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The two continued their fun throughout the day, with Jake getting up close and intimate with a number of areas on Liz’s body and Liz taking her turn to toy with the little man plenty as well. Before long, it was early evening and the two were thoroughly tired. After having another shower they decided to call it early and head to bed. Jake soon found himself lying on a chest that rose and fell gently with each happy breath from Liz’s large form. Liz hadn’t put the blanket over top of herself yet and instead it was her fingers that kept Jake warm, massaging his front gently. Despite climaxing a few times throughout the day, Jake found that his now very sensitive penis still hardened under Liz’s touch. Thankfully for his tired body, her sexual appetite seemed to be sated by now.

                “Hey Liz?” Jake said.


                “I’ve already said it before, but I really need to say it again. Thank you,” Jake said.

                A small giggle shook Jake’s living mattress as Liz replied, “You don’t need to thank me, Jake. I love having you around. I’ve had a lot of fun these past few weeks.”

                “I love being around,” Jake said. “And I think… No, not I think.” Jake paused. The rising and falling of Liz’s chest paused as well. Instead Jake could hear her massive heartbeat begin to accelerate “I love you, Liz.”

                Liz took a deep breath, feeling her little passenger quaking on her chest, clearly nervous. Jake really did love her? This wasn’t just a short term fling or a fantasy week? “I love you too, Jake. I have been too nervous to say it, but I have actually been in love with you for a long time.”

                “Really?” Jake asked.

                “Really. All those times I teased you in the office, or passed by your desk, I just kept hoping you would say something. I was too nervous to go first.” Liz shifted, forcing Jake to brace himself with an arm against one of her large breasts.

                “You were just so big, I was too nervous to say anything. I guess that sounds a bit crazy now that you’re even bigger though, eh?” Jake joked, trying to reassure Liz, sensing her vulnerability.

                 “I’m so happy,” Liz said, breathing deeply again with happiness and relief. He really did love her.

                Liz felt two little arms reach out and grab onto the fingers that were stroking against Jake’s little form, pulling them in and wrapping as far around them as Jake could. Liz’s heart fluttered. The tiny guy was just so cute. Then that Liz felt a pang of guilt for his predicament. It was her fault, but he still didn’t know. Would he still love her if he knew? How would he react? She wanted them to just stay here lying like this forever, but she knew honesty was the only way forward. She just hoped he could forgive her.

                “Jake,” Liz started.

                “Yeah?” Jake answered smiling wide and trying to cling to her retreating finger.

                “Did you ever figure out why you became smaller?” Liz asked.

                “No, I haven’t figured it out yet. Why?” Jake wondered.

                “It’s just,” Liz started and then paused. “I think,” she paused again. “I think I might have figured it out,” Liz said. She hadn’t been certain before, but she was sure now. The timing was right, and something as impossible as this could only have been that stop at the fountain on her way out the door. As crazy as it was, nothing else made sense.

                “Really? What did you find out?” Jake asked, genuinely curious if his lover could help him.

                Fear grew inside of Liz. Jake had just confessed his love to her and now she was going to tell him this. How would he react?

                “Liz? What did you find out?” Jake asked, wondering why she had stopped. He was starting to feel nervous. They had been so happy seconds ago. Why was Liz suddenly so serious?

                “I think it was my fault, Jake,” Liz stated. There, she had said it. She hoped he could forgive her.

                Jake laughed. “You’re funny, Liz.” It was a little weird to joke about and it came out of nowhere, but Liz had to be messing with him. “I know we share some unique interests, but come on.”

                “No, I’m serious Jake. It was my fault,” Liz insisted.

                Jake suddenly felt a unsure. “What do you mean? How could this be your fault?”

                “The day you shrank, I caused it.”

                “How?” Jake asked, increasingly confused.

                “You know that fountain in the office? The super fancy one near the entrance with the weird statue?”

                “Of course, what about it?”

                “That day at work you and I had been talking about what it might be like to feel small. Well, I had always had a crush on you, and I liked being big, so when I was leaving, I stopped at the fountain.”

                “So?” Jake asked.

                “I pulled out a coin and I made a wish. I wished that I had a chance to make your dreams come true,” Liz explained. “It was just a random wish. I didn’t think anything would come of it. But then when you called the next morning and were suddenly tiny, I couldn’t believe it. But I knew it had been because of my wish.”

                “Liz,” Jake tried to interrupt but she continued with regret filling her voice.

