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Author's Chapter Notes:

gts vore / romance rewrites of much of the episodic television content of “Land of the Giants, ” (which was produced in 1968-1969 but set in 1983-1984) in which I explain the link between the Valley of the Giantesses that we know from past chapters and the Land of the Giants.

I have replaced Betty Hamilton with a character of my own called Liz. I've also replaced the original male character from the LAND OF THE GIANTS episode "Ghost Town" with a giantess named Nora. I've replaced Berna (from the "Wild Journey" episode of LAND OF THE GIANTS) with a character of my own called Dalia. And a few other one shot characters from Land of the Giants have been replaced with my own creations.

“You’re such a fast learner, Button Bright. Maybe I should call you Mutton Mite,” laughed Cuisinella, stirring him around a little in amongst the sauce, “Now you can see why it had to be a private lesson.”


“I surely can,” said Button Bright.


“It’s time to season you up a little,” she said, opening a jar of herbs, “Do you have any regrets?”


“Well I’m not completely happy with all of your choices of ingredients, but I do want you to know that I’m still your biggest fan.”


“You’re actually my smallest one now,” she laughed, as her dainty fingers moved closer to the saucepan and sprinkled herbs down onto him and the rest of the mixture, “But I appreciate the compliment.”


“Well I’m your tongue’s best fan anyway,” said Button Bright.


“Thank you for coming,” she said.


“Thank you for HAVING ME, pun intended,” said the boy.


Cuisinella giggled with delight.


“You’re taking it very well,” she said.


“I don’t know how well I’ll do when it comes to the end,” said Button Bright.


“You’ll do fine,” she said, “Being eaten’s a lot simpler than doing the cooking. You just lie back and let it happen to you.”


“I think you’ll be more relaxed doing the eating,” said Button Bright.


“So do I,” said Cuisinella, “Now let’s see… Yes, this rice is looking nicely done. It’s soaked in all the water.”


She spooned the rice into a large dish and placed it on the bench.


“Now it’s time to add Button Bright sauce,” said Cuisinella, lifting his saucepan over to the bench. She carefully emptied the sauce over the rice, with Button Bright about to leave the pot as well.


 “Try to keep your head above the surface, even after your soft landing,” said Cuisinella, and helped Button Bright out of the saucepan with the spoon, “… Well done, young man. Now I’d better give you a good show for your troubles.”


Cuisinella licked the spoon for his benefit several more times, and then quickly washed everything up in the sink. She carried the dish to the table, along with a clean spoon and set it down in her place.


“I’ll be back with some drinking water in a moment,” she said, and walked out of the room to return shortly after with a jug of water and a glass.


“I’d like to know if it turned out alright,” she said, “You can taste it yourself, you know.”


“Thank you,” he said, and placed a single piece of rice and the tasty sauce into his mouth and ate it, “… It’s very good, Cuisinella.”


“I’m sure the meat will be even better,” she said.


He watched Cuisinella’s hand lift the spoon to her awaiting mouth several times, and saw her enjoying the meal, until she had eaten everything but himself.


She drank a glass of water to clean out her mouth, and then poured another glass.

Then she picked Button Bright up and licked him several times, until he had no more sauce on him. After that, she drank the second glass of water, and then her tongue was once again clean.


“It looks like there’s only one more mouthful of this dish left,” she said mischievously.


“It seems so,” said Button Bright.


“You’ve been a terrific student, and now you’ll be a terrific mouthful,” said Cuisinella, “Goodbye young fan.”


“Goodbye Cuisinella,” said Button Bright.


Cuisinella licked the boy a few more times.


“Button down the hatch,” she said at last.


Cuisinella extended her tongue, placed him onto her outstretched tongue and drew him into her mouth with it. He remained in there for a few minutes, and then the cooking teacher he’d admired for so long drew him into her throat and gulped with satisfaction.

In a few days, Alice had used her experience of tea parties from Wonderland, to organise an outdoor one for Mrs Grimble. She had told the Mock Turnip which seat she would offer to Mrs Grimble, so that the Mock Turnip could position himself suitably in the garden to gain a good vantage point.


The Mock Turnip waited eagerly, and was truly besotted with the sight of Mrs Grimble’s lovely mouth as she came walking through Alice’s garden and took her place at the seat as Alice had planned. He watched her talking and eating and drinking with Alice for a while, and then walked out and revealed himself.


