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Charlotte had called to meet with Drew and he was feeling nervous. He was assuming that it had something to do with Veronica, Sekka, Sarah, Suzy, and two Gutsy’s heading out to the hospital up north. They hadn’t got the ‘matriarch’s’ permission, and he figured it bruised her ego to know she wasn’t as in charge as she liked to believe.

He was walking with Bek, the one that had been sent to fetch him. Thus far she hadn’t made any threatening comments, though she had tried to make herself look bigger than she was. It wasn’t really necessary, she could easily eviscerate him without the posturing.

Her attempts to make herself look bigger only looked even more futile a few minutes later as he stepped into the dispatch warehouse. Most of the other Greenclaws were there, including the gigantic Kiki and even more gigantic Charlotte.

The self-proclaimed matriarch of the group looked down at him. “Punctual. I like that.”

She didn’t seem irritated, annoyed, or angry, so he assumed he wasn’t in trouble. Then again she could be looking forward to threatening to eat him yet again. She did seem to rather enjoy that.

“What did you want to see me about?” he asked. “I did plan on working on fixing up another production line today.”

“That will have to wait,” Charlotte said. “There is something else that needs your attention.”

“And that is?”

“Shut up and I will explain,” she said. “The F.E.V. that mutated us. It is still there at that facility. I need you to destroy it so no one else can use it.”

Out of everything he had expected her to say, wanting him to destroy the F.E.V. was not one of them.

Though, there was of course a problem. “I don’t have the tools to do that,” he said.

“Then make the tools,” Charlotte said sternly.

Drew thought for a moment. “Well, there are some explosive munitions in the other warehouse so I suppose I could use those to bring the building down. Then I can only hope that the rain dilutes the stuff without mutating the wildlife around it too much.”

“Good,” Charlotte said. “Nekka said that she found some detonators in the basement while she was wandering around. She says she stashed them in her room.”

“I could work with that,” Drew said as he started to think. “I could also load up the Sentry bot with some missiles just to be certain.”

“Very good. Take Gemma, Kiki, and Glower with you.”

“Sure thing. I’ll go take a look at those detonators Veronica found and see if I can slap something together.”

“I want you on your way today, so whatever you do, do it quickly.”

“I’ll start now,” Drew said as he turned to leave.

“One more thing,” Charlotte called out. He paused and glanced back.

“I know you and some of the others have been making plans behind my back. Sending them out on errands and missions without my permission. That stops.”

He didn’t respond as he left the dispatch warehouse and made his way down to the basement. The detonators were where Charlotte had said they were, in Veronica’s room, though she hadn’t really been using it much since she had been mostly sleeping on the roof.

With detonators in hand, he made his way to the main factory floor where he found Gemma stood talking to Jack and Amy.

“Good morning,” Jack said. “Gemma tells us that you’re heading out to their old place today?”

“Unfortunately,” Drew said as he held up the detonators. “Veronica found these and we’re gonna use them to bring the place down.”

“What about the mutagen stuff?” Amy asked.

“We don’t have the tools to destroy that outright. All we can hope is that the rain dilutes it enough to make it inert.”

“It sounds dangerous,” Gemma said. “What if it mutates insects, wildlife, or other stuff?”

“We either leave it as is, or we blow the building to hell. Charlotte’s right, we can’t leave it standing.”

“I guess we blow it up, then.”

“I’ll come, too,” Jack said.

“No. Charlotte wants me to go with Gemma, Kiki, and Glower only. I’ve already pissed her off by sending Sarah and the others up north to that hospital.”

“We’ll stay here, then,” Jack said. “Work on bringing this place fully back online.”

“Sure,” Drew accepted. “Firstly, though, we’re gonna grab those missiles from the stock warehouse and arm the Sentry. Time for it to go on a test run.”

“You taking it with you?” Amy asked.


Gemma didn’t like the idea. “It’ll slow us down.”

“Not if Kiki carries it,” Drew said.

Jack chuckled. “That’d be funny to see. Never seen anything pick up and carry a Sentry bot before.”

“Funny but necessary,” Drew said as he started for the stock warehouse. “Come on, let’s get those missiles loaded. Charlotte said she wants us heading out today and I want to be back before tomorrow.”

The four of them walked over to the far side where they entered the smaller of the two warehouses. Drew made his way over to the back corner and peered inside the half-empty crate that held the missiles.

“Prime pre-war advances right here,” he said, lifting one out. “Not as powerful as they would have been when first manufactured, but the explosives in these things will last for centuries.”

Gemma stomped over. “Want me to carry the crate to the Sentry bot?”

Drew placed the missile back inside. “Sure. That would be easier.”

He took a few steps back and watched as Gemma gripped the crate and heaved it off the ground.

“Looks heavy,” he commented.

