[Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarPrinter

A  middle school girl learns her race is from a million years in the future!

Rated: PG
Categories: New World Order, Teenager (13-19), Entrapment, Slave, Vore, Giantess Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: No
Word count: 49401 Read: 34840
Published: March 22 2022 Updated: April 14 2022
Story Notes:

Alexa shrinks a captive in chapter 6, so the story builds up until that point…


1. Chapter 1: Strange New Heritage by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstar (2036 words)

2. Chapter 2: Shopping Excursion by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star (2162 words)

3. Chapter 3: House Selection by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2172 words)

4. Chapter 4: First Day of Classes by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2155 words)

5. Chapter 5: Debate Club by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2064 words)

6. Chapter 6: Alexa’s Acquisition by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2029 words)

7. Chapter 7: Summoned by the Dark Mistress by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2237 words)

8. Chapter 8: Recovery of Lost Technology Club by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2109 words)

9. Chapter 9: Election Day by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2065 words)

10. Chapter 10: Presidential Obligations by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2178 words)

11. Chapter 11: Halloween by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2146 words)

12. Chapter 12: Thanksgiving by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2033 words)

13. Chapter 13: Winter Break by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2138 words)

14. Chapter 14: New Year’s Traditions by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2096 words)

15. Chapter 15: The Hazing of Verso House! by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2028 words)

16. Chapter 16: Aerial Aquatic Tryouts by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2074 words)

17. Chapter 17: Under Siege by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2117 words)

18. Chapter 18: Plan of Action by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2053 words)

19. Chapter 19: Execution of a Plan by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2088 words)

20. Chapter 20: Zero Hour by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2026 words)

21. Chapter 21: Victoria Strikes Back! by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2128 words)

22. Chapter 22: The Game Isn’t Over by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2078 words)

23. Chapter 23: An Uneasy Truce? by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (2231 words)

24. Chapter 24: Epilogue by Gastric Aztec [Reviews - 0] (958 words)