“Hello little fellow. Who are you?” asked Mrs Grimble.


“May I present the Mock Turnip,” said Alice, “He wanted me to introduce the two of you.”


“Did he indeed?” asked Mrs Grimble with a great sense of curiosity, “And why did you wish to meet me, Mr Turnip?”


“I have always wanted to be eaten by a giantess,” said the Mock Turnip, but I can only be eaten on one single occasion”


“That can be a drawback for the one being eaten,” conceded Mrs Grimble politely.


“Only if I failed to offer myself to the most beautiful giantess with the most magnificent mouth I could ever find. From what your daughter told me, I was already intrigued, and as soon as I saw you, I knew for certain that there can be no mouth more beautiful, no neck more dainty, no stomach more inviting and no eyes more jovial about the whole idea than yours,” said the Mock Turnip.


“Well aren’t you quite the little charmer?” said Mrs Grimble gratefully, “Even my dear beloved Jack was never so willing. It would be my pleasure to gobble you all up at your earliest convenience.”


“I can assure you it will be my pleasure too,” said the Mock Turnip, “It’s just a matter of coordinating it.”


“I’d be happy to help,” said Alice, “I’ll invite Serena and Pipe Eddy and White Robert out on a long hike with me. We’ll go through the Valley, further than the eye can see, and camp out overnight. That way, you two can have your dining pleasure undisturbed.”


“Thank you very much,” said Mrs Grimble.


“Indeed,” said the Mock Turnip.



A few days later, the Mock Turnip walked into Mrs Grimble’s castle and saw her seated in her front room.


“Hello,” she said, getting up and walking over to pick him up, “It’s good to see you, little darling.”


She sat back down and held him in front of her face.


“I know. Thank you so much for doing this, Mrs Grimble.”


The lovely looking giantess stared at him, her eyes almost leaping out of her face with mirth at this unique offer that had been made to her with such enthusiasm, as she thought of all the boys who had sought to escape being the meals she had so happily made of them. This adorable human delicacy was unprecedented.

“Jack and I aren’t married,” she thought, and impulsively kissed the Mock Turnip quickly, and then withdrew her lips and beamed at him from only normal sized meters away, letting him come to rest his feet on the top of the back of the couch where she sat.


“You are the most wonderful woman that ever lived,” said the Mock Turnip, “May I kiss you now?”


He saw her close her eyes and slowly bring her slightly tilting head towards him, so that her lips were within easy reach. He pressed his face against her lower lip and enjoyed the feel of it for what must have been several minutes. She enjoyed it too, knowing what was soon to come. She would never leave Jack, but for a widow, a kiss (shared between her and someone who had just offered to be her next meal) was a mutual expression of gratitude and expectation from both of them.


She soon lay down on the couch and let him climb all over her stomach and her arms, exploring the limbs that had picked him up and held him, and the stomach that would be his new home. He climbed along her arm, across her shoulder, lay on her neck and kissed it, and then climbed up to her cheek and snuggled against it. They talked for most of the afternoon, and then he noticed the sun going down.


“Would you like to get me ready now?” he offered.


“I was hoping you’d ask,” she said.


“In your position, you don’t really need to wait for permission,” he said.


“That’s true indeed,” she said happily, and carried him to the kitchen.


“How are you going to go about it?” he asked.


“I thought I might surprise you,” she said, and opened the refrigerator and took out a bowl of home made jelly that had only partly begun to set. She placed him gently into it, so that he was lying comfortably on an angle, with his head sticking out.


“Do you feel the cold much?” she asked.


“I like it,” said the Mock Turnip.


“Alright then. We’ll go with this arrangement. Get some sleep if you like. I’m going to take a walk in the garden, and hopefully you’ll be set into the jelly in about an hour’s time. I’d like to catch the sunset in all its beauty, while I’m thinking about my approaching dinner.”


He lay down and drifted in and out of pleasant dreams about being eaten by the beautiful giantess, and then she came back, took him to the table, sat down and began spooning jelly into her mouth. It was the nature of hardened jelly not to stick too tightly to the Mock Turnip, and to easily slide off Mrs Grimble’s tongue. She used her lips to draw the last few bits of jelly from him, and then they were both as clean as they’d been before.


To his exhilaration, Mrs Grimble’s tongue came out and licked the Mock Turnip a number of times. Then, without either of them feeling any need to say any parting words, she slid him into her mouth and swallowed him quickly.