“It is heavy,” she answered. “I doubt you could even lift an eighth of this weight.”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t.”

Drew followed behind Gemma as she carried the crate back onto the factory floor and over to where they had left the Sentry bot. After placing it down carefully on the ground, Drew got to work arming the large military robot.

With that done, Drew activated it and took a few steps back as it seemed to grow taller as it extended its wheeled legs.

“Ready to accept orders!” it said in its deep synthetic voice.

“For now you are to enter non-combat mode,” Drew told it. “Only attack if we are attacked.”

“Understood. Combat parameters accepted. Entering passive mode.”

“Are we heading out?” Gemma asked.

“I think We’ll take a few Gutsy’s with us as well. Just in case those guys with power armor are hanging around.”

“Good idea,” Amy agreed.

“I’ll go grab the explosives, then find two of the Gutsy’s,” Drew said as he quickly made his way back into the stock warehouse and retrieved what he needed.

After handing the explosives over to Gemma to hold, he quickly made his way up to his office to grab his backpack and rifle before finding the two Gutsies on patrol.

With everything he needed, he returned back to Gemma, took the explosives, and placed them in the storage unit of the Sentry bot.

“I think that’s everything,” Drew said, before turning to Jack and Amy. “I want you two to find Axa and stick with her. Last I saw she was in the dispatch warehouse. Do something with her. Just stay away from Bek.”

“Got it,” Jack answered.

“We’ll walk there with you since we have to be there anyway to get Kiki and Glower. There’s a good chance we might not be back until late tonight so when Veronica and the others get back, tell them where we’ve gone.”

“Understood,” Amy acknowledged.

They made their way to the larger warehouse where Charlotte gazed down on them, a look of displeasure on her face.

“I told you that you will go with Gemma, Kiki, and Glower.”

“I know,” he said.

She pointed towards Amy and Jack. “They are not going.”

Drew realized the misunderstanding. “Oh, they’re not coming with us. They just needed Axa’s assistance with something.”

“What do they need her assistance with?”

Amy answered quickly. “Work still needs to be done with the factory lines.”

Charlotte thought for a moment, her jaw clenching. “Very well,” she relented. “Axa, go with them.”

Axa seemed more than happy as she, Jack, and Amy left the warehouse, heading back into the main building while Drew and Gemma made their way to the rear shutters, followed by the Sentry bot and the two Gutsy’s.

“Ready?” he asked, looking back at them.

“I am,” Kiki answered.

Gemma looked at Glower who was currently glowering. “Are you ready?”

She responded with a low growl of dissatisfaction. Drew didn’t know if it was because she didn’t want to go or because, as he discovered once he opened the shutter, that it was drizzling outside.

“Well, this is gonna be fun,” Gemma muttered sarcastically.

“Come-on,” Drew said with a wave of his hand. “Let’s get going.”

With them all outside, Drew closed the shutter before Gemma squatted down. “You want a ride?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” Drew said before he had powered down the Sentry bot and looked up at Kiki. “You think you could carry that, Keek?”

“Sure thing,” Kiki answered as she bent down and picked it up like it was nothing. Still, it looked rather large in her hands.

“Will you be okay carrying that?” Drew asked.

“It’s not as heavy as it looks,” Kiki answered.

“She’s strong,” Gemma told him. “I saw her pick up Lotte when she fell when we were fleeing those powered armored pricks. Heaved her up right off the floor. It was impressive considering the size difference.”

Drew stared back up at Kiki. Comparatively, she was two-thirds the size of Charlotte. It was like a ten-year-old picking up a full-grown man. For some reason, he found the thought of her incredible strength a turn-on.

He shook the errant thought out of his head. “Come on, let’s not waste any more time.

He walked over to Gemma and climbed up her back, dangling his legs around her neck and over her shoulders while gripping her horns like handlebars. Not ten seconds later they were off, the wind and the rain whipping at his face.

It didn’t drizzle for long, though that didn’t mean it stopped. Roughly ten minutes into their journey, it began to thunder down in a torrent before it stopped altogether, but not before they were all soaking wet.

Two hours into the journey, they were almost dry in no small part due to the wind and how fast they were moving through it.

At three hours they decided to take a break. Apart from a lone scavenger who had fled at the mere sight of them, they had seen no one. Drew sat with Kiki while Gemma and Glower went off to gather some food to eat.

“So,” Kiki began to speak after several minutes of silence, “Haven’t seen much of you since I got to your place.”

He glanced up at her, shaking off the fear he felt at her intimidating size. “Been busy.”

“Gemma talks about you every time we see each other. Unfortunately, we don’t get much privacy.”

“What about on food hunts?” he asked. “I know some of you have been going out on some.”

