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As Leif O'Reilly's body slowly began to dissolve, his spiritual essence was absorbed by Heraclitoris' mind. And, consequently, so was all the knowledge he had acquired throughout his life.

Such was the power she called "gastronomancy."

But, as the absorption proceeded, the look in her eyes gradually changed from triumph to shock. A change indicated by the shifting of her open mouth from a triangle to a capital "o." And, Father Cypriano knew he could wait no longer. With a "twang" and a "whoosh," the blessed ammo clip was on its way. And, it found its mark!

Prompting the giant she-demon to involuntarily close her mouth and swallow.



Heraclitoris' right hand immediately went to her stomach. Causing the almost-ruined hearse to dangerously teeter back and forth in the palm of her left.

"Bastardito!" she swore: "You will NOT outlive me!"

So saying, she brought her right hand back up, intending to crush the hearse to smithereens. And, Father Cypriano with it! But, the monster-hunting priest had anticipated this, and jumped for it. Aiming for the jaguar-skin belt of her translucent silk skirt.

This required him tossing away the crossbow. The sacrifice was worth it, however, as he managed to land where he had aimed (the area of her belt just above her eponymous zone), and clutch at it with both hands.

"Gracias, Senor O'Reilly," he whispered to himself: "Vaya con Dios!"

* * * * *


"Senor O'Reilly. You were un soldado, once. Si?"

"Marine, actually. Lost my lower right leg at Chapultepec."

"My condolences. The reason I inquire is this. I wish to know if you are familiar with the concept of...'contingency plans.' "

Leif nodded. Whereupon, Father Cypriano elaborated.

"If, for any reason, the blessed iron bullets of the Gatling gun are insufficient against this giant puta, I desire to have just such a plan, ready-and-waiting for enactment, at that fateful moment. You love your brother Samuel. Do you not?"

"O'course, I do!" exclaimed the gravedigger: "What kind of question is that?"

"Do you love him enough to die for him?"

Leif paused before answering...with a counter-question.

"What're you gettin' at, padre?"

"I plan to wash down several holy wafers with holy water, before we venture forth. That way, if I am consumed by Heraclitoris, I will poison her unholy system and take her with me. In which event, I bequeath my burro and cart to you. But, what if _you_ are consumed, instead of me? Who will care for Samuel, then?"

"Let me get this straight. You askin' me to chow down some of them Catholic vittles, too? So's I can poison her if'n you can't?"

The priest nodded.

"If I agree," Leif continued: "You swear to look after my brother like he was your own?"

"Mi mano a Dios!" the priest exclaimed, raising his right hand skyward, to emphasize the point.

"Alrighty, then. Let's ger her done."

* * * * *

With Heraclitoris having swallowed the blessed ammo clip, as well, the contingency plan had proven doubly successful. A fact that was subsequently demonstrated by the giant she-demon falling flat on her face!

To Be Concluded
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