Willie Tinkerer made some more of his Wonder Beans and grew a beanstalk in his own garden. He went up it and emerged in a different part of the Valley of the Giantesses. Being a night owl, he liked to sleep in the day, but couldn’t drop off with so much harp and pipe music going on in the valley. He invented the first sleeping pill, and finally dropped off. He awoke when a beautiful giant older woman found him and said she was a scientist named Anthea, who was working on a formula to enlarge food. Willie Tinkerer offered to help her, hoping to make a good impression on the beautiful woman, and explained that he invented the sleeping pill to dodge the harp and pipe music.


“But that hasn’t been heard for hundreds of years,” said Anthea, “The musical romance between Serena and Pipe Eddy was legendary in this Valley’s history.”


Willie Tinkerer realised that he had gotten the potency wrong and had subsequently slept in suspended animation in the garden for hundreds of years. Anthea questioned him for ages about science and was convinced he could help her. They perfected a formula, which when sprinkled on fruit and vegetables enlarged them dramatically.


“Now we can put this on the market,” said Willie.


“And let a visitor from another planet take much of the credit for something I’ve been working on for years,” said Anthea, “Oh no. There’s one piece of food that doesn’t need to be enlarged.”


“What would that be?” asked Willie.


“Wee Willie Tinkerer came into town.

Along came Anthea to gobble him down,” said Anthea, and wasted no time in doing so.




Back on earth, it was now 1983, and the All American Youth Flight, was soon to take off from L.A. Airport. The passengers were waiting in the VIP room: Nick, Joey, Dolf, Harper and a younger boy named Barry.


Barry was telling the stewardess Liz about some cousins he was expecting would take him in at London.


“I’m sure they will, honey. And if they don’t, I’ll take you home with me, and you’ll never be an orphan again,” said Liz.

Into the room came Captain Steve Burton and announced that it was time for the passengers to board the flight.

None of them knew anything about the Swift Mist, which had enabled Gary Gulliver to reach Brobdingnag centuries earlier and fall in love with Glumbdalclitch. It was actually not a green mist, as Gulliver and the Queen had suspected, but a warp. Over the centuries, the warp had floated up from the sea and settled in a suborbital position.


Flight 612, in the Spindrift spaceship was sucked through the warp and landed in a large valley in the middle of the night. Steve left the ship’s landing lights on, in order to get his bearings. Suddenly he saw a huge pair of female legs and the bottom of a green dress step into view in front of the cockpit. Spindrift was lifted up by a beautiful giant woman, who must surely have been a model. She stared into the cockpit at Steve, amazed at his size. Steve revved the engines up to maximum speed, and finally pulled away from the giantess and crashed the ship in the forest.

He explained the situation to the passengers and Liz, and went out to explore. Suddenly he unwittingly stepped onto a net, which sprang up and closed around him, keeping him dangling from a tree branch. He was found by a beautiful giantess, at least ten years older than him, who had set the trap, and taken to the house she owned.

She put him into a beaker and then held it over a fire to heat him up a little.

“I’ve been trying to catch a little man like you for years, ever since I read the diary of my great ancestor Olda, who once ate a young man named Nils in this house,” she said, and finished cooking Steve and then ate him.


The next day, with Steve gone, Nick assumed the leadership of the group and they set out exploring until they came to a village of normal sized buildings. They were glad to be home, until Joey tried to make a phone call and found the whole booth picked up by a giant girl who smiled in at him, licking her lips.


She took him to show to her Grandmother, a pretty middle aged giantess named Nora, who was working on her model village project.


“I know,” said Nora, “I’ve found some of my own little people too. Now I must go inside and get some more tiny furnishings for them. Your job from now on is to guard them, so that they don’t run away.”


Nora went inside.


“I’ll never have time to enjoy myself now,” said the girl, “I’ll eat you, you little insects, and I’ll eat you good! What a pity you’re going to have such short lives!”


She put out her tongue right in front of Joey, making an accompanying sneering sound, licked the boy and forced him into her mouth.


The others began to scatter, and the girl started chasing them carefully, to avoid damaging her grandmother’s pet project.


“She’s right on top of us!” said Dolf to Harper.


The girl snatched Harper up, and dangled him over her open mouth.


“Granddaughter!” said Nora furiously, returning to catch the girl about to eat Harper.


