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The wireless calling system device atop Dr. Walker’s desk began chirping and one of the white numbers began blinking pink.  Dr. Walker pressed the blinking button.


"Yes, Laura?" 


“Good morning Dr. Walker.  Becca Young's flight is scheduled to touch down in a little over an hour.”


“Oh, great. Are you available to pick her up from the airport?”


Laura replied quickly, “There’s no one to cover for me at reception, unfortunately.”


“What about Jane?” Dr. Walker asked.


“She’s assisting Dr. Bexley with an installation.” Laura said.


“I see.  Is Quinn here today?” Dr. Walker followed up.


“Quinn and all the other interns are currently in a meeting with Dr. Becotte for a training session on ‘SSF Protocols’. I think it might be wrapping up in the next twenty minutes or so.  I can see if Dr. Becotte would be okay with me asking–”


“--no, no.  ‘SSF Protocols’ is one of the important ones….hmmm…how about Brandi?”


“She’s solidly booked all day conducting Acclimation Therapy sessions.”


“Hmmm…I’m sure she wouldn’t mind multi-tasking.”


“I’m sure you’re right.  I’ll ask her.”


"Alright.  When Miss Young arrives, please let me know.  I just have a few more emails to get through and I would like to have them completed before she gets here."  


"Sure thing, Doctor." Laura said before hanging up the phone.


Dr. Walker cracked her knuckles, setting the phone receiver down and returning her right hand to the computer mouse.  It was important to the experiment that she always be available to her Participants when they had questions and concerns.  It was particularly important that she be available to those that had their doubts about the validity and even the morality of the experiment.  It was not at all difficult to help everyone that called with whichever concern they had. Nipping in the bud the occasional troubling thought a Participant might have needed to be done quickly, lest the Participant get cold feet just like Becca Young had a year ago.  Dr. Walker double clicked the next email, absent-mindedly gripping the empty ballet flats that lay beneath her desk with her pantyhose-clad toes. This email came from Donna, a 47-year old woman from Nebraska.  


Dear Dr. Walker,


Hello.  I've been involved in the experiment for about a month now, and everything has been going quite well with the little person.  I have been keeping him in my behind consistently, and I have even been able to get over my struggles with concentrating while at my desk at work.  It's as if I don’t even think about him when I'm working.  I do have a bit of a problem though.  I still have not worked up the...for lack of a better word...courage...to wear him with me to the gym.  It just seems...overly mean and I don't think it really inconveniences me to take him out.  Well, I did what I normally do:  I removed him from my backside and left him in a shoebox in my living room.  The walls are high enough and I live alone so it’s not as if anything would happen to him while I’m gone.  


The first thing I did when I walked in the door after getting back from the gym was go right to the box to reinsert him back between my cheeks as I always do, but he wasn't there.  My heart leapt into my throat wondering where he could be!  I searched high and low, checking my dirty laundry, my slippers, the trash…anywhere that he might have thought to hide in…and then I heard a strange sound coming from upstairs in my daughter’s room.  I should mention that my daughter left for college last year, but she was home for her birthday last week and she was staying with me in her old room.  I marched upstairs, having some suspicions as to what was going on and knocked on her door.  Silence, except for the sound of her bed creaking briefly.  I knocked again, saying "Zoey, you'd better open this door right now."  The bed creaked longer this time, then footsteps, and the door opened.  Zoey ran past me to the bathroom in her underwear and a shirt, clutching something to her chest...and darted into the bathroom.  


I heard some rustling and sharp whispers and then a few moments later, I heard the bathroom sink come on.  I waited there, arms crossed, until the water cut off and the door opened; my bright-red cheeked daughter was holding him to her chest. She set him down in my open palm without even making eye contact with me.  His eyes were wide like he'd seen a ghost!  I promptly returned him to my behind right then and there, as deep between my cheeks as I could get him; I tried to talk to my daughter about what had happened, but she was too embarrassed to go into detail;  she's a rather...shy young lady when it comes to sex.  Being caught doing what I think she was doing by her mother no less, must have been very humiliating for her.  I apologize for the long story, but I am just not entirely sure what my daughter did with him (but I think we both have a good idea).  I didn't want to keep this from you, as I fear it may affect the experiment. Please let me know if there is anything I should do. Thank you.







