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With the information that the good red-headed doctor had given him, and with parts he already had lying around, Ray had been able to put together a little something that would help him collect samples and fight whatever parasite Wonder Woman had unfortunately managed to get inside her.

Well, he hoped he could fight it. With next to no information about what it even was, he knew that he had to be prepared for anything.

As for getting inside her, he was going in mouth-first while trapped within a small transparent pill case. Atom honestly wasn’t sure how he felt about vore, but he was destined to find out. Minus the chewing of course. With luck, it would be quick.

He had also decided for his own protection, and for later use, to put a camera on his belt to record everything that happened. The doctor could analyze it later if need be, but for the time being, he decided to keep it a secret, just in case Wonder Woman said she didn’t want him filming her insides.

Unfortunately, it was all going to have to wait since Supergirl had decided to pay Diana a visit.

Since the Kryptonian had super-hearing, Ray decided to sit in the doctor’s office while the blonde and the Amazon talked.

“So,” Ray began, addressing the red-headed doctor, “how did you find yourself in the employ of the Justice League?”

“I was a good doctor,” she answered. “And I have a bit of a superpower myself.”

“Yeah?” he asked, finding himself intrigued. “What’s that?”

“Well, beyond my photographic memory, I have incredible eyes.”

“I’ll say,” he said, staring into them. They were a stunning blue that shone brightly in the artificial light.

She blushed. “No, I mean I have superhuman sight. Well, it’s barely superhuman. Superman’s eyes are still far better than mine, but mine are still far superior to regular human eyes. They’re on par with eagle eyes if not better.”

“What’s it like to have supervision?” Ray asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve always had it so I don’t know the difference. When I took an eye test they were amazed. They thought I was cheating or something.”

“That’s a pretty nice superpower.”

“Is it? I mean it’s not been particularly useful. Well, it has been in terms of being a doctor, but I doubt I could be a crime fighter.”

“Not every hero needs to fight crime or save the world,” Ray said. “Doctors are all heroes too. You help people and save lives every day.”

She smiled. “Thanks.” She then stood up. “Looks like Supergirl is leaving.”

She stepped out of the office and Ray followed her out.

“Nice of you to come and see her,” Doctor Wexler said.

“I was there when she was hurt,” Kara said. “I feel a little responsible.”

“You good friends?” the doctor asked.

Supergirl shook her head. “We haven’t really talked all that much. We were on that mission together because I was available.”

“What did the machine look like?” Ray asked. “The one that you vaporized after Wonder Woman was hurt?”

“It was a cube and it was blue with strange lights all over it.”

“Have you seen anything like it before?” Ray asked.

Supergirl shook her head. “No,” she said before looking back at the doctor. “How long until she is better?”

“Hopefully soon,” the doctor said.

“Good,” Supergirl said. “I’ll catch you later.”

“I’ll see you soon,” the doctor said.

“Later,” Ray said.

With Supergirl gone, the doctor headed back into her office and pulled out the small Tic-Tac-sized transparent hollow pill case.

“I have the delivery system,” she said. “Do you have what you need?”

Ray held up his hands which had small energy projectors strapped to the back. “These here are energy cutters. They can be used as weapons and they can also be used to take samples.” He patted a container attached to his chest. “Something to store the samples in.”

“You made that in a day?”

“The cutters were something I was working on before the Bio-Belt. Decided to pull them out of the closet and finish it.”

“Sounds good,” the doctor said. “We should probably get on with it.”

“One more thing,” Ray said as he put down a small radio-looking device on her desk. “I think it would be best we be able to communicate outside of the regular JL radio channels. Just to keep Diana’s wish of this remaining need to know.”

“Excellent idea,” Doctor Wexler agreed. “Ready to get inside the pill?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Ray said as he sat himself down on the edge of her desk.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting ready to shrink,” he told her. “Or do you want me to shrink down on the floor?”

“The desk will be fine,” she said quickly.

Before the words had finished leaving her mouth, Ray had already shrunk himself down to a quarter of an inch tall. Not long after that, he was an eighth smaller than that and was climbing inside the pill. A few seconds later, the red-headed doctor was heading out of her office with him in one hand and his small radio in the other.

Despite having shrunk countless times before, Ray felt strangely nervous. He was about to embark on a rather fantastic voyage. Well, he might not think that way once he was inside.

“Don’t worry,” the doctor uttered as they walked down the long corridor. “I gave her a laxative to empty her bowels and I’ve also given her something to subdue her stomach acid.”

“That’s good,” he said, hearing a louder version of his voice emit from the radio the good doctor was carrying.

“That doesn’t mean it’s not going to have an unpleasant odor,” she warned.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been in worse places,” he half-joked.

