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The delivery of flowers from Dan had really brightened Val’s mood. She thought it to be such a sweet gesture, and even with everything that pretty much grabbed his attention and focus, he still thought of her well being. She would definitely have to show him how appreciative she was, after Dana had gone to bed.

But her plans were sidetracked when he called her around 3pm, and informed her that he was going to be late that night. There was an inventory problem, and it needed to be straightened out immediately. Unforeseen, but ultimately a wet blanket on her evening of romance.

By the time Dan arrived home, it was nearly midnight. He was tired, but in a good mood. The inventory issue was caused by a bug in the new computer program the company was using to track shipments. Once they figured out what the problem was, they reset the server, and received the updated count of items in stock.

He was too tired to eat, so he removed the plate Dana had made for him from the microwave, and put it in the fridge. He went to his bedroom, undressed, and curled up next to Val, or at least he tried to. In order for him to achieve his preferred position, his head had to rest just below her nipples. But the warmth generated by her much larger body gave him a feeling of comfort that he readily enjoyed.

Dan woke up to an empty bed. Val had started breakfast, as the smell of bacon entered the room. He followed his nose, and went to the kitchen. Val and Dana were enjoying a cup of tea, and having a mother/daughter talk, mostly about Matt. But Val also reminded her that she and her father had a meeting that morning with the superintendent of school about how to proceed with education, considering that she was quickly outgrowing the building.

Dana became quiet. She understood what that may eventually lead to, doing her classes at home, and away from Matt. She hoped against hope that she could stay in school full time, but knew her parents would do what was best for her. Still, it didn’t make her feel any better.

Before Dan could sit down, Val reached out and pulled him closer to her, and gave him a kiss, thanking him for the flowers he sent her. He smiled and said it was something that she needed, and was happy that she enjoyed them.

Once breakfast was finished, and everyone showered and dressed, they headed out for the day. Drop Dana off, then on to the 9am meeting. Dan thought that it would be very interesting, to say the least.

Dan and Valerie dropped Dana off at school, and knew that she was going to be emotional later on. Their upcoming meeting with the superintendent was basically a formality. Due to her ever increasing size, the school building was quickly becoming much too small for her, and would soon cause her discomfort.

Dan had an idea, and told Val that they needed to make a stop first. She was puzzled by his words, and had absolutely no idea what he was up to. 

Soon, it became apparent where they were, and now Val was even more baffled by what Dan was thinking. He parked the van, and knocked on a door.

Dana arrived to a nearly empty building. Even though Matt was the only person to talk to her, she wished that there was more activity in the hallway. 

She went to her locker, and when she turned around, she saw Matt standing there, looking up at her, with his patented smile present. He immediately knew that something was bothering her, and led her to the empty classroom.

She sat on her chair, while he hopped on to the tabletop, and asked her if she wanted to talk. As soon as the words left his lips the tears started coming down Dana’s face.

In between sobs she told him about the meeting her parents were going to have with the superintendent about her schooling, and that this was most likely her last day there. 

Matt looked into Dana’s eyes, and tried to reassure her that everything would be alright. He told her that he would miss being with her during the day, but promised to call her as soon as he got home. 

He told her that she was a true friend, his best friend, and asked her if she wanted to go out with him. Dana stopped her crying, considering his words. She told him that she assumed that they were going out, and Matt said that he wanted to make it official, just in case some neighborhood boy made a move on his girl while he was at school, winking at her as he spoke.

His little joke seemed to do the trick. Dana was no longer crying, and had calmed down enough to give him a smile, putting her left hand on his thigh. Matt tried to play it cool, but her touch made him forget his aching heart. They just continued to look at each other, unsure of how the future would turn out.

Val and Dan arrived for their 9:00 am meeting with Frankenville Schools Superintendent Rachel Stirling. The extremely tall woman was eliciting stares and peeks from the men and women of the office. It was making her feel a little uncomfortable. They were escorted into the office.

A few seconds later, Ms Stirling entered the room. She was a woman in her early 40s, and stood about 5’2”. And her jaw nearly hit the floor as soon as she saw Val, who now stood 7’11” in height.

Val bent slightly and lowered her hand to shake the lady’s hand. It swallowed the smaller lady's hand, and she was careful not to squeeze, as she didn't want to hurt the superintendent’s limb.

Once the shock wore off, Dan and Val took a seat on the sofa off to the side. The chairs in front of the desk were now too small for the giantess, and with her being pregnant, the cushions on the sofa offered a little more comfort.

