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Author's Chapter Notes:

Jeannine addresses the city for the first time in a while...

POV: Jeannine


I kneel on the floor of my bedroom, a short distance from the city's border. Looking down from above, I see a sizeable group of people gathered in the plaza outside city hall. I hold my phone in my hand, switching between glancing at it and the people below. I'm currently connected to a broadcast from down there, where Mayor Rin is currently giving a speech about the future of MG. The same footage is playing on TV sets in the homes of those who aren't attending in person. She takes some time to address the incident with Mom, but doesn't dwell on it. That isn't to brush it off, but rather to acknowledge it and move on to more important things. It's proven effective, to my pleasant surprise. Nick is beside her, commenting whenever she invites him to. True to her word, she is doing all she can to ease people's worries. Her delivery and tone practically eliminate any doubt, as if it's impossible for anything she says to be wrong. Despite my own self-doubt, I can't help but believe her. It's amazing. Hopefully one day I can speak with half the confidence she does.

As she nears the end of her speech, I prepare to address them as well. After spending the last week thinking hard about the Mayor’s questions, I've come to a decision. Several. Some of which I've shared and some I haven't. I've been uncharacteristically quiet recently. Not even Nick knows all that I'm about to talk about, only that I have some important announcements to make after the main one. I hear applause coming from my phone, indicating that my turn has come.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to Jeannine. I'm told she has an important message to share with us today." She gestures to the sky, several heads turning to follow her hand. "Whenever you are ready, dear."

The broadcast puts me in frame, zooming in on my face. I put on a friendly smile and give everyone a wave before beginning.

"That was a wonderful speech, Mayor Saverine. 

Thank you for all the work you and the council do."

I pause while the audience applauds her until the crowd is quiet again. "Magna Gratia holds a very special place in my heart. Having watched and often taken part in its growth has been an absolute pleasure. I love the community we've built because of our peaceful way of life. Our city is a testament to Lilli-Brob cooperation. I hope that one day this can be the norm rather than the exception."

I pause to collect my thoughts, which invites another round of applause. My serious expression softens briefly as I glance at my phone, seeing the cheerful faces of my citizens. It means a lot to me that they so easily forgive me.

"After what my mother did to you all, I worried that many would want to leave. I've given my word that anyone may leave, at any time and for any reason, so long as they tell me first. I'm...pleased to see that you've all decided to stay." I clear my throat, before I can get too emotional. "We've learned a lot about each other through exposure. There have been bumps along the way, some bigger than others, but nothing has stopped the momentum we've built. We continue to grow not only as a city, but as people. I've thought about that a lot lately. How can I be better? How can I do more? I thought that those questions were mine alone to answer. I couldn't have been more wrong."

I stand up and move to stand beside a newly bought piece of furniture behind me. It's a modular, floor shelving system with three shelves.

"Earlier this week, I asked you all what would make you feel safer. We held a vote, and your voices have been heard. It's clear that you want to be off the floor, some place higher up and less prone to danger. After discussing the idea with our engineers, I've received confirmation that moving the city is possible, due to its strong foundation. Apparently, using a tray as a base was a much better idea than I'd originally thought." 

I turn my attention to the shelves and give them a shake. I even give the base a light kick. The whole thing is solid as a rock, as I clearly demonstrate. I tightened the loose screws, but not too much, as Daedalus instructed.

"I wouldn't have even considered the idea unless I was sure that it was safe. I had this thing custom built especially for us, with dimensions large enough to house the entire meter squared area that is your home. And I spared no cost on the material!" I nod proudly. "I plan to move the city in a few minutes. Before I do that, there are some precautions that we must take. Now then, please turn your attention to Mayor Rin. She will explain what to do."

I listen to Saverine on my phone, taking a seat on my bed in the meantime. She explains that everyone needs to move to an open space at ground level, preferably away from any buildings. No matter how careful I am, the act of moving an entire city is going to cause an earthquake. Damage should be minimal, but on the off chance something goes wrong, we can avoid a loss of life. There's also the matter of if I can do it. I may be a Brob, but the nearly completed city will weigh much more than the barren plot of land did, once upon a time. The engineers calculate that the entire thing shouldn't weigh more than what I can carry on my own. I suppose there's no way to know until I try.

Fifteen minutes pass before I receive a text from Nick, confirming that everyone has moved to safety. All eyes are on me now, as I get down on my knees and lean over the city. The streets are now full of tinies. They've gathered into groups of varying size, the largest of which are in the park and plaza. I have no way of counting them, but if I had to guess I'd say there's at least two thousand people in each of those places.