The doctor paused outside the room. “Ready?” she asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” Atom answered.

Doctor Wexler pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Wonder Woman looked over at them, holding her gut.

“It’s starting to hurt again,” she said.

The doctor held up the pill where Atom resided, causing him to become disoriented by the sudden movement.

“Don’t worry, The Atom is here and ready for the mission.”

“How are we doing this?” Wonder Woman asked.

The doctor stepped over to the bed, putting the small communicator radio down on a cabinet. “You will swallow this small pill whole with a small amount of water. It will dissolve letting him out.”

“Won’t he drown?” Wonder Woman asked.

“Water is absorbed quickly and I’m sure he knows how to deal with a little water.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, his voice coming over the speaker. “Besides, I can break out without the pill dissolving,” Ray said. “And I can swim.”

“Well, it will dissolve anyway,” the doctor said as she put him down on the desk next to the radio. “I will be back in a moment.”

Ray felt strangely exposed as he sat there in the pill looking out across the vast room. He knew he should be used to being tiny considering how often he shrunk, but it was something that he doubted he would truly ever get used to. He supposed it was the more primitive side of his brain warning him that he was in danger.

Thankfully, it took the doctor only a minute or so to return with a glass a quarter full of water.

She picked him back up and passed Wonder Woman the glass, then him, which she carefully pinched between her fingers.

Once again, Ray felt his heart begin to thump in his chest as the beautiful Amazon rose him up to her mouth. Just before passing her luscious lips, she paused, pulling him away.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked, her voice booming in Ray’s ears.

The doctor answered. “Is it a good idea? Maybe not.”

“But it’s the only plan left,” Wonder Woman said knowingly.

“The only one that we might have left,” the doctor answered. “The truth is that I have no idea what’s inside you and no idea how it will progress. We might have months to find a cure or we might have days.”

“I see,” Wonder Woman said.

The whole time they had been speaking, Ray’s attention had been transfixed on Diana’s huge lips as they bounced and flexed as she spoke. Beyond, there was a mountainous cavern that threatened nothing but death and yet staring into the abyss gave him a raging hard-on.

Earlier he had wondered what he would feel about vore and as it turned out, he found the concept extremely hot.

“We are keeping Atom waiting,” the doctor said.

“Of course,” Wonder Woman said as she brought the pill Ray was in into her mouth, only to pull it back out again.

While Ray knew he should have been irritated by her hesitation, he was honestly thankful that the experience was being prolonged. He wanted to savor every moment knowing full well that it might never happen again.

“What’s wrong?” the doctor asked.

“What will happen if he runs into trouble?” Diana asked her.

The doctor bit her bottom lip. “I’m not certain since we’re not sure what we’re facing.”

Ray spoke up. “I’ll be fine,” he said, his voice once more coming from the small radio.

“Are you certain?” Wonder Woman asked

“Yes,” Atom said firmly. “I will be fine.”

“Very well.”

With that, he went in, passing her lips one more time as the pill he was inside was placed gently down on the top of her tongue. Ray felt even more aroused as he stared out past her teeth into the room beyond. It was unlike any view he had ever seen before, and in a way, he was fulfilling a fantasy, one he hadn’t even realized he had.

As strange and lecherous as the wayward thought was, he couldn’t help but smile as he realized that he had accomplished what many men could only dream of. His dick was inside Wonder Woman’s mouth. Well, in a roundabout way since the rest of him was in there too.

Seconds later, the view outside was blocked by a gigantic glass of water shortly before the small river of liquid engulfed both him and the small pill. For a moment, he felt vertigo as he was washed backwards before he found himself in pure darkness as her lips sealed tightly shut.

Not a moment later, he found himself being swallowed down her gullet.


Wonder Woman passed the glass back to Doctor Wexler who took it and placed it down next to the radio.

“What happens now?” the Amazon asked.

Diana wouldn’t admit it, but she was concerned. She feared that Atom could find himself in distress. If he did find himself in trouble, she knew that there was absolutely nothing she could do to help him.

“We wait,” the doctor answered with a sigh.

After a minute or so of uncomfortable silence, there was a crackle from the radio before Ray’s voice came from the speaker.

I’m in,” he said.

“Good luck,” Wonder Woman said in return.

Thanks. I’ll update you once I find something.”

Diana webbed her fingers as she rested them on her stomach. She hoped whatever he did, he did it soon because she was starting to feel uncomfortably bloated and her guts felt hot as though she had consumed far too many spices.

“I’m sure he’ll be successful,” the doctor said.

“I hope so,” Diana answered.

She really did. She would hate for The Atom to shrink down and have to endure her insides for nothing.

Little did she know, he would rather enjoy it and in the end, so would she.

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