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Author's Chapter Notes:
Mia and Chloe go to the movies and more tiny people suffer the consequences.

             Kevin was in a panic. He was sitting behind the leg post of Mia’s bed, out of sight, and clutching himself. He had just seen all his coworkers, his friends, get brutally crushed under the feet of two bratty teenagers. He narrowly avoided that fate as well, but as soon as he saw Mia stomp the tiny foreman under her foot, he dove straight under her bed and hid behind the leg. All he could do was close his eyes and listen as the sounds of bones crunching, bodies squelching, and girls giggling filled the air. 

At one point, he had looked out from under the bed and saw the grim sight of one of the teenager’s bare feet coming down and splattering 5 people at once. As the giant girl giggled above, Kevin felt nauseous and began to puke. He never looked out from behind her hiding spot again. 

But now it had been about ten minutes after the girls had left and Kevin was by himself, alone and scared. He had no idea what to do. He didn’t have his phone or any communication device on him. He had no way to call anybody for help. The only thing he could think of was to see if any of his coworkers' phones still worked. It was a long shot, but he had no other choice at this point.

Catching his breath, he stood up and looked around the leg of the oversized bed. He was still scared to death of the non-existent teenage giantesses. He looked around and really took a good look at the carnage that lay around him. Overturned shoes and boots lay everywhere, as well as dirty laundry, books, and empty water bottles. Then toward the center of the room, dark red splotches decorated the floor. He grew sick to his stomach again because he knew what those splatter marks were. 

Shakily, he took one step after another, walking toward the first red puddle he saw. With a gulp, he approached the first one, but he had no way of telling who it was…, they were disfigured beyond recognition when they were squashed. Kevin grimaced and picked through the bloody clothes, looking for a phone. He checked all the pockets but all he had to show for it was blood soaked hands. He tried wiping them off on his own clothes but still the red stain remained on his skin.

He went to the next bloody patch and did the same thing; he dug through the mangled flesh and ripped through the bloody clothing to find a phone. His heart fluttered with hope when he, at last, found one, but those hopes were crushed when he saw the cracked screen. It wouldn’t even turn on. He screamed out of frustration and threw the phone away from him. He dipped his head in defeat and stood there for another minute or two to regain his composure.

Then he drew a breath and ran to the next victim. Before he had the chance to search the clothes, he saw a phone, it had a cracked screen, but it was on. “Oh thank god,” he muttered as he picked it up and wiped it against his clothing to wipe the blood and guts off of it. He tried to open the home screen but it wasn’t responding to his touch. It would move slightly as he drew his finger across the screen but then stop responding. “Oh come on baby, open, open, open!” 

Then without warning, the shrieking sound of music came from high up on the giant teenager’s desk. What is that, he wondered as he looked for the source of the sound. Then the floor began to rumble and fast paced booms became louder and louder. He turned toward the door wide-eyed as the handle started to turn. “Oh…, shit…,” he mumbled. The door opened to reveal the beautiful teenage giant standing there.

She turned her head back toward the hallway, “yeah, it’s in here Chloe, thanks for calling it.”

She took one step forward and caused the floor to violently shake. Kevin was right in the path of her sandaled feet. She took another thunderous step with an earthshaking boom. He had no hope of running back under her bed, he had strayed out too far. Her next step landed closer to him and knocked him down with a crashing thud. His only hope now was at least to avoid being under one of her steps. 

The next part almost took place in slow motion for Kevin. From his perspective of having been knocked down on his ass, he saw her foot slowly rise off the floor. Her leg swung forward and eventually the sight of the colossal girl was blacked out by the sole of her sandal flying over his head. The tread was deep but probably wouldn’t be enough to protect him if it came down on him. It lowered and simultaneously kept moving forward until, at last, the sight of the giant girl returned. Kevin turned his head with the direction of her sandal and watched as her heel crashed down just mere inches from him. The skin of the giant heel darkened as it received the weight of the titanic girl. Then, as soon as it was there, the skin lightened and her heel lifted, briefly revealing the underside of the teenager’s sole before the shoe followed along and left the ground as well.


Not wasting any time, Kevin ran and ran to the nearest hiding spot, which happened to be an overturned shoe. Kevin didn’t care, he wasn’t about to be picky in this situation. The sole of the shoe had all sorts of unsightly things on it, many of which he could tell were human remains stuck in the treads. Jesus…, he thought, how many tinies has this girl crushed?