"Alright. Please hold on, everyone. I'm going to be as careful as possible..."

I reach over to the east and west sides and gently slip my index fingers underneath the tray. 

The entire city tilts as I temporarily set the entire thing at a slight angle. It's not much to me, but I'm sure the Lillis are noticing it. One by one, I slip the rest of my fingers underneath, sliding my palms underneath it until I feel I've provided enough support. Bringing my thumbs to the edges, I'm careful not to press hard, just enough that I can maintain a grip on the entire thing. I tense my fingers, testing the city's weight. I can't budge it with my fingers alone, it's too heavy. Hopefully it's not too heavy for one person to lift. Slowly, and with more care than I've ever put into an action, I tense my arms. I feel the base lift off from the floor, no supported by nothing but my hands. I can feel its weight now. It can't be more than 20 kilograms. I push off my right leg, bringing my left knee off the ground at the same time. It's a delicate motion, requiring me to balance on one leg for a moment while also keeping the city as still as possible. 

I stand up straight, holding the city out before me. I take the chance to look down, scanning for damage. There's none that I can see, which is a good sign. Though, that only confirms that there's no major damage. It could be a lot worse than I realize. I can't help but wonder what the Lillis are thinking right now, watching me lift them into the air. It's so strange to think about. No single person should be able to pick up a city, and yet here I am doing exactly that. Metaphorically speaking, I've always held their lives in my hands. I just never thought that would ever be so literal. I'm holding a world, one inhabited by thousands of people, some I know and some I don't. It's a fragile world, more brittle than glass. One wrong move on my part and it could fall to the ground, so many lives shattered. I suddenly feel an increased pressure on my arms, as if the weight has doubled. 

I take several small steps, essentially shuffling over to my desk. By now, I can feel the muscles in my arms trembling. My shaky hands must be causing tremors for them. I consider bracing the north side against my waist, since it might lessen the load, but decide against it. There's no telling what kind of damage that could cause. Still, I'm going to need a moment to rest, which I already anticipated. Bringing the city over, I lower it down slowly to a space I cleared out earlier today. As I slip my fingers out from underneath, I ensure that the base touches down extremely gently. This adds a few more seconds, though I don't think anyone is complaining. I step away to admire my work.

"That's step one of three..." I whisper under my breath.

I flex my wrists back and forth, allowing my arms a moment to recover. In the meantime, I turn my attention to the shelves. Pushing against it with my shoulder, I slide it across the floor into place. I then adjust it against the wall, right on top of where the city used to be. It only takes two minutes, which is sufficient for my arms to rest and recover. It's time to finish the job.

I stand in front of my desk and move my hands into place, like before. I repeat the process, bringing the city off the desk as slowly as before. I make my way over to the shelf and plant my feet firmly in front of it. There are three shelves, hence, three options for placement. The top shelf is at eye level with me, the middle is at my waist, and the bottom is just below my knees. Considering I don't plan to move the city again, this choice will be final. The citizens never specified how high they wanted to be, leaving the decision to me. I don't think the lowest level is very different from the previous arrangement. The top level would work, but it will make it difficult to interact with them. My arms move forward and I crouch a little to get into position. I lower my body until I'm in position to place the city on the middle shelf. 

I bring the entire thing forward, just as my arms begin to tremble again. I can feel a burn in them, which I power through for the tinies' sake. Setting the base down, I realize that it isn't sitting against the wall. Using just my thumb, I carefully push the corner, adjusting the entire thing so that it's properly positioned. I lean to my left and right, inspecting the city one final time. I won't be satisfied unless it's perfectly in place. I take a step back and look at the new arrangement. 

"Finished. Welcome to Magna Gratia 2.0: Shelf edition." I sigh in relief. "How is everyone doing? Hopefully well?"

I bend my knees a little and lower myself to get a closer look. I'm pleased to see that there still isn't any major damage. I take the earpiece from my desk and put it in, switching it on.

"Hey." I hear Nick say. It's hard to hear him over the cheering. 

"How are things on your end?"

"Not bad, actually!" He yells, trying to make himself heard. "Apart from the nonstop tremors, I'd say we're alright! We won't have a full report for a few days, but you'll be happy to know that no buildings were toppled!"

"Is anyone hurt?"

"Not that I can tell! I think we're good?"

