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(2) Sector A - Room Types


The facilities of the Reduction Rage Room, like its name implied, all involved Reduced structures. Its rooms had shrunken models that were capable of being set to whatever scale a customer wanted, and these rooms, houses, buildings, and the like were all fine to be played with and ruined. Model city structures that could be destroyed by her made her feel like a kaiju. Apparently back during her school’s Reduction Week, an underclassman’s suggestion got that idea in her head and she liked it.


“Mgaah! Finally I can breathe. Wait, this is-?”


When Shizuku finally let him go in Room A which was reserved for her, her eyes were sparkling at the multitude of model buildings set up for her to play with.


“S-So many different things…!”


“In this room, we have three different types of Reduced buildings ready for wrecking: the room-type, the building-type, and the city-type. Each one can be adjusted to a size you prefer once you connect the watch to it like we’ve done to your brother,” I stared up the long legs of the staff employee and my sister to see the woman explaining the area to her. “If you’re fond of consistent scales, your brother is actually still too large for the city-types because our largest scale city-types would require him to be less than 5 mm.”


So he’d be getting even smaller, he did not like the sound of that. He was already 1 cm at the moment, level with his kid sister’s toes if not smaller than the largest one.


Just how big was she compared to him at that moment? Well, he was getting a very direct comparison considering where he had been dropped. He was inside what looked like a replica of the RRR suite they were all in, only this one did not have a roof. Well, there was another difference – everything inside it was 3.5 times larger than him.


“How crazy - this is making me feel short in addition to feeling tiny,” the shrunken brother frowned as he tried to get out of the room he was in. The door knob was well above his head. He struggled to jump to it, failing several times before he grabbed hold with his legs hanging in the air.


“Fufufu~!” a giggle from above showed that he was being watched. It was Akashi who had crouched down, making a roof for the model suite with her crotch. “Since you shrank Hibiki-san already, he’s a bit smaller than the currently set scale for the room-type.”


“Really?” Shizuku speedily crouched. The shifting of her immense form generated a strong gust that blew down on him. With his body dangling from the door knob, he couldn’t brace himself. He lost his grip and fell down. “… Heheh… Hibi-nii’s so shrimpy.”


“And who’s fault do you think it is?” he did not appreciate the remark and pressed the button on his headset to talk back.


To his exasperation, Shizuku wasn’t wearing the headset. She did not hear him and instead stood back up and raised her foot. The dirt she had picked up from going barefoot in a public building scattered down into the room like falling debris.


“Cough! Gak!” The dust and rubble was worse than that time they had an earthquake when he was in the old school building years ago. “Oh boy… Let’s not stay here.”


He had thankfully been opened the door to the next room – the hallway toward the waiting room of the model RRR office. He exited into the hall and moved toward the waiting area, but that wasn’t that much of a distance in the eyes of the two normal sized women above.


The 120 square meter office suite was 8 m x 15 m normally, but the model had been Reduced to 1:50 scale. It now only took up a 16 cm x 30 cm rectangle, less than the size of a shoe box. Each room he was in was only a compartment in that shoe-box sized model, so his 1 cm self did not even get away from underneath Shizuku’s unmoving, 23 cm long foot.


“… Can I break this?” he heard Shizuku ask as he struggled to reach the next door knob above him.


“Of course. The models use a weaker effect than standard Reduction. The walls should remain together, but the structure as a whole can be knocked down like a house of cards.”


“Oh! Then let’s go…!” Shizuku announced as she lowered her foot. “Don!”




“Hwargh!” Hibiki shouted. He had gotten the door to the waiting room open just in time before his giant sister slammed her foot down into the back rooms of the suite model. The walls that had surrounded him crumpled like cardboard, and his body was sent flying forward by the impact of Shizuku’s foot. His back slammed into the door front door of the model RRR office.


“Ooh… The crunchiness feels good,” in his post impact daze, he heard his sister’s voice. That wasn’t all her heard though. It bothered him to have to associate what sounded like a demolition team that was hard at work to simply be the grinding of his sister’s bare foot, turning a replica of the office he had been inside into rubble. The walls, like Akashi had said, were in piece, but each piece was now flat on the ground, being scraped across the floor beneath Shizuku.


“Looks like you’re fine with starting with the Room-type, Shizuku-san. I’ll leave you to your fun then,” Akashi called her attention to alert her that she was leaving. “We only have the three varieties of models in this sector. If you want us to restock them, you can let me know or you can just move on to the other types in the room.”


“… It should be enough.”


