Summary: Disclaimer: All
publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of
their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the
property of the author. The author is in no way associated
with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No
copyright infringement is intended.
A secret medical trial in a high security, all womens penitentiary threatens to destabilise the balance of the prison ecosystem. And maybe even the entire prison.
Rated: X
Categories: Giantess,
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
Breast Enlargement,
Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes,
Growing Woman,
Slow Size Change,
Violent Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.),
Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.),
Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f,
FF/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences,
This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22
Completed: Yes
Word count: 107907
Read: 73995
Published: June 28 2022
Updated: January 14 2023
1. Chapter 1: G37 Trial - Week 3 by Kokoji [Reviews - 8] (3761 words)
2. Chapter 2: G37 Trial - Week 3 part 2 by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (3155 words)
Quick trigger warning! There is some racism in this chapter. I hope it doesn't offend anyone! Raceplay isn't going to be a main topic in the story but might be brought up once or twice in later chapters.
Also, the growth is going to start for real in the next chapter!
3. Chapter 3: G37 Trial - Week 4 by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (4444 words)
4. Chapter 4: G37 trial - Week 4 part 2 by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (3594 words)
Sorry if this chapter feels a bit slow/short. I'm planning for some weeks to have more than two parts if a lot happens in them plot wise.
5. Chapter 5: G37 trial - Week 4 part 3 by Kokoji [Reviews - 0] (4801 words)
This one has a lot of exposition but a sprinkle of growth in the middle-ish and at the end!
6. Chapter 6: G37 trial - Week 5 by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (6056 words)
Just a warning, kind of a graphic fight near the start of this chapter.
7. Chapter 7: G37 trial - Week 5 part 2 by Kokoji [Reviews - 3] (8878 words)
8. Chapter 8: G37 Trial - Week 5 interlude by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (2049 words)
I've had a super busy few weeks and the next chapter for week 5 is going to be a big one. I didn't want to have another week with nothing though, so I've written up a short interlude to fill in some gaps.
It builds some plot but no growth or anything! Sorry!
9. Chapter 9: G37 Trial - Week 5 part 3 by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (7108 words)
10. Chapter 10: G37 trial - Week 5 part 4 by Kokoji [Reviews - 3] (8266 words)
This was initially intended as a short chapter to post quickly. It got.... A little out of hand. Big thank you to Vman2000/gtortoise for some fun ideas and for some editing towards the end. He did an amazing job painting a vivid fight scene and I can't describe how thankful I am!
11. Chapter 11: G37 Trial - Week 5 Aftermath by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (2470 words)
Okay, I've had a ton of fun writing week 5. Probably too much fun. I PROMISE this is the last week 5 chapter!
12. Chapter 12: The start of the end by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (6180 words)
13. Chapter 13: A headless snake can still bite by Kokoji [Reviews - 3] (4119 words)
Warning: Some graphic violence in this chapter. I tried not to be too descriptive but yeah...
Once again, I have to thank vman2000 for advice, and a guiding hand!
14. Chapter 14: Answers by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (4273 words)
This is a bit more exposition heavy.
15. Chapter 15: Vendetta by Kokoji [Reviews - 3] (4058 words)
16. Chapter 16: An uneasy truce by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (3176 words)
A little on the short side but only because I want to really drag out some more rampage!
Thank you to GTortoise some golden inspiration for Amber's dialouge!
17. Chapter 17: The clash by Kokoji [Reviews - 3] (5318 words)
Okay, so you guys seem fine with brutal stuff... So I let loose and had Amber go full rampage. Just a warning in advance 😅
Also, I added a vore tag. What happens isn't strictly vore but it's kinda close, so better safe than sorry!
18. Chapter 18: One last chance by Kokoji [Reviews - 4] (5259 words)
Shorter than I'd hoped. I'll probably write one more chapter to conclude this all and have an epilogue to fully wrap things up!
19. Chapter 19: Perfection by Kokoji [Reviews - 1] (7306 words)
As usual: brutality warning
Also, I sound like a broken record, but thank you to gtortoise for his feedback and solid gold idea!
This is a second draft. I might come back to fix some English after I have a break for a bit
20. Chapter 20: Grief by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (5429 words)
Okay, thanks to everyone for their feedback. I think this is the final version of the ending. The scene with Vasquez and Jennifer has been fleshed out for those that want to skip straight there.
21. Alternate ending B by Kokoji [Reviews - 0] (3414 words)
Finally got around to writing beeeg Jen. Hope it loves up to your expectations! This picks up right after chapter 17
22. Alternate ending C - The darkest timeline by Kokoji [Reviews - 2] (4793 words)
Sorry for the delay on this one. The holidays and my new story slowed me down!
This picks up somewhere in the middle of chapter 17