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Chapter 7: Kaiju

[NOTE: As a heads-up, this chapter has the vomit scene towards the middle-end!

Additionally, since this chapter includes some other stuff people may enjoy, instead of skipping it entirely you may want to try using ctrl-f (or equivalent) for "VOMIT_END" to jump to after the vomit descriptions. Keep in mind I can't guarantee how the story will display on your viewer, but hopefully that still makes it easier to avoid any descriptions of the scene if you don't want to read that part!]

“But no sooner!”, Kyo said, continuing the thought.

Kyo laughed. This giant menace business was getting even more fun now that she was more huge. She still really wanted to get back at her boyfriend, Ken Kare, for dumping her. She couldn’t imagine herself enjoying a proper rampage with the knowledge that he still lived.

“Let’s see, his apartment was that high-rise complex not too far from my old office.”

She spun herself around, trying to spot it.

“Ah, there!”

It was a good few blocks away. A short walk for a 500ft tall lady like herself.

“Nothing like a good stroll. Might as well have some fun on the side too~”

The streets were packed with a bit of military, which she gleefully stomped. Evacuation of the district was far from complete. There were plenty of non-uniformed city-goers shadowed beneath her steps. Each fall of her foot was dense one way or another.

At one point, she felt her right foot fall over two side-by-side buses at once. Another time, she crushed a crowd so dense that people nearly launched out the side of her left foot once it settled.

She of course gave buildings plenty of attention too. A swing of her arm or a sashay of a hip bumped through buildings that were too tall to be stomped outright.

To be fair, Kyo wasn’t going out of her way to wreck city-blocks, but they were very much in her way as she marched towards her boyfriend’s place. So, they had to go. That she enjoyed the process made it all the sweeter.

Kyo was just a block or so away from the apartment complex when a large splash echoed from the ocean. Following it was a loud scream that seemed to ‘whirl’ between pitches.

Kyo turned around to face the disturbance, which looked like a thick, spinning green discus.

“Oh great, more aliens?!?”

Then, the flying object drew closer and closer, the scream getting louder and she realized it was far too organic to be that. She also noticed it wasn’t a thick disc at all: it was a shell. A giant turtle shell.

And it was heading her way!

Kyo braced herself. The shell was big! About as big as her. She stamped her foot and pressed her toes into the road best she could.

Her steady stance wouldn’t be needed it seemed, as the turtle shell started to wobble in the air and vacillate off course.

The screaming, wobbling shell crashed landed two blocks over from Kyo, opposite the towering white and yellow apartment building. The shell landed softer side down across a few buildings, but the nearby stadium complex looked safe.

A light-green turtle-like tail was the first to poke out of its hole on the shell. Next, stocky light-green arms and feet poked out of their associated shell-holes. Kyo was surprised to notice they they were pretty humanoid in shape, aside from some sturdy looking nail-claws on the hands and short pointed toenails--also pretty sturdy looking--on the feet.

The being rose to a standing height, and the hands knocked at the head-hole part of the shell. Shortly after, a head popped out. Kyo relaxed her pose, shocked to see that the face, too, was very much humanoid. It looked like the face of any young Japanese woman she might see on the street, save for the dark-green irises, pointed, finned ears, and a bit of scale-like patterns near the hairline. Said hair was turquoise in color, and a bit shorter than Kyo’s own.

The turtle-woman shifted about on unsteady feet. She was about Kyo’s size, meaning about as destructive with her dizzy steps as Kyo herself would’ve been. The sounds of cracked roads and crushed rubble were faintly heard.

The turtle-woman set a hand towards her stomach.

“Urgh, I hate flying like that.”

Her stomach audibly gurgled. It didn’t sound quite right.

“Oh no, not again. I think I’m gonna be sick.”

The turtle-woman looked down and wrapped her hands about the stadium, tugging it up towards her face. The people inside were both terrified and disgusted. They could guess what was coming.

The monster-woman’s throat lurched.


Her mouth shot open, showing off some sharp teeth for just a split second before.


A torrent of green puke surged out to inundate the stadium-turned-barf-bowl. The thousands who were cramped inside were utterly soaked. The force of the spew served to crush much of them. Others survived with just some injuries as the deluge continued for awhile longer.

