to come over for a few days. Soon enough, the two hung up and Raychanette swiftly changed her direction to head into the kitchen. Her daughter was going to be there within half an hour and she was going to make sure that they spent every second possible together, starting with a healthy helping of some of their favorite foods. She didn’t even have an exact plan, but like any great mother she was going to make as much of everything as possible. 

About halfway into chopping up all sorts of things, Ray found herself a bit discomforted by the stale sensation across her feet. She surely still needed to take a shower, but didn’t want there to be a chance in which her daughter came home and had to wait any longer than necessary to eat. As a compromise, Ray sped her way to a closet and grabbed hold of a small white rag. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough for now. Ray plopped herself onto the couch and rested her feet on top of the ottoman. They certainly looked like they were in need of a wash. Just before she was about to scrub up her soles, she noticed a pile up of gunk gathered within her toe nails. It looked nasty and she was not about to have her daughter notice such a thing. With one of her fingernails, she dug the fabric into each nail, though the main culprit for filth lay within the nail of her big toe. James had more or less grown accustomed to Ray’s movements, but in an instant, a flash of white overtook him and he was quickly scraped up along with the rest of the grime beneath her nail. He was freaked out enough to be taken out, but went into a full out panic as he started to fall. His body wasn’t so quick as to attach itself to the rag and wound up in a free fall until he came slamming down onto Ray’s left heel. He wouldn’t ever realize this given how stupid big everything was, but he didn’t need to. It was similar enough in texture and color to indicate to him that he was back on her foot somewhere, but a shadow quickly drew his attention to a massive white pillar coming in from behind. Ray had evidently finished up with her toes and was in the process of wiping her soles now. Of course James had no idea as to what was going on or what the white thing was. Each fiber was a skyscraper to him, and with his luck, one was headed right toward his location. Despite his exhaustion, he still made an attempt to get out of the way, but his micro legs made no difference. Ray’s fingernails kept pressure from behind the rag and its fibers were approaching at a speed which James could not avoid. The soft material hit hard into his body and scooped him up along with any other more noticeable grime that Ray spotted across her foot. Now that it had time to gather up more sweat and gunk, the rag had a far easier time in getting James’ body to stick to one of its fibers. He was already blinded by the white surface encompassing most of his view and could hardly get any sense of direction as the rag was dragged throughout the bottom of Raychantte’s foot. Her foot cleansing lasted no more than a minute, but with so much movement, it was as though James’ world was in a chaotic spiral where he could not even process his location, let alone the passing time. Through all the disorientation, James had managed to get entangled within that building sized fiber and join it through the ride, collecting an assortment of dead skin, dirt, and whatever else one might imagine getting caught beneath one’s foot. 

Ray cringed upon seeing the damp spot on the rag. Her feet certainly felt better, but to think of how much had built up in just two days wasn’t all that pleasant. All things considered though, it wasn’t all that bad looking. Most of the rag was still fresh and dry and regardless of its condition, she was spending far too much time on it. With a shrug, she tossed the rag onto the ottoman and went back into the kitchen to continue her food preparations. That casual toss sent James’ world spiraling until it crash landed onto the living room ottoman. James was left dazed and dizzy as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Though he was technically free from Raychanette’s foot, it didn’t feel like it in the slightest. If anything, James was currently smothered in even more foot funk than before with all the filth and stale sweat making up the immediate space around him. The smell was ripe and he could hardly see past a layer of stuffy grime. As for Ray, she quickly washed her hands and went back to chopping up an assortment of veggies. Not long after did she hear the front door open and Sheila step in. Her complexion wasn’t that far off from her mother’s, though James wouldn’t get to know anytime soon. Her skin was just a slight shade lighter than her mom’s, but she had the same flow of black hair that was currently tied up into a wavy ponytail and a similar set of brown eyes. She wore a slim fitting pair of gray yoga shorts and a matching tank top that accentuated her slender figure. Giddy with her presence, Raychanette practically fell over as she ran to hug her daughter. The front door thankfully worked to brace both of them as Sheila embraced her mother.

“ACK, hey mom! How’s it going?”

“Better I suppose. Just got through this heck of a headache yesterday and now you’re here so it’s even better!”

“Well that’s good. I’m really glad to see you and I hope we can have some fun soon. Anywho, I’ll be back later!”

“What? You just got back! Where are you headed?”

“Just the gym and back. I wanted to say hi before I went over, but don’t worry; I’ll be back to hang out soon. Want me to get anything while I’m out?”

“Maybe some painkillers and ice cream?”

“Yes and yes. By the way, can I borrow that rag? I don’t have any clean ones on me and knowing Molly, I’m gonna need one.”

“Oh, sure thing hon. As long as you don’t mind that I already used it to wipe up my feet”

“It’s better than nothing and it’s not like I’m returning it clean.”

“Fair enough.” Ray went and snagged the rag off the ottoman then tossed it to Sheila. “You better be back soon!”

“Of course! I love you! Bye for now!”

With a quick hug, Sheila was off. She tossed the rag over her shoulder and made her way into her car. It only took ten minutes to make it to the gym and she could already feel the heat building within her body as she stepped in and walked past an assortment of people and gym equipment. Thankfully the car trip upon her shoulder had given James enough time to catch his breath and fully take in his surroundings. He had come to understand that he was with someone and from his angle could sort of make out the side of her face, though he had no clue as to who it was. As for where they were going, he couldn’t believe it, but they seemed to be entering the very same gym that Susie and Gabby would go to. Of course he didn’t want to get his hopes up knowing that it was incredibly unlikely that they’d be here or that he’d be able to get to them, but it was still comforting to have some point of reference. Every piece of gym equipment and each titanic person seemed to be thousands of miles away and appeared like moving continents to him. Even so, he could still make out some of the finer details such as the mountainous curves that came with a good handful of the titans they passed and if his situation wasn’t so dire, he may have bothered to enjoy this visual opportunity. For now though, he’d have his gaze focused up on a jaw dropping view that he seemed to be approaching.

Molly was in the middle of doing squats with a barbell balanced atop her shoulders. She had been on and off working her ass off for the past twenty minutes and had worked up quite the coating of sweat. Even if he could get her attention somehow, James’ heart was busy skipping a beat as he sat upon the rag speechless.

Molly had a pale complexion with wavy locks of orange hair draping down her back. Her eyes were bright green and glimmered in the light. Her face itself was flawless with just a handful of freckles to accentuate her complexion. She wasn’t quite as tall as Gabby, but she more than made up for it when it came to curvature. Her chest was plump and pushed her purple sports bra to its limit, but more noticeably, she boasted a butt that was as thick as it was heavy. Densely packed with a perfect balance of muscle and fat, her glutes were on another level and looked  like they could crack bone with minimal effort. These impressive assets, along with her similarly thicc thighs were wrapped up tight within a pair of purple leggings that were damp with sweat and wedged all the way up her ass crack. It was a rarity to not find clothing wedged up there, and though it initially proved to be a bother, Molly wound up taking it with pride that she had a backside that many women could only dream of and the way it effortlessly consumed the back of her pants was a visual reminder to all just how impressive her body was. Naturally, this arrogance led to her need to show off whenever it came to her workouts, often wanting to prove herself more capable than any who entered the gym. Even Gabby had experienced the rivalry that came with competing with Molly and was one of the only women who could keep up with the ginger. Intense as she was, it didn’t stop Sheila from viewing her as one of her closest friends. “Molly!”

