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Clark had managed to get nearly to full size overnight, and the two of them had quickly packed their things and headed to the airport. What they hadn’t expected was the cost of a last minute flight back to Allison’s hometown. Allison had reluctantly made the travel arrangements, and as they found a spot in long term parking she sighed, a small smile on her face.

“You know, I really hoped our first flight together would be with you in my carryon,” Allison said with a small smile. “Or somewhere else… somewhere airport security would never find you…”

Clark returned the smirk, “there’s always the flight home.”

The flight was a short and uneventful one, and Clark listened to the hum of the engine as he thought over what Allison had told him. Sadie had shrinking powers… was whatever gave Allison hers contagious? Was it a virus of some sort? Or was something else at play? Neither of them had any good answers, and as they’d waited at their gate Allison had sent a message to Dr. Kendra at The Lab.

Clark had paid for a rental car, which they picked up without hassle as they began the drive to Sadie’s apartment. Allison seemed wistful as she looked out the window, and a slow drizzle started to pelt the car with raindrops as they entered the city limits.

“I haven’t been back here since… well, I moved pretty soon after graduation,” Allison said softly, watching the warm glow of the lights of houses and strip malls pass them by.

“Do you miss it?” Clark said, following the GPS directions through the wet streets.

Allison was quiet a minute, “not really,” Allison said finally, “I miss some of the people, mostly my parents and Sadie of course, but I didn’t get to live here, I was never in any after school clubs, I never joined the YMCA,  went swimming at the local pool, hung out at the roller skate rink…” she sighed, “I was too scared to do any of it, the only time I ever tried to be a normal girl here was prom… and you know how that turned out.”

As if summoned like a ghost a high school appeared out of the mist as they drove by, and Allison watched it as they passed on slowly, the wet sticky sound of the drizzle covered asphalt on the tires of the car the only sound as she saw her school’s mascot, painted on the side of the brick structure.

“I’m sorry it was like that,” Clark said quietly, watching the building disappear into the wet fog behind them. He gave her a warm smile as the windows began to fog, “for what it’s worth though, I’m so glad you ended up moving in above me.”

“Me too,” Allison said, and in spite of everything, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Careful, I’m driving,” he laughed as he dipped an inch.

“Before you, living there wasn’t any different than living here,” Allison said, looking out the window again, “I was just locked in my apartment instead of locked in my childhood bedroom… If this thing really is happening to Sadie too, I don’t want her to live like that Clark, not even for a day.” She sighed, her breath fogging the windows again as the rentals defrost struggled to keep the glass clear, “Sadie was one of my only bright points of light here… she had it all Clark, she was popular and pretty and had guys tripping over themselves trying to date her, and she still came over to hang out with her recluse of a friend when she could have… maybe should have, just forgotten about me.”

“Don’t say that,” Clark said with a scowl, “you know that’s not how-“

“Clark, if Sadie is suddenly shrinking people, there’s no way it isn’t my fault,” Allison said, blinking a quick tear out of her eye, “either I’m contagious, or it jumped to her somehow, but it started with me, there’s no way in a million years it just randomly mutated in her too.”

Clark frowned, but didn’t say anything, and the two were quiet on the rest of the ride up to Sadie’s apartment complex.

Sadie heard the knock and practically leapt up, pulling the door open, “ALLISON!” she shouted gleefully, “CLARK!” she leapt at them, catching Clark first in a hug since he’d been carrying their things up the stairs. He grunted, feeling his height start to slip away as the suitcase got heavier and Sadie seemed to get taller.

“Well, I guess it’s the real deal,” Allison said quietly as Sadie parted from her. She quickly pulled her friend into a hug next, as always Allison wore gloves and long sleaves, angling her head back to avoid skin contact “you okay?” she asked softly.

“I… I’m just happy you guys are here,” Sadie said, looking with a grimace at Clark’s shortened stature. She glanced around outside, then beckoned them in.

“So,” Allison sighed, “you said you accidently shrank a guy trying to rob a store?”

