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It was tough staying underground for that long. But thankfully, the hills had a lot of protection from Onigashira's family. Nobody would discover Ayame until the effects wore off.

In the distance, past construction crews and demolished material, the soaked pink condom and its wrapper still littered the city, a reminder of what had happened. Looking over the buildings being reconstructed, Gouriki clenched his meaty fist. "Darn it, I can't believe those degenerates got away at that size... Oboro, any findings from the forensic analysis?"

Tsukimigusa gave a solemn head shake. "We couldn't make it in time. The uniform pieces are too thoroughly shredded and buried to be of any use. And even if there was a trace that survived the... flash flood, and earthquake, as all officials are requesting we refer to it... Mrs. Sophia Nishikinomiya personally ordered every part of that structure demolished. And incinerated. Her exact words were, 'It sent the wrong message to the people and invoked emotions we couldn't anticipate.' This actually took priority to any and all reconstruction efforts."

Ayame Kajou adjusted her braids. "I trust her judgement. After all, it's her efforts that helped save me, and all the others who were lost in that rampage..." She tapped her replacement skirt. "...Or who lost their clothes."

Tanukichi Okuma rubbed the back of his head. "But I'm pretty sure Blue Snow is going to be more careful where she steps next time. SOX... their 'dirty jokes' are starting to suck."

"And when they start sucking," Ayame added, "they don't stop until the end." She gave herself a subtle fist pump.

When the council scattered once more, Kosuri stepped out from behind the girders. "Well well. Even if it's still hard to get our hands on the goods, the seed's been planted. That taught 'em a thing or two."

Otome crept in, sketching another picture of Anna at building sizes. "It taught everyone a lot. Not only did they learn about protecting themselves... The demand for giantess art flows once more! Somewhere out there, all the size fetish artists of old must be looking over us!"

"Those artists better not be jacking off to us..." Tanukichi muttered.

"What's important is that we can all feel ourselves again. In both senses." Trying to ignore the painful memories represented in the sketches, Ayame nudged him. "Speaking of. Tell me the truth. Who did you choke the chicken to there? Anna? Me? Maybe Gouriki?" Her eyes narrowed. "I would love to know how you can beat your meat in the face of death. Or did the danger turn you on?"

He shivered in place. "It... It really doesn't matter, but..." He shook his head.

Kosuri poked at him. "Boys can get pretty possessive. Don't you feel weird that the whole city is gawking at your love, while she's all exposed and embarrassed? Or maybe... you're into NTR?"

"I... don't feel cheated or anything." Tanukichi managed. "Ayame, she's... not the kind of person who you can keep a chain on. We're a country of tight spaces. Small rooms. Quiet words. The girl I love... she refuses to be squeezed in. Her natural state is a flood of wetness, an inferno of bodily heat, a whirlwind from the Lust Circle of Hell. I will gladly watch her pull everyone into her chaos. She deserves to scream about cocks to the heavens until the planet echoes. If our world is too small for contain her, well... it just means we'll need to build our world bigger."

Ayame stared at him for a moment; before giggling. "Tanukichi, don't try to make me a hero. This was a team effort! Your quick thinking, Fuwa's weird science, Kosuri's distractions, Otome's records... even Anna helped in her own way. I might yell dirty jokes the loudest, but you're the one who plants half the ideas in my brain! Where's the fun in lame gags if you're the only one doing it?"

She removed her glasses, leaning in close to him. "Without you guys, I would just be shouting shit into the void for my own sake. Tanukichi, you're the one who takes my selfish ideas, and make them into a movement! You're my best form of protection!"

Tanukichi sighed. "Well, hopefully the day comes when we won't need a movement... And you can be the biggest pervert your heart desires."

Otome looked up. "Heheh, but you're forgetting... Ayame's not the only person with trouble being quiet and fitting in tight spaces."


Twin, circular shadows shifted above, covering the four comparatively-tiny SOX Members and making them shiver. A massive hand with a silvery, ornate bracelet slammed behind them. Anna's massive face smiled in the sky.

"Mr. Okumaaaa~" The sides of nearby buildings rattled and fell to the sound of her voice. "I'm so very sorry I broke your gift, and made everyone so embarrassed! I've heard from Fuwa that the effects will wear off pretty soon..." She smiled, and grabbed him; giving nobody else any room for reaction or comment. "So let's take advantage of the time before that happens! So cute at this size~!"

"A-ANNA!" He practically choked as she cuddled the little boy into her cheek.

From a safe spot behind bushes, Hyouka kept taking notes. "All according to plan."

Chapter End Notes:

This should not be taken as real advice, I am not a doctor, and neither is Ayame Kajou. Putting a condom on government buildings does not protect you from STDs, unwanted pregnancy, or privacy violations. If you feel dissatisfied, reach out to a friend, rather than engaging in public masturbation or exhibitionism on your own.

This basically spiraled out of a rejected series of sex jokes I jotted down after binging Shimoneta. Ayame's dialogue is really different for me because I'm not used to swearing. But the overlap of passionate political speaches with sex jokes (like Maguro Teikoku's World-Peace-Chan), Haruhi-Suzumiya-manic-pixie vibes, and glasses all speak to my heart and soul.

I really preferred Ayame over Anna during my first viewing of the series, I sort of thought that the jokes around Love Nectar got repetitive. But I binge watched it again, and came to really see Anna as a tragic figure who's constantly defeated by her own naivete, and who genuinely wants to make a better world for her friend Ayame and her crush Okuma. Writing her stuff came a lot easier, and while she was originally intended to have a smaller role, she sorta naturally crept her way into the story, as a ticking time bomb of misplaced affection, and the main rival.

And Okuma himself, well, he's a fairly generic dude as you'd expect from a series like this. But whenever I wrote a joke with Ayame that didn't hit or wanted to balance out her behaviour, he was always there. If Ayame is a mouthpiece for my most idealistic views about sex, Okuma is a mouthpiece for my doubts, restraints, and better judgement. I wanted to make sure he wasn't just a POV character, but had an active role thinking about issues and solving them.

The other "main characters" each got a quick scene, mostly as a "consolation prize" to their fans; since I could only find a little bit of size content with each of them. (Shoutout to AlloyRabbit's picture with Otome, that was a direct inspiration for her scene, along with a manga whose author I don't remember drawing a yaoi fan scribbling across the planet.) Also self-censored like a thousand indulgent fourth wall breaks, before mostly giving them to Otome.

Overall, this is a drive where Ayame/Okuma/Anna wrestle with the steering wheel over a road to nowhere, and the others are in the back seat. It's fun to see them play off each other: while Ayame initially seems to be driven by nothing but sex, she's pretty darn intelligent; while Anna seems to be the most proper and responsible one with the most resources, her primary driver is sex; and Tanukichi is a reasonable dude with reasonable motives, but can end up grossing even those girls out when pushed in a corner.

In fact, this story kinda ended up pretty dialogue-heavy, huh... Fans could probably tell that this is based more on the dub than the sub - I'm bad at English sex jokes, but worse at making Japanese sex jokes and trying to translate them.

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