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"You see, Becca...we have additional experiments that we try to conduct with the more long-term Participants like yourself." Dr. Walker started as Becca's eyes wandered over the document she’d been handed. 

"It's to sign up for vitamins?" Becca responded inquisitively.

"Yes, that's exactly what they are: special vitamins.  Rest assured, they have been thoroughly tested and are safe for human consumption, but you won't find vitamins like these in your local pharmacy or GNC." Dr. Walker said.  

"If you want to feed your subject scraps of your food, that is fine with us…but if you would prefer a more...convenient feeding method, these vitamins would be the way to go." 

Dr. Walker slid a tiny bottle that looked like aspirin or Excedrin. Becca unscrewed the cap, opening the bottle to take a look inside.

"Ummm....these are like...the same size as him…how would he take these?" Becca asked skeptically, to which Dr. Walker smiled.

"He doesn't take them, Becca. You do."  

As Becca’s head tilted in confusion, Dr. Walker reclaimed the container of vitamins. She removed a single capsule out of the container and held it up, pinched it between her fingers.  

"These capsules are fortified with specially engineered vitamins, proteins, amino acids, and nutrients.  They have a large time release window and are designed to pass through the taker's body with full absorption but minimal diffusion into the taker’s system.  The dormant contents of the capsule will circulate throughout your bloodstream and disseminate into your skin, where they will finally escape through perspiration.”

Becca stared on with her mouth agape, afraid to tell Dr. Walker that she had no idea what she’d just heard.

Dr. Walker must have detected this, because she graciously summarized. 

“Essentially, your perspiration will be packed with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition the subject needs to sustain life."

Becca's mouth was still agape, but now her eyebrows shot straight up.  

"Oh my god...you're suggesting that I feed him...my butt sweat?" Becca said, her lips curled in disgust as she clutched the neck of her shirt.  

"Is that really so strange?" Dr. Walker asked.

"You keep on saying that! All of this is weird, Dr. Walker!  Not only am I sitting here with a boy literally sandwiched between my butt cheeks, and not only is he going to apparently be breathing in my gas, but youre saying that my butt sweat is going to be his food?!"  Becca was feeling a little overwhelmed, shifting nervously in her seat...remembering her densely packed butt cheeks and the struggling treasure buried between them.  

Dr. Walker responded logically and calmly, "Becca, everything we are doing is with the subject's quality of life in mind; you have to remember that.  Imagine living a majority of your life in darkness and extreme warmth and softness...imagine now that you are periodically bombarded by light and cold air.”

Dr. Walker paused and Becca took the opportunity to genuinely try and imagine. 

“Imagine that you have to come out of that state of deep relaxation…a state your subject is probably in right now thanks to the habitable and cozy environment the cleft of your buttocks has created for him..Imagine you’ve been forcefully removed from that only to chew on food that is far larger than you and honestly not meant for you, and that's the best case scenario!”

Becca didn’t respond, she only thought about it deeply as Dr. Walker continued.

“The subject is no longer capable of enjoying food the way that you and I do.  Imagine trying to masticate ground beef at his size! Or broccoli. Or bread. How exhausting it would be to gnash the morsels with his small, ineffective teeth…and that’s not even considering the work his tiny body would have to do to process and digest that complex food!"

Becca was starting to come around.  Dr. Walker continued.

"Also, what if you were to forget to feed him?  He’s a small one…not our smallest but a small one nonetheless.  Believe it or not, if you participate for long enough, the day will come when you don’t even notice him in your rear.  And when that happens, it will be remarkably easy to forget about him. He would be there, wedged between your buttocks wondering when his next meal would be.”

“Okay...now picture something else for me.” Dr. Walker said, the palm-edges of her hands up as if she were framing a camera shot.  “You wake up every morning and popping just one of these tiny, inconsequential little pills…and for the rest of the day, you don't even have to think about whether the subject is being properly nourished.  Naturally, as long as you aren't freezing, small quantities of perspiration are going to develop between your buttocks, and it will be  enough for the subject.  And if you are particularly active, then the subject will get more than he requires for sustenance.  Simply by living your life, you would be giving him what he needs for his.  Does that not sound appealing to you on any level?" Dr. Walker asked.

Becca was silent.  It did sound appealing to her.  'I mean...it's definitely really gross and all…' she thought to herself as she stared at the form. 'but it would be like I was taking care of him with my body...like I was nurturing him without even trying.' 


As if Dr. Walker could hear Becca's inner monologue, she added, "...and honestly Becca...during the subject's stay in your rear, your buttocks will perspire...there is no getting around it.  Especially if you are active, the subject will often find himself immersed...drenched even...in the accumulating moisture of your glutes.  The experience may as well benefit him, right?"  