The freckled woman perked her head to see Sheila approach. With a warm smile, she backed up and placed the bar back on the rack behind her. She eargery walked over and embraced her friend in a sweaty hug. “Hey Sheila, sorry about the sweat. Damn, you’re looking cute as fuck. How’s it going?”

“Pretty well overall. I’m kind of feeling sluggish today, so I’m hoping you can kind of help me out with that.”

“No problem, let’s get that ass of yours to work!” With a playful slap to her behind, Molly led Sheila over to the treadmills where the two could get into a nice warm up. With Molly there to motivate her, Sheila tan with such vigor and before she knew it, the two had cleared a whole mile. The burn felt good and she couldn’t keep from looking over to Molly who ran alongside her. She was a beacon for motivation and had no issues with helping Sheila whenever she needed a good push. While the two enjoyed their run, James was in for quite the ride. The rag stayed well positioned atop Sheila's shoulder, but each step in her run caused it to bounce in place. This sent James to get flung up and down over and over until the woman he was stuck with felt like stopping. Roughly thirty minutes passed and both Sheila and Molly were finally done with the treadmill. They had managed two miles and though the two could keep going, there were plenty of other exercises to get into. Molly led Sheila over to a thigh press where she was able to clench her legs together repeatedly with some resistance that would make her thighs burn as they further developed their fit thickness. Tiring as this was for her, it gave James some time to rest from the prior bouncing. As for Sheila, there was no break as Molly was on her ass to push herself to the limit. She strained for nearly ten minutes until her thighs were wobbling to move any further. The muscles within her legs throbbed and burned and it felt so good to finally stop. To her joy, Molly handed her a much needed bottle of water which she greedily chugged down. Sheila’s body was now glistening in sweat and she figured it was about time to put her rag to good use.

All that bouncing throughout the run had left James in a daze. He could hardly bring himself to focus on anything other than a distinct increase in BO that was about to get worse as Sheila was about to put his little body to work. Grabbing the rag off her shoulder, she plunged it beneath each of her arms, soaking up as much of her pit sweat as possible. It was near impossible to express how drastic of a change this made for James’ environment. Everything from himself to the bit of rag he resided on was suddenly drenched in a putrid salt water and his face was dragged along the moist surface of her armpit. The scent and subsequent taste was enough to make his eyes water as the foul liquid infiltrated his body. It wasn’t until being taken back from the first pit that he was able to get a decent view of where he just was which made it all the more terrible as he was quickly pressed into her second pit. As soon as Sheila finished with her underarms, she dunked the rag into her cleavage to soak up what sweat had built up within. Though it wasn’t as vile as her underarms, it helped to flood the rag even further with sweat. A layer of sweat just thick enough to cause trouble left him somewhat submerged and he was forced to take in a great deal of the salty liquid as he struggled to get air. At this rate, he was ready to break free of the rag and take on the colossal world, but the sweat made both him and the rag a bit heavier and the fiber in which he was already entangled in fastened its grip. By the time he managed to clear some of the stinging sweat from his eyes, he was met with a wall of dark flesh that approached him at a rapid pace. It was honestly a bit surprising to see how much sweat was on her thighs. They glistened like two succulent honey hams and with how much she had just put them through, they were well deserving of a wipe. 

Her thighs were hot to the touch and it felt as though the moist skin was fully capable of cooking James alive. He of course would suffer no such fate and merely be dragged throughout the entirety of each of her thighs. His skin would soon aclemate to that of Sheila’s though and radiate a similar heat as her thighs. It was an uncomfortable experience to say the least as he felt his own body start to break into a sweat and much of his internal moisture left his body. Any disgust or discomfort with his own sweat was quickly overshadowed however by the repeated reminder of all the sweat that Sheila had to offer. With waves of it washing over him, he was left choking upon countless mouthfuls and blinded yet again as her thigh sweat entered his eyes. As she practically finished wiping up her thighs, Sheila suddenly paused for a moment as she got a good luck at her legs. She tilted her head with interest as she flexed them several times. Their definition popped with each flex and she couldn’t help but smile. She let go of the rag and allowed it to be caught between her thighs as she clenched the fabric between them. It may have been a bit narcissistic, but Sheila was kind of loving how great they looked. They were soft enough to work as makeshift pillows yet firm and packed with enough muscle to crush a melon. Or course she had never actually tested that, but the more she looked herself over, the more she got curious as to what her body could do. If only she knew of the micro bug man she was currently crushing, though James may have dodged a bullet with her being oblivious to him. As for James, he was experiencing an all new form of hell as Sheila carelessly squeezed him between her thighs. Soft as they may have been, she was actively tensing them and leaving James with no breathing room whatsoever. It was like she was actively trying to pulverize him, but his minuscule size as well as the sweat rag helped to diminish just how intense the pressure was. This whole sweat trip was proving much for his little form and though he wasn’t dealing with any severe pain, the discomfort and lack of air was sending him on the verge of passing out. His only solace was that Sheila had coincidentally chosen to sit in front of one of the dozens of mirrors within the gym. Weak as he was, he was capable enough to squint through the salty brine and see a mostly full body view of his unaware tormentor. It could’ve been his lack of oxygen and body being squished to hell, but whoever this woman was looked amazing and to think that he was getting suffocated by such fine looking thighs sent him a flurry of mixed emotions as his consciousness started to fade.

“We get it, you’re hot. You done staring at yourself? You definitely aren’t done with your exercises.” Molly’s voice sent Sheila jolting up in a panic. She just barely caught the rag as her cheeks went red. To think that Molly was just watching her check herself out of all things. “Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I look at myself all the time. It’s part of being so great and it’s not a bad thing for you to appreciate your own beauty. Come on, let’s get back to it.”

It was relieving to hear how understanding Molly was and her point of self admiration seemed to settle Sheila down. Both did look incredible and with how much work they put into maintaining such figures, they deserved praise from all including themselves. With the majority of her body clear of sweat, Sheila whipped the now damp rag around her neck. The rag slapped against her skin a bit harder than she would’ve liked, but it was nothing compared to the impact James had just endured. He had taken the brunt of its slap and he was now compressed between the resting weight of the sweat soaked cloth and the sweat soaked skin along the back of Sheila’s neck. This may have just been the first time that he had actually felt some sense of pain at this size and he honestly wished that he had just passed out in order to avoid it. His body actually stung, though as the seconds went by, it dissipated as further proof of his body’s remarkable resilience. Shrouded in damp, smelly darkness, James continued to accompany Sheila as she made her way to another machine. She had decided to join Molly in taking turns upon a shoulder press. It proved to be quite the strenuous effort on Sheila’s part as Molly made her increase the weight upon each set, but she appreciated the burning sensation that surged throughout her upper body. With Molly pushing her, she always wound up making more progress than when she went to the gym solo. It of course meant that she’d be more sore and tired later, but she didn’t think herself to be in the position to complain. As for James, he was given a fairly decent rest after helping the rag to soak up Sheila’s sweat. All he had to do for now was try and catch his breath as he lay pressed against the back of her neck. It may have sounded simple, but even this proved to be a troublesome task. His space was already very limited and the sweat on the rag quickly made the air around him very humid. This left the act of breathing in it of itself to be a tiring effort as though he were in a personal little sauna. Once more, just moments before he was about to be knocked out, a savior in the form of Molly approached to talk to Sheila following their last set.

