[Reviews - 24] starstarhalf-starPrinter
Summary: An ancient evil in the Old West.
Rated: PG
Categories: Giantess, Instant Size Change, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Female Self-Gigantism Through The Ages
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 16173 Read: 223245
Published: July 05 2009 Updated: December 30 2009

1. Chapter 1 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (834 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Carycomic [Reviews - 3] starstarstarhalf-star (704 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (1187 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Carycomic [Reviews - 2] (632 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (595 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (774 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (392 words)
This one's for all my fellow mytho-philes, out there.

8. Chapter 8 by Carycomic [Reviews - 2] (862 words)
In which further illumination is provided; tempers flare; and another flame of life is extinguished.

9. Chapter 9 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (636 words)

10. Chapter 10 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (522 words)

11. Chapter 11 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (621 words)
An unexpected development.

12. Chapter 12 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (469 words)
A council of war.

13. Chapter 13 by Carycomic [Reviews - 2] starstar (357 words)

14. Chapter 14 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (393 words)

15. Chapter 15 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (610 words)
A scheme is hatched.

16. Chapter 16 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (412 words)

17. Chapter 17 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (368 words)

18. Chapter 18 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (358 words)

19. Chapter 19 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (484 words)

* * * * *

20. Chapter 20 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (331 words)
JUNE 21, 1865 (9:11 PM)

21. Chapter 21 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (486 words)

22. Chapter 22 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (380 words)
JUNE 21, 1865 (5:30 PM)

23. Chapter 23 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (554 words)

24. Chapter 24 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (379 words)

25. Chapter 25 by Carycomic [Reviews - 0] (644 words)
JUNE 21, 1865 (9:17 PM)

26. Chapter 26 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (518 words)

27. Chapter 27 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] (857 words)
Epilogue One

* * * * *

28. Chapter 28 by Carycomic [Reviews - 1] starstar (814 words)
Epilogue Two