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Author's Chapter Notes:

Lulu Grows bigger.

Police do what they can to appease her growth.

Again, more destruction and some extent confronting imagery(to those faint of heart) in this chapter, discretion is advised.

Deputy Chief Inspector Rory shook his head as the window wipers of his car sloshed the rain out of his view (how polite!). Of all the places to be brought out to, this must have been a prank. But there she was, blocking the front windows, seemingly consuming the entire range of products the supermarket had to offer. He was brought to a place, expecting a large hassle of mobs pilfering from supermarkets, or perhaps a terrorist making use of the hurricane’s threat level to instil trouble by assaulting an innocent man with a loaf of bread.

But no.

A young child had warranted the arrival of three ambulances for the victims and twenty individually decked out riot squad cars. At least eighty or so officers, complete with bullet proof armour, riot shields, helmets and half of them were even carrying assault rifles, like they were up against a terrorist. Of course, there was one missing car from the lot but that was the least of the Chief’s worries.

A torrential downpour, with the full force of the hurricane to hit probably the day after, and a giant little girl…. Now he knew how those police officers in stories, TV shows and movies felt when they were up against larger than life creatures.

“Chief?” A man outside his car called out to Rory. It was Lieutenant Harley, approaching the Chief’s car coming to the driver’s window, the chief let the window down slightly, the rain took no qualms and spluttered in.

“Ah Lieutenant Harris, back from the Oyster club I see?” The Chief joked

“Very funny Chief. Just like the last dozen times and the thousands of times everyone at the station gives me.” Harley retorted.

“You act just like him when you’re angry though. Well, maybe I should call you Maxwell then. You’re a –Smart- one aren’t ya?” The chief chuckled, Harley biting his bottom teeth in response. “Well, whats up then? If you’re not here to call me a dirtbag, then you should wait for a command and get back to your car.”

“Well, that’s just it Chief, what’s command told us to do? Some seventy or so officers in heavy uniform is a bizarre way of babysitting a young girl.”

“Pft” Rory spat. “Eighty officers might not even be enough. Apparantly this kid almost killed a man who formerly played gridiron. Well built, Six ten.”

“Yeah at that siz-“ Harley spoke, but the Chief cut him off.

“AND Lieutenant, she was only nine feet tall at the time. Even if the witnesses are  saying the truth, fact of the matter is, we’ve got a young girl trapped inside the body of a giant and god knows how much larger she’s going to get.”

“Then we should start getting her NOW while she’s as small as possible then!” A good point made by the Lieutenant.

“Boy I wish I knew the semantics of the thought of detaining a little child like you do Harley. This isn’t just a slap on the wrist we’re talking about. She’s pretty much devastated the entire supermarket, trapped everyone inside the complex and is committing large scale larceny it a fit of gluttony.”

“And what happens if she grows bigger? I don’t think a child is going to listen to a bunch of toy officers hiding in their cars like half built Lego men!” Harley raised his voice in frustration.

Rory gave Harley a mean look.

“Lieutenant. I hope you understand that no one is above the law no matter which way traffic goes.  Whether it be a gigantic girl or a lab rat. We will give out the correct punishment applicable for the nature of proceedings. This girl will be held accountable and we will punish her with the full force of the law. She is just a child though. So it’s not like we can go into this willy nilly.”

Harley  glared back.

“Chief, with all due respect, that’s a load of baloney . Especially since nothing has happened but that girl  being big enough to smash that market into pieces!”

“It’s BECAUSE nothing has happened that the situation is under control!”

“How is this -under control- when the darn girl doesn’t even know we’re here!?!?”

The police radio butted into their argument.

-krsshh- “This is HQ, Come in Chief, Come in Chief Rory, do you copy?  This is HQ, Rory are you there?” -krrshh-

“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant. Please go back to your car and wait for orders. You’ll catch a cold in the rain.”

Harley shook his head and went back to his car. Rory on the other hand raised his driver’s window to silence the ambience with exception to the falling rain atop his car.

-krssh- “No need to worry. This is Deputy Chief Inspector Rory.”-krshh- The deputy chuckled in vain.

