* * * *
Before Chet could think of anything to say, in reaction, there was a knock at the rehearsal hall door. The bus boy that had escorted Chet and Dolores unlocked it, before slightly opening it.
Yet, that still proved far enough for whoever was outside it to suddenly barge in.
The bus boy went flying backwards, landing flat on his back, as the intruder--a domino-masked ninja--came running in. Park immediately aimed the silenced gun at his direction, only to be hit in the head by a Navy-blue blur that started to riccochet, uncontrollably, from floor to ceiling and back again.
A second such projectile went flying past Dolores, causing to her instinctively shriek and cover her head with both hands. Unfortunately, this resulted in her dropping the cricket cage!
From Chet's point of view, what happened next seemed to be in slow motion. The cage started falling to the floor, with shrunken Buck Fogarty still trapped inside. Chet immediately dove forward into a somersault, emerging from it with enough momentum to spring forward a second time. He then landed flat on his stomach, his arms stretching forward to catch the cage in the palms of his upturned hands.
When that had been accomplished, he rolled over on to his back, before his left hand as to pivot one hundred-eighty degrees. Thereby kicking Dolores' feet out from under her!
Meanwhile, the genin had driven the screaming Flapperettes to retreat, towards the mirrored back wall of the room, by flinging out more Superballs.* He then turned to Chet and nodded towards the open door, clearly indicating they should leave together.
The young photojournalist needed no further urging. He followed his mysterious rescuer with all the speed he could muster. Consequently, they burst through a fire exit into a garbage-strewn alley.
The genin sprinted towards the front end of the alley, Chet still hot on his heels. They emerged on to the street to the left of the nightclub's main entrance. As they did so, a motorized pedicab pulled up in from of them. And, unlike its competitors, its front half seemed to be have been constructed from an American-made Harley/Davidson!
Chet and the genin clambered in, together. After which, the cab driver took off like the proverbial bat of infernal origin. As he did so, the pedicab briefly reared up on its back tires in the maneuver colloquially known as a "wheelie."
When all three tires were once more in full contact with the asphalt, Chet turned to his rescuer. Before he could utter a word of thanks, however, the genin removed his hood and domino mask. Revealing a smiling face that made Chet gasp in recognition.
"Uncle Jiro???"