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Author's Chapter Notes:

Becca:  My name's Becca.

Dr. Walker:  It's nice to make your acquaintance, Becca.  I would love to answer your questions...but first, why don't you tell me how you heard about the R&R study?

Becca:  ..R&R?

Dr. Walker: Reduction and Relocation Laboratories.  

Becca:  Oh, right; well...I know this may sound strange...cause it was definitely strange to me...but my friend Krystal told me about it; she found this number written down on the wall of one of the ladies room stalls at my--well…I mean her school.

Dr. Walker: Oh, interesting.  Give me just a moment....

Becca: ....

Dr. Walker: ...Okay then…so I see that....hmm...you must be.....oh yes here it is; I assume you’re calling either from Connecticut or New York?

Becca:  Yeah, it’s New York.  How did you know that?

Dr. Walker: It’s what our awareness initiative paperwork tells me.  I tasked several of my interns with spreading the word about the experiments and gave each of them regions of the country that I believed to be an appropriate demographic for these types of experiments.  We've had some of the girls circulate special puzzle-type flyers, flyer tear-offs, and some other very creative reaches.  It looks like Amanda oversaw your region.Her notes here say that she chose several progressive universities who had higher female attendance and more focus in the arts and she arranged for notes to be left in select restrooms. 

Becca: Oh, I see.  …so, what is it exactly that you're trying to accomplish? It's too embarrassing for me to say but my friend told me a little bit about what you’re trying to do.

Dr. Walker: You’re looking for a succinct answer and I will do my best to deliver. Although fair warning…I often get carried away! it sounds like you already have an idea of what we do here so I will cut to the chase. 


I am of the strengthening belief that, for a growing number of reasons, the female rear end has remarkable candidacy as a suitable housing environment for a size-reduced male. To be perfectly honest, it may be THE suitable environment.  I have formed this belief over the past several years and have managed to confirm many of my suspicions and hypotheses with empirical data.  I suspect that, if encouraged, a majority of size-reduced males would eventually come to accept and perhaps even embrace the environment of the female rear if only given enough time and exposure.  Once effective biological conditioning methods and dependencies could be verified and established, the next phase would be…you know, I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, aren’t I? I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you.

Becca: ....

Dr. Walker: Becca, are you still there?

Becca: …Wow…Krystal was right.  You...seriously want to shrink people and put them...in girls' butts?

Dr. Walker: Well, it would seem like that is a much more succinct way of putting it, Becca...but yes; your friend was correct.

Becca: ....How does that even work though?  Like...why someone's butt?

Dr. Walker: Due to some genetic constraints I won’t bore you with, it was determined early on that designating women as the keepers of size-reduced males was the most pragmatic arrangement. This decision was somewhat obvious, but we deliberated for some time on the method and conditions of care.  Ultimately, the rear end won out over some other really great ideas. Not without its downsides, some obvious and some subtle, the female rear end possessed all the desirable attributes for housing:  the buttocks are sufficiently soft, large, and cushioned so as to keep the size-reduced males safe even in high-movement and impact conditions. Additionally, the cleavage formed by the buttocks forcing in on one-another is such that the size-reduced male is not capable of becoming dislodged, either by accident or otherwise.  This remains true for static stance, dynamic movement cases, and its obviously exceedingly true for "sitting" and “laying” cases as when the buttocks are under high compression.  The temperature between the buttocks is not so elevated as to permanently damage the size-reduced male, but adequate to regulate the size-reduced male’s body temperature…a natural ability lost as a consequence of the size reduction.

Becca: I just...I don't understand...how do you get people to even--

Dr. Walker: --volunteer to be shrunken?  That’s a common question, and it's a good one!  Our method of acquiring males, whom we call “subjects”, is comparable in ways to how we get females, whom we call Participants: we attract them through very generous compensation.

Becca: Yes, my friend told me that you guys pay...but how can you afford that?

Dr. Walker: Much of this study is confidential. Some aspects even interns and fellow scientists are not permitted to know, let alone potential Participants....no disrespect intended. Let’s just say that the study is...independently funded.  I apologize but I must leave it at that.

Becca:  Ok…

Dr. Walker: So, I take it the compensation is what persuaded you to contact us?

Becca: Umm...yes, mostly.

Dr. Walker: May I ask what you were told?

Becca: My friend told me it was $200 for the week.

Dr. Walker: She is right! That is our going compensation rate for a 1-Week CTL.

Becca: 1-Week CTL?