-krssh- “Now I see why you’re still a deputy, Rory.” The woman over the radio spoke. “ Word’s just come in,  we are not to provoke her. Do anything you can to keep her from moving from that spot.” -krssh-

Rory sighed

“So this really is just glorified babysitting huh? “ He said to no one in particular.

Meanwhile, Harley decided to take a quick detour towards one of the ambulances where two of the  supposed “victims” laid in a complete daze. To Harley they just looked like a bunch of life sized yet well dressed (barring the soaking from the rain) dolls . And this made the not quite irascible officer furious.

“God, what happened? Who’s birthday is it? Don’t tell me the chief bough midget dolls for us again. What a terrible sense of humour that man has.”

One of the paramedics sitting by the patients on a chair looked at Harley, and sighed.

“I wish I could laugh at that, but actually these are real life people we’re seeing here.”

Harley was gobsmacked.

“I don’t believe that.” He vented, shaking his head,

“I had the same reaction when I heard that too. But no, your buddies asked them a few questions, and when they answered, it was all but confirmed. Identity checks out, hair, face arms and whatever, you name it, these are shrunken people down to the shrunken state of their  house keys.”

The woman then dangled a pair of Keychains, each miniaturized at different levels with one being larger than the other.

“They’re even smaller than kids toys!” Harley exclaimed.

“Yup, that’s what makes this all the more…terrible for them you know? The worst part of it is, they don’t seem to understand how bad their situation is.”

“How so?”

“Well, Viola here” the woman gestured to her left  “is an Aged Care worker, and  I’m sure you might of noticed, but being at that size doesn’t exactly help with the tasks she can do. Especially with the strength she has now.” The Paramedic continued.

“Strength? What do you mean?”

“The little tykes can’t even lift up anything more than five pounds(~2.2 kilograms). The man especially is lucky to even  hold anything that’s more than a pound(~450 grams).”

“They’ve been weakened??” Harley exclaimed Clearly not understanding his position as a listener so that the story may explain the status of the shrunken individuals.

“Yes, but there’s more to it. Seems like they’re mass was stolen from them.”

A visibly confused Harley only shook his head, failing to understand anything the medic was saying.

“Not only that, intense levels of  dopamine found in their system’s has completely robbed them from their senses We’re keeping them in here in case of a crash. What’s unusual is that this strain of dopamine is foreign to their systems.  Meaning that it was transferred into them somehow. And this is the effect that it’s caused. It’s practically feeding off of them”

“But doctor … I mean” A very discombobulated  Harley tried to reason.

“Paramedic, rather. And yes. You look at them and you wouldn’t be wrong if you were to call them baby adults, baby sized adults, adult babies…..You name it. They may as well be it.”.

One of the machines started to beep in the ambulance. The Paramedic cursed under her breath.

“Close the doors, and help me out, the man is crashing.” The woman instructed as the shrunken man started to err well, shake much more vigorously than the hokey pokey. Harley wasted no time and hopped inside the truck, closing the doors behind him.

“Why do you need my help?” Harley needlessly argued.

“Because OFF-FISS-SERRR,  I can’t give my full attention to both of them if one is prancing about the place now can I? sit over there and make sure the woman doesn’t leave her stretcher. Hold her down if you have to. Don’t worry, if it’s your first time I can show you the ropes.”

“What’s with all the crude jokes today?” Harley whined as he shook his head and sighed, getting to work by keeping at the tiny woman’s aid.

The man woke up with a vengeance. As much as he did enjoy the site of a nicely endowed enlarged woman in his face he-

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH” he  screamed  as if his stepped on a Lego without restraint in his voice. Thanks to his reduced stature and the effects of it, his voice sounded like a boy who had failed to go through puberty, it was a, not so favourable man child voice, very much on the verge of being inaudible.

“ I’v- I’ve I’ve been shrunk!! Just like her!!!But, I… I KEPT HER SECRET! WHY, WHY DID I SHRINK? Ohh God what’s going to happen to me??? Am I going to die? I don’t want to shrink away! I have a wife! My child’s thirteen! She’ll never listen to me again!  Will my wife even go out with me?!?!” The man violently tries to flee the stretcher, but is quickly pinned down by the medic.

