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Claire sat at the top row of the lecture hall, tuning out the Chess Club instructor Mr. Kendal as he rambled on about the London Opening. The seat next to hers was suspiciously empty, and she didn’t expect the person who should be filling it to be late, but she was.  A full ten minutes after the lecture had started, all eyes turned toward the sound of the heavy wooden door at the front of the lecture hall abruptly opening.  

“No shit…” Claire said in disbelief, under her breath.  

“So good of you two to join us…” Mr. Kendal said sarcastically to the boy and girl.  They were still shaking off laughter that had clearly been much more intense before they’d come through the door.  Mr. Kendal switched gears from sarcastic to serious, seeing that his sardonic tone was not quite enough to shame the rebels.  

“You’ve missed 10 minutes of the London, take your seats.” Mr. Kendal said, frowning.

“Oh, good; and I was afraid we might’ve missed something important.” the girl said to the boy as they tried to find seats.  

Everyone in the crowd was now laughing at the Korean exchange student’s statement, but Claire was unsure of whether it was meant as a joke or not.

“Jeong-Suk! I don’t know what's gotten into you!”  Mr. Kendal exclaimed.

Jeong-Suk started to sit next to the handsome blonde boy she’d come in with. 

“No no no, I think Brandon can sit by himself for today.”  Mr. Kendal’s eyes looked around and then locked with Claire.  “There’s an empty seat there in the back next to Miss Laurier.” Mr. Kendal said.

Jeong-Suk reluctantly complied with Mr. Kendal’s instruction and climbed the stairs to take a seat next to Claire, stealing one last obvious peek over her shoulder toward Brandon.  Claire was quite taken aback.  The shy Korean girl usually wore thick sweaters and long skirts but today she wore a dark green spaghetti-strap shirt and some faded blue jeans.  

“Yo, what’s the deal?” Claire hissed in bewilderment as Mr. Kendal resumed his boring London lecture.

Jeong-Suk smiled, looking down at her own wardrobe. She whispered, “Brandon’s sister had some extra clothes she was trying to get rid of and she wanted to play dress up!”  Claire’s eyes almost widened when the Korean girl's small hands rose to her chest, lightly cupping her breasts and calling attention to them.  “Brenda’s got little ones like me so it fits perfectly, and I actually think they look sexy like this.”

Jeong-Suk gave her tiny breasts a small squeeze and then lowered her hands to her notebook, pulling out a gel pen to start taking notes.  Claire was still staring, trying to be discreet.  Jeong-Suk’s big nipples were now rock hard, working hard to penetrate the cotton barrier before them.  She definitely wasn’t wearing a bra!  Claire smirked, staring at Jeong-Suk’s left breast…as tiny as it was, it was still a huge amount of tit for something as small and insignificant as little Tom.  She couldn’t help but wonder where in all that flesh Tom’s nude little body was.

And then it hit her.  Jeong-Suk’s flirty behavior with Brandon, her sexy clothes, being bad during class…those rock hard, comically long nipples…this was because of Tom!  It had to be!  It must have had something to do with the little squirt’s position in her fatty tissue…probably his movement or maybe the way her body’s chemistry was interacting with his.  There’s no way she just all of the sudden developed this confidence…this style sense…the boy on her arm. It was all because of the boy in her boob!  

The rest of the class wrote notes and listened to the dusty Mr. Kendal talk about the Queen’s Indian Defense.  She already knew it and it sucked against the London Opening, which also sucked.  Surely he’d talk about Benoni next.  Ugh……what a waste of time, these mandatory lectures were!

Claire’s time was far better spent scribbling notes in her precious lab journal, making predictions and deductions about the unaware vessel sitting right next to her, carrying around with her everywhere she went, their tiny male peer completely without her knowledge.  She expected changes in Tom and sure, there might have been some effect on Jeong-Suk, but this was way more than she’d ever dreamed…and after only 4 days!  She needed to get in front of her computer to run some calculations. She needed to do more testing, and there was one other thing.  A month would be way too long to wait.  She needed a way to communicate with Tom from inside Jeong-Suk’s tit.