They were lucky the monster-woman’s digestive system was efficient enough for that several tons of raw seafood she ate to be almost entirely dissolved--a few soggy bones in the mix here or there, not too much worse than that chunk wise. That meant the puke wasn’t too gross far as puke went.

Sadly, the flip-side of that was that the stomach contents she just shared with the crowd were highly acidic, and it wasn’t too long after soaking the people that it started eating through clothes and sizzling skin.

The turtle-woman let out a dry-heave after that, than a post-barf belch. Only after that last bit of unfortunateness did she took wipe her mouth and fully pay attention to what was in front of her.

“Oh, uh. Uh I’m so sorry! Let me just.”

She bent over and placed the stadium back on the city ground, doing her best to hold it steady so the mess wouldn’t spill. It didn’t, but the accumulated liquid did shift as small waves that didn’t exactly help anyone stay ‘afloat’ among it.

Once it was done, the giant turtle-woman took some quick steps away from it.

“Sorry! I just, uh, wow that’s embarrassing.”

She scratched the back of her neck.

“At least I’m feeling better!”, she continued, then turned around to face Kyo. She pointed.

“Which means it’s time to take you down!”

Kyo was still visibly cringing from what just happened.

‘Why’d I watch the whole thing?’, Kyo wondered. She quickly recomposed herself as the giant turtle-woman walked right through a row of buildings to move one block closer.

[NOTE: VOMIT_END. The detailed vomiting descriptions have ended.]

“Alright, now that that’s over, who the heck are you supposed to be? Trying to fight me for the right to trash this city or something? Well why don’t you fly back off into the ocean and puke there instead!”

The 500ft turtle-woman set her fists to her hips for a pose.

“Not quite. I’m the ocean’s protector. The protector of Japan!”

“Wait, which is it? Ocean or Japan?”, asked Kyo.

“Both!”, said the turtle-woman confidently. “My name is Kameko, I’m here to bring you down!”

Kyo readied herself to fight, fists raised. Kameko turned to the side and bent over long her own street, which wasn’t too torn up by the undersides of her green feet just yet.

She leaned in close to the military forces gathered in the area, her breath wafted over them as she spoke. The acrid odor it carried wasn’t exactly appreciated.

“Don’t worry.”, she said in a cheerful and loud voice. “I’m here to help!”

Kameko than scooped up a whole bunch of army trucks, each packed with troops. She stood up and faced towards Kyo. Then, Kameko started chucking them one at time over the buildings between her and Kyo to try and hit the giant woman.

“Hey quit it!”, said Kyo. She used her arms to bat the flying trucks away from her face. She missed one, which bounced off her chest to crash down into the floor. She bopped the next two successfully, and had gotten the hang of it until she opened her mouth to taunt Kameko.


One troop-transport truck landed back first into Kyo’s gob. The giant woman’s head tilted back from the blow, meaning all the soldiers inside started sliding out onto the surface of Kyo’s slick pink tongue. Though she didn’t yet know it, her insides had a subtle, healthy green glow as a consequence of absorbing whatever stuff was inside the meteor earlier in the day. This meant the light from her throat helped to illuminate the confines of her mouth.

The soldiers didn’t have much time to look around though for better or worse. As the soldiers slid out onto her tongue, Kyo reflexively gulped them down in groups of one or two. It wasn’t too long before she had swallowed the last member of the squad, and finally had the good sense to lean her head forward and spit out the truck. It and its driver fell the ground, with the later dying on impact and the former already lacking life as a truck.

“Bleh.”, Kyo said. “Not what I wanted to do there, but not bad.”

The soldiers slipped down that saliva-slick tongue into a slimier throat which glowed a gentle and disconcerting green. Her throat squeezed them tight as they tried to draw their weapons to fight back. The peristalsis snapped the barrels of those weapons right off.

Her stomach was gurgling below them while the heart beat of the giant woman echoed all around. They slipped through a fleshy sphincter with a schlorptch and plopped down into an empty gut. Though Kyo didn’t eat them on purpose per-se, her gut cared not. This was the first contents it had since breakfast, and the organ wasted no time churning the soldiers about to help them better stew in the digestive fluids pooling around.