“Sir, please calm down, everything’s okay. You’re not injured anywhere.”

Not the wisest choice of words. The medic would of agreed that she could of phrased that a little better.

“Injured ?? Okayyyy?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! Look at me! You’re a literal gigantor to me now!!! I’M A ----- BABY! I’m even small enough to be in a foot long sub! I’m breakfast now!!! OHH GOD I’m never going to be able to play a video game ever again! I’m never going to be able to type properly on a keyboard again! I was a master programmer!  I even work out to impress the lady and now I’m pinned by a plastic gussied up nurse!”

While the nurse did want to let him roam free, it was her job to try and resolve the situation. She reached out for the transceiver she had.

“This is Pam, Ambo number 3 here, I require immediate medical assistance, patient is coming down from a dopamine high. I’ve got nothing to treat him with. I repeat, I need immediate medical assistance right now!”

Now Viola started screaming, her screams were bit on the gibberish side. Her voice had been pitifully reduced down to a squeak.

“Aren’t you a nurse? Why aren’t you prepared for this sort of situation?” Harley shouted over the screaming woman holding her down…politely. . Not exactly inspiring the mood with the paramedic.

“We were called in preparation of broken bones and life threatening wounds, not overdosed victims who -mind you- had supernaturally shrunken down to essentially DOLLS!” The paramedic yelled back.

The shrunken duo seemed to snap at that moment.

“We’re ----DOLLS! -------DOLLS NOW!!!! DOLLS THAT FREAKING KIDS  PLAY AROUND AND BREAK AND CHEW AND SPIT OUT LIKE THE GUM ON THEIR FEET! WHY DIDN’T WE KEEP THAT SECRET??  SHE’LL GET US FOR THIS”  Only the man was audible for Viola’s voice seemed to squeak much too high, reaching a frequency that’d make dogs shudder.

“Sir, you were on a high from abnormal amounts of Dopamine, please, don’t strain yourself too hard” The paramedic reached back to her transceiver calling for help again as the man continued his doomsday speech.

“Dopamine? What in god’s name happened to give me DOPAMINE? You’re a doctor! This is the complete OPPOSITE of DOPAMINE! You should be the ones GIVING ME DOPAMINE!” The man wailed and flailed like a poor turtle on its back.

Within that moment,a powerful voice beckoned the entire ambulance, echoing through their minds.

“Heyyy !!! Tiny police officers!!!” The voice bellowed…..girlishly. A child’s voice?

“W-was that what I thi-?” Harley shuddered as he got up

Then…Almost as if going from 100 to zero in an instant, the shrunken duo stopped their fruitless  struggle, and were washed over by a sense of security. Both of them shrank a few inches on the spot, moaning as the joyous relief of compression hit them.

“Wh-what happened to them?” Harley exclaimed.

“I-I don’t know! Their heart rate went back to normal! Bu- but- “ The paramedic tried to reason.

“It’s her..” Viola now audibly spoke. “Nurse?.... Please bring me to that heavenly voice, I’d like another does of it please… Its …my reward for keeping a secret you see”

“W-what?” The paramedic was confused, and started to shudder from what that might of meant.

Hiiii little peeeeoppllleeeee!!!” The  otherworldly child’s voice projected again.

“A-aahhhh-“ Viola moaned. The intense voice from her deity  beckoned her. It’s voice penetrating her body, causing slight vibrations within her body, the child's voice soothing her very soul, politely asking her to pave way for her uprising. Her body having agreed willingly, she let the vibrations of the all powerful voice shrink her very slowly for she was pathetic and couldn’t to do it herself.

Harley was mortified by what he was seeing. He felt uncomfortable as the woman seemed to moan and wriggle about under his manly touch up. But something even stranger was occurring. The hand that was touching Viola started to get a little tingly, as if he was rubbing his hand gently across an electric blanket. And for a split second, the tingling sensation turned into numbness in the arm that spread like a disease throughout the rest of his body.

Harley quivered

“M-m-medic…h-h-!!!!” Harley uttered, but the Nurse had already suffered the same fate with the man.