Dr. Walker: Oh, apologies. 1-Week Commitment Term Length. $200 flat rate for one week of participation where the subject spends a pre-established amount of time wedged between your buttocks. Is that something you would be interested in?

Becca: Well, um…I'm curious about a few other things first...do you pay the shrunken person too?

Dr. Walker: Of course.  The subjects are compensated 45% of the Participant's 1-Week rate.

Becca: Well, I suppose I feel a little better about it if they are getting paid too…but wait a minute…the shrunken person has to spend that time in the girl’s butt...and you pay the girl more?  That seems kinda strange.

Dr. Walker: That's a good observation, Becca.  The reason we compensate the Participants more handsomely is because the success or failure of the experiment, and therefore the brunt of the responsibility, falls on their shoulders.  The accrual of admissible results of the experiment are contingent upon the participant's adherence to the standards and requirements.  Conversely, the subject does not have to do…well…anything.  Nothing is explicitly expected of him aside from sustaining a relatively healthy life, which again is almost entirely the responsibility of the participant.  Does that answer your question?

Becca:  Well...yeah...but it just creates so many more.  What are some of the responsibilities I would have if I became a participant?

Dr. Walker: That depends largely on what Commitment Term Length you select, and I believe you expressed interest in the week-long commitment?

Becca: Yeah, that's the one that I heard about from Krystal...but…it sounds like there are others?

Dr. Walker: Oh yes, many.  There’s actually a full Participant Roadmap of sorts, and it's broken up into three colored tiers.  It's a bit too much to get into over the phone, but I can give you an abridged version now and share the document at a later time if we ever meet. 


So, the Commitment Term Lengths, which I’ll go back to calling “CTL” for short…they start out at just one day. We pair up a subject, usually an experienced one, with a Participant for 24-hours and we ask that the Participant house the subject in accordance with R&R Lab requirements for a minimum of 3 hours.  There is no compensation for this CTL as it is meant more just for the Participant to get an understanding of and feel for the experiment. They essentially “rent” the subject for a short amount of time and return him.  Now, do you have any questions about the 24-hour CTL?

Becca:  You said “experienced”. Like they’d have done this before?

Dr. Walker: The subjects? That’s right.  There are subjects in our roster that we deem more suitable than others for assignment to a revolving queue of potential Participants. Our staff prides themselves on their ability to make these assessments about our subjects’ aptitudes.  Some subjects are meant for one Participant and one Participant alone while others are best suited for a new Participant every day.  It's not unlike the spectrum of male preferences in romantic relationships, but I digress. Anyway, these subjects are mostly paired with new Participants looking just to try things out.  Does that answer your question?

Becca:  Yeah, I get it.

Dr. Walker: Ok, great.  The first compensated CTL would be the 1-Week commitment, which it sounds like you are already familiar with.  As your friend stated, the Participant would receive $200 when she returns her subject at the end of the week.  

Becca:  And the subject too?

Dr. Walker: The subject is entitled to their compensation as well, yes. At that point, the arrangement is over, but the Participant is encouraged to extend to the next CTL.


Becca:  Whoa, a Participant can commit to keeping a tiny person in their butt for longer than a week?

Dr. Walker: If she so desires, yes! The next CTL is for 1-Month. The compensation increases from $200 to $350 a week for the full month.  With this option, the subject is in the Participant’s custody for 4x as long but they receive 7x the compensation!

Becca:  You…would pay me more, the longer I would...keep him there???

Dr. Walker: Oh yes, Becca. While any data we can acquire goes to great use here, we are extremely interested in longer CTL’s; we treasure long-term Participants as there is so much more to learn from them.

Becca: So…what?  We’re talking…like multiple months?

Dr. Walker: Multiple months…even multiple years.

Becca: Years?!?!?!  What…I mean…how...how much does that pay?

Dr. Walker:  Well, once you cross over into a 6-month CTL, the compensation increases to…let me check my printout…we may have changed our figure recently…ahh…$500 a week.  The highest CTL a new Participant can select would be our 1-Year CTL and that pays out at $800 per week.  

Becca: Oh my goodness!  $800 a week for a whole year? Just for keeping a boy in your butt?! Do you have anyone doing that?

Dr. Walker: For the sake of their privacy, we try not to divulge too much on the details of our Participants…certainly not prior to our formal meeting.  What I can tell you is that we do have at least one woman who has been with us for years and she continues to renew her commitment annually. She and her subject have been with us for a very long time…but we can never get enough Participants and subjects; we’re always looking to enlist more!  To be completely honest with you, Becca...our ideal participant would commit to lifelong participation.