Next week, Claire was back in the same place, walking into the chess lecture.  Jeong-Suk was already seated towards the back of the lecture hall, about 6 rows from the front row.  She expected to see Brandon sitting up there with her, but she spotted him down in the front row.  The handsome, tall, surfer-dude was looking over his shoulder up at Jeong-Suk with a cute, pouty sad face.  Was it…did Jeong-Suk cut HIM loose?!  

Claire’s suspicions were confirmed by two things: Brandon’s dumb friends patting him on the shoulders and comforting him, and Jeong-Suk being “comforted” by a different, hotter guy!  What the hell was this?  

Luckily, there was an empty seat left directly behind Jeong-Suk so Claire made her way over.  She walked up the steps and locked eyes with Jeong-Suk for a moment.  Jeong-Suk didn’t even say hi!  She just looked at Claire and then returned her attention to the guy doting over her.  Claire sat down, setting her notebook and other items down, pulling her cell phone out and putting her airpods in.  She swiped on her phone screen, bringing her to the homescreen.  She looked up at the sound of lips smacking and saw that the Korean exchange student was making out with the hot guy.  Claire had a confusing mixture of disgust, fascination, and pride.  She returned to her phone screen.

She selected an app icon that she herself had designed.  It was pale pink to match the solution that brought Tom to his current size and location with a dark pink silhouette of a syringe.  She clicked the icon and the interface switched from user-friendly to something that resembled command prompt on windows.  She only had time to work on its functionality…an interface would come later…much later.  Her fingers danced over the pixelated keyboard.

Fuck…she couldn’t connect to the device inside Jeong-Suk’s tiny tit.  She thought she wouldn’t have to be as close due to Tom’s stupid, bigger size. Claire leaned in, bringing her phone closer to Jeong-Suk’s back and ran the function again

Claire smiled ear to ear.  She had him.  First she’d check his vitals just to make sure he was actually still alive.

His heart rate was only slightly elevated.  That was good…it meant that he at least wasn’t always freaking out over being in Jeong-Suk’s boob.  Maybe he was even getting used to it.  The compression index was high; she didn’t expect anything different, although the compression of fat cells does get higher the deeper in toward the breast so Claire deduced he was somewhat deep in Jeong-Suk’s breast at the moment.  Stress index..sounds about right.  Nutrition index.

‘Hmm…..dangerous…’ she thought to herself.  ‘Did I not tell him what he had to eat?’

It's possible that it slipped her mind. Sure, he probably wouldn’t be excited about his new temporary diet, but it's not like she could send him in there with a slice of pizza and a hamburger for heaven’s sake!  She’d done a lot of work to make it so that he could live off his surroundings, and she had to chuckle a bit at the irony of having almost done all that work for nothing…only for him to starve because he didn’t know what to do. Imagine dying of thirst in a lake of fresh spring water! She’d have to make it clear to him what he needed to do.  Anyway, continuing with the vitals.  Lastly, the temperature was about average…probably felt really hot for him but clearly he was doing alright.  

“Time to make first contact…” Claire said to herself.

Claire’s lips were touching the microphone of her phone.  

“Hi, Tom.”

Claire quickly returned to her phone screen.  She knew the message would be broadcast by the Nanocon immediately and she wanted to see his biological response.

Claire actually had to laugh into her sleeve.  She couldn’t have imagined what it sounded like to him.  The Nanocon had broadcasted Claire’s message from several different angles and it was probably way more clear than the voices he was used to hearing.  All it took was 2 words and look how worked up he was getting!  She gathered her composure and started typing on her screen again.

Claire had instructed the Nanocon to broadcast a message to Tom.  She knew exactly what he was hearing because she’d previously dug through the source code to hear the .mp3 files stored locally on the Nanocon.  They were all recordings of a woman’s voice.  She sounded young and bubbly, and she had an incredibly thick Japanese accent.  The Nanocon manufacturers probably just gave her a script and dropped it into google translate or something because not all of it made sense. This particular .mp3 though, Claire was sure Tom would understand.  It instructed him to record a 15-second message to be sent through to the Nanocon and to its owner.  The bubbly Japanese woman probably sounded like a Goddess to him.  What a funny thought.