                “Of course, I was happy to help you. But as the days went on, I secretly wanted you to stay so we could always be together. I was afraid that if I told you about the wish you would want to go back to normal, and that we would go back to just being coworkers and you might not want to be with men anymore. I held out on telling you because I was afraid you would want to turn back right away, and then I would lose you. I’m sorry, Jake. This is all my fault,” Liz concluded, tears starting to form on her eyes. They had just declared love for each other. Was it going to end that fast?

                For a short time neither one of them spoke. The only sound that passed between them was Liz’s heavy breathing as she held back tears.

                “Hey Liz,” Jake started.

                “Yeah?” she asked, anxiety apparent in her voice.

                “I love you. I know you are just trying to do the right thing and that you wouldn’t harm me. Maybe we should just get some rest tonight and figure things out tomorrow?” Jake proposed. Truth be told he didn’t know how to feel about this. He still loved Liz, that was for sure, but he was a little surprised that she would have hidden something like this from him. He needed some time to think before he could tell her what he was feeling.

                “I’m really sorry, Jake,” Liz repeated.

                “It’s okay. Let’s just get some sleep and talk about this tomorrow,” Jake reaffirmed.

                “Alright,” Liz said. In her head she was both relieved that she had finally told Jake, but terrified that she might have pushed him away forever. He hadn’t asked to sleep on the bedside table and was still comfortably nestled against her chest, was that a good sign? Or was he just being nice? All she could do was wait until the morning. 

*             *             *

                The next morning Liz woke up to find herself alone in bed. Jake must have snuck off of her while she slept. She found him in the bathroom having a shower and helped him get dried off. After the two of them were clean and had some breakfast, she left Jake in the living room to get dressed while she headed off to get her work clothes ready. They had said their usual good morning and chatted a bit, but Liz was too scared to bring up their talk from the previous night and Jake hadn’t said anything. Once Liz had her work clothes on, she headed back to the kitchen to put a lunch together.

                After a while a small voice called up to her from next to her hooves. “Liz?”

                “Oh, hey Jake. Want a lift?” Liz asked.

                “Sure!” he called out before get powerful hand gently conveyed him up and onto the counter. In front of him Liz was making a sandwich many times his size and mass.

                “Whoa, that looks good,” Jake observed.

                “You know it,” Liz said, managing a smile despite her down mood.

                There was a brief pause as Liz continued her work on the counter and Jake stood watching.

                “So,” Jake began. Liz paused and listening, her focus entirely on Jake. “I was thinking about what we talked about,” he continued.

Liz realized she was holding her breath.

“I want to go back to the fountain,” Jake declared.

Liz’s heart sank. Was that it then? She couldn’t blame him. Who wouldn’t want to go back to normal? She hoped he didn’t hate her for what she had done. “Alright. How about we head over now. It’s early enough that no one else would be there and I’m ready to go.”

“Ok,” Jake said.

It wasn’t a long trip to the office. Liz carried Jake in her bag on top of her surprisingly compact lunch container which she had wrapped in a soft cloth. Liz was clearly nervous about handling Jake despite their extensive contact over the previous days. Today she was almost avoiding touching him for fear of offending him further. The whole ride there she felt like she was holding back tears. She didn’t want their time together to end like this, but she had to let Jake do what he wanted. It would have been wrong to keep him against his wishes.

Traffic was much lighter in the early morning and after an unusual abundance of green lights, Liz and Jake arrived at the front of the office. It was the first time Jake had been outside in weeks and the fresh air was a pleasant change of scenery. Jake was still feeling a bit shaken by their talk last night, but he was glad Liz had finally been honest with him. He knew she had meant well these past few weeks and he was thankful that she had granted him the chance to come here so readily. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but as he sat there, swinging with the contents of the bag, he was confident he was doing the right thing for both of them.

After a minute or so of walking, the bag stopped swaying and the sound of water flowing could be heard outside. Jake was shrouded in shade as Liz’s head appeared far above the opening in the bag. She must have gotten a good parking spot this early in the morning because usually the walk to the front door took Jake quite a while. Liz looked much better now than she had the night before, but she still had a very serious face. It looked almost out of place on her compared to the constant smiling and giggling of the past few weeks.

“You ready?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Jake said.

In came a giant hand and onto the palm Jake climbed. He was lifted right out of the bag and into the open air before descending with it toward the edge of the fountain. When his ride stopped, Jake hopped off and onto the stone surface below, noting how cold it felt on his feet. He hadn’t ever really thought much of this fountain before. It always looked a little gaudy to him but now it resembled a titanic waterfall, with water cascading down from one bowl at the top two successively larger bowls down below and finally into the large pool he now stood in front of. The odd statue of some sort of spirit at the top just added to the oddity of it and he had honestly never been a fan of the design.