“Yeah,” Sadie giggled as Clark wheeled the bags in.

“Badass!” Clark said with a grin, “Allison hasn’t ever tried to fight crime once, total waste of a superpower if you ask me.”

Sadie blushed, “It wasn’t like I was out looking for trouble, it just sort of happened, I was as scared as he was…”

“Yeah, the first one’s kind of a doozy,” Allison said, biting her lip. She shot an angry glance at Clark, “and waste of a superpower? Really?”

“I’m just kidding,” Clark laughed.

Allison rolled her eyes, “you’re going to fight an action figure for my amusement later, Mr. Superhero.”

“So,” Allison sighed, “obviously you need to get ready for some… changes, to your lifestyle.”

“Gloves, got it,” Sadie said, beaming.

“There’s a bit more to it than that,” Allison said, eyes downcast, “you… you’ve got to avoid events with a lot of people, anything where you might have skin to skin contact with someone.”

“So, no concerts?” Sadie asked uncertainly.

“No dance clubs, no beach, no water parks, in fact swimming should just be avoided unless you’re in a private pool,” Allison explained.

“Shit…” Sadie said, flopping backwards onto the couch, “I guess I never realized how careful you always were…” She chuckled to herself and pulled up her phone and there was a beep.

“What are you doing?” Allison asked.

“Deleting all my dating apps,” she muttered, “I’m guessing I’m off the market now?”

“Well, you can’t exactly say, ‘warning I shrink people’ in your profile…” Allison shrugged, “I can’t give you much advice on that front, this guy,” she jerked a thumb at Clark, “he just sort of fell into my lap.”

“Actually, you fell on me,” Clark said with a grin, “then you trapped me in a Tupperware container…”

“I’ll have to try that on the next guy who asks me out,” Sadie said with a smirk, staring at the ceiling, “just toss him in with my sandwich from lunch and then talk to him whenever I’m ready…”

“Sadie you’ve got to be careful,” Allison warned.

“I know, I was just kidding,” she said with a sigh, then blinked, a few tears working there way through. “I… I don’t know what to do,” she said, sniffing slightly, “should I quit my job? Do I need to just live apart from everyone like you do?”

“No,” Allison said quietly, “I… I was wrong to choose that path, and you shouldn’t either.” She glanced at Clark, who nodded, urging her on. Allison sighed, “you’re going to have some adjustments,” she said, “but you’ll be okay, you stood by me when this happened, and I’m going to stand with you.” She leaned over and squeezed Sadie’s shoulder, handing her a tissue. “I’m… I’m sorry,” Allison blinked away a tear herself, “this is all my fault.”

Sadie laughed through her own crying, dabbing her eyes, “Allison, if this jumped from you to me, there wasn’t any way to know, I’m not mad at you!”


Sadie growled, sniffing loudly as she fought to compose herself, “Allison! Listen to me! We don’t know anything about it, for all we know the water in our town does this to people.”

Allison smiled a little, but from the way she turned towards Clark he could tell she was feeling a little guilty.

“Well, what do we do now?” Clark asked, “should we call that lab you’re always talking to?”

“Maybe,” Allison sighed, “we can do it tomorrow, for tonight let’s just try to… relax, okay?”

“Yeah,” Sadie said, dabbing her eyes one final time and handing the tissue to Allison’s outstretched hand, “that sounds good.”

“Let me just get the doll- HOLY SHIT!” Allison dropped the tissue like it was electrified, and Clark gasped as he saw why, handling the small cloth soaked with Sadie’s tears had caused Allison’s height to dip slightly, and she looked up in awe at Sadie, who was now a few inches taller than her as they sat on the couch together.

The three of them sat in stunned silence for a moment, then Sadie giggled, “No fucking way! I can shrink you!” She turned, blinking the final tears out of her eyes, “Clark, I can shrink Allison!”

“I can see that,” he said, still shocked.

Allison shivered, “from this side… it’s kind of unnerving…”

“You get used to it,” Clark and Sadie said at the same time.