“Hey Sheila, you’re lookin good. How’s about we hit up some weights and see how things go from there. Maybe we could-”

Molly cut herself off as she shifted her hips and looked back at her own ass. She peeled at the back of her waistband for a moment before cringing and allowing the waistband to slap back into place. Naturally curious as to what had caught her attention, Sheila walked up and tapped Molly’s shoulder to regain her focus.

“What happened? Are you alright?”

“I guess. It just feels like someone dumped a glass of water into my ass. You mind me using that rag?”

Sheila stifled a laugh as she realized how minuscule the issue was, though as she took a glance at her friend’s rear, it got all the more believable as to how it could be a bit more problematic than she had originally thought. “Well if you’re putting it where I think you are, give me a minute.”

“Ha, sure thing.”

As her upper body was more or less dry by now, Sheila figured she’d take the opportunity to relieve her feet which had been brewing in a sweaty funk within her gym shoes. She hadn’t planned to bother with her feet until she was done exercising, but it wasn’t like she planned to be at the gym for much longer anyways. She brought herself over to a bench and sat down with one leg propped along the other. She then removed her shoe and peeled back a sock to expose a very ripe left foot that was dripping in sweat. It was cause to pause and stare for a few seconds before Sheila brought down the rag and pressed it right into the heel. James had just a second of relatively fresh air and could finally see again, but immediately found himself face first up against another surface of musky skin. His body, along with the rag, was dragged across her heel, arch, the ball of her foot, and then finally wedged between Sheila’s toes. The massive digits gripped and clenched the fabric between them, squeezing all their sweat into the poor rag. The pungent flow of foot sweat was quick to flood James’ space and give him a shocking case of dejavú. After spending so much time with Ray’s feet, he was disappointingly convinced that he had found himself in the presence of a foot yet again. The steamy skin of her toes were warm and he could not stop a flow of equally warm sweat from coating his body and filling any openings that it could. With all the sweat he was ingesting, he was starting to feel rather dehydrated. It was just so much, but he wasn’t done yet. As soon as she dried up her left foot, she switched up and freed her right one and repeated the process of rubbing James’ microscopic face across the entirety of its surface. By the time she was finished with both feet, the rag was noticeably heavy. She curiously gave it a quick wring and watched a series of sweat droplets squeeze out from the rag’s fibers. It was a bit embarrassing to see, but nice to know that the rag was doing a good job in keeping her body fresh. It felt like an ocean of sweat had just flown through James’ position and though he had already swallowed far more than he could even recount, he took in several tired breaths of relief as he was no longer submerged within the various bodily sweats.

Naturally, what appeared as a brief break for James was merely a pause before throwing him into his next trip of torment. Sheila shook her head and laughed as she looked between the rag and Molly who stood patiently next to her. With no regard for the rag, she tossed it over and the redhead eagerly caught it. “Thanks Sheila. I know this sounds bad, but I don’t think you’re gonna want this back. I’ll be sure to pay you back sometime soon though. Maybe we can hit up the movies or something later in the week?”

“Sounds fine by me and not to be a bummer towards the workout, but I think I’m gonna be heading home. I only really wanted to stop by for a while and I have plans with my mom. You think we’d be able to pick this up another day?”

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me. Your mom is awesome and you know I’ll be here again so just hit me up when you’re available and have fun!”

“Thanks Molly. I guess I’ll excuse you and the rag for now. I don’t really want to see what you’re about to do, but I hope that rag does you well. Anywho, I’ll see ya later though!” With a wave, Sheila headed home while Molly went into the women’s locker room. As confident and proud as she was with showing her body off, she wasn’t so sure that a cleansing of her ass would be all that attractive to the public. In the somewhat private space of the lockers, she wrapped the rag around her hand and yanked back her waistband. She almost felt sorry for what she was about to put the rag through, but that pity vanished as there was only so much care that could be given to something meant to soak up and clean up. James was dazed enough as is, but had the luck of being just awake enough to watch himself being brought around until he hung with the rag above what looked like two purple moons beneath him. He was honestly so exhausted that he couldn’t immediately piece together what had happened, but as the redhead pulled her pants down about half way, it became all too clear as to the horror of James’ situation. The top half of two cheeks beyond the size of any he had seen in his life hung out in the open for none but he to see. Their heft was very present and his eyes got lost staring into the dark abyss of her crack. It took a few seconds to process the more concerning detail that this was very clearly not the same person that had given him a thigh squeezing amongst other things. With her paler complexion, James had little to go off of until he looked up and trailed the person’s back until he just barely made out what looked to be the back end of a purple bra and a cloud of orange hair even further beyond that. It was like witnessing a whole other expanse of land that was a whole ocean of back muscle away. It was tricky keeping focus with such unreal sights, but with the clues available, he could only guess that this was the same woman he had gotten a peek at earlier upon entering the gym. Upon realizing this, his face went as pale as her ass as he remembered what he was attached to and what that meant.


As for Molly, there was little left to think over, so without further ado, she drove the rag, as well as its little passenger into the horrid environment between her ass cheeks. James’ world quickly went dark and he was quickly pressed hard against another damp surface of skin. The main and most immediate difference with this one was that it absolutely reeked. Just like before, he was in no position to counter the god-like strength that forced him against it. He would just have to accept his face being rubbed into the stink and hope that it would end soon. What he had trouble accepting was that his face was quickly being filled with even more sweat and it made him gag at its far more crude flavor. It was almost enough to trigger some energy to awaken and help him out, but that brief moment of wanting to free himself was snuffed out as Molly’s hand continued to force his body to scrub across the length of her crack. There was no world in which he overpowered any aspect of this. As Molly continued to wipe James across her crack, copious amounts of butt sweat were quickly soaked into and collected within the rag. It seemed to get worse as time went on as though sweat were being produced by the second. The swamp that had formed in Molly’s crack made anything on Sheila seem like a dry wasteland by comparison. After a good five minutes of wiping, Molly brought the rag out from her ass and wrung out the sweat. She had planned to use it again, but it was now gray in color and felt nasty in her hands. With a disgusted look, she tossed the soiled fabric into a nearby bin before yanking up her pants. 