The girl put Harper down and shrieked as Nora proceded to spank her. The little people took an opportunity to run away during the scuffle.


They returned to the Spindrift and made it their base camp. One day Dolf was out exploring the Valley, when he was found by a beautiful giant woman.


“My boyfriend’s your size. He’s out on a long flight,” she said.


“Is he a pilot?” asked Dolf, wondering if the pilot could get them home, since nobody could fly the Spindrift in their group with Steve gone.


“No. He flies without any vehicle,” said the giantess, “He comes from a place called Neverland, where he spent so many years that he had been left with no aging process. He was forever a teenaged boy. I came from the Land of Oz, which has the same effect on preventing me from aging past my thirties. We both came here hundreds of years ago, and have been in love ever since. Since he never reached adulthood, we never married, but we’ve always enjoyed kissing and cuddling each other in the unique way that applies to people of our differing sizes. My name is Miss Yoop.”


“It must be wonderful to have lived happily ever after for hundreds of years,” said Dolf, who thought she was lovely.


“It is,” she said, “Although I haven’t enjoyed my favourite food for many years.”


“What food is that?” he asked.


“A little boy,” said Miss Yoop.

 “But you’ve lived so long, and I’ve only lived less than 20 years. How can you eat me?”


“It’s quite simple actually,” she teased, “First I add whipped cream, then stir slowly for a few minutes, serve at room temperature, lick the cream from your features and then swallow you whole.”


Further explanation of what happened next would be superlative.


Another day, Nick was walking in the Valley, when he saw a beautiful older woman sitting picnicking with her daughter. The daughter saw him and chased him and caught him.


“Careful not to hurt him Lena,” said the woman, “It’s good of you to catch him for me. I’m sure he’ll taste nicer intact.”


“Are you going to eat me?” asked Nick.


“My name is Mrs Fayte. I'm a widow, and yes, little lad. I am indeed going to eat you. But first let me tell you how I got the idea. Hundreds of years ago, a girl named Alice came from your land to this one with her admirer named the White Robert, whom she had almost eaten several times. She and Robert fell in love for years. One day Alice decided to go to the Queen’s palace and meet the Queen, who was holding a ball. Robert went through a special mirror that leads from her house to a little place called Looking-Glass Land, and from there, he returned through Wonderland to his own home for the few days that Alice was expected to be away. When he and Alice returned to the house, Alice told him that she had met the great love of her life and gotten engaged. She finally satisfied her long suppressed desire to eat the White Robert, got married and kept this house in the family all through the centuries. I am a direct descendant of Alice, and have heard the story of Alice and Robert passed down through the ladies of the family for centuries too. To me, the name White Robert always made me think that he was like a little white mouse, and that I should be like a big cat, if I could only find myself a mouse sized boy to eat, just as my ancestor had done. When I told my daughter of this, Lena nicknamed me the Cheshire Catwoman.”


“I have a Nick name too,” said Nick.


“What is it?” asked the Cheshire Catwoman.


“Nicholas,” said Nick.


The Cheshire Catwoman gave a beautiful laugh.


“I’m amazed you can joke in a situation like this,” she said, “You’re really going to make the Purr-fect picnic lunch for me.”


“In all seriousness, I don’t think it’s fair,” said Nick.


“Fairness no longer comes into it with me,” said the Cheshire Catwoman, “My husband and son fell through an opening in the ground and were lost. I had a companion for myself and a father for my daughter. Now I have neither, but I do have a delicious meal for my mouth.”


Before he could say anything more, the Cheshire Catwoman stuffed Nick into her mouth and gulped him into her throat.

 “No!” yelled Nick, struggling and stretching and kicking against her throat from the inside, “If you only let me out, I can help!”


Somewhat intrigued, Cheshire Catwoman coughed Nick back up, and took him out of her mouth.


“Tell me what you mean,” she said.


“I could be a new husband for you, and a stepfather for Lena,” said Nick.


“But why would you want to do that? You’re so young. I’m 33,” said the Cheshire Catwoman.


“And you’re very pretty,” said Nick, “If we courted for a while, I’d love to marry you as soon as I’m old enough.”


“Are you really in love with me, or are you just trying to save yourself?” she asked.


“Well both,” he said, “I admit that I don’t want to be eaten that much, but I really believe that a romance between us would be the best chance of happiness for you and your little girl and for me.”