Becca: Wow...and the boy?

Dr. Walker: Naturally, he would be linked to the Participant, spending a lifetime in her rear…and we would study the changes he undergoes or does not undergo as time goes by. There's no telling what kinds of secrets about the human body and psyche that their partnership could unlock for the future of humanity.  

Becca: I seriously just cannot believe this is real...it sounds too good to be true…the money, I mean.

Dr. Walker: Well, there is some fine print.  But honestly, I've probably answered more questions than I should have before we’ve even begun the preliminary screening process! I’m not quite as experienced at this anymore; we usually leave it up to the interns.  Would you be willing to answer a few questions for me?

Becca: Sure, doctor.

Dr. Walker: Ok great.  First question: do you intend on traveling internationally or anywhere within the continental United States by air during your participation?

Becca: No, not at all.

Dr. Walker: Alright, wonderful.  Age?

Becca: 19. I’ll be turning 20 on January 8th.

Dr. Walker: Oh, is that right?  Interesting!  It seems we share a birthday.

Becca: Oh really? How about that? What a crazy coincidence.

Dr. Walker: Yes, although mine came a few years before yours! How fun…two 1/8’s.  Anyway, let’s begin.  Do you have any allergies?

Becca: Just carrots.

Dr. Walker: Alright, no problems there.  Would you be opposed to taking medicine recommended or prescribed by the study?

Becca: Ummm...I suppose I’d be okay with it as long as I know what it is and what’s in it...

Dr. Walker: Oh, if that situation arises, please do not worry; all of that would be explained to you beforehand. Are you currently taking any medications or supplements?

Becca: Sometimes I drink protein shakes when I go to the gym; do those count?

Dr. Walker: We aren’t too concerned about those, but I appreciate you giving me all the information you can.  Do you smoke?

Becca: Yuck, no. 

Dr. Walker: Good!  Drink alcohol?

Becca: Sometimes on the weekends.

Dr. Walker: Are you sexually active?

Becca: Umm…its been awhile..maybe a few..umm–

Dr. Walker: –“Been awhile” is a perfectly acceptable answer.

Becca: Haha, okay thanks.

Dr. Walker: Are you diabetic or suffering from heart, lung, or kidney disease?

Becca: Not that I’m aware of, no. My mom has diabetes.  I know there are types but I’m not sure what kind she has. She’s always struggled with her weight.

Dr. Walker: Okay, I’ll make note of that; thanks, Becca. Are you now or have you ever suffered from any digestive, bladder, or bowel problems such as IBS, UTI’s, or Crohn’s Disease?

Becca: I don’t know what any of those are but no, I’ve never had any problems with that stuff.

Dr. Walker: Great; nice and simple.  Do you know your height and weight?

Becca: I’m 5’6” and I think around 135 lbs last time I checked.

Dr. Walker: And what do you do for a living?

Becca: I’m an art student at Pratt Institute..umm..was…well…still kind of am; just trying to figure out what I’m doing…but right now, I’m unemployed.

Dr. Walker: Okay Becca, I’ve saved the most uncomfortable part for last, but to proceed with this preliminary screening, protocol requires that I perform a pre-assessment on where the subject would be residing.  

Becca: …Are you saying you need to see my butt?

Dr. Walker: Yes.  I need to gauge its size and its softness, among other things.  As I said, it's preliminary.  The more in-depth screening would take place at a later time...this is just to ensure that I do not waste any more of your time.

Becca:  Ummm...ok…how do I show you?

Dr. Walker: Is this a cell phone you are calling me from?

Becca: Yes.

Dr. Walker: Okay, perfect. I am texting a 16-digit number to your phone.  If you can snap a picture of your rear, you can text it to that 16-digit number

Becca: ..oh...kay.....do I have to be...yaknow…

Dr. Walker: Yes...for this image, we ask that your rear end be fully exposed and unclothed.  This includes the removal of any nylon/stockings and even thong-style undergarments.  Please take three pictures: one where you are standing normally, feet shoulder width apart...the second with your buttocks flexed and/or standing on "tip-toe", and the final picture, I will need you to gently cup either your right or left buttock underneath and lift it 2-4 inches. I know it might be awkward to position, but try your best to ensure that both your buttocks are fully in the frame of the photographs. We need to get an idea of how large your buttocks are, how soft they are, and how deep the cleft between them is. Lastly, I will need you to acknowledge the agreement I have sent you via text message

Becca: Is this..absolutely necessary, doctor?  I mean, I can assure you that my butt is…well…big enough for this.  A boy in my highschool wrote a song on his guitar called “Badonkadonk Becca”.  I really didn’t like it, but I’d gladly sing it for you if you don’t believe me!