Both normal sized adults jerked themselves forward a little bit. Their habitual instincts began to fade, their inner sense of reason was being eaten away by a strange echo that pierced through their minds, they could swear it sounded familiar somehow. The voice vibrated through their existence, demanding more from their bodies, but they couldn’t keep up with the demands, their entire state of being was now being sucked away as everyone in the ambulance was now shrinking.

Harley, being the fastest shrink er in the room, already dipping below 5 feet was attempting to fight back. The voices just kept hitting him harder as he shrank faster, quickly diving to the same size as Viola at 2’6 now.

“Awwwwwww”  The mighty voice swooned .The prolonged voice awwwwwehhhhhed their fragile bodies to an adorably uniform 1 foot tall each.

Very faintly, they could hear something else, the sound of other people talking.


“She’s got the chief’s car? What do we do?”

“Where’s Harley! Call for Harley!”

The frantic voices outside calling every which direction, scrambling without their authority figure like headless chickens.

Harley snapped out of his daze.

“What in god’s name is going on out there?” Said Harley, taking his attention off Viola, wanted to forget the fact that he was literally on top of her.

That’s when he saw the imposing doors of the ambulance before him. Wait, what happened? Harley patted himself down, he was still in uniform, but he had been transported to ….a larger ambulance? No…he had been shrunk! Oh no…

Wee woo Weee wooo Wweee wooo Weee wooo!!! The all knowing voice surrrged through their genetic composition. Outside Lulu was cheerfully swinging around a certain car up and down up and down.

"A--aaarrrrgh!" Harley winced in pain, unable to resist the child's voice, he was unable to play with the child, and his body in all it's insignificance decided to give up and rest until it could play with the child again, slowly lulling him to sleep and all of the people inside that ambulance too.

Outside of that ambulance was a difference story. As if to contest her mockery of a emergency siren, one by one every police car on site simultaneously activated their sirens each one louder than the last officers grasped their ears as the siren apocalypse was upon them. Other officers stood terrified not knowing what was going on their legs shaking like a child wondering what's inside their present, petrifying the lot of them. The entire set of riot squad toy cars had all tried for superiority in who had the best siren to show that girl what the real things sounded like.

What made them feel worse was the fact that the sirens were half as loud as the little girl. And that little girl demonstrated this by showing the sirens who's boss.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE---ooooooooooooo Wwweeeeeeeeeeeee---ooooooooo…

Wee woo wee woo wee woo wee woo!”

The police officers held their ears in pain as her voice silenced out all idle thoughts they had. Some were screaming in pain as the child’s voice kept booming through their ears. But that’s not all. The sirens fizzled out one by one as the kindergarten giant’s voice overpowered the measly sound vibrations they produced. As if that wasn’t enough now each siren was turning back on being OVERIDDEN by her voice entirely. As if her voice was being played back on the megaphone every police car muffled and jumbled the child’s voice. The mass of Wee’s and Woo’s further pierced their brains, causing their livelihoods to question their existence as a mass shrinking episode was on the rise, but their shrinking was a little slow. Only falling by one or two inches within the whole course of the episode.

But amongst all the chaos, there still stood one regular sounding Police siren, that police siren was getting louder in their heads, Most of the police officers had regained their cool as the child’s voice seemed to become a fading memory clinging to a sense of normality within the emergency siren's noise. Officers trembled as they were now looking at the only police siren that was still left intact…and the very same one that was being recklessly dangled in the air by the overgrown monster child.

“C-Chiief!” One of them called out.

The Chief was rolling all around his car, thanks to the non stop wave motion joy ride he was on no thanks to his larger than life captor, his best shot was to exit the vehicles as quick as he could. Unfortunately the giant’s hand showed way too much affection for him and his car, the sheer force of the little girl’s childish hands were slowly crumpling the car smaller, and no, not physically shrinking it, but crushing it smaller. With her palm covering an entire drivers side of the car and her delicate pudgy fingers hugging the top and the other side of the car. Rory was effectively trapped.

Half built Lego man huh? Why I ought give that kid a medal….. But things don’t look good for me huh?” Rory thought.