This was the first big decision that Becca was making for her subject...and it didn't even occur to her to ask him.  She reached out for the purple ballpoint pen on the desk, but Dr. Walker set two fingers atop it and made eye contact with Becca.  

Her eyes were so wise…and they appeared so deep and mysterious.

"Just know," Dr. Walker said, "as the subject's nourishment from your perspiration continues, his ability to process complex carbohydrates and sugars will degrade.  Eventually, and none of us know when, his digestive tract's diverse bacterial fauna will simplify. This will likely result in the digestive tract rejecting anything but what it has been receiving. What does that mean for you and him, you may ask? Well, it means that he will be dependent solely on your perspiration for sustenance." 

Dr. Walker paused for a moment and then lifted her fingers from the pen.  Becca gripped it in her right hand and signed on the dotted line, checking the box for Participant consent. Dr. Walker suggested to Becca that she go on and check the box for subject consent as well. 

"You’re making the right choice, Becca.  He will thank you one day.” Dr. Walker said with a smile as she accepted the form and swiftly filed it.  

“I will write a script and send it over to our pharmacist. The cost for the vitamins is $25 per month supply; we will deduct this from the subject's compensation.  Yes, you are the one taking them, but they are for him...so it only makes sense that it comes out of his pay.  Speaking of pay, the next order of business is compensation." Dr. Walker said, leafing through some more of Becca's documents, stopping at a banking form. 

"I see you've already filled out your routing and account information.  Direct deposits will go through biweekly on Friday's.  Today is actually pay day, and since today is your first day participating, you will not receive anything this Friday or next.  The Friday after that, October 13th,  is when you will receive your first payment. Participant rates for your selected tier and commitment term length are set at $350 per pay period."  

At that moment, Dr. Walker's door opened, and a young woman Becca hadn’t yet seen walked in holding what looked like a black tic-tac box in her left hand.  Becca thought it might have a little person inside of it, but the care-free, rough way that the girl was handling it suggested to Becca that there couldn't be something inside of it.  

"I'm sorry, Dr. Walker, but Lori has been waiting."  

Dr. Walker responded, "Oh my goodness…the psych eval.  Please apologize to her for me." Dr. Walker said, accepting the tic-tac box from the girl.  "How are his vitals?” Dr. Walker asked. 


The girl responded with a smile, “They are consistent with what we would expect in a subject of his exposure time.” 


“Great.  I see this one has a heat-rated box.  I’m assuming he’s a cold one?”

“Mm-hmm!” the girl nodded sweetly.

“What's the container heat rating?"


"Well, it was B-rated when we did the extraction, but that was over a half hour ago.  It's starting to cool off now."  the young girl said, flipping through her notes.  Becca watched Dr. Walker handle the tiny little container, but she was more so playing with it in her fingers as someone might play with a pen when they are distracted and thinking.

"Yes, I'll have to conduct the eval soon so we can return him to Lori.  Thank you, dear. I'll get to it shortly. Please thank Lori for her patience."  

The young girl smiled at Dr. Walker and politely nodded her head at Becca before walking out. 

Dr. Walker looked down at the tiny container in her fingers and then back up at Becca.  

"In addition to some very talented and driven scientists, molecular biologists, and geneticists, we also have on staff a few highly qualified psychologists…as well as a psychologist in-training you may have met already.  Her name is Brandi.”

“Oh yea, I met her…she’s really sweet.” Becca said.

“Indeed she is!  I have big hopes for her in the future! Anyway, we like to do physical and psychological evaluations of the subjects and the Participants at random interval points in the experiment.  We have already recorded Lori's attitudes toward the subject and the experiment overall, and now we must do the subject.”  

Dr. Walker and Becca were looking at the box containing Lori’s little butt companion.  

“You’ll remember what I had said earlier about how some subjects have permanently lost the ability to regulate their temperatures outside, right?”

Becca nodded her head. 

“We try not to remove subjects from their homes unless we have to…and when we do, we strongly prefer to keep their time away from their Participant’s rear down to the absolute minimum.  While they are away from their homes, we try to address the warming issue with the next best thing: we keep them in these heated containers.”

Dr. Walker held up the box for Becca to accept.  She took it in her hand and turned it gently and carefully.  It felt warm on the outside, and she gasped when she felt shifting inside.  The tiny little thing was moving!  She eagerly gave it back to a smiling Dr. Walker.  

“Unfortunately, The containers are pre-heated and slowly cool over time."  Dr. Walker set the tic-tac looking box on the desk surface right in front of her, declaring that the container was likely in C-rating and had some time before reaching F-rating for temperature.   Becca stared at the tiny black box as Dr. Walker continued. 

"So where were we?  ...oh yes...biweekly payments, right?  Since we’re signing you up for a tentative 1-month commitment term length, your first bi-weekly payment on October 13th will be in the amount of $435." Dr. Walker said.