As for James, he was experiencing a whole different level of disgust. Through all the scrubbing, by some miracle, the fabric had loosened enough to finally release James just moments before being pulled out of Molly’s ass. This gave James a much needed break from being dragged through her cheeks, but those very same cheeks rested heavily on either side of him leaving him with nothing but butt meat to breathe in as his body slowly compressed between their weight. He couldn’t even spit up all the nastiness that he had swallowed, but being left still for the moment did grant him time to realize that he was no longer attached to the rag. This fact sent him into a whimpering panic as he screamed into Molly’s butt flesh. That rag, unpleasant as it had been, was his only way out as far as he could tell and the idea of being so minuscule within this oblivious woman’s crack nearly made him faint. There’d be no rest for the wicked of course as Molly still wanted to get one last exercise in before being done with the gym for the day. She eagerly washed her hands and made her way out of the locker room where she walked toward a flat and spacious area with mirrors aligned across one of the walls. Along the opposing wall was a series of equipment from yoga mats to exercise balls to what Molly was truly after, jump ropes. Grabbing hold of a nice purple one to match her outfit, she made her way in front of one of the mirrors and took a deep breath as she readied herself. That short walk had already been enough to squeeze any fight out of James as Molly’s cheeks kneaded him without mercy. He’d beg for more though if he knew what awaited him.

Molly eyed the others within the gym, fully aware that this was likely to turn heads. With a confident smirk, Molly swung the rope over and jumped, successfully making it over the rope just to jump over it again. It only took a few seconds for her to find her rhythm and she soon was clearing two to three hops per second. As expected, she could see a flurry of stares through the mirrors as her body’s curves bounced and jiggled in succession with each jump. Her body remained tense for the most part, just barely loosening up in between jumps to give James a split second to try and breath all before her cheeks came smashing into him like two meteors colliding on repeat with his body trapped in the center. It all felt as though he were in slow motion. Half of the time her cheeks would part and he’d have the slightest sensation of floating before they slammed back together. The other half had him adhered to a cheek and joined it for the ride as it bounced up and around before joining back with the other cheek. It was a mind numbing experience to say the least and his body felt ready to pop every time her asscheeks  clapped together. It got worse with each passing second as it was actually starting to hurt the more that it went on and his sweat soaked body had no chance to recover. He couldn’t even rely on the hope of passing out as the pain kept him wide awake so as to not miss a single moment of his guest time with Molly. He was being pushed to the brink and all he could do was hope that it would be over soon. Of course all of this physical stress to his body had been over the course of just a minute, so after a solid twenty minutes, he was reduced to a half alive speck who’s body had become numb to the pain. The experience left quite the impression and though her ass finally came to a stop, he couldn’t shake the thought that they were still going and there was no ending to this nightmare. As James lay motionless in her crack, Molly checked the time and her own figure for a brief moment in the mirror before making her way toward the door. Part of her wanted to stay for longer, but she had already been working out for a few hours and her body was craving a bath. Even so, there was one unavoidable exercise she had left to do and that was the fact that she had gotten to the gym by riding her bike.

Naturally she saw no issue with this and happily lifted a leg over the bike and planted her fat rear into the seat. Said bike seat was noticeably straining to contain her ass, most of which hung off to the sides with maybe a fifth of it actually resting on the seat. Given that her leggings were already forming a wedgie, she didn’t even have to start pedaling to find the seat digging up her ass. To anyone passing by, it looked like there wasn’t even a seat to begin with and though she could probably fix the whole wedge issue, she knew it would just happen again once she started moving. Twas the consequences of having such a bountiful butt and she was content with that. As such, she began to pedal. Each cheek shifted up and down and the bike seat quickly got further lost within the woman’s crack. As for James, he was repositioned to basically be on his back all the while the bike seat had caused Molly’s cheeks to spread. This gave James a break from being at the center of her heavy cheeks, but also allowed him the cursed ability to breathe in her ass cracked filtered air. Gross as the air was, James didn’t even have the strength to gag properly, let alone cover his face. He merely lied there and stared at what would be one of the worst sights of his life. As Molly progressed down the various streets and sidewalks, James joined the seat in getting deeper and deeper up her crack. Bad as this was, it was made worse by the fact that since they were outside, bits of the evening sky allowed enough light to give James a dim view of the most gut wrenching sky he had ever seen. Molly’s sweaty, oily asshole hovered comfortably above James’s position just barely visible in the dim light that entered her crack. At his size, the moist pucker seemed to be hundreds of miles away, but with every few pedals, he seemed to get closer by a dozen or so of those miles. The closer he got, the more endless her hole seemed to become and soon his vision became blurred by a particularly large looking droplet of oily anal sweat that began to form along one of her canyon sized wrinkles. Before he knew it, the drop left her pucker and plummeted with a splat onto James’ position. To his benefit, the fabric of the leggings as well as the cushion of the seat helped to soak in most of the vile sweat, but it’s impact left him even more winded than he already was with bits of the oily substance trickling into his nose and mouth.

James would only grow more familiar with the rancid pucker above as Molly entered her neighborhood. As she rolled down one of the streets, she failed to notice a particularly nasty pothole and her front tire dropped abruptly before finding its way through and past it thanks to her existing momentum. The sudden drop was already uncomfortable, but then the back tire dropped soon after. She was thankfully able to stabilize rather quickly and the inconvenience had actually managed to dislodge the bike seat from her swampy backside. This worked to James’ detriment as there was no longer anything to keep Molly’s cheeks from slapping back together and sandwiching him between their sweaty mass. It only took a few seconds for the back of her leggings to start wedging even further than before causing James to inch further and further up her rear. By the time she reached her street, James found his face slapping hard against a rather oily surface that felt more springy and rubbery than that of the asscheeks in which he had gotten familiar with. His new location was obvious and its ripe stench sent him gagging. There was no doubt in his mind that he was now face to face with this stranger’s wrinkled hole. It gave off such a strong heat that James felt as though he were about to melt and he quickly found himself half submerged within its oily, sweaty surface. This new environment seemed to spark some fight within James to get back; though as Molly reached her apartment and hopped off her bike, James was repositioned from having Molly’s hole pressed above to being cheek to cheek with her stink ring as she locked up her bike and walked up the stairs to her floor.