While she waited, she decided to check his vitals again.

Claire laughed under her breath again, “Poor, poor little Tom’s getting all worked up.” Claire noticed Jeong-Suk shifting in her seat, running a hand up to her scalp and gently rubbing her hair.

Claire patiently waited and after about 20 seconds.

There wasn’t a lot of space on the Nanocons so Claire had to set them up to forward anything other than small text readouts to her email address.  She opened her email and sure enough, right there at the top, was a new email from the Nanocon device with an attached mp3.  She opened it up and listened. 

“--fair!  You can’t keep doing this to me!  Claire, for the love of fucking god, I’m fucking begging you please get me the fuck out of here!  I can’t do this anymore! Not for another day! Not for another fucking SECOND!  I can barely breathe, I’m surrounded by disgusting, slippery…ugh, I can’t even say it!  And you didn’t send me in with any food! I haven’t eaten in 2 weeks, I feel so weak, I can barely move.  Please, Claire just let–”

She listened to it a few more times with her eyes closed, trying to imagine what it must have been like in there for him.  His words were a bit muffled, undoubtedly due to an adjacent fat cell pressing firmly on the tiny boy’s face, just as all adjacent fat cells would surely press firmly on his entire body.  It must have been weird to feel constant, 24-hour pressure over every square inch of your body.  

She would have just disconnected but Claire figured if she didn’t tell him how to eat, he would probably die.  It's not like a normal person would logically deduce that they’re supposed to eat fat cells…but then again Tom wasn’t a normal person anymore…he was a little speck in a Korean exchange student’s boob.   The funny thing was that it had been 11 days now.  There was no way he’d survived this long without drawing sustenance from Jeong-Suk’s body…which meant that he’d probably inadvertently ingested some of the membrane lubricant from the fat cells.  Pretty unavoidable if you ask Claire…his little face is just constantly smooshed into them, it's bound to get in his belly eventually, and the funny part is that was probably the only thing keeping him alive, and he probably didn’t even realize it.  Tom was a smart guy, maybe he would eventually realize that he’d just been licking the donut and if only he’d take a bite he’d find all the delicious cream inside!

“Ehh…it's not worth it to risk it.” Claire thought, typing on her phone screen.

“So…Remember further back to when you said you wanted to get closer to Jeong-Suk and I said I could help?  Well, I kept my promise…that’s what this is all about.  Now you’re SUPER close to Jeong-Suk. Like…REALLY close....like….’inside-of-her’ close, but you’re a smart boy, Tom…I’m sure you’ve figured that out.  

BUT….just in case you’re not…and since it's so fun to say, I’ll just say it explicitly: I shrank you down to a little speck…and then I injected you into her boob. I can tell from your vitals that you’re freaking out like a big baby for some reason but I don’t know why. We’re both getting exactly what we want out of this.  You wanted to be closer to your small-chested korean anime girl…and I wanted to conduct an experiment to see what happens to a girl when a microscopic boy gets submerged in her fatty breast tissue.  We’re both winning here!  Besides, it’s not like I’d leave you in her boob forever.  I’m gonna get you back out in a month. It's already been 2 weeks…you’re almost half-way done, you goof!” Claire hissed into her phone, trying not to draw the attention of the professor who’d already started lecturing. 

“You can make it a little longer, I know you can; so stop being such a complainer.  They’re going to write about us in the history books, ya know.  Oh, and I may have forgotten to tell you, but your food is all around you; you’ve got more than you could eat in a thousand lifetimes.  I’ll leave it at that because as amazing a scientific feat it is…i dunno…just ‘eww’, kinda.  Anyway, Bon appetit!”

She was going to check his vitals one more time, but Jeong-Suk purred into the hot guy’s ear and Claire heard her, clear as day, urge the hot guy. “Squeeze it,” Jeong-Suk said.

