* * * * *
The rest of Lancer's troops arrived ahead of schedule; between five and six-of-the-clock. Consequently, there were a lot more hands to help get things done before sunset (circa eight o'clock).
Like the troops that had arrived with Lancer, himself, they were mostly "galvanized Yankees" (ex-3rd Louisiana Cavalry), working together with veterans of the now-disbanded 1st Alabama Cavalry (U.S. Volunteers).* And, like their commanding officer, they had to be shown proof of what they were told.
All doubt was removed once they saw Little Clark Cross practicing archery with a sprig of willow, a fragment of fiddle string, and some sewing pins.
His twin brother marveled at the shrunken man's skill.
"Where and when did you learn to do that?"
"Dutch taught me. Said he learned it from a deer-poaching English gypsy he met in the Foreign Legion."
Fleischer nodded: "He preferred military service mit der French to permanent exile in Australia."
By half-past-seven, everything was as ready as it was going to be. The master plan called for Tom, Buck, and Fleischer to ride with Lewis halfway to the fort. After that, they would split off and ride wide to the right of the fort. So, they could creep in from the right flank.
Meanwhile, Troop C of Squadron 4 would circle wide to the left of the fort. Dismounting on the shores of the Pecos River, and proceeding toward the fort's rear wall on foot. Pushing their improvised hwacha before them.
As the moon was in its waning crescent phase, and just beginning to rise, they would have near-total darkness in their favor.
The moon was halfway towards its zenith when Lewis finally arrived at the fort. According to Father Cypriano, it was when it was directly overhead that the sacrifice would most likely occur. So, at five-past-nine, the dismounted cavalrymen--under Marshal Dalton's direction--began setting up the modified rain gutters. Both on the floor of the tilted-up donkey cart, and flanking it. Four minutes later, he ordered the fuses to be lit.
And, one minute after that, the first of the Congreve rockets (with Ketchum grenades securely tied on to them) launched itself at Fort Pecos.