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Author's Chapter Notes:

A fairy raids a kitchen for humans.

Chapter-specific tags: Crush, Feet, Violent, Mouthplay, Vore (hard), Insertion

At a glance apartment 32-B looks empty, but Meena knows there are humans inside long before she sees them. She senses them—senses the residues of that ancient magic which cursed their entire species to a pitiful existence of hiding in cracks too small for most ants and pilfering whatever crumbs they could get their tiny little hands on. To their ancient enemy, the elves, they are nothing but pests; to fairies like her, fun toys and tasty snacks.

Following her magical sense, Meena flutters down the windowsill. She can see them as she nears the kitchen floor—a thousand humans in the middle of ferrying some breadcrumbs off to their nest. By the time she lands, crushing a few of them underfoot as she stands astride their little procession, the humans are already fleeing, scattering every which way. Smaller even than her toes, they're surprisingly quick for their size, though that means little when ten seconds of running are easily matched by a single step.

A thousand humans is a suitable meal, but Meena isn't too hungry right now. She's come for a bit of fun; there are few things fairies like more than to flaunt their power over the only people smaller than them.

Meena allows the humans a brief head-start before giving chase. Two steps is all it takes to catch up to a small group, and then the fun begins as she starts killing the stragglers, crushing them one at a time with her toe.

She sees an aging greybeard lagging behind the others. CRUNCH.

A youth trips and falls; he tries to get up but can only crawl away. CRUNCH.

A man slows and bends over; another returns and carries him on his back, though the weight slows him down. Such a touching display of camaraderie... CRRUNCHHHH.

Meena is delighted as she drags her toe back along the floor, leaving behind a little red smear. Before long, all the slowpokes in the group have been dealt with, and the others soon follow. Once they're all taken care of, she finds another mass of fleeing humans and flies after them, coming down right in their path.

The humans skid to a halt, then scatter in every other direction, all save a dozen or so who fall to their knees. Their voices are too faint for the fairy to hear though she sees their mouths moving, but she knows from experience they must be begging for mercy. She's pleased to see this and smiles inwardly as she makes a big show of considering their pleas, prompting them to debase themselves still more desperately, to the point of crawling forward to kiss her toes.

Grinning openly at last, she crouches and gathers the kneeling humans one by one in her open palm, then lowers them to her crotch and tugs on the waistband of her panties.

From her crotch wafts up the smell of her womanhood, causing a change in the humans. First they go still and their eyes go blank, as if in a trance; then they start giving shakes of their heads, trying to resist their growing urges. They're still trying to resist as they take a step forward, but they are powerless against the siren song of her sex and soon walk right off her hand, falling onto Meena's bush. There her pheromones hang so thick in the air that all reason is drowned out and the humans go crazy for her. All together they crawl though the thick tangle of pubic hairs towards her lips, trying to go inside. She's too wet for that and they keep slipping out, so Meena thrusts them inside with a finger.

The fairy shudders from the humans squirming within her, her body rocking with a wave of pleasure. Then her eyes follow her magic sense to another bunch of humans. Crawling after them, she stops once they're under her torso and grabs a handful, not caring if she kills any. She presses them to her pussy, pushing them inside roughly until a moan escapes her. The pleasure makes her limbs falter and her chest falls on the humans, crushing dozens.

Ever more aroused, Meena pushes her chest forward, sending her breasts barreling over yet more humans in a series of thrilling crunches. She stops short of the last few and lowers her face towards them, mouth open wide. Her lips close around some of them and bring them into her mouth, and the others she licks up one by one until all of them are on her tongue, then she starts sloshing them around.

At the same time, as some of the humans in her pussy are nearing death, their survival instincts kick in, overpowering her pheromones to give them a final few seconds of clarity before they suffocate inside her. They try to escape, thrashing around wonderfully, and some get close to the exit, but she pushes them deeper inside just as she bites down on one of the other humans. The crunching of his body between her molars, together with the dying squirms of the first batch of humans she'd shoved inside her, sends a powerful thrill through her. Unable to hold back any longer, she starts masturbating furiously and chewing the humans in her mouth, the sound of her moans chasing after the fleeing humans.

As she swallows, her body is rocked with pleasure and she squirms in delight, until at last she settles down again and lies panting on the floor. After a minute she reaches to her crotch and digs inside, scooping out humans' bodies, many of which lie mangled now. Not one of them still lives, and she flicks away their corpses without a second thought, only to notice afterwards that she senses another human down there; a tiny little thing all tangled up in her pubic hairs, trying pitifully to crawl inside. She contemplates him for a while, then decides to leave him there and pulls her panties back up; later she might have some fun with him, if he doesn't fall out or die in the meantime.

With nothing more to do here, Meena stands and flies back out the window,, leaving the remaining humans to do what they will. They wait a while to make sure she won't be coming back, then some minutes later, they start to trickle out of their hiding places, going back to where they left the crumbs. On the way there they pass the remains of their fallen comrades and make a sign of mourning, but they don't stop nor slow; time is of the essence out here, and the fairy has taken more than enough of it already.

They pick the crumbs back up, as many as they can carry with their numbers decimated, and begin the march back to their nest. They've only made it halfway when they hear a door open and close; the elf has returned, and at the worst possible time. The humans are out in the open, with no good hiding place nearby. All they can do is continue on their way, hoping the elf won't come in the kitchen until they deliver the food. But their hopes prove to be for nothing as she soon comes into the kitchen.

The humans scatter at first sight of her, but it is already too late. Three steps is all it takes for her to reach them. When they see her sole stop right over them, they know their fate is sealed.

Her foot comes down.

The humans are no more.

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