Dr. Walker: Becca, I’m sure you’re not lying. It's just a formality. I assure you, everything is encrypted and nothing is saved…Not another soul will see the images you send except for me, and they will be deleted immediately after viewing.  I will tell you, however, that during the formal screening, images will be taken and retained in the participant file log…but lets just worry about that when we get to it, hmm?

Becca: …Do I really have to?

Dr. Walker: Of course you don’t, dear. You don’t have to do ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable…This is entirely your choice.  Everything is your choice.  However, I’m sorry to say but this is necessary to continue. I wouldn’t want you to feel forced into anything so please feel free to decline if that is your preference, and there will be no ill will, I promise. 

Becca: Alright...I just have to lower the phone for a second to get undressed and take the pictures.

Dr. Walker: Please take your time.

Becca: ...

Becca: ....whoops....

Becca: .....

Becca: .....ok, sorry about that; I just sent them...and I'm looking at the paragraphs you sent me now.....an NDA? What’s that?

Dr. Walker: It’s what we call a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Becca:  Oh, I think I’ve heard of those before.

Dr. Walker: After responding to this text message, you’ll be prompted to record a statement of your name and explicit agreement.  Essentially, you’ll agree to refrain from sharing any of the details mentioned in Paragraph 6, which include any conversation from here on out that you may have with R&R personnel, including me obviously.  Please understand that by completing this, you are not committing to any participation. You are now and always will be completely free to walk away if you change your mind about participating.  I don’t care if we’ve just installed the subject in your rear…we’ll remove him right then and there and you will be free to go on your way.  Just know that you will still be bound by the terms of the NDA should you decide to withdraw.  Understood?

Becca: Yes, I understand.

Dr. Walker:  Alright.  I am at the receiving terminal now, waiting to receive your photogra--oh, there they are. Let me just open them and take a look...oh...mhmm….mhmm…alright Becca, after viewing these pictures and evaluating the size of your rear, there is no doubt in my mind that you are an eligible candidate for this study. Definitely no doubt whatsoever.

Becca: …umm…thanks?

Dr. Walker: That’s a great sense of humor you have, Becca.  That is also a desirable attribute in a participant!  Alright, that is everything I need for the preliminary screening, and you have passed with flying colors.  Now, I believe we left off on....the fine print.

Becca:  Yes, I had a feeling this was too good to be true.

Dr. Walker: In my opinion, it’s really not anything too unreasonable; they are just conditions and standards to which a Participant must adhere to ensure optimum data collection and subject well-being.

Becca: That reminds me...if I were to sign up for...say a week...how long would I have to keep the boy in my butt? Like…day to day?

Dr. Walker: That is actually #1 of the fine print, Becca.  When you begin the experiment, the subject with whom you are paired might have had little to no exposure to the female rear end at his new size, much less with residing in one.  Newly installed subjects who receive little or no break from the constant pressures of confinement, both figuratively and literally, often respond very poorly.

Becca: That makes sense; I couldn’t imagine what it would be like having to get used to that.

Dr. Walker: We accept that both Participants and subjects will have to tolerate some uncomfortable situations throughout their confinement, but most will endure the occasional hardships gracefully. However, we’ve noticed that not taking the time to acclimate the subject gradually to the rear end oftentimes results in a cascade of problems with his adaptation and acceptance down the road.  We learned this the hard way a few times, but none more so than with our very first subject.  We learned so much from his installation and housing. Anyway, for this reason, we think it best to make the transition smooth, gradually acclimating the subject to the unique environment of your rear end.


Becca: Yeah, that makes sense. So there’s a time limit on how long per day he would have to stay in..there?

Dr. Walker: Yes; we recommend our Participants adhere to what we call the Dynamic Daily Minimum, or “DDM”.  The DDM is essentially the minimum amount of time we prefer our Participants to confine their assigned subjects between their buttocks.  That being said, we also prefer to leave a lot of control in the hands of the Participant.  We would recommend no less than 3-hours in rear containment on the first day, and that is the absolute bare minimum. I wouldn't be comfortable with the subject being away from your rear for any longer than that.


