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30 minutes later


Matt continued to beg her to go to the doctor so she turned his communication channel off. Jamie was progressive, but she wasn't going to suffer professionally over this tiny spec of a man, if he could even be called a man, trapped in her pussy. Satisfied with her reasoning Jamie lay down. She was naked as promised, but she seriously doubted that Matt would ever find a way out. The thought made her want to get a douche and clean herself right now, but she figured he at least deserved until morning.


Matt turned his lights on, but saw nothing but pink smooth skin in all directions. There was not a lot of room. He was afraid, but he had his cell phone. He broke down and called his fiancée. The conversation wasn't pretty. “You're where?!” yelled Brenda. “Look its not what it seems I was only pressing my advantage I needed every edge I could get to win justice...” “Look where it got you!” she cut him off.


“Its not like that!” Matt responded. “I was trying to leave and she forced herself on me. Now I'll admit I was being a little flirty to try and get a good deal for the victims, but once she took her clothes off I realized I was in over my head and tried to leave, but she grabbed the transport. I got stuck on her lips trying to speed away and she extracted me with a napkin and more or less stuffed me in.” Upon hearing this Brenda softened.


“That bitch! Who does she think she is?” Brenda asked getting angry. “Look forget about all that. I just need to get home. Call her and convince her to go the doctor.” Instructed Matt as his cell phone died.


Jamie got up cursing as she put her bathrobe on to answer the vidphone. “Who could be calling at this hour?” She wondered. When the image of the caller displayed it was a of a pretty brunette that she had not seen before. “Who are you?” asked Jamie.


“I am the fiancée of the man you raped tonight.” replied Brenda curtly. “Huh?” Jamie said as her heart hit her throat. She hadn't counted on Matt calling anyone and she certainly hadn't figured that he had lied about his relationship status. “Don't play dumb with me you ditz. You need to go to the doctor and get him removed or you could face attempted murder.” Brenda threatened.


This was not something that Jamie wished would get out into circulation. It was bad enough that Matt would know, but now his fiancée too. Brenda saw the concern playing across Jamie's face and pressed her advantage. “I'm on the way over we can go to the doctor when I get there.” said Brenda and she hung up.


Jamie was quickly thinking of what to do. She certainly couldn't go to the doctor unless she could concoct a story that was less embarrassing. Ten minutes later her electronic alert chimes tolled the arrival of Brenda from the Lilliputian byway. She had no clue what to do as she walked into the kitchen. When she did Brenda's voice sounded over her speakers.


“Why aren't you dressed? Who knows how much air he has left; we need to go!” Brenda demanded. “Look I want to get him out too, but I can't just go to the doctor and tell him to pull a little man out of my pussy. If word got out I could be ruined.” explained Jamie.


Brenda could not believe her ears. Not only had she forced herself on Matt, but now she refused responsibility to even help him. “Look bitch. You wouldn't be in this position if you could've kept your claws off my man!” Brenda exclaimed.


“Hey your man came on to me honey.” replied Jamie her anger rising. “He was playing you bitch. He cares about his job and you were an angle that was being worked to win a case yet you are so desperate you fell for it.” Brenda attacked.


Jamie flipped her robe off fuming. “Yeah, well look who he's with now. And who can blame him. Honestly, what man is going to pick your puny ass over me.” Responded Jamie resting her hands on her naked hips and thrusting her enormous tits out.


Brenda has always had an acidic tongue. She always won arguments and always got the last word. “Well Matt for one if he had a choice in the matter.” Brenda interrupted. “Yet, here you are acting like you won his affections or something. I can see why you were so desperate now. You're too stupid for any man to put up with.” Brenda reasoned.


With that comment something snapped in Jamie. She smiled and walked to the counter looming over her tiny guest. Brenda gulped as Jamie loomed larger, larger, then larger still as she approached. When she stopped her pussy was right in front of her. The sheer size and bold nudeness of it frightened Brenda and forced her to look away. She looked up and saw Jamie's enormous tits jiggling slightly from the movement her short walk imparted to them.


Smiling, Jamie bent over the counter lowering her boobs so that that they hung perhaps an inch above Brenda. “Is there anyone here?” said Jamie as she dropped the rest of the way allowing the weight of her right tit to roll effortlessly over Brenda. Jamie's taught muscles relaxed as more and more of her heavy breast came to rest on the counter.


Brenda tried to run to her vehicle, but it was futile the enormous tit descending upon her was simply to big. The crush area was thousands of feet in diameter and she was dead center. She felt the air around her whooshing away so violently it almost took her breath. Then something powerful shoved her to the ground from above.


She skidded on her own ample tits and then rolled over instinctively pushing her hands into the infinite tan flesh that filled her vision. She applied all her strength, but her arms crumpled in on to her body. Then the pressure began to rise exponentially and then nothing. Jamie's tit rolled over both Brenda and her vehicle squishing both equally with ease.


Jamie smiled for a moment enjoying the coolness of the kitchen counter on her naked boobs and the sensation of the tension and anger leaving her giant body. She felt no resistance from the tiny woman under her boob. And why would she? Some pieces of dust were larger than Brenda would be.


Jamie went over her cover story in her mind. 'Matt was drunk and had slipped into her unnoticed when he was supposed to be leaving and got himself stuck. He called Brenda and Brenda called me insulting me and demanding that I go to the doctor. I doubted Matt had really done this and suggested that he might have been picked up by the police and to call them. Little did I know that she came here and when my chime went off I went to examine the entrance for a malfunction and she must have gotten caught under one of my breasts.' It was air tight she decided and so much easier than going to the doctor.


Jamie was still bent over resting her tits on the counter and going over her story as Matt squirted out of her cunt, which was barely peaking out from under her butt. His vehicle began to rise up just as she stood back up.


Matt never saw nor felt the giant flesh walls of Jamie's butt clamp on him. Jamie turned and with the first step her giant buttocks smeared Matt and his vehicle on the inside of her crevice. She didn't feel a thing as her ass quivered beautifully and clefts formed under each cheek as, step by step, she walked to bed. She went to bed sleeping naked as promised forever convinced that Matt had perished in her pussy. However, this thought did little to disturb her sleep. After all who mourns a couple gnats or Lilliputians?

The End.

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