“What do you mean by ‘that much’?” asked the Cheshire Catwoman.


He realised that she had locked onto two words that he had said.


“Well your mouth looks and felt great,” said Nick.


“Now I do believe you are sincere,” said the Cheshire Catwoman, “Why don’t you enjoy it some more while Leeda and I are walking home? I’ll have to think about your proposal. If I decide to say no, I’ll let you know with a few hearty gulps in a direction which I think you can guess. If I decide to accept, I’ll take you out of there when we get to the house.”


She helped Nick gently back into her mouth. He lay on her tongue awaiting her answer, and soon her mouth opened, and she took him out and snuggled him against her cheek.


“We’ll see how things go,” she said.


Harper and Barry still to go.


On another day, Harper and Liz were exploring the Valley of the Giantesses, when they came to Anthea's house, snuck inside and found her laboratory, including a formula labelled ENLARGEMENT FLUID and a biscuit that was as big as a giant box.


“If we could get some of this fluid to our own food supplies, we’d never run out,” said Liz, “I’m going to give it a try.”


“Not me,” said Harper, “If the giantess finds us, we could end up in a bottle being fed three times a day like six inch oddities. She’s a scientist. To her we might well just be specimens.”


Harper returned to the Spindrift and met Barry.


“Where’s Liz?” asked the boy, still very much in love with the woman who had once offered to adopt him.


“We found a formula that makes things real big. Liz stayed to try to find a container small enough to bring it back and enlarge our food supply to giant size,” said Harper.


“I don’t believe it,” said Barry.


“You’d better believe it!” said Liz, towering in front of their base camp, “The giant scientist has created this amazing formula. I ate it, and voila, here I am.”

“Is there an antidote?” asked Harper.


“I don’t know,” said Liz.


“Of all the foolish things,” said Harper, “What happens when we find another pilot for the ship?”


“Well I like that!” said Liz, “Mr Harper, anyone can see that you’ll never find another pilot now. We’ve lost most of our original group, starting with the Captain. I intend to find somewhere nice to live and spend my remaining days in comfort as a giantess in a giant land.”


Liz walked off slowly but confidently.


Barry started after her, running as fast as he could.


“They were good friends,” thought Harper, and left Barry the chance to say goodbye.


“Liz, wait!” called Barry, hoping she would stop before she outdistanced him.


“Barry!” she said, turning around and kneeling down in front of him, “I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you. I’m sure you don’t think I’m foolish.”


“No. I’ve always had a crush on you, and I think you look even more lovely as a giantess.”


“Barry, I never knew! Would you like to come with me then?”


“I’d like that more than anything,” said Barry.


For days, Liz carried Barry with her. By nights she slept on the grass, with Barry snuggled against her cheek or her neck.


One day, Betty brought the food shortage problem to Barry’s attention.


“It is difficult, Liz,” said Barry.


“I’m beginning to envy the girl who ate Joey,” said Liz, “Right now I’m sure that a little boy would taste very nice and fill me up too. I’ve always liked you too, Barry, and I think I’d like you even more in my tummy.”


“But that girl was a giant. She didn’t mind what happened to Joey.”


“I’m effectively one of the giants too now, Barry. Being their size is all it takes.”


“But you’ve been the stewardess all the time I’ve known you. You’ve always helped to keep us boys safe.”


“I know, Barry, but the problem is that you’re still safe, and I’m still hungry.”


“But …,” said Barry, unable to think how to dissuade her.


“You don’t know how to get out of this, do you?” giggled Liz.


“No, I guess I don’t, Liz,” said Barry.


“Well just don’t struggle, and you’ll go down more comfortably,” she said.


“I’ll try,” said Barry.


“There’s a good boy,” she said.


“Liz, would it be alright if I kissed you goodbye?”


“Of course it would, honey. We’ve been dearest friends for a long time.”


To ask her why then, was she eating him, seemed to Barry to serve only to spoil the last special moment he would ever have with her. He kissed her giant cheek and whispered to himself, “If you only knew how much I loved you.”


“I heard that,” she said, which only then reminded him of how close her cheek was to her ear, “I love you too, Barry. If only I wasn’t so hungry. Still, I suppose it can’t be helped. Will you be a good boy and climb onto my tongue?”


“I guess so,” said Barry, and watched Liz’s mouth open.