He snuck around to the other side of the overturned footwear and watched her from the opening of the shoe. She grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket. She briefly glanced in her mirror and pushed her hair behind her ears. She turned her head in both directions and looked for any imperfections. Satisfied with her appearance, she turned around and began walking back out.

Kevin was not as far away as he had thought he was because each of her terrifying stomps shook him to his core. Her foot next stepped down super close to the shoe he was hiding behind. This time he was toe to toe, so to speak, with the giant girl. He caught a glimpse of her blood stained toes contrasted by the immaculate pedicure he and his team had just given her before she took her next step. It was surreal.

He turned around and watched the evil titanic beaty walk out of her room and shut the door behind her. He had to calm his body down. He had come face to face with death from this girl twice and had evaded her twice. His heart was still racing, and his whole body was tense with fear. But once he caught his breath and regained his senses, letting his adrenaline simmer down, he thought of his next move. What to do now? It was useless to hope that any of the phones had survived being crushed.

His only hope was to escape out the door cracks and get outside to the tram system for tinies. He started running toward the girl’s bedroom door and thought out his plan. He would be able to slip under the interior doors with ease, and provided there were no pets to worry about, he could edge his way along the trim boards to the front door. But front doors usually have a weather seal on the bottom to keep air from escaping, so he would have to wait until someone opened it and then dash outside. From there, if he could just make it to the tram that followed the sidewalks, he’d be safe. The tram system was encased with protective glass so no one could access it or mess with the trains unless they were authorized. From there, he could get a ride back home to his tiny community…, and then he would tell his bosses he quits!

He made it to the door, panting and out of breath, but ducked and walked underneath the massive structure. Then he inched his way to the trim boards and began walking the direction he assumed was toward the front door. The trek was pretty uneventful, and the house seemed eerily quiet. Maybe he would be lucky after all, he thought to himself. 

Rounding the corner, he saw the front door, tall and imposing, surrounded by discarded shoes and jackets of the giants that lived in the house. He looked both ways and when the coast was clear, he ran to the threshold of the door and prepared to wait. There was no telling how long he would have to-


With a jolt, Kevin shot up and pressed himself against the bottom of the threshold. He wasn’t expecting it to be this quick. The door swung open over his head and in stepped the slippered foot of a gigantic woman, Kevin didn’t know who it was, but he was just thankful it wasn’t the teenage demon girls. Kevin was trying his best to climb up and over the threshold when-



There was a loud crash as a set of giant metal keys came clanking down on the floor just in front of Keven. He yelped at nearly being crushed by the falling metal objects. But once he realized he had survived, he noticed the shadow over him growing darker. He looked up and saw the figure of a giant woman bending down to pick up the keys that had landed next to him. Her gorgeous face twisted into a smile when her colossal eyes made contact with him. Her gaze alone was enough to paralyze the little man, but her smile, which seemed so evil and sinister, made him weak to his knees.

“Please…,” he quivered, “please ma’am, help me…,”

Before he could say anything more, the gigantic woman’s fingers pinched his body and dropped him in her palm. “What are you doing down there, little guy?” she asked with a smirk. “If I hadn’t dropped my keys, I might not have ever seen you! How lucky you are that I found you,” she smiled. 

“Please, ma’am,” he panted wearily, “some girl just crushed a bunch of us workers from the Mini-Spa! Please help me get home, please!”

The giant woman frowned softly, “Oh, you poor thing, I know just what to do, don’t you worry now tiny,” she said, smiling sweetly at him. She curled her fingers around him and enveloped him in darkness. Kevin breathed a sigh of relief and felt his body relax. He hadn’t noticed how tense and stressed out his body had been with the ordeal he had gone through. He found solace in the giant woman’s palm, it was warm and soft, and it felt strangely comfortable and safe.

The colossal fingers over him opened and a bright light blinded him temporarily. When his eyesight adjusted, he saw the horrific face of the teenage brat that had just squished his friends and coworkers. She was looking at him with a twinge of disgust as he laid in the vast expanse of the other giant woman’s palm.

“Mia,” the giantess holding him said, “I think you left one of your little guys behind. You’ve got to be more careful with that stuff on our side of things.” She reached out her open palm toward the teenage goddess…, er…, monster, who was holding out her open hand, waiting to receive him.