She had finally made it back home and was ready to get her ass into a soothing bath. She was quick to make it to the bathroom and run the faucet. As the tub filled, she went and grabbed hold of a small speaker and placed it on the sink counter. By the time she had a playlist ready to go, the tub was full and all that was left was for her to strip down and dive in. She quickly removed her bra and peeled off her sweat soaked socks. That in itself filled her with relief as she wriggled her toes and stretched out her torso. The air felt incredible, but she knew that there was more comfort to be felt as she dug her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings. With a series of shimmies and tugs, she released her ass from their confines. It took a bit to free the back of them from her crack, but they slipped out soon enough. She quickly continued to yanked them down her thighs and whipped the soaked leggings off to the side. Free from her clothes, she started up the speaker and stepped in, allowing herself to slowly submerge within the depths of the water. Its warmth was so soothing and made her body tingle with delight. The water was warm enough to produce a decent bit of steam which helped to relax her and keep any part of her that wasn’t submerged from getting too cold. Even nicer, she could feel the sticky sweat from her workout just wash away and with the sweet beats in the background, she was damn near ready to take a nap in there. As for James, little had changed overall. He was still stuck up against Molly’s anus and with how she had chosen to sit, her cheeks formed a tight seal that prevented any water from getting up there. This didn’t necessarily make things ok though as there was no world in which James would find comfort in taking a break up against someone’s asshole and just like everything had been since going with Ray, things were going to get even worse for him. The way in which Molly was positioned wasn’t proving to be as comfortable as she’d like. The tub was already near its limit for supporting someone with as wide of a rear, but that would do little to deter her from wiggling in place and leaning back with a joyful smile on her face. She’d never realize just how much she changed things from making this little shift in place. Her cheeks were spread enough to now  allow the warm water to flow up her crack. Though it did little other than further Molly’s comfort, it sent James into a whole new state of alarm as there was the forceful equivalent of a tsunami rushing to fill the gap between Molly’s cheeks.

James of course saw nothing with how deep he was. He could only hear the rushing flow for less than a second before the water crashed hard from below and slapped his body even further up against Molly’s hole as though he weren’t stuck to it enough. Though this water was significantly more pleasant than the salty moisture he had been forced to swallow over the past few days, it was still an imminent threat that seemed to want to drown him. He couldn’t believe it, but he wound up clinging onto one of Molly’s many anal wrinkles for safety. With how thorough he was mashed into the hole and how humid and sticky her sweaty oils had become, he naturally adhered to the pucker quite well, but he thought it more safe than sorry to allow himself to be washed away. Maybe if he weren’t so exhausted both physically and mentally, he would’ve understood the benefits in being washed off her asshole. A quick counter to that idea though was that the forceful nature of the water could risk launching him even deeper than he’d be willing to imagine. Regardless, his grip upon her hole likely made no real difference as to whether or not he remained. He could feel his body getting looser by the second and what happened next would be up to fate. To his displeasure, the ripe hole that he had been stuck to suddenly started to flex and for a moment, James felt himself being sucked towards it. He thanked the heavens that he couldn’t actually see this, but it also scared the shit out of him that there was any form of sucking going on at all. He had been misfortunate enough to wind up face to face with the wrinkled holes of women before, but he had been lucky enough to avoid getting lodged up the other side of one. This new possibility sent goosebumps throughout his body which now fought for its damn life to fight against both the sucking force of Molly’s pucker and the crashing current of water pushing him toward it. As he feared, his efforts seemed to make no progress and it seemed that he was going to meet his end lost inside someone’s pucker.

Just before that horror came to fruition however, the suction came to a stop. It was just in time too as James was just a micrometer away from getting lodged up there. The water nearly finished the job to send him in, but all of a sudden, the massive asshole pulsed out as if trying to reach out to James. It seemed to want him inside of it, but as quickly as her hole had puckered out, a force far greater than that which had sucked him up in the first place shot out from the gigantic sphincter. It was louder than anything he had heard in his life and made his ears numb. The poor man’s mouth and nose were just as quickly pumped full of a vile air that instantly made him want to vomit. That same air continued to pour out from the asshole with such power that it quickly shot James away from Molly’s pucker and even prevented him from throwing up as the toxic gas simply forced its way down his throat and prevented anything from leaving his stomach. As the hot air violated James’ insides, the micro man gained distance away from Molly’s asshole. Within a second of letting it rip, he was sent through and out the depths of her crack. Her earlier workout as well as this bath had helped to ease out any pressure within her gut and though the release was nothing to think of on her part, it meant everything to James. While he was now free from the woman’s anus, the red head’s gaseous current formed dozens upon dozens of bubbles within the water and to his continued torment, James had wound up encased in one of these bubbles. Trapped within the slimy air bubble left him reeling for several seconds as he had no way of freeing himself. Even when this bubble reached the water’s surface, it remained intact by some miracle for another handful of seconds before finally popping. By the time it did pop, James had already been forced to breathe in a good deal of its rank contents, but while he suffered to get the rotten taste out from his entire body, his eyes were blinded by a bright light. It took him a good few minutes of floating to fully process what had happened, but what he could decipher at the very least was that he had been freed from whoever’s ass he had been stuck in. Even better was that he seemed to be within some body of water. Knowing how his body worked as well as having been deprived of anything other than sweat for so long, he wasted no time and dived under to gulp down as much of it as possible. He drank and drank to the point of feeling bloated, all the while scrubbing his body to rid it of what sweat he could. This was the closest thing to fresh that he had felt for too long and he was not going to let the opportunity go to waste.

Soon enough, his body began to shake in a way that filled him with glee. He almost wanted to cry as he suddenly burst in size to a moderate half an inch. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a step in the right direction. With how much his body had soaked up, it would likely take a good while longer to reach his fully tiny size. Even so, he at least had the unintentional bonus of causing a slight splash within the water. James of course thought little of it and floated up with joy, even cheering and whipping his arms to the air before turning and meeting the confused look from Molly who glared down at him. He immediately regretted making a scene. As much as he wanted and needed help, he didn’t know this person and for all he knew, this person would pose a whole new kind of threat to him though he couldn’t allow himself to jump to such conclusions so soon. The more he looked, the more he realized just how terribly embarrassing this was. The two were evidently in some sort of tub and by the woman’s shocked expression, this was her first time seeing him. It was certainly his first time getting a clear look at her without any gym related Interruption and despite how chaotic this situation was, he couldn’t help but admit that whoever this was looked astonishing. To his regret, his eyes trailed down from the woman’s face to two massive tits that were half submerged in front of him which led his cheeks to burn red. He quickly covered his eyes and squealed as he was certain that he had fucked up his first impression with what was likely his best chance at any form of help. The red head seemed to take notice of his actions and quickly brought an arm over to cover her breasts. As much as she wanted to feel embarrassed by whatever this was, Molly’s head was flowing with far too many questions. With her free hand, she reached out and scooped the little guy before bringing him up close to her face. Convinced that he was in no position to gawk at her chest anymore, she brought her arm away and stretched it out to turn off her speaker. As soon as she did so, her eyes widened as the tiny man began to explain himself. As awkward of a situation as it was, James had no intention of dragging it out and the sooner that this woman was up to speed, the better. To both of their surprise, James did a fair job summarizing everything within just ten minutes. 

The silence was real for quite possibly the longest minute ever before Molly finally found the words to respond. “Sorry little guy, I’m still just trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone as small as you even exists and that the first time I see anyone this small, then tell me they’ve been lodged somewhere up my ass for however many hours today. You said you were with someone named Raychanette, right? That’s the name of my friend’s mom. If you somehow got from her to me, that means that Sheila must’ve…” Molly’s eyes suddenly went wide as she burst out laughing. She even dropped James back into the water as she held a hand to her head and cackled for a whole minute. She wiped tears from her eyes as she let out a heavy sigh. “Sheesh, you really are an unlucky little thing. You must’ve gotten tangled up in that little rag we were using to wipe up our sweat. Oh my gosh, I nearly threw you out then! As soon as I was finished using it, I whipped that nasty rag off into the bin…” As the pieces continued to connect, Molly didn’t even care that James was in full view of her naked body. The humiliation that he had endured was far too entertaining and she wound up laughing for another minute or so. “So you’re telling me that the reason you wound up against my asshole is cause you just happened to get caught up in a good ass wiping? No, that couldn’t have been it… holy shit you were with me for the jump rope AND the bike ride home?! That’s so ridiculous and too hilarious.”