Becca: Oh my goodness..3-hours on the first day? That’s a long time! We would really hit the ground running, huh?


Dr. Walker: Indeed!  And we call it “Dynamic” because the average number of hours that the Participant houses the subject is always going up, or at least it should be!  But we can get more into that later .For now, 3-hours…that is the minimum for the first day. Regarding maximums, we recommend not exceeding 14 hours of rear exposure…at least not in the very beginning for the reasons I mentioned above.

Becca: Oh, well that’s pretty thoughtful for the subjects.

Dr. Walker: That maximum limit of 14 hours would apply for the first few days, after which we would permanently remove the ceiling on the maximum limit.  At that time, you would be free to confine him between your buttocks for as long as you wanted; no limits whatsoever.  You are free to keep him contained within your rear entirely at your own discretion and convenience, anything from just meeting the DDM all the way up to the maximum 24 hours in the day.

Becca: 24 hours a day in my butt?  I couldn't imagine myself doing that…and the poor boy..

Dr. Walker: You don't have to feel sorry for the subjects, Becca.  They signed the contracts and the contract establishes generous compensation in their name.

Becca: I...hmm….yeah...I guess you're right.

Dr. Walker: I am right, Becca.  Now, to continue...while housing the subject in your rear, you will not be permitted to travel via airplane.  This is due to the FAA scanning technology administered to all travelers.  While I assure you that we are operating within the confines of the law, we cannot risk the subject being confiscated and possibly separated from you...especially such that he would be deprived of his exposure to your rear for the DDM.

Becca: I understand, that makes sense. Does that mean I would have to keep him a secret?

Dr. Walker: I would ask that you refrain from posting videos or photos online with him, but please feel free to tell your friends about him and even show them as long as it is discrete and it is during his authorized time away from your rear.  Something else worth mentioning..and I only mention it because it happens all the time… if you show him to your girlfriends, they may request to "try him out".  Understand that the foundation of this experiment is the biological and psychological conditioning of the subject to accept and embrace YOUR rear and yours alone.  We mustn't confuse or traumatize him by needlessly subjecting him to the rears of multiple women. Not to mention that not every woman possesses a rear end suitable in size and softness for rear-housing.  If they are interested in housing or otherwise interacting with your subject, I’d ask that you refer them to us for a screening.


That being said, we do understand that sometimes things come up and housing your subject is not always practical…at least not yet.  That is why we will allow you to appoint a temporary alternate.  She will act as a "babysitter", so to speak, when you are unable to house the subject.  It can be anyone that you trust, and while we retain their information and photographs on file, you will be solely responsible for the subject while he is in their care.  As I said, we understand that housing your subject will not always be practical, but we expect situations that require the subject to be housed in the alternate's rear to be rare.

Becca: Okay, that’s a lot to take in…but I think it all makes sense.

Dr. Walker: Every once in a while, someone here at R&R Labs will contact you regarding the study and ask you a few questions and maybe ask you to perform a few tasks...usually related to ascertaining the subject's strength and degree of acceptance.  These may be somewhat frequent in the beginning as the subject goes through some pronounced psychological changes within the first few days, but they will become less frequent as time goes on.  Sometimes, depending on the data and occasionally random selection, we will ask you to travel to our labs in North Carolina.  Unfortunately, as I've said earlier, our Participants are not permitted to fly, so the trip must be made using rails or road.  The entire trip, of course, will be covered by R&R labs.  We are usually able to cover the trips up front but in the rare case you have to pay, just maintain all receipts to get full reimbursement.  

Becca: That seems fair.

Dr. Walker:  And that's about it.

Becca: ...how can that be it?

Dr. Walker: Pardon?

Becca: Well…you said he'd be in my butt for AT LEAST 3 hours each day, but probably way more. If I'm not driving to NC or talking on the phone with you, what am I supposed to be doing?

Dr. Walker: ...Can you elaborate on what you mean?

Becca: What do I do with him when he’s not in my butt?  And later on when the Dynamic Daily Minimum thingy rises to a lot of hours, and I have to keep him in my butt for like at least half the day…I mean…what do I do while he’s in my butt?

Dr. Walker: ...Becca...you're supposed to just live your life.

Becca: ???

Dr. Walker: The whole point of this study is to find a way to optimally reduce male impact on society while also retaining them for the purposes of reproduction, which is an entirely different experiment set.  They experience heightened resilience and durability after Reduction Therapy but Becca, they are still so very fragile and weak.  We must take care of them...but, of paramount importance, we must find a way to do it such that our lives as women are not compromised.