A pane of glass that was his rear window cracked a. That’s it!. With extreme haste he began trying to kick the rear window with all is might, even using the force of his body as he rolled around as extra leverage, with a one, two three, and THWACK! The glass shattered! Feeling proud of himself for a split second before the car caved in further. No time for celebrations. He used the force of the swinging motion the car was under and  had only just barely slid his legs out of the car when….

The frame of the back window completely caved in on itself , a pinky finger had crushed the entire back side.

After what was a blood curdling scream. The officers standing horrified as the last police siren started to fizzle out, failing to keep its status as a toy for the child. They all had started to lose hope. One even falling to his knees as they watched their chiefs car get chewed up like it was in the scrap yard.

“WHAT ARE YOU -----sss DOING!?!?!?” 



It was the Chiefs voice!

“-----HEADS  -------ING….Ru-Ru….r”… The chief started to feel numb….

Run away… Rory pleaded , his voice failing him But his voice was drowned out.

Lulu Giggles wildly as her toy crumples before in her hands, perhaps it wasn't a police car? Maybe it was play-dough?

The safety of his comrades , his inner state of reason, his consciousness slushed itself all together, none of it made sense. He felt like people should start evacuating for some reason…but why?

Why not play with Lulu instead?

Who’s Lulu? Why… Their…their….

I should warn the others…..get out of here….now…the hurricane , it…it , it’s not right. Who’s this Lulu I keep thinking of? Is that the name of the kid?...At the same time, Harley was right. Maybe we should get her now but my heart’s saying NO run, this is too much for you guys to handle….but….but….

A second wave of Intense childish giggling sends Rory into a daze. Making him completely stumble over his argument. Forgetting his entire debate with himself.

But what?...

The car crunched further reducing the man to what Harley once described. This would be Rory’s last chance to relay the message for humanity.


Rory! Get it together!


N—noo! That’s not wh- Run away!!!!....U-uuuu…

It’s all for you, the divine one. Eat up.

The chiefs car was then flattened in the name of a child’s overwhelming grip.

As the Chiefs voice roarrrred across the playground, his voice was subtly penetrating the voices of everybody but the mystical giant.

All the police officers hopes had started to fill up. Their faces brightened, one very brave officer gathered his courage and unleashed it into a battle cry.


With the chief’s final words of encouragement, everyone roared back to life and picked up their guns, mainly assault rifles that they already had or picked up from their squad car. And unleashed a fury of bullets onto the monster. It would now learn the depths of volcanic rage of mankind’s gunpowder.

Bullets spewed from  rifles and other weaponry alike, savaging the monster with hell's own bullets, each one coming from the sins of mankind itself attempting to slay the overgrown creature before them. (Bullet) Hell itself had come to Lulu.

But Lulu’s warm smile petrified hell and turned it into a flower field of joyish giggles, and a wonderland of growth spurts.

Lulu’s lesson on mankind began here.

The bullets on which they relied so heavily upon to maim her began tickling her body, the ones aggressively trying to maim her torso were caught and were given serious affection from her overalls, the very fibers would deny entrance required to pay a toll fee of a bajillion hugs, but since bullets were incapable of that, they self destructed on impact, harmlessly popping like stepping on a juice popper if they hadn’t just bounced off the child’s overall dress entirely.

Lulu Squealed in immense joy as the tiny beings around her tickled her. Her playful wriggles had all but obliterated whatever was in her hand before, the walls were becoming so distressed they had to give a sigh of relief upon crumbling to the ground. Her entire body kept giggling and wriggling and squirming around in sheer happiness one that only a child could feel.

Her Booming laughter surged through the entire playground the weapons in the critters hands began to fire even more frantically, their guns gaining otherworldly powers and their firing speed increased dramatically to suit the wide spread panic in the playground. Their guns seemingly never running out of ammunition as the officers were now terrified beyond belief and kept firing their weapons as much as they could as long as their sanity could hold out for.

But what about when the bullets hit the skin? As most officers began to realise that firing willy nilly wasn’t helping them much at all, so they aimed for the monster’s smooth plump skin.