Allison breathed out slowly, “Okay, Sadie, touch the tip of my finger.” She held out her hand, the digit extended as Sadie did the same. The two made contact, and before Clark’s eyes both women slowly began to get shorter, their clothes getting looser. After a moment Allison broke the contact, Sadie at around five feet tall and herself at somewhere a few inches below that, while her clothes were loose she was able to keep them on.

“Oh thank god, you can still shrink me,” Sadie breathed.

“That’s an odd thing to be thankful for,” Clark said with a wry grin.

“Whatever,” Sadie said with a grin, “Allison, you said you had the dollhouse?”

“No, but I have some of your clothes,” Allison said with a giggle. She snapped her glove on and licked the tip of her thumb, “hold still Barbie.”

Sadie squealed happily as she began to dwindle, her clothes billowing around her as Allison kept pressing the digit down, shrinking her. The blonde’s face disappeared down her shirt, and for a moment Clark saw nothing but Allison, reaching into the collapsing clothing and maintaining contact. Finally, Allison withdrew her hand, wiping the smudge of saliva on her own shirt as she grinned down at her handiwork.

A tiny head of blonde hair popped up in the pool of clothing, and a newly doll-sized Sadie giggled as she stepped out of the ruins of her outfit. Allison reached into her purse, pulling out an obnoxious red polka-dotted dress that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a doll’s outfit, and gently she brought it down on her friend, who raised her arms up to don the gaudy toy clothing eagerly.

“And there we go,” Allison said, pleased as she picked up Sadie around the waist and placed her in her lap, “right back where Sadie belongs…” She pulled a small plastic pink brush out of her purse next, and idly began slowly running it through Sadie’s hair as the tiny blonde sighed in relief.

“You have no idea how good this feels after the day I’ve had,” Sadie muttered.

“I have an idea,” Clark said with a smirk. His own play with Allison usually took a different turn, but there was definitely something slightly liberating about being tiny, forgetting the world’s troubles if only for a little while, subject to the whims of a beautiful giant.

Sadie gasped suddenly, pointing across the room eagerly, “A-Allison, can I shrink Clark?”

Allison suddenly had a mischievous smirk on her face as she glanced across the room at him, “hmmm… I don’t know.”

“Oh come on Allison, I was in the gerbil cage just yesterday!” he protested.

“But my dolly needs a friend!” Allison said, standing up and holding a giggling Sadie out in front of her like a torch.

Clark made a sudden dive for Allison’s purse, surprising her, “hey, what the-“ she started, but her eyes went wide as she saw him draw the pill bottle out. She scowled, “No Clark, don’t you dare-“

He was chuckling as he quickly unscrewed the cap and swallowed one of the countermeasure pills before she could say anything else. He sat back up, giving her a smug grin as she fumed.

“What are those?” Sadie asked, pointing down to the pill bottle.

“Anti-shrinking pills,” Allison scowled, “they resist the effect a little bit, plus he won’t be able to go smaller than six inches while they’re in his system…”

“Bummer,” Sadie giggled, “I was really hoping to send you all the way down Clark, but… I guess I can have fun with a little toy that comes up to a doll’s waist.”

Allison smirked, slowly lowering Sadie to the ground and standing over them both, arms crossed as she watched the doll sized Sadie advance on Clark. He scrambled backwards, grunting as his back hit the wall. The sight was comical, the doll-sized Sadie in the obnoxious red dress holding her arms out menacingly as she advanced on a full-sized man.

“Come on Clark,” Sadie teased, “let me do it! I want you to be my first victim!”

“What about those guys at the gas station!?” he protested as she closed in.

“Doesn’t count,” Sadie giggled, “It only counts if you’re smaller than a ruler!”

“What kind of rule is that?” Clark said, fighting a laugh as she slapped her hands on his exposed ankle. He felt himself start to shrink, her excitement causing the chemical to increase potency as even the tiny contact caused Clark’s clothes to rush against his skin, loosening as the doll-woman giggled at his expression.