“No! Ma’am, please listen! She’s the one that killed so many of us! Please no, don’t send me with-,” Kevin tried protesting, but it was no use. The giantess’ hand rotated and caused him to tumble down the expanse of her palm. He fell a few inches through the air before he landed with a soft plop into the giant teenager’s sweaty palm.

“I’m sorry Aunt Audrey,” the girl said, wrapping her fingers around Kevin’s miniscule body. 

“Remember, they have more rights in our world than they do in their tiny communities,” Audrey reminded her niece.

“Ugh,” Mia scoffed, “that law needs to be repealed or something…”

“Working on it dear,” Audrey smirked, “but I still need voters, so there is only so much I can do. Now you girls have a good time, don’t let the tinies take advantage of you,” she chuckled.

“I never do,” Mia grinned and turned around.

“Thanks mom,” Chloe smiled and followed after her older cousin.

Mary came around the corner holding a bag of popcorn. “What was that?” she asked, popping a few pieces into her mouth.

“Oh, the girls just forgot something,” Audrey lied. She liked that Mia was ruthless with the tiny population. She couldn’t explain it, but she loathed tinies and their little ‘communities’. Seeing her niece treat them so horribly was a reminder that she wasn’t alone and that she wasn’t a terrible person for feeling that way. At least, that’s how she twisted it in her mind.

“We still watching that Ryan Reynolds movie or what?” Mary asked, furrowing her brows.

“Of course!” Audrey said with a chipper tone and broad smile. “Let me just kick my slippers off.” She slid her bare feet out of her slippers and followed Mary into the living room where both women would enjoy their rom-com. 

Meanwhile, Kevin was in overwhelming anxiety. He was gripped tightly in the crushing fist of the teenage girl carrying him to God knows where. All sorts of scenarios where flying through his mind when she opened her hand. She was sneering down at him with a scrunched up face of disgust.

“You stupid little fucker,” she jeered, “you’re supposed to be dead. I don’t know how you didn’t end up squished under our feet,” she glanced briefly over to Chloe and then back to him. They were sitting in the front seat of brand new SUV that belonged to Mia because she was such a spoiled brat. “Oh well,” Mia chuckled as she lifted him above her face and opened her mouth with smile.

“You’re going to eat him?!” Chloe asked, in amazement.

“Of course,” Mia turned to her cousin and winked, “they are delicious.”

“I wish I got to try one,” Chloe sighed. “I’ve never eaten one before.”

“You want him?” Mia asked, holding him out to Chloe. “I’ve eaten hundreds, so I think it’s only fair you get him.”

“For real?” Chloe beamed, excitedly smiling and reaching for him apprehensively. 

“Yeah, seriously, go ahead,” Mia grinned, dropping him in her cousin’s hands. “Just gotta pop him in and swallow.”

“I thought you said they tasted good though,” Chloe asked with a raised brow.

“They do, but if you’re not used to chewing them or letting them thrash around your mouth, then downing them like a pill is a good way to start.”

“Ah, gotcha,” Mia said, bringing the screaming tiny closer to her watering mouth.

Kevin saw the mouth of the teenage girl widening ominously as strings of saliva stretched from the roof to her tongue. As soon as he realized what was happening, he started screaming profusely. That didn’t stop his trajectory though…, he was unceremoniously dropped onto the titanic teenager’s tongue.

“Noooooo!” Kevin screamed as he flailed around the wet sloppy surface of the pink monster that withdrew him into her mouth. There he was swished around and violently banged against her teeth. Her breath was horrid and saliva drenched every last bit of his body.

“Mmmm,” the teenage girl moaned, trying to savor his taste.

“Just swallow him Chloe,” Mia advised, “you’re not used to them in your mouth.”

“I got it,” Chloe said. Her reverberating voice was so loud that it burst Kevin’s tiny eardrums, blood started pouring out from his head. But he was too frightened and adrenaline high to even notice. He kept thrashing, trying to make it out of the teen girl’s mouth. But everytime he made it to her teeth, he got scared of being chomped and her tongue pushed him to the back of her throat. 

“You’re not gonna be able to do it,” Mia chuckled.

“Watch me,” Chloe said, swallowing hard. Kevin was rolling and thrashing and kicked hard against the back of her undulating throat. That triggered the giant girl’s gag reflex, causing her to cough and hack until Kevin’s tiny body was hocked out of her mouth and into her hand. 