Dear Donna,


Thank you very much for reaching out to me regarding this issue with Subject #137r.  Let me be honest with you: things like this happen.  They do not happen all the time, and we would prefer that they didn't, but they do.  We once had a Participant who liked to let her subject sleep in her underwear drawer.  Well…one night, the Participant’s little sister snuck in and stole him from the drawer.  After a few hours of playing with the subject, the sister grew bored and thought it would be funny to sneak the subject into their mother’s rear…so that’s exactly what she did.  The mother had apparently drank too much wine that night, and did not wake to the feeling of her underwear being lowered, her cheeks being gently parted, and the tiny subject being inserted. The mother also did not wake to the sound of the sister stifling her laughter as she ran out.  You might think the mother would have noticed when she woke up, but she didn’t…of course this subject was one of our smallest traditional subjects at around 1/16th of an inch, so its not at all surprising that the woman couldn’t feel the subject in her crack. 

The subject spent weeks trapped in the unknowing mother’s rear…How he managed to survive the over several dozen of the unaware mother’s restroom visits and avoid being flushed into the sewage system is completely beyond myself and anyone here at R&R Labs, but I digress.  We had filed paperwork on the Participant’s missing subject and had documented a strike in her record. It was very traumatic for her.  What made things worse was that the Participant had been housing the subject in her rear for over three years. He had reached uncommon levels of acceptance and bonding to the Participant.


By the time the mischievous sister finally said something and the subject was recovered from the mother's rear end, the psychological damage had already been done and the experiment was compromised.  The Participant had to surrender the subject over to the lab in order to receive a new one, and after extensive therapy with our Acclimation Therapist, it was determined that he had symptoms of something we call ‘Dante’s Syndrome’, which essentially means that he had to be marked as permanently unassignable. There was some interest into researching how he managed to survive so many restroom visits but at 1/16th of an inch, he was far too small to extract any valuable data from his experiences.  This happened about 2 years ago and to this day, he is rotated through our line of 24-hour participants, constantly shuffled from posterior to posterior.

I understand that you are not used to having others in your home when you are not there, but I am sure you will be more aware of this or similar possibilities going forward. I might take this opportunity to bring to your attention that this situation would not have happened at all had the subject been tucked away safely in your rear during your gym visit.  Same with the Participant in the story.  Had she just cradled her subject overnight safe and sound between her buttocks, he would still be there today instead of between a new set of buttocks each day.  Just a thought!  


Checking your records, I see that Zoey is not listed as an alternate, so I imagine that exposure to her rear (or whatever part of her body he may have been exposed to) is what you are concerned with.  It sounds like you were only away from home for an hour or two, and I don't think that any long-lasting damage to the integrity of the experiment could occur in such a short time, so long as this doesn't continue to happen.  I trust that you've made it clear to your daughter that the subject is off-limits to her and meant only to be housed in your rear.  


One other thing, I believe that this might be a good opportunity for discipline of the subject.  Yes, it was likely your daughter who lifted him out of the box, but he could have made it known that what she was doing was not permissible under the guidelines of the experiment.  I understand it might have been difficult for her to hear him considering his incredibly diminutive stature, but he should have found a way.  He could have prevented all of this so honestly, I believe he is just as much to blame as anyone else is. Perhaps he is even more to blame for this than your daughter, who it sounds like was just innocently exploring her own sexuality, which I would be quite apprehensive about scolding. Thank you once again for bringing this to my attention.  I will make a positive note regarding this communication in your file and I will add a disciplinary mark to the subject's record.  Please let me know if there are any future issues.  