“Calm down Sadie,” Allison laughed, “you don’t want to shrink him too quickly!” She walked over, standing over the two of them as Clark’s head disappeared down his shirt collar like Sadie’s had a moment before. She giggled and crawled up his loose pants leg, and Allison watched with amusement as one lump in the clothing chased the other, which diminished in size every time Sadie caught up to him, the cries of the chase muffled by the tentlike clothing that hung over the two.

Clark gasped, light and fresh air filling his senses as he scurried out his shirt sleeve, standing to his feet quickly and looking back. Sadie was crawling through it like a tunnel, giggling as she stood up, just a fraction of an inch taller than him, half a head or so at their respective heights.

“Okay, you’ve got me!” he called, holding up his hands in surrender, “I’m doll sized too, you win!”

He grunted as Allison’s hands wrapped around his stomach, the powerful fingers squeezing into him as she lifted him and Sadie up like the toys they were. Sadie gave him a smug expression from her place in Allison’s other hand as she carried them to the table, setting them across from each other.

“Just wanted to get you two up off the ground so I could get a better look,” Allison laughed. “That pill didn’t buy you much extra time Clark, I think Sadie’s shrinking is going a little wild since it’s still so new…” She thought a moment, “We should really practice shrinking and see if we can control it better, since we’re both going to be dealing with this…” she grinned, “luckily we have an eager volunteer.”

“Eager?” Clark asked, crossing his arms and smirking.

Eager,” Allison said with a wicked grin, her hand coming up behind him and slowly forcing him closer to Sadie. He stumbled and almost tripped as he was forced within arm’s reach of his fellow doll, who also had a rather predatory expression on her face.

“You said you the pill keeps him from going below six inches?” Sadie asked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she regarded him. Allison nodded and Sadie raised an eyebrow, “Okay Clark, on your knees.”

He looked to Allison, who just grinned, “you better do it Clark, you’re a toy’s toy for the night.”

He fell to his knees as Allison advanced on him, she lifted up the skirt of the doll’s dress, revealing her glistening womanhood beneath her trimmed blonde tuft of hair, “no underwear for dolls,” she reminded him.

He felt something press against the back of his head, and with a start he realized it was Allison’s finger, forcing his head down between Sadie’s legs as her other gloved hand cradled Sadie’s back. He began licking eagerly as his face met the soft opening, and his face was quickly soaked with the blonde’s juices as she moaned overhead.

“That’s it, good dolls,” Allison laughed, continuing to grind his face into her womanhood, the red doll’s skirt hanging over his head and her finger like a hood. Allison felt herself becoming wet too, watching Sadie’s face contort in pleasure as she cupped the doll woman’s torso, providing support as the work she was forcing Clark to do caused the blonde’s legs to give out.

“Fuck yeah!” Sadie howled as Clark rapidly diminished. His feet left the ground, and Allison’s blue latex clad hands gripped around him, lifting him slightly and keeping him in contact with Sadie as he continued licking at her, Allison’s powerful thumb hooking behind his head and keeping him in place, slowly grinding him into the doll-woman as she breathed heavily, her own arousal spiking at the display in front of her.

Sadie squealed, and then her thigh lifted up, wrapping around both Clark’s head and the gloved thumb as her hips bucked against his face, splashing him with her orgasm as he was brought down to his final height, half her size. With another mewling sound of pleasure Sadie collapsed backwards, panting as she hung limp from Allison’s hand.

“H-How’s that taste tiny?” Sadie taunted.

Clark just chuckled, “good, no hair to get tangled up in I guess.”

“Hey, getting tangled up in the hair is the best part,” Allison protested, separating her six-inch man from her doll sized friend.

“Things are kind of overgrown down there,” Sadie giggled, seeing Allison’s flushed expression, “do you want waxing tips?” she teasingly ran a hand over her own crotch, where the small tuft of blonde hair was soaked through with Clark’s spit and her own juices.