The older Yukimura sibling would have liked if Akashi had directed some concern to him, but she did not. There was no reason for her to. Her client was Shizuku, not the tiny older brother she had brought along as a toy.


“Sector?” he mumbled as Akashi walked out of his view, not sure what she meant until Shizuku shifted her foot forward. He closed his eyes as her toes nearly slammed into him, hitting the last wall in the model office instead. It collapsed, revealing the rest of the area around him.


The Room-type sector was a small corner of Room A build like a children’s daycare playpen. A 20 cm tall cardboard wall with a childishly colored sky surrounded three (now two) other shoe box sized, Reduced rooms. An ordinary chair towered above each one, ready for anyone who sat there to overlook the models.


“Mgph!” Hibiki found himself pinched between Shizuku’s toes once again. His vision blurred as his giant sister moved towards the chair, taking two heavy steps and rattling his head when her foot landed and rose in rapid succession. Then, when she took a seat, his barelegged sister raised her foot high and let him go. Gravity pulled him down immediately. He landed with a loud crash, at least to his ears.


“I’ll start slow for Hibi-nii’s sake,” To Shizuku, she was being gentle with him, but that was far from his perspective. Shizuku sat in the chair like it was a throne, looming both feet above the roofless structure.


“This is slow…? Wait, is this a classroom?” Hibiki groaned as he tried to pick himself up. He realized that he had dumped into a model school classroom. With him being 3.5 times smaller than the scale the room was in, he was sprawled across a school desk with room to spare.


“Hehehe…” giggled his expressionless sister. She kicked her feet while seated in her chair, dispersing the air strongly enough that the tables around him shook. “Isn’t this fun, Hibi-nii?”


There was no way he’d be able to consider this fun. His sister really had no concern for others besides herself.




“Ngk!” Hibiki grunted as his body suddenly was knocked off the table towards the front of the classroom. That very table along with every other one in the room were scattered by the impact of Shizuku’s right foot dropping right into the center of the shoe box sized room.


“Wow, everything went flying…” the girl remarked before a giggle left her mouth. “Hehe. Hibi-nii went the farthest. You’re much smaller than everything...”


Smaller was right. When he stood back up, he saw that he was beneath desk level – only chair level with the seats and tables that were still standing upright. Of course, the largest thing in the room, filling up a majority of it after displacing all of the desks, was his little sister’s colossal foot. Her big toe was twice as tall as the desks and was pinning one down beneath it easily.


“… Let me fix the size for Hibi-nii,” Shizuku mumbled not to him but to herself as she then touched the Alteration watch.


“Oh no,” Hibiki readied himself to be shrunken as his sister fiddled with the display.




“Huh? Wait, this isn’t-!” the room around him started to shift, but not in the way he expected. The walls were expanding but rather getting shorter. Shizuku hadn’t selected him to be Reduced further. She had selected the room. And while he would’ve been grateful for not getting any smaller, the shrinking room was contracting. The wall behind him slammed into him and pushed him to the center where Shizuku’s foot was. “Uwoah!”


The 27 cm x 20 cm model classroom swiftly dwindled in size to less than 8 cm x 6 cm as Shizuku set it to the same scale as him. The tables and chairs underneath her sole shrank until they were hidden out of sight beneath her. The walls pushed inwards, slamming him into Shizuku’s second and middle toes. The principles of Reduction forced the structure to shrink towards the center. The walls desperately tried to push against his sister’s foot, but in comparison to the mighty pillar, they were as flimsy as paper.



The classroom imploded, unable to win against Shizuku’s leg. The walls separated, each one falling to the floor as Shizuku buried every object inside the shrunken classroom underfoot without even having to move.


“It broke so easily,” his sister noted. She was clearly enjoying the sight of an entire classroom being covered under the sole of her foot. “Well, there is another one….”


“Uwoah! Waaargh!” Hibiki’s stomach churned as his entire body was dragged back up through the air as Shizuku turned her body to the third room in the sector. Much like the previous times, she unceremoniously dropped him inside. “Urk!”


“This one’s a big one… not.”


Well, it wasn’t to her, but it was pretty big to him. The last room-type Reduced building was a gymnasium that could fit two basketball courts. At the very least, it had Reduced to the correct scale when Shizuku shrank the buildings. It was properly sized for him.


“Hey, hey! Want to play a round…?” Shizuku joked as she put one for each on both basketball courts. The nets didn’t even reach half way up her foot.


