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Author's Chapter Notes:

Continued from chapter 13: Templeton romances Elena in the past, before she became a giantess.

“Honey, isn’t this discussion becoming a bit awkward?” said Elena

“I know it is, but I need an answer,” said Templeton.

“Well I guess there’s no harm in telling you, since it’s an academic matter anyway, given your enthusiasm about our upcoming holiday luncheon. If you hadn’t been so keen to cooperate, I’d have just made the most of it anyway, and reassured you that I’d gulp you down gently, and that it would all be over in a matter of weeks. In once sense, I’m really glad that we were on the same page, because you’ve been so friendly to me for these last two weeks. In another sense, I thought it would be fun to imagine that you were trying to escape our luncheon date, when we were playing our hiding and chasing game. For me, I guess it would have been equally enjoyable either way. I can tell you one thing though. If you hadn’t been so willing, and if I had known about these Timewater drains, I would have made sure that we played our little game on the other side of the school instead of here. There’d be no way for me to recapture you now. I’m glad you’re coming back of your own volition anyway. I thought it was so sweet of you the day you asked me to put you into my mouth for a while.”

“I think you’re as sweet a woman as I’ve ever known, and by far the most beautiful,” said Templeton, “When I first arrived here, I didn’t feel anything looking at the pretty girls, but when I got into the shop and saw you, I was infatuated beyond my wildest dreams.”

“Thank you!” said Elena.

“There’s just one thing though. After I’d been in your mouth and gotten near to the end of term, I had a sense of my time running out. I began to feel that being eaten would only duplicate the best part and then consign me to your tummy. I didn’t think much on it, because escape possibilities didn’t enter my head until you suggested our game today. Now that I’ve succeeded, I don’t think I want to come back and go the rest of the distance in your throat.”

“I understand,” she said, apparently as calm about his unwillingness to return as she had originally been about her decision to eat him without seeking his consent, “You should be alright back there until my younger self turns up in a year of your time. If you stay out of her way, and don’t let her see you, I guess you can visit here as often as you want. If you don’t, well then I guess I might (in my past form) have the chance to swallow you after all.”

“You’re not mad at me?”

“No. It’s just how these things turn out sometimes,” she said.

“Well I guess I’d better go and find somewhere dry. I suppose it’s not raining on earth 8 years in the past, if I’m lucky. I’ll go home and have a hot shower … except I can’t go home with my own younger self already there. I’ll have to find somewhere to dry off in this school.”

“I think I’ll just lie here and watch you until you’re out of sight. Farewell, little darling.”

“Farewell, beautiful giantess.”

He gave her a friendly wave and watched her face smiling through the drain affectionately. Then he turned and walked away.

He had only gone a few steps, when he turned again and ran back to the drain opening at his end.

“Elena! I’m so glad you’re still here. I hope you’re not upset at me for asking this, but did you have a boyfriend 8 years ago?”

“Not at that time,” she said.

“When you said I was deliciously cute, was that because of my relatively small size, or do you think your normal sized self would like me too?”

“Sure I would, but I’ll never be that small again. I can’t figure out what caused my growth, let alone undo it.”

“I know, but in this time, your growth hasn’t happened yet. I know you’ve already told me your younger self’s address, but I wanted to know how you’d feel about me asking her out.”

“She’d love to go out with you. You’re still 9 years younger than her.”

“The only thing is that I can’t just knock on the door of 31 Lyle Street and say “Hi, I’m from the future where you’re a giantess in a giant land who almost ate me. Now I’d like to go on a date with you’.”

“I’ll tell you how to set it up,” said Elena, “Remember I used to take that bushwalk all the time, every Saturday morning. Buy some rainbow cake, and you know my other favourite foods by now. Put them all in a picnic backpack and take the same walk yourself a little earlier in the morning than my 10am starts. Be set up on your picnic rug at the place where the walk meets the park at the end. When you see me coming through the end of the walk to the park, smile at her. Stand up and tell her you’ve accidentally brought too much food and invite her to help you get through it.”

“Oh thank you. It’s very considerate of you to tell me all this, given the circumstances.”

“If I can’t eat you now, I might as well help her to date you then,” said Elena, “You head off and enjoy yourself.”

“I love you,” he said.

