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Author's Chapter Notes:

A giantess asks an earthling to help her obtain some valuable gems.

While exploring a giant land in a newly discovered dimension, Tex met a beautiful giant woman named Kim.

“You could be just what I need to help me with something,” she said, “I found a small opening in the rocks up in the mountains, where nobody else has gone walking yet, as far as I know. Looking down, I could see lots of valuable gems. I put my hand in, but they were too low to reach. But I could lower you down with a long piece of string tied to a bag, and you could fill it a little, wait while I pull it up and lower it again, refill it and so on, until I’d transferred all of the gems to my backpack.”

The giantess was stunning, and Tex was keen to do anything to please her.

“Of course I’ll help,” he said.

“We’ll head out first thing in the morning for the hills. You can stay the night at my holiday house nearby,” said Kim, and picked him up and carried him.

They had dinner and talked together, and then she had her shower and then came back wearing a two piece bikini. She took him to her bedroom, got into bed and placed him between her enormous round breasts.

“You should be well cushioned in there, in case I accidentally roll or turn in my sleep,” said Kim, and they talked until she dropped off.

He fell asleep soonafter, and then the next thing he knew it was daybreak.

Kim put on a dress over her bikini, and then put the string and an empty narrow bag into her backpack, along with a towel and some lunch, and let Tex ride on her shoulder, until they reached the opening in the mountain rocks.

She sat down, placed Tex on the ground, and tied the string to the handles of the bag. Tex took a firm grip on the string, and then she lowered him down into the opening. He found the gems a bit of a strain to lift, as they were almost as tall as himself, but he soon had the bag just full enough to still fit through the opening above him. Kim pulled it up, emptied it into the backpack, and then sent it down for another load.

It took three loads to collect all of the jewels, and then the job was done. On the third load, she pulled him up as well, and transferred the bag and string themselves to the backpack.

“I’ll be rich for the rest of my life,” she said, “It was fortunate for me to find you before anyone else discovered that opening and found a way to excavate it. How about we take a dip in the stream a little further up, before heading back?”

She carried him on her shoulder again, and then put him down while she removed her dress, and then set him back on her shoulder, while she stepped into the stream. He held onto her hair while she swam a little, and enjoyed her company.

He felt relieved that he’d been able to complete the jewel collecting operation for her, and thought about how he could go about inviting a giantess on a date. Where did one take a giantess? She would probably have to take him.

When she returned to the grassy shore, she took out the towel and started drying herself off.

“Can you catch me, if you crawl on your arms and legs?” he called, and ran off.

“Easily,” said Kim, and finished drying and then came crawling after him.

When he heard her getting close, he turned and saw her approaching with a happy laughing face.

“That was fun,” he said, “I might have run faster, if I hadn’t used so much energy lifting those jewels.”

“Let’s replenish our energy with lunch,” said Kim, and took it out of the backpack.

After they’d eaten, she put on her dress again, as her bikini had fully dried off in the midday sun. She took him back home, and he felt elated that she had not simply dropped him off where she’d met him, now that the job was done.

She prepared dinner, and they soon sat at the table together, which in his case meant sitting on the table.

“There aren’t any restaurants in my world big enough for me to take you there,” said Tex, “But I was wondering if we could think of some other way to go on a date together.”

Kim washed down the last of her salad with a large glass of water.

“I wouldn’t be able to go on a date with you. I’m already seeing someone,” she said.

For a second or two, he felt a little bit used. However, he understood that she couldn’t have found any other way to obtain those jewels, and he had enjoyed her company throughout the venture. So he hadn’t lost anything in the bargain.

“I understand,” he said, “It’s a shame you can’t give me a giant kiss. Your mouth is so beautiful, but it can’t be helped.”

Kim’s hand drew close to him and encircled him in her fingers. She brought him up in front of her mouth and then opened her hand, so that he lay on her palm. She licked him very slowly and then drew her tongue back into her mouth.

“Oh Kim, that was even better than a kiss? Would you do that again a few more times?”

He saw her tongue coming out again and felt it sliding over his arms and shoulders and neck and face, and marvelled at its thick sparkling splendour. She performed this exhilirating gesture several times and then retracted her tongue once more.

“That was the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” said Tex, “Would I be able to come back here sometimes and ask you to give me some more lovely licks like that?”

“I think once is enough for me,” said Kim, “I’ll say goodbye now, and thank you so much for all your help today.”

She opened her mouth wide and placed him into it, so that he lay on her tongue.

He suddenly realised why she had licked him. Now that he had served his purpose in the mountains, Kim was going to eat him!

She closed her mouth behind him, and he was in darkness, with her moist tongue beneath him. There was nothing he could do. He obviously meant nothing to her beyond the task he had performed and the after dinner treat that he was about to become.

He was trapped in her mouth, both thrilled at the feeling of it and acutely aware of the imminent trouble he was in.

“Kim!” he called, “I did exactly what you wanted, because I fell in love with you on the spot. I know you can’t be my girlfriend, but don’t I deserve better than this?”

Kim arched her tongue up slightly and gulped him violently into her throat.

“We could look for more jewel caverns! I could help you again!” he cried out.

Kim gulped powerfully again, and he was drawn helplessly down her throat, as he recalled her saying that she would be rich for the rest of her life on the jewels that they had already found. She had no more need for him, save for the pleasure that she was obviously deriving from gobbling him down.

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