The bullets made a mad dash for the skin of the giantess. And her skin welcomed each and every single bullet with open pores. Well, not that they were visible to anyone, but the pores  let the bullets make their home into Lulu. Unfortunately for the bullets. The skin wasn’t the smartest thing around, being so incredibly dense that the bullets had a tough time going through the doors that were the pores. As if that weren’t enough, even if they had made it through the door, Lulu’s very own bloodstream would then show it’s overwhelming hospitality. Her immune system didn’t even know it was under attack, it was that thick headed. The warm red blood cells  warmly greeted their new neighbours, each one assigned to a new bullet. And each bullet getting the same fate as the other.

Aiiiii!! Ittt tickklleeeessss soo muuuch! Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!” Lulu Squeals in delight.

You see, as the blood cell showed it’s ever lasting affection for the bullet, the bullet was being hugged wildly by a fusion of red blood and platelets, the bullet didn’t know what it should of came with a gift, but the cells just hushed it coyly, they’d take care of everything. They would make certain that the body they were in charge of would get the most out of the bullet’s visit. One by one each and every bullet that had managed to make it through the door were being overwritten and restructured to further benefit the child down to their very atomic matter that they called their proof of existence. And it was consumed by the very cells that showed them such great hospitality.

Thee cells with their new found strength shared their nutrients with the rest of the body, and a warm feeling surged through Lulu once again, Lulu's now feeding off of the bullets….and started growing larger.

She Squealed again as her body began overwhelming the rest of the supermarket. Everyone inside who were trapped counted their chickens as the wall of girly girth gave them the warm embrace of a giant growing child. Surging larger beyond 60feet(~18.2m), pulsing larger to 75 feet(~22.8m). Uuurging bigger to 80 feet(~24.3m). Sweeeelling and growing and giggling and laughing in all sorts of joyous play sessions of happiness and the wonders of an amazing playtime brought her. Lulu allowed this feeling to over take her body, suuurging it up larger.

Nnaahahhhhh!!!!! Lulu moaned from her good stretch.

Her warm feeling became unrestricted temporarily overlowing her little body with enormous amounts of energy, red cordial paling in comparison. As she greewww and pulsed bigger , and larger, toppling the 90foot (~27.3m) mark. The supermarket was already in shambles , her pudgy body pounding through the walls and rooftops as her body out grew them.

This is the best eeeevveeerrrr!!!!! Eee---Wwwwaaaaaaahhh!!!!” Lulu squealed.

Her body just kept growing and growing like a nonstop roller coaster of growth, pulsing larger, and more gargantuan with each passing minute.

Rocketing past the infamous 100feet point(~30m)….

from her sides, she lay on her back, anyone up for pancakes with the police?

Oh there go the ambulances as well!... was one missing?

105ft (~32m)..

Ohh, it seems like the police were already enveloped by her growing body.

The  growing child tsunami swallowed up everything in its path.

110ft (~33.5m)..


Was that the gas station?

Shhllooooop! Growth spurt! 130ft(~39.6m)!!!!

Oh, there goes the pump will it explode?....Nope, the child's shoe snuffed it out before  it could even gain traction as an explosion.

Lulu kept pumping up bigger and bigger and bigger


Ahhhhhhhh!!!” what a greaaaaaat stretch!

Lulu had grooown to a staggering 150 feet tall.

The gigantified child, now satiated from playing so much, blissfully waved her feet around in the air, distorting the air currents around her feet as she swung them idly. Not minding one bit that the light spitting of rain glazing her body was now essentially a torrential downpour.

The city of Mink had lost FiveHives, its northern police force and a gas station.

All thanks to a young child experiencing her first (known) growth spurt. And the hurricane wasn’t even upon them yet.




All falls silent except for the imposing woooooshhes of the child's foot swaying in the air, her hands now idly reaching for the sky.

In amist the rubble, a group of 1 foot tall critters grouped up together and had managed to squeeze their way through their supposed graves. There were four of them.

“Lee-yuuuuuu –Lee-yuuuu!!!! She’s okay!!!” The woman squeaked.

“We have to protect her!” The officer chimed in.