“Goodbye again, little darling.”

He turned and started walking.

Elena called through the drain to him.


He went back to look through at her again.

“One more thought. I always took my swimmers under my clothes, and a towel in my backpack, so that I could sometimes swim in the river after the walk. You’re in shorts anyway. After you’ve both finished eating the picnic lunch, say the words, ‘I wish you’d brought your swimmers now. The water looks great.’ She’ll do the rest.”

“I’ll remember that too. I’ve still got the money that was in my wallet when I arrived here that day in your time. It will more than cover the food and picnic rug costs. I’ll buy a towel for myself too. I can’t get one from home…”

He suddenly laughed.

“What?” she asked.

“I just thought how silly it would be for younger you to meet younger me. He’s only 11 in this time period. 28 year old you wouldn’t be interested.

“I’m sure I’d have been interested in eating him, if I was giant sized by then,” she said, “I shall have dreams about eating you, I’m sure. Maybe … just maybe after you’ve been happy with her for a while, you might come back to me and let me go ahead with my original holiday luncheon. I’m not telling you how to be with her in order to bargain for that. I just can’t help wishing…”

“I know, and I’m flattered to be considered so appealing for you to gobble up. I very nearly went along with it right to the end.”

“I know you did. I wish you all the best.”

They made their third round of goodbyes, and then he went and found a place to dry off in the school grounds. He stayed there for another day, until the rain had passed, and then used the invisible portal to go to the earth of 8 years in the past. He looked quickly at a newspaper date in the newsagent, and saw that it was Thursday. He had to wait nearly two days until the Saturday. He returned to the giant world and got by on fallen food scraps dropped by giant girls, until the time came. Then he went to the shops on earth early, did the walk to the park at the end of the bush, and set himself up, until he saw Elena coming into view. She had her hair up this time. Without her giant 35 year old self’s pep talk, he would never have found the courage to look right at her and smile as she drew nearer. She smiled back, as he stood up.

“I love food, but I think in this case my eyes were bigger than my head and I’ve gone and overdone it a bit,” he said, “Would you like to join me for a picnic lunch and help me get through some of this?”

“Thank you. That would be lovely,” said Elena.

He watched her eating, this time from a different angle, acutely aware of what her mouth could have done if he’d been in 36 year old Elena’s present time.

His plans to swim with her went off like clockwork, nad they sat on the grass together afterwards. She dried herself off with the towel, but didn’t put her clothes back on over her bikini.

“I really like you,” said Templeton.

Elena smiled effervescently, blushing with glee.

“This is a bit awkward. How about we stand up?” she said.

He rose with her and looked down at her tummy, for once exposed to give him a full appreciation of what would have been in store for him if he hadn’t escaped 35 year old Elena. She had been almost 36. She might have even considered saving him up for a birthday dinner instead of eating him on the first day of the holidays. Now he would never know.

He put his arms around her and felt her doing the same, and then he kissed her and felt her huge lips pressing against his own, as he recalled the first day he had run his hand over her gigantic lower lip while standing on her shoulder.

He gave her his mobile telephone number, rather than his home number and address, knowing that there would be countless unanswerable questions if she ever called for him there. They dated over and over again for several weeks. He began calculating how much time he had left, before she would eventually turn 29 and find the invisible portal and become a giantess. That would be one bushwalk he could not accompany her on, unless he wanted to end up in her 29 year old self’s stomach.

The funny thing was that he was having the reverse of the reaction he’d had to being eaten when it was only days away. When he’d looked across the garden table at her giant white patterned dress, he’d considered that he was going to have the experience of being eaten by her, which aroused him beyond measure, but would miss out on the experience of dating her.

Now he was having the opposite realisation. He had done everything he could possibly have desired to do on the many dates with 28 year old Elena. But if he stayed here in this time, he would never have the thrill of being gobbled whole by her.

Things came to a head in his mind, when she asked him, “Why haven’t I ever been invited over to your house? We’ve had so many cuddles in my bed, but I’ve never even been through your front door. You’ve never told me where you live.”

“Well … there’s kind of someone else living there at the moment. It would be a bit hard to explain.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to be seen with me in front of your flat mates or something?”

“It’s not that at all. Let me think about it and I’ll try to explain next time.”