The more she spoke, the more James wished he had just remained ignorant to the situation. To be reminded of how he had been demeaned to such a nasty degree as to become one with a sweat rag and even be a part of what it… no he… had been through across these people’s bodies. He could hardly even look Molly in the face anymore as her expression was filled with either taunting smiles or taunting laughter. 

“Fuck man, I have to say that finding you is probably the highlight of the week. You even know Gabby… I’ll have to think that over later, but for now, how about we continue this chat after the bath?” At this, James could agree. He had expected Molly to just take him out of the bath, but to his surprise, she fully intended to clean him up herself. She grabbed a nearby bar of soap and scrubbed the bar between her hands until they were lathered with soapiness. She then snatched the little man between them and began to scrub him all over. For a first meeting, he was a bit thrown off with how rough she was being, though his ability to survive thus far seemed to give her the impression that she didn’t need to be careful. This unfortunately led to several rough scrubs and scratches across his body and he got more than one mouthful of soap shoved into his mouth during the whole process. Even so, it admittedly did feel rather good to have the taste of this woman’s ass literally cleaned out from his mouth. She actually did an amazing job overall in terms of making him feel incredibly clean. He practically sparkled in the light by the time she was done and as soon as she was, she placed him off to the side to rest by the sink.

With him out of the way, Molly went into double time to clean herself up. As much as she wanted to enjoy the bath, James was just too interesting of a concept to not put her attention toward. She opened up the drain to the tub and as the water started to leave her, she switched on the shower head and began to wash herself. She doused her hair in shampoo and conditioner and lathered the hell out of it. Whether she initially intended to or not, she was practically giving James a free show of her fully nude body with vast trails of soapy water running down every inch and curve. As much as he felt wrong for looking, something about how she moved about seemed to imply that she wanted him to. That aside, her body was just so perfect from head to toe that it was challenging to keep his eyes off. In the midst of rinsing out her hair, Molly turned and locked eyes with the little guy. He gasped and expected to be barrated for his gazing, but instead, she simply smirked and gave a little pose. With her hands behind her head, she fully presented her front to him and even gave him a flirtatious wink. If this was some sort of anime, his nose would’ve erupted into a bloody fountain, but since this was the real world, no such silliness took place. He did however flail back in an embarrassed panic as he went into hiding behind the red head’s speaker. His face was red and his mind flustered as he could not believe what was happening. Was she into this? Why was she so casual about showing her body off? Why of all women did he have to wind up with one so overwhelmingly confident. James tried to get it together and remember what had led him here. He still needed to get back to Susie and Gabby and despite this woman’s interesting way of acting toward him, he’d have to get over it if he were going to get her help. After finally calming down, he ran out from the cover of the speaker only to find Molly standing right over him. He went completely silent, thankfully able to stay relatively composed as she was at the very least wrapped up in a towel. He wondered how it was even possible for her to look completely dry, then contemplated that he may have been behind the speaker for longer than he had originally thought. Regardless of those semantics, he had to remain focused as what happened next would likely impact his return home. The towering woman looked down at him with an all too mischievous smirk before reaching her hand out and presenting her palm to him. He took a deep breath as if to prepare himself before hopping onto her palm. Tiny in hand, she began her march off to what he assumed to be her bedroom where he was placed upon the edge of her bed. As he stood there, she moved to a closet where she dropped her towel and began to change into a fresh pair of white panties and a matching bra. James was both quick enough and smart enough to avoid looking this time, but still blushed as he heard the audible snap of her waistband. She walked back to the bed and stood before James, clearly having no intent on putting anything else on.

“So, how was it?” James didn’t immediately catch onto what she meant, which only amused her further as she continued to speak. “Like, my ass. I’ve never had anyone so close to it before and you’d probably have a better analysis of it than anyone else. I can’t imagine it smelled any good, and I’m kind of surprised to know that someone so small could’ve survived back there, but I’d count yourself lucky. Few have ever gotten to touch my ass, let alone get the sort of intimate tour that you did. And hey as far as I can tell, my ass actually saved your life. If I hadn’t passed a little gas while in the tub, you could’ve ended up on the other side of my pucker. Can’t imagine any scenario where that would’ve turned out well for ya, so I think you owe my cheeks your life.” Molly’s cheeks turned red at the thought, her eyes softening as she looked at James. “Ain’t that something? My butt is capable of changing the fates of people even without me realizing it. I truly am a wonder. How about it James? Wanna give my butt thanks?”

It would haunt him forever to know that she wasn’t even far off from the truth. It made him wonder if it would’ve been better to just get washed down the drain. Before James could respond to her, she ripped off the towel and leaped onto the bed. She landed butt first just a couple of feet in front of him with such force that it shook the bed and made James experience what it was like to be at the epicenter of an earthquake. He stood no chance in balancing himself and wound up falling onto his back. As things settled down, he sat up to see Molly positioned onto her knees with her back facing him. As one could guess, her back wasn’t the focus point. “I normally wouldn’t be so willing to expose my cheeks to anyone, but seeing how far between them you’ve already been, I figure you’re a special little exception.” She shook her hips and made her cheeks jiggle before him. The way they instantly gobbled her underwear up into a thong left him speechless with his jaw open wide as he watched in awe. Her cheeks were more or less bare for his viewing now and his little brain could not come up with anything to do or say. To be fair, everyone’s ass was big for James at this point, but Molly’s was something else. Each cheek looked capable of cracking stone and could even give Gabby a run for her money. Molly turned her head back and grew a devious grin at how motionless he was. She knew her ass was one to catch the eyes of many, but to freeze someone like this was very amusing. He hardly knew her, and despite how wild his current predicament was, Molly’s ass was capable of making him forget all of that. He just stood there in silence and appreciated what was right in front of him. “So, how about you hop inside and give it some love already?”

James had to take a moment to fully process what she had just said, shaking his head in disbelief as he repeated her words in her head. “W-what?”

“Come on James, crawl yourself over and get up into this crack~”

“Huh?!” It was even harder to believe the second time. He wanted to think that this was just some sort of joke or tease, but Molly stayed shaking her hips and the look in her eyes was that of sheer lust. It was kind of frightening and he found himself backing up as he stuttered a response. “B-but wait… no, what?! We don’t even know each other… Why would you even say something like that? Besides, I have to get back to Gabby and Susie, remember?”

Molly simply rolled her eyes as she scooted back to make up the distance between them. Her ass now hovered just inches before him, but as mesmerizing as it was, the idea that she wasn’t planning on taking him back was more concerning. She almost seemed annoyed as he took his eyes off her rear to look at her with questioning eyes. “What? You think that you getting stuck with me means that I have to immediately drop everything to return you?”