“Don’t entertain her, Hibiki, she won’t do what you want anyways,” the older brother reminded himself. He was just as stingy with his energy as he was with money. He did not want to waste it. The question, however, was just what Shizuku wanted to do with the gymnasium model.


Sadly, his own resistance to entertaining her provoked Shizuku. She didn’t appreciate his lack of participation in her fun. She huffed, puffing her cheeks. “Muu… Hibi-nii’s boring. In that case…”


In order to persuade him into moving around, his gigantic sister had a terrible idea. She turned her body to grab something from out of his view. Then, without hesitation…




“Whoa, hey-!” an enormous object fell almost directly on top of Hibiki who had to dive to the side to avoid being buried beneath it. Immediately when it hit the floor, it tipped over. A sour, pungent smell spread from it, filling his nose. His eyes opened wide and he took several steps back. Shizuku had thrown her shoe in. “Mgk… It stinks…”


“Got you, Hibi-nii…” He was so distracted by the offensive stench pouring out of his sister’s shoe, that he didn’t immediately realize that she had forcibly made him jump towards her. He was close enough for her to pull her foot over him without having to stretch her leg.




“Wait a second! Gwah!” the older sibling was athletic enough to evade being stomped, but his size and weight was so miniscule that the strength of the impact alone launched him off his feet away like a piece of trash.


“Hehe… So slow,” taunted Shizuku before she swiftly brought her foot down again. She did not aim for him but directly behind him, using the close-range shockwave to knock him away once again.


“Damnit… She’s just making me move…” he groaned, knowing full well her intentions were to get a reaction out of him. Now that he had no choice but to use his energy, he knew his best bet was finding a safer location to avoid being stepped on. His eyes wandered to the walls of the model gymnasium. Her stomps had knocked down two of them. The closest way out of the breaking box now had the obstacle that was the enormous shoe Shizuku had thrown in that filled up one of the basketball courts. The other was his only possible path.


This was, of course, hopeless. He had no choice other than to run and avoid Shizuku’s feet playfully stomping around, but his 1 cm tall body could only travel so far. Even his full sprinting speed did not take him away quickly enough before Shizuku made use of her hands. She still had one more shoe after all.






The shrunken sibling quickly found his path cut off by the cavernous opening of Shizuku’s fallen shoe. He retreat was cut off too by Shizuku’s foot which landed right behind him, crushing the third wall of the room and knocking him into the shoe. The unbalanced shoe fell back upright immediately after, and he tumbled onto the heel part of the insole ungracefully.


“Should’ve seen this com… Bleck!” the 1 cm brother wanted to voice his complaints but the rancid, saltine stench made him gag. He was now directly inside the humid cave that was the inside Shizuku’s shoe. Though she did not use it much, the fact that she was almost always barefoot when she wore it meant that her foot-sweat and the dirt her bare feet had always picked up had been directly absorbed into the insole over months.


“Caught you, Nii-san…” she spoke those words with a sing-song voice. Turning around, Hibiki found himself surrounded by the insurmountable walls of the shoe’s opening. The only light that poured in from the opening quickly became blocked as Shizuku peaked in from above, seeing his 1 cm form in the small impression the heel of her foot had made.


He didn’t answer. He didn’t want to uncover his mouth and nose. He could feel the thick odor surrounding him like a heavy mist before he could even smell it. He refused to breathe in any more of Shizuku’s foot odor than he had to.


“That was fun… Eguchi-kun couldn’t run much last time, but I knew Hibi-nii wouldn’t disappoint me,” she thanked him, but not for any reason he would want to hear her gratitude for.


“Ah. I broke everything already. That was so fast… I didn’t get to feel like a kaiju much…”


“Kaiju…?” he had compared his sister to a kaiju earlier too because the two of them sometimes watched those movies together. His sister did find them cool, but he never thought she’d want to emulate being a kaiju. “So this is why I’m here. Kaiju movies aren’t completely unless people are running from them…”




“Wah. Can’t… get a grip!”


Shizuku reached down to pick up her shoes. As she grabbed the one he was in, it tilted, sending him falling down into the toe end of her shoe.


“Bleack! Ack! The smell-!” he choked. From dirt and grime to sock fibers to sweat - everything terrible had collected at the impressions of Shizuku’s toes. The foul odor was even more concentrated where he had fallen.


There was no escape. Fortunately for Shizuku and unfortunately for Hibiki, there were still two other sectors with the two types of buildings left in the room Shizuku had paid for. She was going to take him through all of them.


 “Let’s keep going, Nii-san.”

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