“No you idiot! She’s protecting us! She’s the divine one!” argued the medic.

“She’ll give us Divine Punishment if we don’t hurry!” The man hastily spoke.

And with that the four of them Toddled towards their great entity. Climbing atop her clothes with their supposed lack of strength (thanks Lulu!), snuggling their way into her large overalls pocket.

“Woah! Look at this guys!” The Medic spoke with glee as she found everlasting treasure.

It was an enlarged bottle of FiveHives honey its contents oozing out from the bottle, however the fabric beneath was neither soaking nor letting any of the precious food slip past its defences, it was like a malleable concrete wall to the honey preventing it from being wasted. .The jar was roughly 10 feet tall while the blobs of honey were around 1-10 feet tall as it lead up into the jar. Other jars of various sizes never above 10 feet tall nor below 5 foot small where strewn about the huge living space only the 10ft jar in front of them was open.

“Hey! Why are all the Honey jars so big huh?” The man complained

“Quit your whining!” The officer exclaimed “It’s obviously because she wanted us to have more to eat here!”

The medic gasped upon realising something.

“Woah wait a minute! There’s four of us and like 7 jars of honey!  What if we eat them all? We get hungry so often!”

“You’re so worthless that you’re a glutton now? How could you think of your own stomach when our poor little divine being needs as much food as she can get?” The woman yelled to her shrunken peer.

They all started bickering amongst each other,  each throwing an insult over each other comparing themselves to giantess who was completely unaware (rather moved on from) that they even existed in the first place.

Then their giantess’ voice echoed through to their hearts.

Lulu’s soft giggles calmed the puny bickering adults. Wriggling around, her movements had therapeutic effects on their bodies, releasing their stupidity from their souls, causing them to shrink further down to accommodate this new change.  Each one of them becoming 5 inches tall.

“Aahhhhh” They all sighed in relief. “She’s sooo smart. The smaller we are….The more we can eat and the smaller our worries are!” The medic diagnosed .

“That’s our divine one for you~” The woman sung  as all the 5 inch leeches  pranced and hopped towards their feast with utmost joy.

They dove into the honey suckling it to preserver their existences, ironically further giving into the sound vibrations that was the child’s idle giggles and miscellaneous sounds that she made.

They slipped past 2 inches,

Ignored being an inch tall.

(Metric only from below an inch, it’s just little bit more precise than the imperial system.)

Waving good bye to being in their centimeters in heights….

Nyum nyum nyum, delicious honeeyyyy~

It was worth the milimeters that they were now…

They shrank and shrank and the world never cared for their worth , but a single child’s existence told them to keep on shrinking. Now standing in micrometers not even worth mentioning (5 micrometers) The dust mites took over their parental role as they now looked like giants to the microscopic team of adults, but they didn’t care, for the dust mites were also under the protection of the divine one too! They laughed and cheered as they began feasting on the everlasting natures bounty that was a little girl’s jar of honey.

A jar of honey in which, the little girl never realised she had in her overalls.

Elsewhere in an ambulance that had avoided all the commotion. Sweet Janice was peacefully sleeping in one of the stretchers.  Passing by a random police vehicle as they drove south.

“Our kids sure grew up fast didn’t they”  The driver sighed in awe as they kept driving. "Your kids i should say.".

Chapter End Notes:

Hoo weee!

I always loved the thought of growing bigger myself~

Ahh i digress!

Lulu = huge now!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

However, the story's uploading rate may be slowed as I'd like to write up a prologue to this story. Because of the content planned (haven't written it up yet) it's not going to be included in this story because it's a little uhh skimpy on the details if you know what I mean xD. Was actually tempted to increase the ratings on this one because if i went into too much detail about the people in the superrmarket, i could of included you know....errr, blood and stuff. Buuut anyway! that's much too long of a end note!

Edit: A fair while has passed, I ended up getting writers block on how I should move on with this point in the story after thinking through the current events. Still thinking of going in the same direction, just there might be a few edits to the story here and there. Keep an eye out  (but don't expect it to happen anytime soon).

So thank you and see you in the next chapter and or story!

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