“What is that supposed to mean?! Are you trying to keep me here?!”

“Well James, it’s already getting kind of late. I’m tired and I’m sure your friends are tired too. I can just return you in the morning, can’t I? Besides, this looks like a once in a lifetime opportunity. In what world would I have been able to guess that I’d get to spend the night with a  micro little man. The chances are basically nonexistent, so I think you can understand where I’m coming from when I say that I want you to stay the night. To make that clear, I’m not actually asking. Just relax and enjoy what’s in front of you. You know how many people who die to be in your position right now?” It looked as though reasoning with her was out of the question. Her tone made it clear that this was something she intended to happen regardless of how enthusiastic he was about it. “Besides, you still haven’t given me a proper thanks for saving you. Sure you may not have enjoyed yourself up my ass, but I didn’t even know you were there. Now that you’re at a more reasonable size, I want to know what it’s like to have a little man pressed against my steamy ass.”

“L-look you’re right Molly. I haven’t thanked you enough for getting me out of there and even cleaning me. It’s far more than you needed to do for someone you just met and I do want to find a way to repay you, but this is just so sudden. Wouldn’t you rather we get to know each other a bit more before considering anything so… forward?”

“From how I see it, you’re the one who wound up with me. I didn’t ask for it, but I’m not complaining either. All I want is to know how this will feel. You know how unlikely it is that I’ll ever get to play around with someone like you again? It’s tempting enough as it is to just keep you here beyond tomorrow, but I’m not that much of a bitch. It’s just one night with me and you’ll be back home.” It was frustrating to see very little fault to her logic. She did hold the power here and if she was feeling any kind of sinister, she could easily just trap him here for as long as she wanted. This didn’t necessarily mean that he could fully trust her, but it was his only play for now. Still, getting naughty with someone so quickly after meeting them wasn’t something he could so easily agree to, especially given where she wanted him to go. “Here, I’ll even get us started. I don't really know what to expect with this, but I guess that’s kind of the point of me doing it at all. Just keep being small and cute and this might just wind up being one of the best night’s of your life. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t get swallowed up~”

Before he could come up with another argument, she pinched him tightly between her fingers and brought his body behind her. With a free hand, she spread her cheeks and exposed her crack as much as possible. “Oh yeah, better get these out of the way. I don’t know why I even bothered putting them on.” She quickly wiggled her way out from her panties and tossed them off to the floor before continuing to spread her cheeks with James dangling just inches away. Like before, James was speechless at the sight. Unlike before, it was more so out of fear this time than admiration. He counted himself lucky to not fully grasp the visual of where he had been trapped when microscopic, but Molly had just thrown that bit of comfort right out the window as she held him in front of her crack to give him a clear view of what his night was going to consist of. Layers upon layers of cheek meat made the walls that would lead to a wrinkly hole deep in the center. He hated the fact that he could already somewhat make it out, but Molly just held him there for nearly a minute. She clearly wanted to engrave this visual into his mind and as she looked back, she could see that she was indeed successful. “Now that you can see it clearly, is it everything you imagined~? I do wonder how gorgeous it must look from your perspective. Probably as close as you’re gonna get to perfection. I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to stick around even longer after this. Anyway, hope you had a good look cause it’s about to get real dark real quick. See you in the morning~!” With a cheeky grin, she plunged James up her ass. He watched as the distance between him and her pucker lessened and the awaiting asshole even seemed to twitch in anticipation to feel him. Unable to change his destination, he closed his eyes and braced for impact.

His face was first to make contact against the hot, rubbery skin. It felt so oily and sticky and his face seemed to naturally want to adhere to it. The rest of his body quickly followed suit in becoming one with Molly’s hole. He could hear her coo as soon as his whole body made contact. Her hole twitched and flexed soon after as if it were embracing James in a tight hug. Panicked, he screamed into her wrinkles which only tickled her and led her hole to flex more. His face was inadvertently pinched between two folds of her sphincter that muffled his voice. In his panic, he made the inevitable mistake of breathing in. Even with the bath, an asshole still smelled like an asshole. He gagged at the odor and tried to push against the hole. He actually managed to get his face away from it until Molly let her cheeks clap back together. Their impact smashed James right back into the hole where he immediately began to squirm. As expected by both he and Molly, his movements did nothing to change his situation. All they did was send Molly into a state of bliss as she pressed her hands to her cheeks. Forcing an actual person to be face to face with her steamy asshole was something she never would’ve thought possible, yet here she was feeling James wriggle about against her sensitive hole. She quivered at his movements and her anus eagerly pinched away at his body as though to repay him for the attention it was getting. Between having his body squeezed by her rubber ring and having to breathe through that very ring, James was opting to bail on Molly all together. Aside from how strangely intimate this had gotten, he was not ready to spend the night pleasuring her pucker. With an agitated sigh, James opened his mouth and bit onto one of Molly’s sphincter folds. It wasn’t ideal, but it was probably his best bet in getting out if he could make this experimental experience of hers an unpleasant one.

While this was fairly sound logic, James had actually given off the opposite effect. His teeth, though tough, didn’t bite with enough force to really hurt Molly like he had hoped. Instead, his teeth had essentially scratched a nonexistent itch in such a way that it actually left Molly blushing and bending over to bite into one of her pillows. Thick as her cheeks were, her bent position allowed them to spread enough to allow a dim light into James’ space. While he wasn’t all that grateful to see her hole again, he was excited to see that there was an opening to break free. He tried to push off of the giant anus, but with a quick clench, he was squished flat and unable to move. As Molly relaxed her cheeks, James fell back onto her asshole which welcomed him back with by clenching as well. He further screamed and squirmed in vain to break free, but Molly’s butthole proved to be stronger. Desperate and without many other options, he double downed in his efforts to disrupt her pleasure. He sank his teeth into the vile rubbery skin several times. He wouldn’t get much of a chance to pierce it as her hole instantly reacted to his bite by pinching his face. He soon enough gave up on this strategy and practically sank into Molly’s pucker in defeat. 

As if to reward his efforts, Molly reached back and pressed her index finger into his back. She then proceeded to literally rub James into her hole which to her pleasure felt absolutely amazing. Purposefully being used as a wipe for her hole was so demeaning and to have her oily stink literally rubbed into his face pushed James to give it his all in one final attempt to free himself. Straining his muscles to their absolute limit, he pushed back against the monstrous finger. His body wobbled as he did so, but he did manage to push himself away from the foul hole. Feeling his resistance, Molly blushed knowing just how much power she currently held over this guy. She wasn’t even strong enough to handle her butthole, let alone one of her fingers. Eager to remind him of this, she pressed further into his back. As expected, he quickly fell to the pressure of her digit. What she had miscalculated was how much force she really needed to put into overpowering him. She had actually pushed a little too hard and accidentally wound up wedging him halfway up her hole. He was lucky in that it was mostly his torso going in for the deep dive with his head and limbs free, but it was enough to send him wriggling once more. His motions combined with being just a bit deeper sent waves of pleasure throughout Molly’s body. She reeled up and shivered as her asshole chewed on James’ body. She didn’t even mean for him to get so deep, but with how good he felt now, her mind began to flow with various possibilities of what could be done with this guy. In her state of bliss, she turned and let herself fall into her back. That motion quickly shifted James from having the hole under him to having it pressed on top of him. James was overflowing with concern as to how crazy this woman was. He had only just properly introduced himself less than an hour ago and was already being made into some sort of pleasure cushion for what was basically a stranger to him. Of course he couldn’t do anything more than think these things as he was in no position to overpower her desires. 