He landed with a wet squelch in her palm, soaked and drenched in the teenager’s spit. He wiped his eyes as the titanic teen coughed some more and caught her breath.

“Told you so!” Mia laughed. 

“Oh god,” Chloe choked, “that stupid tiny kicked my throat!”

“Just swallow him! Don’t fuck around with him in your mouth,” Mia said again.

Chloe was just about to try again when Kevin spoke up.

“Wait! Wait!” he called up to the teenage demon holding him.

“Yes?” she said with a pissed expression. She was still mad about him kicking the back of her throat.

“W-what movie are you guys going to see?” he asked nervously.

“The new Antman movie, why?” Chloe scrunched her face inquisitively. 

“Could I have one last request and watch the movie before I die?” he asked in a last ditch attempt to live.

The giant girls looked at each other and laughed.

“I guess so, why not?” she giggled. “It’s only fair that you get a last request, right?” 

“It’s like a movie about you,” Mia joked derisively, “except Antman’s not a little loser.”

Both girls laughed. It was a humiliating experience for Kevin to be nearly crushed, then nearly eaten, then drenched in saliva as he begged for a little more time to live.

“You can go in here,” Mia smirked as she picked him up and shoved him into the locket around her neck that she usually trapped her brother in.

As Chloe’s saliva dried, Kevin became cold and miserable. But it was nice to feel the heat and warmth emanating from Mia’s cleavage that surrounded him. He felt so perverted, but being between the boobs of the gigantic teenage psychopath actually turned him on. She was devastatingly beautiful but her age and her cruelty made Kevin feel guilty for his feelings…, but he couldn’t control it…

The rest of the car ride was uneventful, almost like he was forgotten about, just a piece of jewelry around the neck of a cruel teenage girl. He just sat in the locket, dangling in her cleavage as they parked, walked in, and got tickets and snacks. They even met up with Mia’s friends but no one seemed to notice or even mention the tiny shrunken man in Mia’s locket, it was like he didn’t exist.

As they were in the line for snacks and soda, Mia and Chloe were chatting mindlessly when a tiny voice shouted up at them. Kevin looked down to see what was going on. There on the concession stand was a tiny boyfriend and girlfriend who had nearly been crushed by Mia’s purse she absentmindedly set on the counter.

“Watch it!” the tiny boyfriend shouted. “We were in line before you.”

Mia scoffed, “Well then stay in the tinies only zone, dipshit, it’s clearly marked.” The tiny couple turned around and ordered their tiny snacks before they went into the tunnel network that safely took them to the theater area. Mia just glared at them the entire time. She was extremely pissed that a tiny person would speak to her in such an authoritative tone.

“You would think they’d have a tiny concession stand for those guys too,” Chloe said.

“That’s too expensive,” Mia added, “private businesses will only do what’s absolutely required. And all that’s required is that they have a safe way to travel to a safe place to sit.”

“Oh I see,” Chloe nodded.

“But I think that’s bullshit,” Mia said, grabbing her popcorn and soda. “If they want to go to the movies then they should have to use the same access as everybody else. Equality right? And if a few get squished, who the fuck cares.” Mia was in a very foul mood. That tiny couple got under her skin more than she could handle. 

They sat down in their seats in the theater and began talking with each other. Mia and Chloe laughed with their friends until the theater went dark and the trailers started. Mia had just about forgotten about the tiny couple that ruined her evening when she heard an annoying noise. She looked over at the side of the theater where the ‘tinies only’ section was placed. They were still making quite a bit of noise even though the trailers were playing. Mia ignored them and looked back down at her popcorn bucket. It was already half empty.

“Damn it,” she sighed, “everytime…” She got up to go get some more. “I’ll be right back Chloe.” Chloe didn’t pay much attention and kept watching the screen. After a few previews had finished, Mia came and sat back down with a huge grin on her face. “Hey, I got some fresh popcorn,” she said, holding the bucket over to Chloe.

“Oh cool,” Chloe said, grabbing a handful. She tossed the popcorn in her mouth and started chewing. Almost instantly she felt a burst of wet crunchy saltiness. She stopped mid chew and scrunched her face. “What did you put on the popcorn?” she asked as she chewed and swallowed what was already in her mouth.