Becca responded in disbelief, "Oh wow….wait, but I thought you said $360 every two weeks earlier."

“Well yes, Participant compensation for a 1-month CTL is $360 per week, and the subject's compensation is locked in at $90.  So that’s $350 + $90 which gives us $460, but then we deduct $25 for the vitamin regimen…and that brings us to $435 every two weeks"

Becca tilted her head, "You're giving me his money too?"

Dr. Walker nodded her head. "Yes of course, Becca.  You are now his legal power-of-attorney.  All his compensation goes directly to you for distribution."  Dr. Walker cleared her throat, cupping her hands in front of her, not noticing that she happened to be trapping the tic-tac box between them.  "One way for things to go would be for you to transfer these funds into a separate account for the subject...but most Participants...well...to be perfectly honest…they just keep the funds."  

Becca was visibly shocked, "What?!  That would mean...the boy would be down there…living in my butt...and he wouldn't be getting paid at all!"

Dr. Walker said, "Well honestly Becca, what is he going to do with the money?  Especially if he is being nourished by your perspiration and protected around-the-clock by your rear end?"

She had a really good point.  Becca did not know how to respond to that, so Dr. Walker continued.  "Listen, Becca.  There are a lot of ideas out there about what the right thing to do is when it comes to anything.  And yes, since the subject is entitled to that compensation, you could set it aside for him, but it’s not as if he could make use of it like you could.  Why let the funds stagnate in some account the subject can never touch when they could be put towards helping the person who is taking care of him?"  

Becca responded, "Well, won’t he need money when he grows back?"  

Dr. Walker seemed to have most responses staged on the tip of her tongue, waiting only for the question to complete.  This time, however, the doctor seemed to take her time in answering properly.  

“It’s a moot point.” Dr. Walker said flatly.

“What do you mean?”

“The lion’s share of our triennial funding is always earmarked for Reduction Therapy R&D, among other things.  Historically, Size Restoration Therapy has never been high on the priority list of our investors.  As much as I would appreciate the challenge, I do not expect that to change anytime soon.  We’ve been putting in just enough research to legitimize the assertions and terms outlined in our subject-oriented contracts, but SRT is still very much in its infancy.”

Becca's eyes widened.  Dr. Walker continued, “As of right now, every subject is physically capable of withstanding only one session of SRT, and one session of SRT will result in a maximum of 0.8% size restoration.  There is still a long way to go. It will likely be years before we can even restore 10% of a subject’s size with SRT.”

Becca was trying to understand what she was hearing, and she stared at the tiny container between Dr. Walker's fingertips.  Was it moving?  Perhaps in protest or lamentation of this grim development?  No…he had to know, right?  He had to understand the risks.  She saw little tiny air holes in the container so she was certain he could hear. Did that little person in there really accept the risk?

Did the little boy in her butt really accept the risk?

Or did Dr. Walker deceive them?  

"Becca, I cannot get into it right now, but I assure you that everything is iron-clad legal as far as contractual obligation and informed consent goes.  There exists no risk to me, and certainly no risk to you or any other Participant.  The subjects had every opportunity to review the contracts they signed, and they still signed."  

Becca wondered if the boy in her butt even knew what he was signing up for.  She felt really uncomfortable with this.  In fact, she briefly considered standing up, pulling the ridiculous tight panties down, plucking the boy out of her butt crack and telling this crazy doctor to have a nice day..but her mind danced back to her life in New York.  She had only been in North Carolina for a day so far, but it felt like so much longer.  What a relief it was to be away from her problems and responsibilities!  To not have to worry about her delinquency in rent payments, to not have to worry about the bill collectors calling, to not worry about her parents finding out that she stopped going to class but still had a hefty debt to them, a secret she was honestly blown away that she could keep this long. 

The brand new brunette Participant went as far as to raise her toes from the sole of her flip flops, gently press down on the arm rests with her hands and flex her calf muscles.  She took about 30% of her body weight off her ass in the seat preparing to stand and walk out, but then she thought about it, and slowly allowed the full pressure of her weight to return to her butt.  Everything about this seemed so wrong, yes, but if it was all legal…and she wouldn't get in any trouble...then how could she say no to that much money?  It would be life-changing.

"I.....I want to keep the money separate."  Becca said softly.

Dr. Walker responded, "That really is up to you, Becca, and I respect your decision. However, I just want you to know that I, nor anyone else here, would think less of you if you were to merge the subject's compensation with your own...or even put it toward something else. Look at Lori, for example."  

Becca watched Dr. Walker's brown eyes to see if they would acknowledge the box with Lori's boy inside of it.  

She didn't.  