“Fuck yeah that’s the spirit. I told you that you’d get into this soon enough. With an ass this great, it was inevitable. Keep it up and get as rough as you want back there. Also, I’m sure you already know, but feel free to run that tongue across anything and everything. I’m sure we’ll both enjoy it!”

This whole ordeal was proving to be so great that Molly legitimately wondered if she should ever take him out, let alone give him back. It was unlikely that anyone would be able to track him to her, and there was only so much that she could do with him in one night. Having 24/7 access to him sounded fantastic, though she couldn’t help but feel some shred of guilt toward keeping someone like that forever like some sort of slave. Then again, the mere thought of having a toe sized slave to pleasure her reaffirmed how great it would be to keep him. If he felt this good now, he’d likely do wonders to keep her in bliss when at work or motivate her even further at the gym. She could even make a game out of it and guess how much he’d shrink based on what workouts she was doing. He was lucky to have her bathe before this or else he’d likely be shrinking already, though if he continued to keep her this excited, there’d likely soon be more than enough sweat available to make him scared. Though she enjoyed getting lost in these thoughts, Molly noticed a distinct lack of movement coming from James. With how much he had wriggled about throughout that last few minutes, she had expected more. Curious, she clenched her hole a few times to try and get him back into it, but when nothing happened, she became annoyed. James was fully awake, but had actively chosen to just not move. His efforts at stopping her physically had failed, so the only option left to keep her disinterested was to avoid feeding into her desires. As much as he instinctively wanted to fight against the hungry ring, he was confident that she’d eventually get bored and give up on this endeavor. This confidence soon turned into cowardice at the sound of a monsterous rumble that he could only assume came from somewhere up above. He lay there with wrinkles resting on his face as he tried to figure out the source of such a horrendous sound. Another rumble made his heart sink as he realized the true horror of what approached. The rumbling had even caught Molly’s attention as she rubbed her gut. All this flexing and clenching seemed to have knocked something loose and it quickly traveled throughout her bowels to rendezvous with James at her backdoor. She was on the verge of taking him out to keep him from experiencing a brunt blast to the face, but stopped herself at the last second. Her lips curled into a devious smile as she instead started to massage her stomach, all the while snickering to herself as she felt the build up of pressure travel through her system. 

“Hey, if you need air or some motivation to keep going, I’ve got you covered. If you can hear me down there, do me a favor and open wide~”

James’ eyes began to water as the gigantic sphincter started to twitch. His mind went frantic as there was no place for him to go and no way of avoiding this. What happened next was entirely up to this woman’s desires and unfortunately for him, this was one of them. All of a sudden, Molly’s asshole pushed outward and buried James into the very center of it as though it were giving him a deep smooch. The ring had expanded a great deal and was slowly encasing itself around his actual head. Just like this, he could easily tell the horrid difference in smell. He couldn’t take it anymore. Staying still was not the way to go. Terrified that he may trigger its release by moving, he refrained and instead yelled at the top of his lungs to hopefully get Molly to both notice and free him. Of course Molly was more than happy with where he was now and had no intentions of removing him. Even if she did want to, he had inadvertently hastened his own demise. His screams echoed throughout her anal walls and though it was subtle, they caused a tingling series of vibrations to be felt throughout and to make things worse, he started to feel a vibration within himself. He shrieked and cried as he diminished in size. It wasn’t significant by any means as he only lost a millimeter or so, but the vibration was still very intense and he had inadvertently vibrated Molly’s asshole as a result. This sent the redhead into an unforeseen state of bliss as she shuddered at his vibration. It felt so damn good and as much as she wanted to savor whatever it was he had just done, she could no restrain herself any longer as James had actually helped to loosen her clenching hole.

Molly bit her lip and gripped onto the sheets as she relaxed her anus. In less than a second, James was immediately slapped in the face with a searing hot blast of gas. Unable to move an inch, he was at the very epicenter of her open hole and whether he liked it or not, his mouth was literally pried open by the force of Molly’s fart. The eggy torrent of gas pumped down his throat and into his stomach and lungs with no signs of stopping. Any sense of being clean was instantly blown away as her airy stink clung to his skin and heated up his insides with its pungent aroma. The stench seemed to want to infuse itself into his tongue and as it continued to get hotter, he both feared and hoped that it would melt off. This instantly made him wish that he was back with Ray. Being a servant to her feet seemed like a heavenly dream when compared to the vomit inducing air being forced into his body. The heat of the fart left his skin feeling dry and yet there was a humidity to it that kept it feeling moist and gross. This brassy release of pent up gas continued to spray all over him for seven whole seconds before her hole sputtered to a close. As soon as he was able, he flailed into a fit of coughing and gagging all the while he punched, kicked, and scratched at Molly’s pucker wanting out.

“Hahaha! Wow you must’ve loved that! I really wanna take you out and ask how it tasted, but even I can smell how gross that was. Besides, I need you to do whatever the fuck you just did back there. I don’t know how you did it, but that was just phenomenal. I’m glad to know you’re taking some initiative cause you got work to do. Keep up the wriggling, thrashing, and anything else you think might be a good idea and I may just decide to hold the next one in!” Even if she did choose to hold her gas in, her current position on the bed practically trapped the entirety of her last fart within her crack to further soak into James’ being. He wanted to cry, but his tears quickly dried from the sheer heat that her lingering gas produced. It was so horrible, he couldn’t even keep still if he wanted. It was like his body was on autopilot for survival or to at least save himself from the suffering. Any efforts of course only worked to please the big bootied goddess as his movements led her to moan. She had never felt so good and it looked like she was in for one of the greatest nights of her life. Poor James on the other hand would not catch a single break. As far as Molly was concerned, this was possibly her only night to do this which meant that she was about to pull an all-nighter making sure that neither one of them forgot this time together. Not only would this lead to hours on end of being pummeled between her flawless glutes, but he’d be subjected to mouthful upon mouthful of gas infused sweat that was already forming and trickling down toward her hole. It wouldn’t be long before he’d shrink and be forced to endure these horrors at a much grander scale. While this was cause for concern on his end, Molly couldn’t care less. All that mattered to her was that this tiny man continued to please her regardless of how small he got and if he let up even a little bit, she wouldn’t hesitate to further punish him with the full might of her ass and what smelly horrors could and would come from it.

Chapter End Notes:

Mmmm butts. Almost as good as bagels.

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