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"Charlotte! Deirdre!" exclaimed Alison: "Get those damn Yankee insects! Bertha and I can handle these two."
No sooner had she said this than the towering twin terrors were in the middle of the U.S. Cavalrymen. Picking them up by ones and twos; breaking each of their backs with one bite; and, then, throwing them at the surviving horse soldiers in the hope of knocking the latter from their saddles.
They missed for the most part, however, as the troopers zig-zagged their mounts back and forth.
Meanwhile, Bertha Sillitoe had vaulted over the front wall of Fort Pecos. Then, like an overgrown monkey, she used her hands to half-leap/half-creep towards her sister, until she was parallel to her. Whereupon, she grabbed up Lewis with her left hand, while Alison (tossing away the roof of the look-out box) snatched up Lauren with her right.
"Got you!" she crowed: "Now, all we have to do is wait for the Mistress to get back. And, we can perform the sacrifice, on schedule."
"Hey, wait a minute!" shouted Lewis: "I thought I was to be the sacrifice. That was the deal! Me, for Lauren's release."
"The Mistress lied," gloated Bertha: "She's going to devour Lauren. That way, she'll learn everything Lauren knows. And, use that to make your fertilization of her that much easier. It'll be as if you really _are_ consummating Lauren!"
"Well, I hate to break it to you," Lewis replied: "But, there's not going to _be_ any sacrifice! Take a gander, skywards."
The two titanesses reluctantly did as instructed. Sure enough; the crescent moon was now past its zenith.
Alison looked back down at her captive, snarling in frustration. And, Lauren cringed, anticipating a most horrifying spiteful death. In her fright, however, she had completely forgotten her shrunken fiance'!
As if he were the handsome prince in "Rapunzel," Clark Cross had used Lauren's long brown hair to ascend to the top of her head. There, he had drawn the last of his cholla-needle arrows; nocked it to his willow-sprig bow; and, then, let it fly.
The needle hit its intended target. The bottom of Alison's right eye! And, instinctively, her right hand went to that eye, causing her to drop Lauren. Giving Lewis the opportunity to do the same thing to his captor with his one remaining Colt (having lost the other when he was grabbed).
He landed right beside Lauren, who was busy showering Little Clark with grateful kisses.
"Now, Dutch! Now!!!"
The Hessian mercenary had been "playing possum;" pretending to have been knocked out by a stray piece of falling debris, following Alison's decapitation of the look-out box. Now, though, he sprang to his feet and threw his Bowie knife towards Alison's neck!
It imbedded itself in the middle of her throat, causing her to lose her grip on the top of the palisade and fall to the ground. Consequently, she landed flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her. At the same time, Lewis had recovered the other Colt Army revolver, and fanned all six of its shots into Bertha's throat!
She, too, landed flat on her back, and with the same result. Her landing, however, occurred outside the remains of the breached gate...just as Marshal Dalton came galloping up. Still leading the four riderless horses.
Bertha, desperate for fresh meat to accelerate her supernatural healing powers, rolled over and started crawling towards the ex-army engineer. Dalton was ready for her, though.
He jumped from the saddle, an attachable carbine stock already fixed to the butt of his Third Model Colt Dragoon. He knelt down on his right knee, and immediately began firing towards her still-regenerating left eye.
The fifth and sixth bullets found their marks (Bertha's brain), and she collapsed to the ground, face-first. Whereupon, the aging town marshal remounted, and resumed his charge into the fort.