“I haven’t,” she said. “Too dangerous for someone as big as me to be out too much. Besides, I tend to scare everything away before I even see it.”

“What’s it like?” he asked.

“What’s what like?” she asked in return, wanting clarification.

“To be big?”

“Well, the world feels like it was made for small children. It also takes a really long time to piss.”

That statement took him by surprise. “How so?”

“Not everything scaled up with me,” she answered.

A wave of alarmed arousal flowed through him as he considered what she meant and the implications of it. He had noted that there was no obvious genitals around their groins and had wondered if they were hidden behind a fold of flesh, or if there was another reason? It still felt a little inappropriate to ask and he didn’t want to get caught staring too closely.

“So you’re… um. Small down there?” he asked before cringing. He couldn’t believe he’d asked that.

“Yeah, I am. I bet even you would feel massive inside me.”

The comment took Drew off guard and he found himself coughing. He heard her laugh which didn’t help matters. Being hit on by someone that was bigger than most wasteland houses was a bizarre experience.

Drew had to admit, though; the thought of bringing someone as massive as Kiki to climax was incredibly hot. He would feel like a god and he began to wonder if there was a way to get it to happen.

“So,” he began feeling nervous. “How long do you think the others will be?”

“Why?” Kiki asked.

“No reason,” he answered as he looked down at his feet.”

“Wanna see if you can fuck me?”

He coughed again, feeling his cheeks grow hot. He couldn’t believe she was being so brazen.

“I was joking,” she said, though there was something in her tone that suggested otherwise.

Still, Drew laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, I know. I was just wondering how long the others would be?”

“Not long. And besides, when we do it I want Gemma to be involved.”

“Really?” he asked feeling another wave of arousal flow through him.


“But you said it was a joke.”

“That was a lie. I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since we lived in Paulson. I wanted to have a threesome with you and Gemma. I wanted it so badly. I still want it.”

Drew was starting to wish Glower hadn’t come along with them. He honestly felt that he’d have the chance to actually fuck them, but with Glower being present, it just wasn’t going to happen. Not without it being a little uncomfortable. Then again, he supposed it would be uncomfortable, regardless. It would certainly be weird fucking two large beasts, even if they were once human.

He realized that he needed to stop thinking in those terms. He was trying to justify his feelings and desires to himself by reminding himself of what they used to be. They weren’t what they used to be, they were something different. He knew that if he wanted to make any kind of relationship work with either or both of them, then he had to accept that they weren’t human and he had to let go of the images in his head of their old faces. Those faces were gone and they were never coming back.

“What are you thinking about?” Kiki asked.

“Us,” Drew answered. “How this is gonna work.”

“So you want to try?” Kiki asked hopefully.

“Yeah, I want to try.”

“That’s great news.”

“Gonna be a bit strange, though.”

“Oh, definitely. You’re like a little cat or something when compared to me.”

“Well, this ‘little cat’ is gonna make you cum.”



“Like you did with Gemma? You know, back at Paulson when we were human.”

Drew frowned. “How do you mean?”

“Some of the noises that came from your place at night. Well, it sounded like you were giving Gemma the time of her life.”

“You were listening in?”

“How do you think I got myself off?”

Drew fell silent as he processed what she had just told him. He found the thought that Kiki had been pleasuring herself while he pleasured Gemma extremely hot.

Kiki continued. “I used to fantasize about jumping you and then fucking the shit out of you. If I tried that now, I’d crush the shit out of you, literally.”

“Yeah, but what a way to go, eh?” he joked with a chuckle.

“Disappointing that I’ll never get to sit on your face.”

“No, but I get to lay between your massive tits,” he said, eyeing them up. “Must be more volume on just one of those than in my entire body.”

“I heard that you’ve slept with your head between Gemma’s. How was that?”

“Haven’t slept so well in ages.”

“Yeah? Well, your whole body will fit between mine, and from what Gemma says it’s the most comfortable place in the world.”

The two massive orbs were very inviting. He couldn’t help but imagine what they must feel like.

Drew shook the thoughts out of his head as he saw Gemma and Glower approaching with five fresh kills. He supposed that Kiki was likely to eat three of the radstags to herself, while Gemma and Glower would have one each. He, on the other hand, had brought his own lunch with him.

Kiki ate hers first and she wasn’t exactly pleasant about it. She tore them apart with her claws and teeth before swallowing the huge chunks whole. It was rather terrifying to behold and it only reminded him that she could practically eat him whole, unlike Charlotte, who could actually swallow him whole with ease.

Not long after that, the group was once more heading westward with Drew riding on Gemma’s shoulders. A dozen or so times, he found himself looking across at Kiki’s over-sized breasts as they bounced while she ran. They weren’t as out of control as he would have expected, meaning there was undoubtedly a firmness about them. On more than one occasion, she even caught him looking. Her response each time was to grin at him and he grinned back.