The next day, 28 year old Elena checked her letter box and found a hand delivered letter from Templeton.


Dear Elena, I am actually a time traveller.

I have no home address in your time, and

our last conversation has made me realise

that I can’t stay in your time forever.

You have made me so happy, and I love

you very much, but I have to leave your

time period now.

Love always,

Templeton xxx


Templeton returned to the giant land and the Timewater drains. He looked at all of the numbers on the sides and decided not to go through the 8 year drain to 36 year old Elena. She had asked him to consider returning to her to be eaten, but he thought that he could vary the experience a little. So he chose the drain marked with the number 4.


He went through on a sunny day and found it just as sunny in the new time period. This was where there now worked an Elena who was four years away from meeting him as a giantess when he first arrived and four years past having dated him on earth as a normal sized woman. She would not know that he was aware of her desire to swallow him, but would remember him from their days of dating.

He waited on the pathway which would take her from the Book and Tuckshop out of the school grounds at the end of a day, and then soon saw her walking along the path. She was wearing a long black short sleeved dress with flowers of various colours patterned all over it. He positioned himself where she would be able to see him and prepared to enjoy himself.

“Hello!” she said, “Would you believe I used to be a woman your size on earth where I came from?”

“Of course I would, Elena. It’s me, Templeton!”

“Is this your real time?”

“Not quite. I’m still 4 years in my past, but from my point of view, I dropped that letter in your mailbox in the last 2 days.”

“Won’t you be cute to date now!”

“Until you tired of the idea,” he said.

“Well who says I would? It was you who tired of dating me when I was 28.”
“No. I just wanted to date you closer to my natural time period, but you’re a giantess now.”

“A year or so after you disappeared, I found a portal into here and somehow grew into a giantess.”

“And now that you are a giantess, do you think you might ever decide to eat me?”

“I think I would, but not until we’ve gone out for a great many dates.”

“Well you won’t be able to eat me, because you’d have to catch me?”

“Do you think so? Well we’ll see about that,” she said, stepping towards him.

He backed into the flowerbed and continued backing away, looking up as she stooped over and looked down in at him.

She soon brought her hand down and snatched him up gently and took him home. It was the first time he’d seen her giant house, as 35 year old Elena going on 36 had never taken him out of the school grounds. She sat with him and gave him gigantic kisses for several minutes.

“You really have the loveliest lips,” he said, “It’s worth being gobbled up for this.”

“I’m glad you think so,” she said, “For you certainly shall be when the time comes.”

They had more dates, with Elena dressed in a different appealing giant outfit each time: a long white evening gown, a creamy brown dress, jeans and a black V-neck jumper, a bikini this time with her hair down, and a long black dress.

On the day she was ready to eat him, she wore a long white skirt and a sleeveless pale pink top. He now willingly but secretly embraced everything she was going to do, as he looked up at her gently preparing him on the kitchen bench, placing him into the oven and sitting on a chair in front of it while he warmed up.

He admired her beyond comprehension as she took him to the table, licked her lips from side to side, stuck her tongue out at him several times, licked him from waist to forehead over and over and then opened her mouth wide. There had been so much more in this experience than his trial in her mouth had yielded four years into this Elena’s future.

Elena was laughing ecstatically as she opened her mouth wide and let him look in at her yawning tongue. He saw what was awaiting him, looked down at her neck again for a few seconds, and then back into her mouth.

“Go on, in you go,” she said encouragingly, as she slid him over her lip and into her mouth.

He lay on her tongue knowing that this time there would be no reprieve…. because he had chosen to place himself in this situation and had no regrets. He slid around on her tongue, and looked towards the back of her mouth to her awaiting maw. Suddenly she drew him into her throat with uncompromising pressure and continued to gulp, until he made his way all the way down into her awaiting stomach.

Four years later, 36 year old Elena put all the pieces of the past together in her mind and smiled.

“Thank you little darling. You did come back to me after all,” she said aloud happily. She now knew that he had been role playing when he baited her 32 year old self into chasing him from the pathway through the flowerbed, that he had come back willingly to be eaten by her 32 year old self, after her 28 year old self had responded to all of his romantic advances. She would treasure her experiences in all 3 time periods forever.


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