The hot guy grabbed her left tit and tightly squeezed it, eliciting a gasp out of Jeong-Suk. At the exact same time, a new message popped up on Claire’s phone screen:

Claire noticed the professor had started talking about the Botvinnik Variation of the Semi-Slav defense, which actually caught her interest.  The blonde put her phone back into her pocket and started paying attention to the lecture.  An hour and forty minutes later, the lecture wrapped and everyone was standing to leave.  Claire decided one more time to do a quick check before Jeong-Suk left.

The second Claire’s eyes danced over the word “nourished”, she exploded into a fit of giggles that echoed off the walls of the large lecture hall. She turned several heads, including Jeong-Suk’s as Claire loudly walked out the door, practically crying from laughter.  

It was now the third week since Claire injected Tom into Jeong-Suk’s left tit.  It was a Play Day which meant no lectures.  Claire couldn’t have been more relieved.  The blonde was constantly looking up from her third game with Mr. Kendal, checking each time someone walked in the door.  It wasn’t like Jeong-Suk to be late, but then again it wasn’t like her to get her tiny tits groped and her monster nipples squeezed during a chess lecture either so all bets were kinda off.  

The flow of students into the classroom had dwindled to a slow trickle, most of which having already taken their seats with evenly skilled opponents.  This was very unusual. Jeong-Suk never missed Play Day.  

By the time a red-faced, frustrated Mr. Kendal laid down his king for the third time in a row, the last student had come in and it was clear that Jeong-Suk was not coming.  

“Damn…” Claire said out loud.  

For a moment, she caught Mr. Kendal looking up from the board he was trying to understand as if he might scold her for her language but then he quickly stopped himself, returning his eyes to the domination he’d just experienced.  

‘I really should have gotten her phone number or something..fuck.’ Claire thought.  

It was quite a big mistake on her part.  She didn’t even know what Jeong-Suk’s last name was.  Or was Suk her last name?  She had no idea how any of that asian stuff worked.  She could barely understand the translated Japanese instructions for the Nanocons.  Claire was also kicking herself for not having set up a meeting with Jeong-Suk to go over the effects of the injection.  If only she hadn’t had the giggles so hard last time she might have been focused enough to remember.  

‘All fuckin’ Tom’s fault…’ she thought, disgusted.

“Again.” Mr. Kendal growled, resetting the pieces.  

Claire rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

That week marked a full month since she’d shrunk Tom and 28 days since he’d been injected into Jeong-Suk’s breast and the plan was to retrieve him…kinda hard to take the boy out of her boob when the boob was nowhere to be found.  Claire tried talking to Brandon but the second she mentioned Jeong-Suk’s name, the blonde boy’s eyes started watering and he said he didn’t want to talk about it.  Claire rolled her eyes and continued her search.  Finally, she came to Audrey.  She was probably one of the nerdiest girls there with coke-lens glasses, zero fashion sense, and she was quite overweight.  Translation: natural friend for Jeong-Suk…at least before Jeong-Suk got all horny and bitchy.  

Claire was right, Audrey and Jeong-Suk did in fact know each other.  

“Hey, where’s Jeong-Suk?  She’s not here today and I didn’t see her last week either.”

“Oh, she went back to South Korea.” Audrey said, managing to squeeze the words out before taking another large bite of her donut.

“What?!” Claire said, clearing her throat and straightening her shirt down over her front.  “Umm…what do you mean?” 

Audrey swallowed the last of her donut.  “Ummm…I mean that she went back to South Korea.”

‘No shit, fatty.’ Claire thought. She chose to say, “For how long?”

Audrey shrugged, “Well, she moved back there so…..for good, I guess.” 

This Audrey bitch needed to stop being so short with her. 

“What?!  Well, why? I never heard anything about this.” Claire said, frustrated.

Audrey tilted her head, taking a gulp of her soda.  “She kept talking about how she had some kind of epiphany or awakening or something like that.  And something about a guy she gave her V-card to back in South Korea…something about wanting to give him and South Korea another chance.”

Claire was trying to find a solution to this problem, but there didn’t seem to be any. Jeong-Suk had taken her tiny little tits and its tiny little passenger back to South Korea and there was nothing she could do about it.  