The soldiers tried to keep their footing to little luck. Aside from the turbulence it was a rather intimidating place. The walls were towering, wrinkled and fleshy with a coating of slimy mucus upon them. That was normal, of course. The reddish flesh of Kyo’s insides was illuminated by that subtle green glow, though, which meant no detail of the gurgling acid sac could be ignored with open eyes.

Kyo patted her stomach. She had to admit it felt nice to get some ‘food’ in her, even if it wasn’t what she expected.

A tank was flying her way though. She swatted it away with ease.

“Kameko, if you wanted to take me for a meal you should've just asked. I’m not sure what you’re doing is helping the military here”

She chuckled, then tilted her head to dodge another truck.

Kameko grunted.

“Silence, you vile giant!”, she said.

“Vile? Says the one who puked just a few minutes ago.”, said Kyo.

Shortly after, a helicopter came onto the scene and hovered by Kyo’s face. A man hung out of it and pulled out a megaphone.

“Greetings giant woman.”, said the higher-ranked soldier. “After careful evaluation we have decided to take your side for now, as you seem to be ‘gooder’ of the two giant beings here. The only condition is you don’t harm us further. Sound good?”

Kyo wasn’t really listening that much at first. She did turn to face them for the last few words though. It was then she felt a very sudden disturbance in her stomach.

Kyo’s acids were a bit more potent than a normal woman’s would be if enlarged to 500ft tall. They could eat through the metal of the ingested solders’ gear and weapons with ease. That, of course, meant they stung quite a bit on the flesh of the soldiers themselves. One soldier, good at balancing himself in the turbulent and torrid environment of the tummy, managed to steady himself enough to fire the bazooka he had with him.

The shot exploded against Kyo’s stomach wall, not injuring her one bit thanks to the effects of that meteor perhaps. Mucus and digestive fluid splashed from the stomach walls, however, and the resulting explosion did bug her stomach enough to cause it to rumble loudly.

Kyo opened her mouth towards the guy in the helicopter. Instead of an answer, she unleashed a powerful belch at the hovering vehicle. The thundering force of it bent the propellers and sent it careening down into a nearby building, where it exploded.

Kyo smacked her lips. “Welp, there goes any hope of a temporary truce.”

Kameko threw another truck Kyo’s way, which she caught in hand. She opened her mouth and dipped the back of the troop-transport into her mouth till she shook out two troops. Her lips sealed, letting a few others bounce off said lips. She chucked the truck clear over her shoulder and swallowed them two at a time.

“Mmmf, listen, much as I enjoy the meal can you knock that off?”

“Never!”, said Kameko. “I’m taking you down!”

She reached into her curled arm for another vehicle, but realized she had run out.

“Grr, clearly this isn’t working. I’ll just tackle you down myself.”

Kameko ran towards Kyo. Her body ripped through the row of buildings in the way, letting them burst against the belly of her shell. She took one step into the block Kyo was occupying before a tank rolled by. It aimed its barrel at the turtle woman and fired, accomplishing nothing more than a slight stinging tickle. It did fall beneath the second step of Kameko though. The turtle-woman’s foot both crushed the vehicle and slipped on it.

“Whoaaaaa!” she cried out.

Kameko slipped forward and fell backwards over the rubble of the buildings she had just burst through. She waddled and kicked her stocky arms and legs, as well as pushed with her tail. It was no use, her limbs were too short and cute for the task.

“Oh no.”, she said. “Not again!”

“Ha!”, said Kyo. “Seems the turtle’s caught on her back. Well, you know what, who cares?”

She pointed behind her right shoulder with her thumb.

“The apartment complex my boyfriend is at is right behind me and two steps up. I’ll just go deal with him while you rock back and forth. I’ll just turn around and-”

“No, don’t give up babe!”, shouted a familiar voice.

Kyo turned to the apartment complex roof, where her ex-boyfriend Ken was standing. He was wearing hip clothes for a man his age, as well as sunglasses.

“You’re kindhearted and good-spirited babe. You’re the protector of Japan, and the ocean! The military is just confused, not all humans are like that. You can do it!”

“Thanks babe!”, the turtle-woman said as she kept waddling her shell for justice.

“Wait, Babe?”, said Kyo.

Ken spoke.


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