Looked down into the pool he saw the green moss and algae that coated the stone that had probably never been cleaned since this office opened. Looking a little harder, he spotted a single silver coin nestled at the bottom. Liz really had been telling the truth. She had wished and thrown a coin into the water and somehow her wish had been answered. Well, if the magic fountain had listening to her, he sure hoped it would listen to him too.

Two of the massive mare’s fingers suddenly reappeared to Jake’s right and in between was clenched a silver dime the size of a large frisbee to little Jake. “Here you go, Jake,” Liz said.

Grasping onto the shining disc, Jake hefted the metal dime as Liz released it. “Thank you,” he replied.

“Jake,” Liz continued.


“I’m sorry,” she added, though her eyes said far more.

“It’s okay,” Jake said. “Can I have some privacy? I just need a minute or so and I’ll be done.”

“Sure,” Liz said gently before rising and taking a few steps away, leaving Jake to his thoughts.

Jake stood there motionless, holding onto the coin for nearly a full minute. Then, his mind finally made up, he hurled the coin into the water where it landed with an anticlimactic plop. Both Jake and Liz stood motionless, Jake staring at the dime as it sank into the water and Liz staring at little Jake. Once the coin settled to the ground, Jake turned around and Liz approached, crouching down to get closer to his tiny form.

“Well, what did you wish for?” Liz asked. She had expected him to regrow right away, but she also remembered her wish had come with a slight delay.

“Nothing,” Jake replied.

Nothing?” Liz balked, stunned.

“I wished for nothing. You are everything I need,” Jake said, smiling up at Liz.

“But what about your apartment?” Liz asked.

“I emailed my roommate and told him to take what he wanted.”

“What about your job?” she continued.

“I quit this morning,” Jake replied, smiling wider. He was finally free. Free to enjoy life. A life with Liz.

“Does this mean,” Liz started.

“Yes,” Jake interrupted, “I want to be with you. I already told you, I love you, Liz,” he declared.

Liz couldn’t believe it. She had never felt so happy in her life. Without hesitation she grabbed his tiny form and pressed him into her muzzle and kissed him furiously. She pressed harder and harder, overcome by emotion. After a minute she realized he was unable to move. Worried that she might have crushed him she pulled her hands back and looked down to see Jake laughing.

“Are you alright? I think I lost myself for a minute there,” Liz said.

Jake laughed for a few seconds longer before answering. “Okay I lied, I made one wish and I’m glad I did. I wished to be a little more resilient and I think it may have worked. I love you, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to be crushed by your affection,” Jake said, laughing a little more.

Liz couldn’t help but giggle. “Does this mean I can be a little rougher with you?” she asked.

“I was thinking this would give us a safer margin of error, but we could certainly test the limits a bit sometimes.”

Liz’s heart rushed and she suddenly felt warm. Her love was still with her for good now.

“Well, I guess we had better get you back so I can make it to work on time,” Liz said.

“Can’t I just tag along today?” Jake asked.

Liz thought for a minute. “I guess you could. But where could I keep you? I wore my v-neck shirt today so there’s no way I could hide you up here and I don’t want you to sit in my bag bored all day.”

“Do you have any pockets?” Jake asked.

“Not in this outfit,” Liz said.

“Well, I guess that leaves one or two places,” Jake said mischievously.

 “Ohhhh,” Liz bit her lip, her eyes narrowing as she stared at her tiny lover, “you little. You planned this didn’t you?”

Jake just smiled and gave a wink.

“Well try not to struggle in there too much. I need to get some work done today, you know,” Liz said playfully.

Jake just laughed as a finger and thumb grasped him by the waist and hefted him as Liz stood to her full height. Then, after glancing around briefly to ensure they were still alone, Liz’s other hand came down just below Jake and pulled the waistband of her stretch jeans and panties out.

“Any last words?” Liz asked with a lustful smile.

“I love you,” Jake said up to her.

“I know.”

With that, Jake plummeted a short distance below before his back bounced against the soft fabric of Liz’s panties and launched him forward into her mound. He began to slide down until he hung just beneath Liz’s vulva. Then, the elastic above him snapped shut and Jake was entombed in warm, humid darkness. Before he could start moving on his own, a heavy mass pressed against him through the fabric and rubbed Jake’s body back and forth briefly before pressing him slightly deeper into the soft folds in front of him. With a rumbling moan, Liz’s powerful thighs began thumping into the office and toward her workstation. Before long, her thighs paused. Jake felt himself descend briefly before being plastered between a firm surface and Liz’s moistening lips above. As Liz’s heartbeat quickened and her panting increased, Jake was filled a special joy that can only come from helping a lover in need.

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