Becca: You mean...like....not inconvenienced?

Dr. Walker: Precisely!  That's one of the other reasons the rear end was chosen.  Sure, the male could be cared for in the way one might care for a child or a traditional pet, but it would require much more attention and care.  Women should not be burdened with the life-long care of men...and evolution has already secretly and stealthily gifted us women the tools to do so.  It's as if Mother Nature herself has been guiding us toward this finality. So, it makes sense for the success of the experiment to have subjects...how should I put it...live around the lives of women.

Becca: So...let me just make sure I understand...you would have me put the boy in my butt, and then just go on with my life as if he's not there?

Dr. Walker: That is EXACTLY right.  Live your life as you always would.  If you go to the gym 5 days a week, keep on going.  If you sleep on your back, don't feel obligated to sleep on your stomach.  Don't take time off work to accommodate him, don't concern yourself with long periods of sitting while at work or school.  Don’t modify your diet for his benefit. Don’t put your love-life on pause. Take chances, take risks.  Sweat. Laugh. Learn. Experience!  This is your life and the subject is fully capable and ready to learn how to exist within it.  

Becca: ......Wow..that does sound…really cool. I didn’t realize how little this would affect me.

Dr. Walker: That being said, we will ask that you make some very minor modifications in the very beginning, but we can discuss that at a later time in a more formal setting.

Becca: Oh…well, I’m sure I can handle that.

Dr. Walker: Did I hear the word “can”?  Does that mean what I think it means, Becca?  

Becca: ...

Dr. Walker: Will you participate?

Becca: .....

Becca: ....yes.

Dr. Walker: That's wonderful to hear!

Becca: Yeah, my heart is kinda racing right now. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m excited but also super nervous. 

Dr. Walker: That's completely normal!  You’ve made a great choice, Becca.  

Becca: I’m actually shaking a little! Do I have to pick how long of a commitment I wanna make?

Dr. Walker: Not right now, no.  Just take some time to think about it. As you think, please keep in mind that we heavily incentivise longer commitments, and this is evident in our CTL pricing.  Essentially, the maximum time an initial Participant can commit is 1-year.  We would be thrilled if you selected that length, but as I said…think about it.  Do what works best for you.   In the meantime, I will begin making the preparations for your travel plan.

Becca: Travel plan?

Dr. Walker: Why, yes.  We must fly you down to the lab so that we can run a few more tests and ask a few more questions in person.  We can also review the road map and tier system I discussed earlier.  We will need you to sign the contract in person, and then lastly, of course, the matter of installation.

Becca: Installation of what?

Dr. Walker:  ...of the subject, of course.  It's somewhat a point of professional pride.  Starting with our very first subject back in the year 2000, we have personally introduced every one of our long-term subjects to where they will be living…with only a few exceptions.  

Becca: In the year 2000?  Jeez!  I was only 14 back then…and is he still…

Dr. Walker:  …in her rear?  I’m happy to report that he is indeed!

Becca: Wait, that’s the one you mentioned earlier, right? The one that couldn’t adapt and acc–

Dr. Walker:  –We’re very proud of that subject’s continued contribution to this experiment and we’re especially proud of his Participant! I’m sure we’ll all be just as proud of you soon too, Becca…and your subject…that’s assuming a lot about how long you commit…but like I said, there’s no rush on that decision!

Becca: Oh my god..I can't believe this is real.

Dr. Walker: Well, it certainly is, Becca.  We will get you a quick flight down here, but you will have to take a train or bus home since the subject will be in your rear.  There is also the matter of providing a saliva sample.  We will send you a container with clear instructions. May I have your mailing address, please?

Becca: Sure, its 147 Skillman St; Brooklyn, NY 11205

Dr. Walker: Okay great, I’ll leave a note here and one of the interns will begin the paperwork first thing tomorrow morning.  Things move slow here at R&R Laboratories…but the movement is always steady and focused! The saliva sample kit should arrive in about a week.

Becca: Ok I understand.

Dr. Walker: Becca, it was very nice to speak with you and I look forward to meeting you in person soon.

Becca: You as well Dr. Walker.  Thanks so much for taking my call.

Dr. Walker: It was truly my pleasure, Becca.  Have a good night.

Becca: You too, Doctor. 

[Call ended]



Chapter End Notes:

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