Once the meeting began, Dan led off with his concerns about the accommodations that could be afforded to Dana, who was basically the same height as her mother. He listed the doorways, the ceilings, and even the cramped bathrooms. He was afraid of his daughter becoming so uncomfortable being in a building that was rapidly becoming too small for her, that her grades would suffer.

Ms Stirling told him that the principal had a building contractor come in and do an assessment to see if anything could be done to alter the school’s dimensions. But unfortunately, with the age of the facility, plus the materials used, it would be too expensive to do the alterations needed, especially for just one student.

Dan was disappointed, but not surprised. He just pointed out that it seemed that the only option was to have Dana do school virtually. Ms Stirling agreed. 

Dan then proposed something that took the superintendent completely by surprise. He asked if another student, Matt Murdock, could also do school virtually. The lady sitting at the desk was taken by surprise, then started off by saying that it wouldn't be possible, as there were no issues preventing the student from attending classes in person.

Dan pointed out that read of studies being done in which it was proven that students who learned virtually felt isolated and outcast from society, because they didn't have any personal contact with students their own age. And he also pointed out that Matt Murdock was the only student in school that his daughter talked to, or even hung around with.

As Dan continued, Valerie truly understood and appreciated what he had talked about after their detour. She was shocked when he let her in on what he wanted to ensure what would happen, if possible.

When Dan was finished, Ms Stirling sat silently. The words spoken made a lot of sense. She had read about the same studies, which is why she kept the schools open and in person. She had gotten reports from Dana's teachers about her condition, and each one, to a person, wrote personal notes about what a sweet and caring girl she was, and how they were terribly concerned about her well being if she was forced to leave the school.

She looked at both Val, who remained silent while her husband stated his concerns and his solution, and Dan, and said that unless she heard from Matt’s parents stating that they gave their permission, and that Matt was okay with it, her hands were tied, and unfortunately, she would have to deny his request.

Dan excused himself, and opened the door and asked the lady waiting in the lobby to come in. Mrs Murdock introduced herself to Ms Stirling. And the superintendent started discussing the situation with Matt’s mom.

Mrs Murdock was totally surprised when Dan knocked on her door. He looked worried, and explained the situation that Dana, and to a lesser extent, Matt, was facing. He had a plan. He wanted to know if she would be willing to have Matt learn virtually with Dana, at least for a week, to see how they would both handle the situation. 

Dan had brought up the studies, and Mrs Murdock was initially against the idea. But she remembered how sullen and distant he was at every school he had attended. Until they moved to Frankenville, and he met Dana, and had become a totally different person. 

Thanks to her, he had become more outgoing, and much nicer. She had been an absolute Godsend for him. Mrs Murdock also realized that as they had gotten closer during the year, his grades improved to the point he was going to make the honor roll.

Dan had offered to buy Matt his own laptop, to keep even if he went back to school. He offered to pick him up in the morning, feed him dinner, and drop him off. 

Mrs Murdock understood Dan’s logic, and was open to the idea. Dan asked her if she could come to their meeting with the superintendent, and discuss the situation, and to his surprise, she agreed.

When the meeting was over, it was agreed that both Matt and Dana would learn virtually. It would help the young girl feel normal, and it would allow Matt to be around his best friend and they would offer support to each other, which was the most important thing.

Val looked down at her husband and felt more love for him at that moment than she had ever felt before. He had come up with a solution to a potential problem, and it was always with Dana’s well being front and center, plus it would also help Matt by keeping him close to his one true friend. 

With everything settled, it was time to have some lunch. They treated Matt’s mom, and the three parents discussed the arrangement. Everyone seemed to be satisfied.

Bill and Donna had the afternoon to themselves once their practices were over. There was the team dinner at 5:00pm, so they took the opportunity to visit the beach.

Bill looked at the goddess in front of him wearing a bikini that emphasized the important things, and it caused a stirring below his waist. 

As they walked along the sand, he turned towards her to give her a kiss. She teasingly held her lips just out of his reach, until he started to get a little frustrated.

To his surprise, he found himself being picked up and given a kiss by the most beautiful face in the world. He should have felt embarrassed being picked up by his girlfriend, but he just found himself lost in her embrace, and so wrapped his legs around her waist, never breaking contact.

Once they were done kissing, they continued to walk the beach, with everyone looking at the stunning giantess with the incredible body. And Bill just proudly walked besides her, knowing that she only had eyes for him, and he for her.

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