"Good. Soon you'll never be an orphan again," said Liz and re-opened her mouth.


He gazed in at her sparkling tongue, which reached into the back of her mouth. He climbed in and lay down, finding that he was not as long as the visible part of her tongue. He slid back and forwards for a while, until Liz gagged and gulped. As Barry reached her stomach and felt the tingling sensation of his body dissolving, Liz felt the nourishment of his presence and remembered him fondly.

Harper was now all alone. He went out foraging for food and then came back and saw a giantess holding the ship, peering into it.

She noticed him, and threw down the ship.


“So there’s the occupant of this tiny vehicle. Now at last I’ll have one of you little people for my lunch!” she said, and began running after him.


He darted into the bushes and avoided her searching, until he ran into a beautiful woman wearing a dark brown almost black jumper with a red vest and a short pale brown skirt. She had dark hair and a very attractive look in her eyes.


“You’re my size,” she said.


“Got you at last!” called a voice from above, and the woman saw the giantess reaching down for them and screamed suddenly, which gave Harper a far more immediate and clear view inside her own mouth than the giantess’s.


The girl raised some small silver hand tool and pressed a button. Suddenly Harper and the girl were teleported away from the giantess and appeared in a nice park scaled to their own size.


“That’s a remarkable gadget you’ve got there,” said Harper.


“It’s called an STM, or Size & Teleportation Mechanism. It’s taken us through both space and time. We are now near my home in my time: the year 5477. I’m Dalia.”


Harper was amazed. Not only had she gotten him back from the Valley of the Giantesses, out of Brobdingnag altogether, but she had also taken him into his future, her present.


They courted and dated for weeks, as she put him up in her spare room. One day he asked if they could go out together. She said she was one of the Time Scouts, whose job it was to both explore time and identify any illegal alterations of history. She showed him her Modifcation Scanner, which she would run once a month, to check for alterations to the time scheme. It highlighted the fact that Dalia’s own interference in the time stream had altered history, as Harper had been eaten by the giantess who’d found the Spindrift in the original timeline.


“I’ll have to take you back,” said Dalia, and clicked her STM, but nothing happened.


“Of course. I can’t fix it this way. If I take us back with this, the giantess will catch me too, and my future will be altered. The STM can’t be used in such a way, when it’s in close proximity to the scanner. It doesn’t matter though, as long as you end up eaten rather than continuing on as my boyfriend.”


“I’m not going back to Brobdingnag to be eaten,” said Harper and ran out of the house and headed for the park where he’d first arrived with Dalia three weeks earlier.


She soon caught up to him and said, “You must be eaten. It’s a part of history to me,” said Dalia.


“Well nobody can make me do that now,” said Harper, stepping off into the bushes to elude her.


“I’m sorry my young boyfriend, I can still do this,” said Dalia, and pointed the STM at him again.


He found himself a few inches into the bushes but now at tiny size. He remembered the rest of what STM stood for: SIZE & Teleportation Machine. She had shrunken him. She was now like a giantess to him. He remembered the view of her mouth when she had screamed. Her thick pink tongue had looked wonderful to him, but in this context it would be a pathway to …


He knew now that she intended to set time right by eating him herself.


She stepped towards the bushes and knelt down and then lay on her stomach smiling at him, with a beautiful but menacing look in her lovely eyes.


He started backing away from her, into the bushes that were partly concealing him already.


“You gained absolutely nothing by running away from me,” she said, “Now step on out of there, and I’ll gobble you down as gently as I can, and history will be reset on its correct course, which for me will be a main course.”


“I’ll take my chances hiding in these bushes,” said Harper.


“You’re out of your mind,” said Dalia, and began crawling in after him.


He ran for all he was worth until Dalia closed in and caught him.


“Well my little boyfriend, you led me quite a merry chase, didn’t you?”


“Why can’t you just leave me here as your full sized boyfriend?”


“Because that’s not my primary concern. I am to do nothing and allow nothing to change the past. Besides, you do look very nice.”


She sat up and gave him a giant kiss goodbye, and then pushed him into her mouth. He slid around on her enthralling pink tongue for a while, and then she tilted her head back and began to swallow him. It was the wildest journey he’d ever had.


Chapter End Notes:

Don't think that the original timezone of the Valley of the Giantesses has been left behind. Upcoming chapters may well return to the days of Mrs Grimble, Jack, Alice and all their friends.

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