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Author's Chapter Notes:

Monday 15th of July 2020

Men: 4’ 4’’ feet 

Lauren: 5’10’’ feet  

Brooke/Alice Collins: 5’7’’ feet

Chapter 31 - Lauren - Dylan’s going down

Lauren stormed out the hall’s institute into the playground in her jeans and spaghetti strap tank top.

Brooke just told her about Matt’s bet with Dylan. Brooke showed the conversation directly from Matt’s phone, she had taken it away from him indefinitely. 

Lauren was tremendously mad with both Dylan and Matt, but Brooke told her that Matt had had his fair share of punishment back home. Above all, she felt angry at herself. For once she had let her guard down to a guy, only to be used by the biggest duchback of the school.

She would never trust a guy again, no feelings attached. From now on, fun and games in which she will decide the game and the toy.

But before, Lauren needed to deal with Dylan.

Lauren approached Matt’s group of friends. The football players who used to be rather imposing were now merely 4’4’’ inches tall. They stopped talking as the hefty form of Lauren stood behind Dylan.

“Oh hey Lauren, I was about to call you now” He said, turning around.

Lauren put her hands on his small shoulders to hold him still as she swung her leg into the air. She kicked his balls, lifting him in the air a couple of inches. Falling slowly into the ground to end up knelt in the floor.

“You will never ever talk to me again. If you see me in the hall, you run. If you see me in the playground, you run. If you see me at a party, you run. Because if by any chance I see you again around the very best thing that will happen to you is this shrimp.” Lauren said, feeling way better.

From Dylan's sobbing it seemed that he understood that it was not a very good idea to find Lauren again when he was even smaller.

Chapter 32 - Alice Collins - Governmental aid

Alice entered Robert’s office in her high heels and casual yet classy skirt and bluse. He looked at her surprised, not expecting to see her ever again.

“Hi Robert, let me introduce you to the government education supervisor of our district. You probably don’t know her since she got the job a few days ago.” Alice said as a woman in her 40s entered the room.

“Hi Mr. Fletcher, I am on a tight schedule today so this will be quick” She said without taking her eyes off her notebook “We have received a complaint about how Mrs. Collins was fired because of your misogyny.” She continued

Robert was having a hard time to understand what was happening. Sitting in his chair he just felt overwhelmed by the two amazonian ladies.

“After conducting several interviews with some students we have corroborated Mrs. Collins version” She said.

Alice smiled victoriously

“Not only that” The supervisor continued “It has been raised to our awareness that the head of studies position has been given to a man with way worse studies and merits than her” She kept writing in her notebook “Making this worse than we expected”

“Hold on could I…” Robert finally found his way into the conversation only to be ignored

“Please I told you I am on a tight schedule so be a little bit more comprehensive” Both women looked at each other as if the conversation had nothing to do with him.

“So what we will do why my office studies this case and how we should deal with such an individual” She struggled to find a non offensive word “Mrs. Collins will be appointed as head of studies. Have a nice day” She told him “See you around Alice” She told Alice and left.

Alice leaned forward into the desk towering over him.

“Well Robert, I’ll call you Robert since I am your right hand now, make sure to tell Josh about this change.” Alice realized then how little he had become in just a weekend “I told you that you were going to regret screwing me so if you don’t want to make it worse just do as you are told from now on” 

With that she left leaving Robert wondering what had just happened.

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