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"He's delicious! You must be feeling very happy about it. How did you catch him, after all this time with no luck?" asked Miss Woodfield.

"I caught him sleeping on my carpet. The rest was easy."

They went on talking for a while.

"Well I won't be eating you today. There's no time. We’re going out shopping together," said Miss Balfour, “I shall take you upstairs now.”

She carried him up the stairs, and put him down on a carpeted floor inside one of the rooms.

"You can make yourself at home in the spare room. I'll come back and eat you tomorrow. Here's some food supplies too," said Miss Balfour quietly, so that Miss Woodfield would not be aware that she was leaving him on the floor, with no cage to contain him. They had kept up the masquerade that he was a Leprechaun, whom she had caught and would be eating without his permission.

Henry went to the window, which reached to the floor. He looked out, and soon saw Miss Balfour and Miss Woodfield walking across the front lawn and away. They both looked lovely.

Henry ate some of the food for a while. Then he lay down to go to sleep.

For the next two hours he thought about Miss Balfour coming to eat him, with thrilling anticipation. He was so excited. He could hardly believe it was going to come to pass.

Henry awoke the following morning, and heard the sound of the front gate, and ran to the window. Looking out, he saw Miss Balfour walking over the front lawn towards the house!

"She's come to eat me!" he thought.

She came up and greeted him with some news.

"I have thought of an enjoyable game for both of us," she said, "Here's what we'll do. It's not gone midday yet. So we've plenty of time. I'll turn you loose in the central downstairs room of the house. I'll go upstairs for five minutes. It's up to you to find your way to a door, slip under it and escape outside before I count the five minutes and come looking for you. We shall then return to this table, and you shall be my most delicious lunch."

"I'll enjoy that game very much," he answered.

"I thought you would."

She carried him to the middle of the central room, and placed him on the carpet.

"Alright, your five minutes commences when I reach the room in which you were hiding upstairs. I will use its clock to count the time."

She went upstairs.

He ran for the back room, which used most of his five minutes. He was just slipping under the door, when he heard her shoe on the top of the stairs.

"She'll be out here in no time," he thought, "I'll never cross the open lawn in time.”

He darted into the flowerbed in front of the back wall, and heard her walking towards the door. Hiding behind a mushroom, he saw her open the door and step out. She ran straight across the lawn and looked at the distant garden. Seeing nobody, she stood up and walked back. He noticed that there was no garden on the other side of the back door.

"She's guessed I'm in here," he thought.

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