Allison just rolled her eyes, “No, I’m au-natural and Clark loves getting lost in there, and if you make fun of me again Barbie, I’ll go find your wax strips under the sink and give you a full body right here in front of him!”

Sadie smirked, pleased that she’d gotten on her friend’s nerves, but said nothing.

Allison glanced at Clark, who had wisely stayed out of the “argument,” and grinned, “now, would you like to go tour the forest?”

“Yes Ma’am,” he said eagerly, and he watched as Allison brought him down to the hem of her pants. She released Allison, setting her on the table as she used her free hand to unbutton her pants, revealing her pink panties as she pulled at the elastic, opening the top. Clark was brought to the opening of that chasm, and she sighed happily as he slid in, quickly becoming lost in the very hair they’d just been discussing, darkness overtaking him as she let the elastic of her underwear slip back into place. After adjusting him slightly, she buttoned up her jeans, trapping him tightly against her in a way that made her toes curl.

“Goodbye Clark,” Sadie said, a little awed as she watched the scene unfold.

“Yeah, those pills really open up some new possibilities,” Allison laughed. She leaned back in her chair, her face occasionally contorting as Clark squirmed against her. “Now then,” she said, regarding her doll sized friend, “tomorrow, we’ve got to make some decisions about this whole… thing,” she said, waving her hand, “but for tonight Sadie? Just relax, let me take care of you.”

“Thanks Allison,” Sadie said softly, blushing and smiling slightly as she reached for the doll-girl again.

“We’ve got a problem,” Drake said as Vasquez pulled up in the unmarked van.

Vasquez scowled, “what? Cops? A few calls and we can have them off our back-“

“No,” Drake muttered, pointing across the street to Sadie’s apartment, which he’d been monitoring all day. “The other girl, Subject A, she’s up there, her boyfriend is with her too.”

“Shit, they must have come right over when she started freaking out,” Vasquez muttered, glancing up at the light in Sadie’s window. She grinned ghoulishly, “pays to have friends, right?”

“We should call it off,” he growled, “we’ve only got containment for one of them.”

“Fuck that,” Vasquez laughed, “I’ve got four burn noticed motherfuckers in the back suited up in biohazard gear, finding another team for wet work is going to be a bitch, so get in the back and get your suit on because we’re doing this tonight.”

Allison sighed, relaxing at full size on the couch while Sadie sat happily in her lap. Clark, after a quick bath in the sink, had been wrapped in a tissue-toga for warmth, and was happily perched in the breast pocket of a pair of pajama tops Allison had packed. She’d regained the inches she’d lost to Sadie earlier, but she’d made sure to keep the two of them what she’d decided was “appropriately small” for the evening.

“So, Klingons, they’re bad, but they’re helping the crew in this one?” Sadie asked, confused as she watched the drama playing out on a television that was theater screen sized to her.

Allison and Clark groaned in unison, “it’s a matter of honor,” Allison tried to explain, “like yeah, they’re rivals of the Federation, but they’re not bad guys.”

“I don’t know, maybe I’m more of a Star Wars girl,” Sadie muttered, “it’s easy to tell who’s good and bad in that one.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” Clark laughed, looking down at her.


Allison jerked in the direction of the door, where a small explosion blew the door lock open. She screamed, scurrying backwards and grabbing Sadie as a group of men in biohazard suits flooded the room, guns raised.

“Go go go!” a hispanic woman shouted, running to the front as they fanned out. She spotted Sadie on Allison’s lap, then grinned, “thanks for making her small for me, makes this easier!” she reached for Sadie, even as Allison tried to keep her away in a panic. The other woman was stronger though, and as Allison panicked, running her fingers over the biohazard suit looking for any opening, she just laughed. The other men circled around, lowering their weapons as Vasquez pried the screaming doll-girl out of Allison’s fingers.

“Who the hell are you!?” Allison cried, her eyes darting back and forth nervously.