Finally, after five-and-a-half hours in total, they arrived. The place certainly looked a lot different than he remembered. For one thing, there were a lot more holes in the roof and parts of the structure had collapsed. There were also large craters in the dirt, suggesting that a whole lot of ordnance had been used and to devastating results.

What Drew found strange, though, was the lack of bodies. That meant that those that had attacked had cleaned up afterward, which only further supported the evidence that it was Brotherhood of Steel. Whether or not they were still in the area was the most important question at that moment and while it didn’t appear that they were, that also didn’t mean they weren’t.

What was certain was that they were going to have to stay vigilant and keep their eyes and ears open. The last thing they needed was to be caught off-guard.

“They must have really wanted you dead,” he said as he stood at the side of a small blast crater from what had to have been from a mini-nuke.

Even though it had been only a few days, it already had two feet or more of water pooled in the bottom. It had clearly been raining around here, he was just glad that it still wasn’t. They had gotten wet enough when they left the Robco plant.

Gemma stood beside him. “They see us as a threat and to some degree, they’re right, but only to people like them.”

“Lotte is a threat to everyone,” Kiki pointed out as she put the Sentry bot down on the ground. “I think she might see herself as some kind of goddess.”

“Well, she is thirty feet of pure power,” Drew pointed out. “Regardless of how she sees herself, she’s right about having to destroy this place. We need to bury that mutagenic goop, and also destroy all the data here that might be left.”

“Then we shouldn’t waste any more time,” Gemma said as she made her way for the entrance.

Drew looked up at Kiki. “You keep a watch out. I’ll leave the two Gutsy’s out here with you.”

“Sure. I’ll shout really loud if I see any guys in metal armor.”

After giving the two Gutsy robots instruction, he followed Gemma inside with the Sentry bot and Glower.

They didn’t waste time and made their way to the central chamber. Without Charlotte, Kiki, and the others filling up all the space, the place looked a lot bigger. There were also catwalks that he couldn’t recall seeing before. Another thing he couldn’t remember seeing the last time he was there were the giant holes in the roof, a sign of the attack that had happened. The floor was also wet, signifying that the rain had gotten in. There was also a strange smell in the air and he felt a strange tingle against his skin.

Drew took off his backpack and placed it down on the floor before opening it. He took out the detonators and put them to one side before he opened up the storage unit on the Sentry bot and took out the explosives.

“Okay,” Drew said, holding them in his hands. “We need to figure out which are the support walls. We can’t go wasting these.”

“Well, what about those columns?” Gemma said pointing.

“Might not bring the place down,” Drew pointed out. “We need support walls.”

“Well, we could just collapse this room.”

“That’s probably a better plan,” Drew said. “There are not enough explosives to take out the whole place. Not that it will take much to bring the rest of the place down,” Drew added as he heard the worrying groaning of metal from somewhere high up above.

Drew rubbed his chin. “I think the corners would be a good place to start. Also, taking out the group of the pillars towards the center of the room would definitely increase the chances of the place collapsing. We could also take out some of the missiles I armed the Sentry bot with and use those to boost the explosion.”

“Sounds like you’re figuring it out,” Gemma said.

“Slowly but surely,” Drew answered. “I’ll set the charges, but before we detonate, I want to find all the terminals in this place and wipe them. Make sure that nothing survives.”

“Just be careful near the vats,” Gemma said. “Looks like some have started to overflow due to all the rain coming in through the roof.”

“Don’t worry, I have absolutely no intention of getting any of it on me,” he assured her.

“If you did, you’d probably turn feral like the other males did and I’d have to kill you.”

“Let’s not let that happen,” he said as he walked over to a support pillar and planted the first explosive. “I plan on destroying all this remotely, so there won’t be any chance of be getting splashed when the place goes up.”

He planted the next to explosives on the neighboring pillars before he made his way to the front wall and planted more on either side of the doors midway to the outer walls. He then made his way over to the steel stairs in the corner and climbed up them, placing the remaining few explosives higher up before returning down to the bottom.

“Now, the best part is the explosives are remotely triggered by these detonators.”

“Or they should be,” Gemma said.

He smirked and nodded. “Yeah, they should be. If not, then we’ll have to wire them up and detonate a little less remotely.”

“Let’s hope it works then.”

“Let’s hope,” Drew agreed.

“Yes, let’s hope,” a third unknown voice added.

They all looked up to the source of the voice, to find a group of a dozen or so power-armored goons stepping onto the catwalk above them. They were also heavily armed with rocket launchers, plasma rifles, and other weapons Drew didn’t recognize.

Things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.

Chapter End Notes:

With it being Christmas, I might end up missing posting next week. Things are a little busy this time of year.

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