“Oh just salt, butter, lots of butter, and some tinies,” she said with a giggle as she grabbed a handful for herself. Chloe looked down and in the flickering light of the screen could see dozens of tiny people clawing their way to the top of the bucket. Now that she was paying attention, she could even hear their cries and screams for help.

“You put tinies in here? From where?” Chloe said, still somehow shocked at her older cousin’s cruel behavior.

“From over there,” Mia said, tossing a few pieces along with a tiny woman into her mouth. She chewed for a few seconds, relishing the squish and the taste that exploded in her mouth. “They were being annoying as fuck.”

Chloe could see families, couples, and so many other tinies drowning in the buttery pieces of food. “You took all of them?” she asked.

“Well duh,” Mia said, picking out a single tiny and tossing them into her mouth, “there’s no witnesses that way.” Chloe just sat in stunned silence. “Come on, have some,” Mia said, using her tongue to unstick some of the crushed up pieces of food and tiny people stuck in her teeth.

Chloe reached in and grabbed some with her fingers. There were pieces of hot fresh popcorn and the inevitable tiny person. She watched with morbid fascination as her own fingers brough the tiny and the delicious snack to her face. She opened her mouth and dropped everything on her tongue. She felt the same sensation as before, but this time she knew what it was. A tiny person in her mouth, scared for his life. The thought was overwhelming to her, but it was also incredibly exciting in a weird way. She slowly started chewing and felt the tiny person scrambling around trying to avoid her crushing teeth. She giggled slightly. But even as the popcorn was ground to a fine paste in her mouth, the tiny person was resilient and cleverly avoided her pounding teeth. So Chloe figuratively shrugged and swallowed him as well as the crushed paste whole. She felt him squirm and wiggle all the way down her throat and into her stomach.

For the next 30 minutes or so, the two teenagers ate the bucket of popcorn as well as the tiny movie goers. Mia relished the feeling inside as she swallowed entire families whole. Or the pride she felt when she would eat a tiny boyfriend in front of his girlfriend, only to give her the same cruel fate. Chloe was almost certain she could feel some of them squirming in her stomach. It tickled and felt kind of funny, but she strangely didn’t feel any guilt or remorse.

After a while, they were so full that their stomachs hurt. Mia set the bucket to the side and watched the rest of the movie. As the credits rolled, the lights came on but knowing that there was a mid-credits scene, none of the girls got up. Mia grabbed the bucket and started putting her trash in it. That’s when she noticed one last little person still scurrying around in the remaining popcorn at the bottom of the bucket. 

“Oh hey you,” she smiled condescendingly, “I didn’t think I’d see you again, I figured you would have been eaten by me or my cousin by now.” She immediately recognized him as the jerk that yelled at her at the concession counter. “So uh,” Mia giggled, “where’s your bitch girlfriend?” 

The tiny boy was in tears. “You know where she is fucking monster, you fucking ate her!”

“Oh dang,” Mia said, “that sucks.” She repositioned herself. “Now normally I’d offer you the chance to meet up with her again…, but I’m just sooooo full I don’t think I could eat another bite.”

“You are a cunt!” the tiny man screamed at her.

Mia ignored his insult and plucked him out of the bucket. “Hey girls, anyone want a snack?” she asked, dangling the sniffling tiny between her fingers.

“Ew, fuck no, that’s gross,” Denise said.

“Yeah, I’m good too,” Brittney added.

Chloe shook her head, “I’m too full…, sorry.”

Mia looked at the tiny man and snickered, “I guess no one wants you, so good luck out there. Oh, and sorry about your girlfriend,” she said, with a chuckle as she flicked him away to land on the floor at their feet. Just then the post credits scene came on and Mia’s attention was taken off the tiny man.

The lights came on and the film ended for real. The girls got up and grabbed their belongings, talking about the things they liked and disliked from the movie. As Mia grabbed her purse, she noticed the tiny man scurrying on the floor. He was just about to make it when Denise stepped on him and squashed him into the treads of her shoe, not even realizing she had stepped on him. Mia just smirked and started walking out. She passed the empty tinies section and giggled softly to herself.

“What did you think of the movie, Chloe?” Mia asked.

“I liked it,” Chloe nodded, “It’s fun going to the movies with you, Mia.”

Mia smirked, looking down at the tiny still locked away in her pendant. Kevin, for his part, was mortified having witness everything. He couldn’t believe he was now the property of such a beautiful but cruel and deadly girl. 

Chapter End Notes:

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