"Perfect." A joyful smile spreads across my lips. I then clear my throat loudly to get everyone's attention. I listen through my earpiece and wait for the noise to die down. I've still got one bigger announcement to make. I stand back up and take a step back so that I'm fully visible to everyone.

"I hope everyone is satisfied with the city's new place in my room. I like this a lot better, now that I'm seeing it." I close one eye and tilt my head, holding my hands out to form a rectangle, as if I'm putting them in frame. "Moving the city was just one of two big changes I'm planning on making. This one might be easier to show than tell..."

I turn to face the sliding glass door of my terrace and open it. 

I leave them for a moment, only to return with a large, clay pot. It's probably about half the size of the city, if not a little smaller. I haven't had the chance to measure it yet, having bought it just this morning. It's the kind that you fill with dirt for the larger plant variety. Though, this particular pot is empty. Despite that it's quite heavy, so much that I struggle with it. I bring it inside and slide the door shut behind me.

"I know that the outside world is dangerous and largely inhospitable to Lillis. Having my room, a place that's safe and comfortable, is nice, but I realize that many probably miss the outdoors. Feeling the sunlight through my windows just isn't the same. That's why I'd like to help you build a second, mini settlement in this. It'll be something I can leave outside permanently. I'm thinking it can be like a resort, with pools, restaurants, and the like. A place that you can use as a getaway."

I pause for a moment to collect my thoughts. I can hear excited chatter coming from Nick's end, which is reassuring. I didn't run this by anyone, hoping to surprise them with a new idea. No one knew about it. Well, that isn't exactly true. One person did know about it.

"This idea originally came from my good friend, Ori. We've been talking about it for some time, coming up with ideas. Neither of us are qualified to design such a place, but hopefully our engineers might be willing to take this new project on. It goes without saying that I will help in any way I can, be it through providing the necessary resources or aiding construction."

I let my words sink in, hoping I'll get enough support to make this idea a reality. I can't force them, seeing as most of the work will be done by them. Considering they'll be the ones using it, I don't stand to gain anything from its creation. It's entirely for them. Providing their most basic needs, security, shelter, food, and water is important, but I feel like I could be doing more. 

I don't just want my little friends to survive, I want them to prosper. Life isn't just about making it to the next day, it's about living. It's my hope that a place like this can provide that 'fun' element that many of them never got to enjoy. There are so many things that I take for granted without realizing it. Little pleasures that I've always had in abundance. They deserve the same, don't they? If it's within my power to give that to them, I absolutely will. I told them to live their lives to the fullest, once upon a time. It's been a long, difficult road up until now, but I think we're at a point where we can be indulgent and carefree. They've been working so hard every day for months. Yes, it'll take some more work, but I think it'll be more than worth it.

"I hope this idea will receive support. A formal vote will be held this week to see what you all think."

I know that sliding my little comment in will likely sway them, but I suppose it's fine. In the end, everyone has the right to voice their opinion, including me. I think it's a fair trade, considering I don't get a vote in the matter. I know these people. They're going to go for it, if only because it's something interesting. Ori's company will receive a lot of business through selling swimsuits. Daedalus and Icarus will see it as their next challenge. Sam and Aurelia will want to try growing new crops in a different climate. Mayor Rin and her family will use it for a family vacation, along with many of the other families. And, of course, Nick will probably enjoy ogling the Lilli girls enjoying the pool.

"I can see it now. It's going to be wonderful!" I think without speaking. All that shows outwardly is my cheerful expression.

I push the pot against the wall and out of the area I usually walk. I wipe my hands against each other to remove the dust from touching it. Before any work can be done, I'll have to prepare this thing extremely carefully. It's been ages since I did something like this. 

I close my eyes and remember the time when I first build the city's foundation. So much work went into that. Back then, I had to do it all on my own. Now, I'll have the help of the little ones, as well as Sara, if she's interested. I think she will be. She's been increasingly interested in the Lillis ever since I showed her Nick and Ori's gallery. It's a nice feeling, having people to rely on, to support you. It makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

"That concludes the announcements for now. Thank you all for listening! Please enjoy the rest of your day."

Having concluded the meeting, I put my earpiece on my desk and leave my room. I don't do it for any particular reason. I just feel like giving them some space. I plop down on my sofa and take out my phone. I pull up my calendar and go through my to-do list. I've got registration for the next semester soon, another Remnant search with Nick this weekend, plans with Sara, more plans with Sara, another meeting with Mayor Rin, and the list goes on...

"So much to do..." I giggle. "I'm not going to have a moment to myself!"

Chapter End Notes:

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