"Lori has 3 daughters:  one that’s just starting college, one in 11th or 12th grade, and one that I believe is just starting high school.  Anyway, Lori decided right from the beginning that her subject's compensation would go toward her daughters’ college educations.  She has been putting the subject's biweekly payments away in a separate nest-egg account, and when the girls are old enough to go to college, Lori’s compensation would go toward paying their tuition, and every cent of the subject's earnings would go toward some extra spending money for the girls to purchase books, other school supplies, and maybe a few snacks along the way.  Sure, it’s not much, but isn't that a noble use of money that would otherwise go unused?"  

Becca didn't answer for a moment.  "I'm sorry Dr. Walker...I just…I wouldn't feel right.  I want to keep the money separate."  

Dr. Walker did not look disappointed or happy. 

"That's completely fine, Becca.  It's your prerogative."  

Dr. Walker removed the banking form from her cluster of papers and leaned forward to give it to Becca.  As she leaned forward, her left breast, large and tight against her thin white cotton shirt, made contact with the tiny tic-tac box on her desk.  With nowhere to go, the heavy, swollen breast began to lose shape and press out on the sides. The soft white mass of her huge left breast engulfed the black box, completely without the doctor's knowledge.  

"You'll just have to make a note of separate transactions on this form..." she said, pointing with her pen to a few different blank boxes and lines.

"...and when you get home, just make sure to open a new account for the subject's funds to be deposited.  If you don’t, they will by default be deposited into your account."  Becca's eyes were still on Dr. Walker's left breast, compressed firmly into the wooden desk, the black tic-tac box nowhere to be seen, submerged in all that soft flesh.

“Apologies for the extra step there,” the doctor continued, oblivious to the pressure that the underside of her swollen breast was imparting ,” 

Dr. Walker only even noticed because she thought Becca was staring at her cleavage so she followed Becca’s gaze to her breast.  

"Oh my mistake.." She said to herself as she leaned back, the cushiony breast reforming into its spherical shape as it lifted from the desk and revealed the box.  The young doctor gripped it in her hands, seeming to check its temperature, and the corners of her lips fell.  Becca watched as Dr. Walker reached four fingers on her left hand down to her cleavage and parted her breasts, creating a space.  She lowered the box into her cleavage.  The box left Becca's view, and then Dr. Walker's fingertips...all the way up to her knuckles.  As her four fingers emerged from the cleavage, her full breasts returned to rest, swallowing up the box deep in her cleavage. 

It was remarkable to Becca, as Dr. Walker did not seem to respond at all to the stimulation.  It was as if she took no pleasure in it at all..as if she was entirely indifferent to it...as if she did it for scientific purposes.  

"My apologies, Becca, but I must return to my duties, first of which will be sitting in on the psych eval of Lori's subject and then getting him back to her so she can return him to her rear." Dr. Walker said, eyes remaining forward and not on her own cleavage as she referred to the subject.  

"We did reserve a room for you at a hotel not too far from here in case things moved slowly, but seeing as everything is complete, I think we can send you on your way today if you prefer!"

Becca nodded her head, still staring at the doctor's cleavage.  

"Alright then."  Dr. Walker looked at her watch. Her large breasts swayed slightly as her wrist raised to her eyeline. 

"It's 6:45 pm right now.  See the receptionist up at the front; there are a few things she has to go over with you, and then she can get you rail transport back to New York.  It will be about 16 hours, which nobody would be excited about, but we will ensure your trip is comfortable. We've arranged for a VIP lodging room complete with a bed.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful. Thanks, doctor.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure, Becca. Also, please let the receptionist know about your plans to nourish the subject with your perspiration.  I believe she has a supply of generic vitamins to hold you over until the script is approved and fulfilled.  We will then mail the supply out to you."  Dr. Walker stood from her desk, and so too did Becca.  Dr. Walker extended a hand and shook Becca's. 

"I'm very glad that we were able to meet, and I am thrilled by your commitment to this experiment." Dr. Walker smiled and Becca smiled politely in return.  

"Okay, Doctor." Was all she said.  She was not sure how to feel about this woman standing before her anymore.  But she knew how she felt about $360 a week.  

Had she won the million-dollar lottery?  No.  

Was it a life-changing amount of money?  No.  

But it was income…and it may just have been the start of something wonderful.

"Please remember to adhere to the non-rear exposure time in these first few days as outlined in these pamphlets.  There are also some journal entry forms in there that we would like you to fill out. You'll find almost everything you need to know about the experiment in these, as well as any questions you may have and even some activities. If you ever have any questions, you can of course call me any time."  Dr. Walker said with a smile.

She turned around and walked out, the change in her butt's positioning stirring a frenzy of attempted movement deep in her previously dormant crack as she left Dr. Walker's office.  


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