Thank you.


Dr. Walker




Dr. Walker hit the send button and responded to several more emails.  She received a call from Amanda informing her that Becca Young had arrived.  "Wonderful.  I am just finishing up in here.  Send her to my office in 15 minutes."  She hung up and returned her gaze to her computer.  The last email came from a woman named Nicole.


Dr. Walker,


Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me, but my mom and I came in to get one of your little guys for me for my 18th birthday last month.  I just wanted to tell you I've been doing everything we talked about at the first meeting and at the follow-up meeting, including wearing the special compression underwear you guys gave me.  So the reason I'm emailing you is to ask a question about...relationships.  I don’t really feel right talking to my mom about this, because I’m not quite ready to tell her that I’m gay, but I've been on a few dates and I wanted to know if you think I should tell the girl I’m seeing about the little guy that I’m housing. 


I mean...I don't wanna hide it from her and then have her…I don’t know…come across him one day while we're fooling around and completely wig out!  At the same time though, I don't wanna freak her out and scare her away...cause she is really special to me. I guess I'm just confused.  Oh...and also...am I allowed to involve him in mine and her playtime...assuming she's cool with him?  I've had some fun ideas that I think she would like, and I sure would be interested in.  I mean...the guy lives in my butt...he might like the idea of a threesome as a little reward/break! 





"Dear Nicole,


I think I will start at the end of your email:  if there is one thing regarding this experiment that you should NEVER do, it’s making decisions based on what you think the subject might want.  The only time that the subject should ever benefit from a decision you make is if you made it with your own interest in mind and he benefited indirectly.  Whether or not subject #419t would enjoy a sexual experience with you and your girlfriend is not important to me or anyone here at R&R Labs and it should carry absolutely no weight in your decision-making.  


Having said that, I strongly encourage you to do whatever you think is right and whatever would bring the most pleasure/enjoyment to your life!  You are a young woman and relationships are very important.  Compromise is important, and so is honesty.  I sympathize with how clumsy it can feel telling your partner that you are housing a size-reduced male between your buttocks, but I remain cautiously optimistic that one day, that conversation will be much more commonplace and far more socially accepted.


If your prospective partner does not see eye-to-eye with you on this, then perhaps you can persuade her to see the benefits of the relationship you and the subject share.  However, let us not disregard the possibility that she could be entirely indifferent, or even supportive of your participation in this experiment.  Please feel free to share with her whatever you like regarding the experiment, your participation, our mission statement, and anything else you like (except for the NDA contents of course).  


Regarding the physical logistics of this proposed encounter, assuming that your partner is okay with the experiment, I would not presume to put any restrictions on your activities.  Subject #419t, like all subjects, benefits from increased durability due to the reduction, and short of being stomped on, I don't believe there is anything you or your partner could do to him that would result in serious injury or death regardless of how smitten you are with one another in the heat of the moment!


To protect privacy, I will refrain from going into specific detail, but we have received journal entries from some participants that go into some extremely graphic and explicit descriptions regarding use of the subject in their sex lives.  If you heard some of the things I’ve heard…some of the responsibilities delegated to some of these subjects, I think you would not be so worried.  I do not think there is anything you should be ashamed of or embarrassed about if you are considering incorporating him into your sex life. 


If you are asking if the subject can explore your partner's body in these sexual activities, I would say yes, absolutely.  However, please ensure that this exploratory play time is limited to bedroom activity...and that at all other times, the subject is housed in your rear, especially as time goes on and the DDM continues to increase.  If things get serious, you can consider adding your partner to the alternate list.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Good luck!


Katie Walker


Dr. Walker watched the email disappear from her outbox and it show up in her delivered/sent messages section.  That was it; that was the last one.  As if on cue, she heard a soft, gentle knocking on her door.  She slid her feet into her ballet flats and rose. She walked around her desk and approached the door.


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