“Never you mind,” Vasquez chuckled, eyeing a stunned Clark, who was perched in Allison’s jacket pocket. Before Allison could react her gloved hand darted out, snatching Clark from her too. “Well looky here!” she laughed, dangling the tiny naked man before the group, “looks like she has herself a little boytoy!”

“G-Give him back!” Allison said, fear rising in her, “let both of them go right now!”

“Well, I don’t need this guy,” Vasquez muttered, letting him drop to the floor with a scream.

Clark grunted in pain as he hit the carpet, at this size the fall wasn’t particularly dangerous, but it still hurt, as did the massive boot that pressed into his back. Vasquez grinned, enjoying Allison’s look of shocked horror as she threatened to crush Clark, his cries of pain echoing up to her.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” she said, making contact with Allison, “we’re taking your little doll here, and your little boyfriend too. If you try to follow us? I’m going to be scraping what’s left of him off my shoe, understand?”

Allison blinked away a tear, nodding fearfully.

“Good girl,” Vasquez said, winking at her as she lifted her foot off Clark. She bent down to pick him up again, squeezing him harshly and causing another cry of pain.

“ALLISON!” Sadie squealed.

Allison looked at the nightmare in front of her, her heart picking up speed. She blinked away a tear, clenching her fists as some strange fire rose in her stomach. She stood up, and the woman and her minions paused as they noticed.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Vasquez snarled. She squeezed Clark again, “or do you want me to snap his spine right here in front of you?” One of the men raised a gun at Allison as she took another step forward.

“Allison, you can get us back later!” Clark called, clenching his teeth and fighting through the pain, “y-you can’t-“

She looked around the room, her eyes lingering on Sadie and Clark, her best friend and the man she… loved, yes, she loved them both really, the bright points of light that faded against the rising fury in her chest. She raised her head high, letting instinct take over as she glared at the woman, safe from her power behind that biohazard hood…

“No!” Allison shouted, and around the room six figures cried out in shock as their suits collapsed around them, billowing like tents as they shrank to inches in size. Clark and Sadie cried out in surprise as they fell to the floor, their falls cushioned by the piling biohazard suit. The guns clacked to the floor next, and as Allison panted, exhaustion coming over her, the full weight of what had happened started to sink in.

“Holy shit,” Sadie said in awe.

“Y-You didn’t even touch them!?” Clark said, looking at the hills of piled clothing, small lumps squirming in them as the former wearers struggled in piles of their own biohazard suits.

“I didn’t,” Allison muttered, blinking in shock, “it was like… I was so scared, and then I was angry, and I just… I just wanted them small!”

“This is… this is new,” Clark muttered, standing up. He fought a nervous laugh, “so uh… are you going to start fighting crime now?”

In spite of everything, Allison tittered a nervous laugh, “we’ll see, you can be my sidekick, the adorable and amazing Pocketboy…” She huffed, walking over to the lead woman’s biosuit and snapping the visor open. She reached inside, and there was a terrified yelp inside as she pulled out the naked and squirming form of Vasquez, her gloved fingers coiling tightly around the terrified woman.

“Hi,” Allison said darkly, “I believe you were threatening to crush my boyfriend?” Allison glanced down at her feet, Vasquez nervously followed her, and Allison smirked as she playfully shifted her foot back and forth, as though she was grinding a cigarette, “it made me kind of mad,” Allison said, hefting the woman back up and fixing her gaze on her enormous face.

“I-It was just a job,” Vasquez said weakly.

“It was my friends!” Allison snarled, her spittle landing on Vasquez and causing her to shrink a little further before Allison could wipe it off. She took a moment to enjoy the terror of the woman curled in her palm, then forced herself to calm down. “You are going to tell me everything,” Allison said.

“N-No fucking way,” Vasquez managed, regaining some of her fire.

“I think you’ll find I can be very persuasive,” Allison said with a erratic giggle. Down below, by her feet, Sadie and Clark exchanged nervous glances.

Chapter End Notes:
As they say, if you take a shot at the king (queen?) you better not miss. Tune in next time for some interrogation as the full scope of The Lab's treachery is revealed!
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