“Well…what was her last name?” Claire asked Audrey.

“…why do you care? Are you trying to send her a card or something? You used to make fun of her.”

“Ugh..” Claire rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, “Shut the fuck up, Audrey…go spread some more butter on that sandwich.”

Claire stomped her feet like a petulant child who wasn’t getting her way…because she wasn’t.  ‘Her way’ would have been to extract Tom from Jeong-Suk’s boob, grow him back just big enough to run some tests, and then shrink him down to the microscopic size she originally intended and put him in stupid Jeong-Suk’s other boob.  ‘Her way’ would have been to get all the data she needed and to make the necessary tweaks to improve her synthesization processes.  The unavoidable reality of Tom getting taken to South Korea, trapped in some Korean girl’s tit for the rest of his life without her even knowing he’s in there…sure, it was hilarious…but it was not at all ‘her way’. 

She had to forget about Jeong-Suk and Tom.  There were plenty of lessons learned from this experience.  She’d definitely revise some of her protocols; it wasn’t a total and complete waste.  It was going to be back to the drawing board, unfortunately.  Back to her bedroom.  She had some ideas about how to avoid the problem she encountered with Tom’s size and she was determined to achieve perfection.

She spent days reviewing her work.  Thank god she’d kept such meticulous notes in her lab journal. It allowed Claire to trace her work, review her calculations, and have the occasional laugh at her personal entries. The blonde crunched into another bite of her fresh salad as she worked back through the pages of her journal until she came to the page where she had derived her piecewise probability function.

Claire worked back from the probability function and found no issues with her math, but perhaps the constant she’d boldly named after herself had been incorrect?  It appeared in several other formulae throughout her experimentation, not just in the restoration function.  Several hours later, she emphatically concluded the Laurier Constant was correct. Not just correct, but awesome.    

In the end, it was a minor error with her lab work, or at least that’s what she concluded pending empirical verification.  It made sense because the curve of her function was correct, it just corresponded to the actual size he was reduced to, not the size she had intended to reduce him to.  She wouldn't know for sure how it happened, but some of her DNA had been introduced during the long and tedious synthesization process.  

Surely a few rogue skin cells could have found their way in, but that shouldn’t have been enough to disrupt the synthesis, but it was possible that a droplet of sweat could have dripped from her forearm one day after the gym.  Either way, she would be careful going forward…in more ways than just mathematical and stoichiometric .  Today was the 34th day since she shrunk Tom. In 2 more months, his regrowth probability would drop to 96%.  It’d be below 50% after a year.

She accepted that she’d never be able to track down Jeong-Suk, which meant Tom was condemned to live the rest of his life in the unknowing Korean girl’s breast anyway so as fun as it was to run the numbers, it made no difference;  Tom would be a tiny little boy in a boob from now on.  The chance that he could even physically be restored would asymptotically approach 0 with each passing year, and there was nothing anyone could do about it…but even if restoration remained possible forever, she couldn’t restore him.  He was gone.  Lost.  Tom was paying the price, but Claire would learn from her mistake.

Claire sat in the same coffee shop from earlier that month, in the same seat from which she’d snickered at an oblivious, full sized Tom with his whole future ahead of him.  She set a reminder on her phone to be reminded of Tom in 19 years.  She chose that amount of time because by that year, little Tom will have spent more of his life inside a boob than outside of one.  Again, since he was unreachable, there was nothing she could really do with that information…nothing except laugh, anyway.  She sipped her hibiscus cooler and browsed her phone when she heard a woman’s voice behind her.  

“Excuse me, do you mind if I take some napkins?”

Claire didn’t even bother to turn and look.  She simply said, “I don’t care..”, not even taking her focus away from her phone screen.  

“...Claire?”, the womanly voice now said.  

Claire rolled her eyes.  She hated being recognized by people.  Usually it was old high school acquaintances, her mom’s friends, or her dad’s coworkers.  She didn’t have time for any of them.  This woman wasn’t in either of those boring groups though.  This woman actually had Claire’s interest.


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